Infinity General: Everyone is out playing today edition

Infinity is a 28mm scale skirmish game by Corvus Belli where it's always sleepy time. 175 years into the future and humanity is still waiting.

>All the rules are for free. Buying the books is only relevant for fluff:

>Provisional Catalog where you can look at pretty pictures of the miniatures you're thinking of getting:

>Rules wiki:

>Official Army Builder:

>New Official Army Builder that still doesn't work properly but is slowly improving:

>Token Generator:

>N3 Hacker Helper:

>N3 Reverse Index Web App (so you could compare units across factions)



>Faction Rundown:

>All Consolidated Rules:

>Operation Icestorm Scan (beginner missions)!AkkG0ZZA!CE-YzCWIWVROcSnnlkZI8SMWxWoNb1LkFbWI-LamYR8

>Latest news is the Economically Questionable RPG Kickstarter

>The Actual Faction Poll

>Scans (More Needed): 1st edition Rulebook.pdf - Corvus Belli S.L.L. - Human Sphere.pdf

>Check out Operation: Flamestrike

>Character Creation

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First for ORCs are made for fightin' an' winnin'.

Why Orcs never have their signature helmet painting in any of their depictions, official or otherwise?


But the Evolved Intelligence sure is!

Post your ORC lists!

Why no Regulars linkteam?

And why can't Army 6 have a usable copypastable output?

I just love how expressive the ears and eyes are in these. Awesome.
Also, at least the left ORC seems to be down with that proposal.

I don't know, if I need them. Adding them to ORC fireteam wouldn't leave much room for other support elements or flashy units. I also dislike how many models would have to clump together, it's just asking for some template shots.


That's material for a comic.

Yeah, but the main point of a Haris is being able to have two links at once. Your Regulars could be sitting there defensively or for emergency objective runs while ORCs do the killing.

Yeah, the blurb how troops in ORC -armor painted their helmets with scary images in Paradiso offensives has pretty much always been there, but always forgotten. I guess it's largely due how little flat, easy to freehand surface area there is in the helmet between all the eyes and curves.

Dumb question time.

Let's say you move 4". It ends in LoF of somebody, and also sets off a mine/perimeter weapon.

You declare dodge as your second short skill.

Let's say you roll an eight, which passes, but your opponent rolls a nine in shooting you? Do you successfully dodge the mine but still take the damage from the shot in ARO or do you take damage from both the mine and the ARO shot?

I believe that would be the former. Your dodge against the mine is not a FtF roll, just a PH roll. What happens in the FtF happens separately.

Sensible? Not at all, I just want an excuse to field Bolts, ORCs, Auxilia and CSU.

You dodge the mine safetly, but struck by the shot. Remember that dodging a deployable weapon like a mine is a PH-3

Is there any good way to store rosters? Codes require army builder to view them and are not very reliable since Army6 is far from perfect and I've already lost my lists twice. Is storing them in notepad the best option for now, or maybe there is a way to save roster as a good ol PDF with "open in Army..." button?

I normally just print them in .pdf format at save them in a folder.

So I tried out Tic-Tac-Toe this evening at 200 points and it seems like a neat mission.
Won a clutch victory at the end by ramboing a Janissary doctor along a flank, claiming 2 antennae previously connected by my opponent and making a line.

Does anyone play much at points different from 300 points? I have a soft spot for 200 points games- 150 seems to small to be able to have viable order pools, but at 200 points you can fit some neat stuff in whilst having to wrangle to get enough orders in.
Or is 300 still the staple for most?

If I'm late for work tomorrow, I'm blaming you.

Can you do this with the new builder? Hasn't been working for me.


The Keisotsu ML is a girl, right?

Brilliant once again.

I just take the printing option and change the printer to pdf.

That's strange, the "open in..." button is still there, but it's not working.

ha! Love it!


So infiltrating heavy infantry with grenade launchers is pretty dumb. How are you supposed to deal with these guys?


Moderators hang out in backfield as garbage bullet sprinklers and order generators, protecting the home base and a flank and pinch hitting as an aggressive unit in dire needs.

Riot grrrls will be aggressive objective grabbers: get there ASAP and either grab and control it, or cover it in terrible ARO's. In a pinch, break the ink for suppression fire.

Lizard plays hero.

salyut hangs out with either the grrls to reload them, or lizard to protect it from hacking with the reverend, who will likely be luitenant, but i have the moderator flagged as one too for when i want to switch it up.

Dao Fei don't have grenade launchers. MSV ARO pieces, DTW DZ guards, and TR bots. Who were you playing as?

They were Knights of Montesa. My opponent deployed using proxy models and refused to tell me what they were until after deployment. Turns out this is cheating so whatever

I think 300 is the staple, really. 400 is too unwieldy, and 200 is pretty restrictive particularly for armies like CA and ALEPH.

Your opponent was a total cheating dick, if he's proxying you should know what they are from the start. In my area we go over all the open info units/armaments before the game starts. If he wants to play that shit next time, hack them the fuck to death or shoot them in the back with your own infiltrators. Or just don't play against him.

I mean, I tried really hard but I was down five orders on turn one. My Intruder sniper and iguana and Interventor all just failed their rolls across multiple turns. I conceded after my medic died trying G to revive my sniper and the iguana got isolated and destroyed.

300pts is the standard. 200pts can be really fun, because at that level listbuilding a more of a challenge. Unfortunately it leaves out the more expensive troopers and elite armies might struggle.

I've played a 400pt game once with my Steel Phalanx. It's fun every now and then kinda like what 40k apocalypse used to be, but I've not a fan of regular 400pt games

So yeah, what can you do to deal with a fire team duo of Knights with Mechanized Deployment besides just roll better? Because I dumped everyrhing into those guys at optimum ranges and did nothing

Sometimes dice happen and they'll wreck your best-laid plans. Next time another solution might be hacking them with Spotlight, then using a guided missile launcher.

No guided missiles in Nomads that I know of.

The Vertigo Zond has a smart missile launcher.

Every single faction in the game has guided missiles. They're on one of the robots. Next time take a Spektr and hack it out of TO, or a bunch of bandits, moran, and zeros, and fill the infiltration zone with deployable repeaters, drop them in ARO, and hack through them

I mean, I tried that, it didn't work. The dudes just reset every time until their hacker isolated my remote

When he's resetting he's not killing your dudes, also what hacking program were you using. All you need to do is make sure he doesn't wreck all your shit before your active turn, because at the end of the day, he only has a multi rifle and ARM 4 protecting him, no mimetism or any of that shit. you can just send anything with a vaguely big gun after him, and rely on superior burst.

His dudes had Grenade launchers and I was using an Interventor. I tried both Gotcha and Oblivion on my active and neither worked. On his next turn my Repeaters were all dead and that was that

Grenades launchers aint shit, just don't group your dudes, and it's effectively a combi rifle. There shouldn't be too much trouble dealing with Montessa on the active turn, though since they cheated it's obviously a bit harder to prepare. Can you post your list?

Army code ok? I'm on currently on mobile


Any my main issue was that all of my dudes were dead after top of one. After that he just made saves or dodged. HMG and sniper bullets apparently can do fuck all to these guys

You should have stuck to 10 orders max. There's a lot of cheerleaders there, but the only thing you have to push with is the Iguana. Also if you're going to have hacking, Moderators would be better cheerleaders i think.
Maybe something like:
To give you better reaction, allow you to use more hacking, and give you a second offensive vector with the HMG Intruder, in case the Iguana is in a bad spot.

I honestly don't think the iguana is even worth it. He doesn't actually do anything besides die and the Intruder is a better HMG guy

To be honest it seems like regulars make shitty links. Their only good reactive weapons is a sapper, the FO option costs SWC and they don't get any really good guns like missile launchers. I guess the sensor is good linked.

is the muyib minelayer considered a specialist?

No. Only Hackers, Forward Observers, Chain of Command, Doctors, Engineers, Paramedics, and Specialist Operatives are specialists.

Lieutenant doesn't count as a specialist? thank you for clarifying the minelayer question

Not unless they're also a hacker, doctor, etc. By itself, it is not. This is also why FO's are generally valuable - they're often cheap, plentiful specialists.

They can be if they have one of those skills/equipment. For example a Reverend Custodier Lt with a HD+ is a specialist. This also applies to other skills they may have like minelayer like Yuriko Oda who is an Engineer with the minelayer skill

Anyone know if it's ok to play the Bootleg minis. While I'm not going to do something silly like fielding the top half of a tag, I was thinking of using the Aleph Penthesilea.

I guess it would depend what you're playing her as. As far as I know she doesn't have a statline for the bike and everything? If she does, I don't see why you couldn't. If you're using her for an aragato or something I guess it would depend what the base sizes and everything are. I have to confess I don't really know how much they match up. It was my understanding most of the bootlegs are just decorative or in some cases usable as HVTs.

I can see absolutely no problem with that. I think it's even ITS legal, since she is a model for Penny, and there is no requirement that the models fielded must fully represent their load-out. If some TO says you can't, call him a cunt for me please.

Penthesilia is fielded on a bike.

Yeah Bootleg Penny is cool. I have one for an alternative Penny, but I've seen people use her as another Kum Biker. Just be clear to your opponent anytime you use a proxy model.

But I'm thinking of playing Aleph. You know, the mode the model is modeled after? also am sad I can't use CORE link teams in Steel Phylanx.

You dont need Core teams in SP. 2-3 Enomotarchos teams are more than enough. We also get 2 Duo options.

I'm pretty sad i can't get HRMC on gao rael in tohaa

I'm sad I can't get HRMC on Gao Tarsos.

It was stated by Bostria, in the seminar we saw the last pictures from, that they plan on releasing the Kaauri in blister of two and that you can expect this S1 unit to be as large as the Nomad Zondcats.

Sniper will look xbox huge next to Kaauri.

>To be honest it seems like regulars make shitty links.
They were decent on the offensive. I usually included two spitfires, minelayer, and two plain profiles. Push up the middle, put mines on objectives and establish area control. I could do a lot with them in N2 but with people figuring out the game (more camo, smoke/msv2 is always good), as well as change to coordinated order (I loved to push, break the link, attack with three modes, form up the link again) and link team changes I sort of lost love for them. They're probably still decent with B:5 spitfire and bonuses to LGL but I don't really see *that* great of a need for a link of them. I also don't like to run regular with MSR, his cost is cheap but Bagh Mari are really attractive option in N3. LSG/MSV 1 means that even sneaky TO infiltrator needs to think twice.

I think NCA can run two traditional fireteams with greater efficiency.

Doubling down on spitfires or hmgs seems a high cost for some redundancy and slightly better AROs.

So what are you all workin' on?

I decided to touch up on my OSS. They are some of my firsr models. I started with the Proxy Mk3 and a Naga hacker.

Another angle

>So what are you all workin' on?
Ordered Haqq twins.

He clearly wants that ass.
Working on some terrain, first steps (in the road to disappointment).

I didn't get that feeling, it was unusual not to lose one spitfire member. Although to be fair, I probably wouldn't take more than one spitfire now.

Given my local meta is currently pretty mad, with the last tournament featuring an ISS list with 9 holoecho markers and 3 tigerbots, I want to try something off the wall myself.

I play NTCA and Aleph, and the next event is 200 points.

I am thinking Bolt core link with Orc duo...

No Duo Orcs in NCA, I'm afaraid. I'd guess you can take Haris Orcs with only two members.

Well that sucks.

Haris Orcs (HMG Lt, HMG, Shotgun) and core Fusilier specialist link could be fun

I'd take a tinbot MULTI rifle instead of that second big gun. You don't need 2 HMGs in a Haris link, that's a massive SWC investment for something that will lose its burst bonus as soon as one guy dies. Plus a linked MULTI rifle can put out some brutal AROs.

I very much second that. The Tinbot is a huge boon and the Multirifle adds some flexibility to the team.

Does anyone know what the flower on the Qapu Khalqi faction logo is? It reminds me of a Plum Blossom, but that is more Far East than Near/Middle East.

May be lotus?

Finally, a use for starter box ORC

So who else is excited for the Stingrays? fucking June-July that is

....assuming it's not delayed further

Okay, now I wonder why Infinity is dead game?

"Waiting for xy be like" meme. I must confess that I didn't feel any hype for HSN3. Neither am I looking forward to Stingray.

Absolutely hyped for Overwatch

So I'm going to practice with Bashis and the new Sekban BS13, so I'm going to try and make a Core Fireteam of Sekbans (and Hafzas) and a Haris Fireteam with 2 HRLs (and a Hafza). I'm still deciding how to put my combat groups together, and the lieutenant is easily movable to one of the two links during deployment, or not in any and outside depending on how the enemy deploys/what army he is playing.

Er, 2 HRLs across both fireteams.

And for fun, this is what the courtesy list looks like.

(the lone hafza moved into Combat group 1 so I could choose to link him or the lieutenant during deployment.)

Well, I more hyped for Shen's gift (XCOM 2).
Also, any advices how I can use Nazarova twins?

Like any other Kum biker: Throw smoke everywhere, and just run at people like a human missile launcher.

Thanks, any youtube manuals how to paint them good and hot?

Use them like you would with a normal Kum Biker. Theyre a good rambo/alpha-strike suicide unit. Zuleyka is great against crowds like Fireteams or singled out targets with low BTS. Zamira is decent, but doesnt offer much. She's simply an upgraded version of the Kum Biker with LSG

It's all matter of you getting the hang of bikers. They need some practice and finese to use, because of their extremely impetuous nature. Plus the 8" mov value can get you into trouble if you dont plan for the first turn impetous phase to get them moving up without getting shot up. I usually take 3 bikers and what I like to do is to to have each biker provide smoke cover for the next during the Inpetuous Phase which will be even easier for me now that Muttawiahs get smoke grenades. Try to avoid shock ammo and MSV2 and 3.

Hmm, Zamira is indeed pretty much identical to regular Kum, Point of CC and BS more, point of lower WIP (among the lowest in Haqq). Kinda makes you wonder what her role is. At least they could have given her something fancy, like nanopulser.

Doesn't she have an E/M weapon? Or is that her sister?

Yes, but so does shotgun Kum.

An ORC, a Croc and a Sierra... But I lost the will to paint halfway through applying the first colour. So I just did that and put the paints away.

Well you could try the new Achilles+Patroclus combo. A Fireteam:duo visually comprised of 4 Achilles models, and even the holoechoes rock mimitism.

It needs time to dry anyway is what I tell myself.

A tigermech.

First time trying white and bold colours. It doesn't look chalky, which is something

Is there anywhere online I could trade in my Warhams for, idk, store credit? or trade it in for Infinity.

Most of my stuff is still nib too..

what kind of list do you put those in

It's a Su-Jian. Whatever list you like. It's very adaptable.

I'd ask around at your LGS. If it's NIB even the proprietor might come to an arrangement with you.