Purchasers of the latest Fate World of Adventure, Mort, have recently been e-mailed this regarding an update:

Purchasers of the latest Fate World of Adventure, Mort, have recently been e-mailed this regarding an update:

>We thoughtlessly used the word "lamely" in the cryogeist statblock. We aren't a fan of ableist (or any other kind of marginalizing or prejudicial) language, so we corrected that.

>Please accept our apologies on this matter. We've made sure to update our writing guidelines to try to do a better job of heading off such thoughtlessness in the future.


>Evil Hat

Aren't you guys happy to have such considerate RPG writers?

Other urls found in this thread:


dont play it
Never heard of it.
If its run by overly SJW bitches it will fail so who cares.

I really hate that I love Fate, because Evil Hat is a bunch of revisionist, self-aggrandizing SJW fucks. Beyond that, they're just plan dickheads and I'm ashamed that I like what they've created because otherwise I would have literally nothing good to say about them.

Fortunately I haven't given them a dime, and I never ever will.

Fucking LMAO. These are the same fucks that get mad when someone says "I got jipped" when that phrase has literally nothing to do with actual Romani people (gypsies), that's just a stupid fucking urban legend.

They have already censored their G+ group to the point of sterility (people banned for arguing that you can't censor ALL language that will offend ANYBODY, not in favor of slurs, just NOT in favor of complete and utter censorship of any even POSSIBLY offensive wording, language, etc.), I really hope they fuck themselves into the ground somehow.

pic related

See, there's the conflict: I want them to lose money for being such fucktards, but on the other hand, it'd be a shame if they stopped producing games. Sure, most of it's shit and has been for quite a while, but their early few Worlds of Adventure were pretty neat and there's always a chance more might come.


What I want to see is them now getting a furious e-mail from someone with a bum leg telling them he's feeling sidelined.

I'm personally offended by the use of the English language, created through the reckless cultural abuse of innocent, ethnic Saxons by cis-Norman scum.

Well shit, I was just thinking about whether or not to learn FATE to run a Supers game.

Don't worry, Evil Hat won't call the Thought Police if every single hero in your game is a nonwhite, non-hetero, non-gender binary, fat, disabled Buddhist.

You sound triggered.

The system's fine, and is great for a superhero game.

The book itself is free of this kind of shit.

What I want to know is if this was case of them self-policing or if some fag actually emailed/tweeted them bitching about their use of "ableist" language.

What do I need to run supers in it?

>backpedaling over "lamely"

Venture City, and Fate Core for basic rules knowledge. And that's it.

Exactly. It's a great system, owned and operated by terrible people.


Good thing I hate FATE and never gave those censorious, priggish assholes at Evil Hat any money.

>A clear definition of the game's power levels.


>Players who can understand how to use Aspects/Stunts appropriately.

My recommendation is to write up a short explanation of Aspects and Stunts in the context of a Superhero game for your players. I'd recommend using established heroes to explain it. Captain America and Scarlet Witch should be good examples, because they have recent exposure and cover the two major bases for most superpowers (punchy vs. weird).

>tg gets triggered over people being different than them

>random user doesn't understand the difference between "expressing dislike" and "getting triggered".



And Fred Hicks is a salty infant, for the record
He got triggered by another mod and cried

Jesus H please give me a place to discuss Fate mechanics without Evil Hat up my ass

>Jesus H please give me a place to discuss Fate mechanics without Evil Hat up my ass
This is what I've been wishing for.

Damn, I came here to post this.
I just rolled my eyes at their new SJW-pandering and self-flagellation.

cuck a doodle doo

I feel like I should post a comment or review on the product page just telling them to stop this shit.

Do it. The only way things are going to get any better is if Hicks and co realise they're alienating their fanbase with this shit.

But user, don't you understand that there are just so many trillions of crippled Muslim black lesbians out there who are literally only waiting for the industry to become a bit less patriarchal before becoming full fledged RPG nerds, and they'd be alienating those if they used the word "lamely"? They're just being inclusive!

Evil Hat are already bending over backwards and became max cuck, no new SJWs have touched their system. As we all know, these people never actually read or play the things they shit themselves over.

>tfw your favourite system was created by the worst kind of people.
They weren't like that to begin with were they? When did it start?

What did they replace 'lamely' with?

If it's replaced with 'stupidly' or something, we should mobilize 100 reviews on DriveThru about how we're a group of independent and proud idiots, and we're offended and feel oppressed by the fact that idiot-kind is being reduced and marginalized by "ableist" CIS binary-hating white privelege men.

STUPID is a hate term for "learning-challenged", fuck these oppressive assholes.

I don't know. Do you think I actually downloaded the update?

Sorry but why is lamely a bad word again?

Supposedly it offends those who are literally lame (i.e. have a bad leg).

I happen to actually be one of these people, since I had a bone removed from mine when I was 14 due to bone cancer. I actually walk with a cane and all that.

I find this absolutely hilarious.

At what point are people going to attack the name "Evil Hat" for discriminating against moral relativists?
Or worse, attacking Fred Hicks' surname for being a slur against white Southerners?

Hello Fate fans,

Our founder was thoughtlessly born with the word "hicks" on his birth certificate. We aren't a fan of ableist (or any other kind of marginalizing or prejudicial) language, so we corrected that.

Please accept our apologies on this matter. We've made sure to update our child-bearing and naming guidelines to try to do a better job of heading off such thoughtlessness in the future.

>thinking disabled people are actually so delicate as to be offended by this shit

>Hello, this is Fred here
>We've found multiple cases of "walking" and "talking" as well as "seeing" mentioned within the core rules
>to avoid ableist wording, we have amended all of our rules and supplements
>instead, these terms shall heretofore be replaced with "physically transitioning locations", "communicating via audible or inaudible means", and "detection through one of the five generalized human senses"
>the skill list has also been amended. There is no more Athletics, Notice, Physique, or Provoke (no Provoke because we do not condone the harassment of others as a means to an end in ANY case, even in game ones)

>there is no more Provoke (no Provoke because we do not condone the harassment of others as a means to an end in ANY case, even in game ones

>Hi, despite our latest adjustment to skills, we've collectively decided the skills in general are far too ableist for those who are unapologetically "talentless".
>After much dissection, the only available skill interaction will be between Empathy exchanges.
>We're working to remake the skill pyramid into the novel "skill brick".

Um, you're aware 'cuck' is considered a valid lifestyle? We'd prefer the expression, "broof a doodle doo" to avoid infringing on cucks.

>all characters will now possess a single skill, "human being", at skill level Great. Because everyone is great, and that should be reflected within the rules as it is in Real Life.

Empathy? You heartless cunt! What of all the poor sociopaths out there who will never know the feeling?

>>After much dissection, the only available skill interaction will be between Empathy exchanges.
But that's offensive to autists everywhere!

"Human Being"? But I'm a mantis shrimp! HELP! I'M FEELING MARGINALIZED!

Fuck you, nature gave you ultravision and plasma claws. Let us keep our hobbies.

>Fate points as a mechanic have been removed. We firmly believe that all people are in control of their own fate, and everyone should be given an equal chance at greatness. Furthermore, this prevents negative aspects such as "one leg" from being used to negatively affect or Compel a character; this is by design. All people have equal opportunities in Fate games, and people who play disadvantaged characters should not be punished for exploring such important facets of other lives.

Dat thread 10/10 good show boys (and girls, in case Evil Hat's thought detector goes off)

(and mantis shrimp, in case Evil Hat's thought detector goes off)

We support all varieties of shrimp here at Evil Hat Productions™.

I am a half-dolphin, half-human who self-identifies as a shrimp (but a large shrimp, really more like a lobster). Frankly, the scant amount of material provided for my interests makes me feel marginalized and under-appreciated as a sizable demographic of North American culture. If you could please be more sensitive to this in the future, me and all my half-dolphin, half-human shrimp self-identifiers would really appreciate it.

Imagine how depressing it must be to be a one-armed mantis shrimp
All your friends can hadoken and only you can't

I think I know what my next character's gonna be

>that feel when I'm a white male and no shrimp will game with me because I failed to check my privilege

Samson the Angry Mantis Shrimp

High Concept: Mantis Shrimp On The Path of Freedom
Talk to the CLAW
Baby, I Look Even Better In Polarized
Justice For My Mantis Shrimp Brothers
Flaw: Secret Heart of Gold

Forceful: Great
Flashy: Good
Sneaky: Good
Clever: Average
Quick: Average
Careful: Mediocre

Stunt suggestion: It's the CLAW!: Once per session, because I have crazy-strong claws, I can cut anything into pieces or destroy any physical obstacle

Add a perverted sloth, a drug dealing axolotl and a gorilla zen monk, and you got yourself a party of meme animals.

Together, they fight God.

Thank you folks. This thread made me happy.

Linchimp Yixuan

High Concept: Three Wise Monkeys in One
There Are No Jimmies, There Is No Rustling
Once I was like this, but then I found ENLIGHTENMENT
The Unlikeliest Of Friends
Flaw: The Flesh is Strong, But Bananas Are Delicious

Careful: Great
Clever: Good
Quick: Good
Forceful: Average
Sneaky: Average
Flashy: Mediocre


Monkey Style: Because I'm a master of my own special brand of monkey style kung-fu, I get a +2 when Clevery Defending by using the enviroment



We will begin integrating all new adventure add-ons with fresh pronouns that don't discern between the varieties of shrimp nor the engenderments of humans!

~t. your ever-thoughtful Evil Hat Productions

Sebastian the Sexy Sloth

High Concept: Xenarthran Ex-Con In Search of Redemption
Just A Thing I Learned In Prison
Your Mouth Says No, But Mine Says "Ssssh"
They'll Never See Me Coming
Flaw: When You're Trying To Lose Weight, Candies Are Everywhere

Sneaky: Great
Careful: Good
Forceful: Good
Clever: Average
Flashy: Average
Quick: Mediocre


The Whisper: Because no woman can resist the Whisper, I get +2 when forcefully seducing a woman whose shoulders I'm hanging from.

*overcoming to seduce, in FAE parlance

10/10, would use as pregens

Dietrich Gaius Von Gormenghast

High Concept: Big Axolotl in the Smiley Cartel
You Wouldn't Like Me To Drop The Smile
I'll Have My Men Handle It
They? They're Also In My Pocket
Flaw: I Was Just Trying To Make Them Happy!

Flashy: Great
Quick: Good
Forceful: Good
Clever: Average
Sneaky: Average
Careful: Mediocre


Reverse Aging: One per adventure, I can spend 1 Fate point claim some obscure fact about axolotl biology to immediately recover from a Minor Setback, safe in the knowledge nobody knows enough about axolotl biology to argue

Holy shit, this thing ought to be archived.

Even as someone with social justicey leanings this pisses me off. It doesn't do anything to solve any problems in the RPG community and it definitely doesn't do anything to solve the way more important problems GSM people face in the world at large. Evil Hat just want to rub everyone's faces in how "sensitive" and "caring" they are. As you read it you can practically hear Fred Hick's grunts as moans as he jacks off to what a good person he is. When GSM people complain about shitty allies, this is exactly the kind of behavior they're referring to.

>Your Mouth Says No, But Mine Says "Ssssh"
When do you invoke that?

Some of those aspects are really vaguely worded. They probably won't do in a game.

Rape rolls?

The ultimate in silent takedowns

BUTT pirate: +2 when forcefully creating advantage to pin someone in order to pillage their booty


Still better than Phantom Pain

Is that new speach? What the fuck is the meaning of this.

Discrimination of the disabled. It's all the rage now with SJWs.

It's "Differently Abled" now, by the way.

It seems like a bad joke lel. In my experience people with actual disablities tend to downplay it or joke hardcore about it, but being offended for being called lame is more a parents thing.


No kidding. Evil Hat is literally working on a supplement dedicated to it. Stay tuned for the Alternative Sexuality Handbook, the Religious Inclusion Guide, and the Nonwhite Pride Manual.

Evil Het(ero) Games?

Are they trying to say that people with two eyes don't have an advantage in sight compared to those with no eyes?

This is what happens when you live in a privileged bubble.

It's amazing how privileged these people are compared to everyone else, they're literally the most privileged people in existence.

They're literally so privileged the only thing they can feel bad about is how people are mean to OTHER PEOPLE!

You did good, Veeky Forums. You did good.

So, Kung Fu Panda?

Hi! I'm disabled!
None of the disabled people I know give a shit about people using 'lame' as an insult. Not even the rampaging SJWs among us (and I tend that way myself). Really, we don't care. There are much bigger problems for disabled people to deal with, starting with the fact that we're disabled in the first place, and then after that dealing with shit like not getting access to the meds we need and stuff like that. Some chump calling things 'lame' is so far down the list of problems, it's basically not even a thing.

Go away, and never return.

Less complaining, more statting up meme animals

Doge Cane Divertente IV

High Concept: Sovereign of the Serene Republic of Verynice
Much Progress
Very Manipulative
Such Schemes
Flaw: Most Enemies

Stunt: Such Riches Because I'm the doge of the city of merchants, I get +2 when I Flashily Overcome obstacles by throwing money around.

Clever: Great
Flashy: Good
Careful: Good
Sneaky: Average
Quick: Average
Forceful: Mediocre

Peter The non-PC Puffin

High Concept: A Puffin who isn't afraid of the PC Police

Brutally honest
I'm not racist, BUT
Gay people don't bother me, faggots do
Black people smell funny

Flaw: Afraid to admit true opinions

Stunt: Drunken Sayings Are Sober Thoughts, whenever I get inebriated I let my true thoughts and feelings heard. These outbursts grant me +2 whenever I take Flashy or Forceful approaches to minorities of any community.

Clever: Good
Flashy: Average
Careful: Poor
Sneaky: Great
Quick: Average
Forceful: Mediocre

>when you reply to a "Stat Me" thread with a Fate block but no one gets what's going on

I bought Mort and have not seen this email.

I'm not calling you a liar, but I literally have not seen any such email you're alleging exists.

>date literally owned and opperated by tumblr denizens
Explains a lot desu

I know that feeling. Posted in the Donald Trump thread and didn't even get a (You).

I have Morts and I did get the email. It's real.


Still nothing. Bought it on DriveThru, which is definitely linked to my main email address.

Check your spam folder? I got it too.

Saved. These will make some great pregens.

>Hey kid, you wanna play a Rape-Sloth?