Have you ever used a Guise of the Thespian in your games, either as GM or player?

Have you ever used a Guise of the Thespian in your games, either as GM or player?

If so, how did it go?

It's a dumb item.


No but as a kobold I got into some pretty wacky antics with the bard.

Such as dressing up as a centaur together, perhance?

More like sitting on her shoulders and together pretending to be a d a dragonborn.

Or laying in a similar manner and pretending to be a young dragon.

Pretty nice!

If you like that, we also got away with pretending to be a tiefling by my guy hanging onto her back so his tail looked like hers.

Those are the best disguise ploys we did, though we did some other wacky stuff. Good times.

A whatnow?

Based on a fluff item called the Mask of the Thespian, it's a spotless magic item that makes whoever wears it look like some humanoid creature (that is, an elf slut). Racial bonuses may or may not be included.

Yes, it is a fetish thing.

Whoops, autocorrect.

The typo was more amusing. Imagining spotted elves now.

How does this one work exactly, they each put on half of a suit and then merge together, or what? Or is it a pantomime horse thing?

"Dare you enter my magical costume?"

>spotless magic item
>it cannot be soiled
>by any dirt

decent, I could use this to repel dirt spells or something

No. It's scary.

There are probably ones with extra enchantments, now that I think about it.

I mean, being a hot chick would be a lot better if your makeup applied itself and you never got bedhead.

Never got sweaty or smelly would be an enhancement I'd pay for.

>Yes, it is a fetish thing.

What kind of bizarre fetish is this?

Transformation fetish.

You must be relatively new to Veeky Forums.

I thought it was disguise/bodysuit fetish? Like hell I'm gonna check the name in /d/, I have enough fetishes already.

Kawamono/Skinsuit fetish.
Somewhere between transformation and crossdressing.

Never heard of it before

is it hot?

Find out for yourself.

Are there any stats to this thing?

There's this one that actually has a nonfetish use - buying LA with gold.

(Greater) Guise of the Thespian
Price: [Portrayed race's ECL]*10,000 gp
Body slot: none
Caster level: 15th
Aura: Strong transmutation
Activation: Command word
Weight: 3 lbs

(Greater) Guises of the Thespian are found in many varieties, usually depicting a member of a Humanoid race. Though others can be found as well, they are rarer and almost always fetch a higher price. The creator can choose the minor details of the creature during creation, such as height, weight, apparent age and gender, as well as whether or not the Guise appears to age as it is worn.

Any creature wearing the (Greater) Guise of the Thespian when its command word is spoken triggers its magic. When a (Greater) Guise of the Thespian is activated, it melds into the wearer, Polymorphing (as the spell) them into the creature depicted by the Guise, replacing the user's ability score modifiers (though not their base ability scores) and racial abilities, but not any abilities gained through other sources such as class levels. Furthermore, it triggers a Magic Aura effect (also as the spell, CL 15) disguising the aura of both the Polymorph and the Guise itself. Finally, the (Greater) Guise of the the Thespian causes divinations, such as True Seeing, affecting the wearer to register as if they were the creature the Guise was created as a depiction of.

I'd like to, but my players would lynch me.

>it can cover up true seeing
damn this thing is actually useful as almighty fuck.
i don't even care if i turn into a walking fetish, it would honestly be really useful in infiltration shit and overall pissing off the BBEG in a campaign.

We have such sights to show you...

The good thing is that nobody KNOWS you're a walking fetish...

>the centauress unzips her waist and reveals herself to be two young maidens in a magical costume
>Sorry adventurer we were just pranking you, there's no treasure here one says
>what do

Rolled 12 + 15 (1d20 + 15)

"Oh I disagree, I see two wondrous treasures right here."

You refer to the two halves of the costume, of course.

That gave me cancer.

Those too. Wonder if they'd be down with a little costume fun...
Like distracting the town guard (as the centaur) through an... exhibitionist performance with me, while our Rogue steals yet another noble's collection of cutlery and hides it in a local pub's ale cask.

It's ND, it's what he does.

I'd be more tempted to wear the suit myself

It does cost 10,000 gp at minimum, so it's only viable by the time counters to it start showing up.

Which end drives when they're sealed in?

Probably either the head girl or an amalgam of their psyches.

Would you be front or back?

Just permanent Prestidigitation.

Oh yeah. That would probably be cheap enough you can include it by default.