Melkor (post entry into the universe/pre banishment) shows up in your campaign. How do you fare?

Melkor (post entry into the universe/pre banishment) shows up in your campaign. How do you fare?

He probably leaves soon after he arrives, as there's nothing for him in the Lands of Dust.

Either that or the locals kill him.

>Either that or the locals kill him.

Unless your locals have the combined power of the gods and magical elves and a dude in a flying boat that is turned into a star, probably not

He gets in a fight with the resident Wizard Philosopher King and probably flattens him like a bug.

Then foolishly destroys the cage of the mad god who is the source of magic in the universe, resulting in probably his death and that of the whole world.


Starts killing everything. Like he would do in any world. Local demon Lords are gonna be out of a job at least

If the campaign I'm running, holy fuck are the Realms properly screwed. This would make the spellplague look like a car crash. If the campaign I'm playing in, he essentially would become the Darklord of a domain based on LOTR, having the dark powers tantalize him with what he truly wants and never letting him have it.

Man, dude ran away from Feanor just cause Feanor was angry once.

That's the thing about Melkor, he's powerful, but if the forces of good are around and organized, he's gonna be defeated.

Tell him that we ain't got shiny lights hanging around for him to take.

So far the population has killed, in order, their gods, their suns, the stars in the sky, and the world under their feet. Everyone's souls have already left for an afterlife that isn't there because they burned it down, so now it's just an endless cycle of everyone trying to fruitlessly genocide each other.

It's like Athas died a few more times and got a whole lot worse. It's grimderp to the extreme.

>Man, dude ran away from Feanor just cause Feanor was angry once.

He withdrew in order to have his pet spider cuck all of gods by eating their trees, thereby making Feanor's jewels that much more valuable and putting in motion the entire events which lead to the downfall of the Noldor.

>Then hate overcame Feanor's fear, and he cursed Melkor and bade him be gone, saying: 'Get thee gone from my gate, thou jail-crow of Mandos!' And he shut the doors of his house in the face of the mightiest of all the dwellers in Ea.
>Then Melkor departed in shame, for he was himself in peril

that's true he does come back with ungoliant but you're telling me he couldn't have just killed Feanor right then and there? or done something equally as bad?

Feanor gets really, really angry.

These stories were never really meant to be read man. I don't remember the full story, but aren't these the unfinished notes and story ideas of Tolkien? And his son had to come in and make them coherent.

The thing about heroes in Middle Earth, especially the First Age, is that their charisma scores would be off the fucking charts.

>The Strange
Merely requiring close proximity- and no amount of clairvoyance on his world would let him know what's coming next. Translate him to fucking basic earth. Then kick his ass down a set of stairs. Probably watch him cry as he learns human-level pain.

>I'm a Sidereal who actually does their job sometimes
>mfw an Incarnae-tier God just pops up out of nowhere, completely outside the bureaucracy
>meanwhile the Loom abruptly starts fucking singing
Oh fuck this is going to be so much paperwork.

That sounds comfy. Is it your homebrew? What do players do exacly? Any storytiems?


PCs don't care, they're busy with UNDEAD.
Everyone else goes nuclear trying to cull him.

I really like the first sentence.

Man, now I'm seriously missing the Sid game I played a few sessions of before the GM had school get real on him.

One of the PCs had a Bureaucracy +3 Spec in 'Loopholes' and 5 dots in Salary and another had a Negative Intimacy towards Paperwork. The latter was bribing the former with interesting things for her collection to handle the non-fieldwork part of her job.

>"Puny Valar."

He gets rekt with help of crazy Jack Kirbrian technology in my universe.

to be clear, melkor has been killed to death a couple times, euphemistically referred to as casting him out into the void, but because of his nature as a timeless, extra-universal entity he keeps coming back. Also, he would adore the people of your world and your world itself because they already exist in his image and he doesn't even need to ruin them.

There are a lot of other evil, super powered dickbags in setting, so maybe he'd finally be able to make some friends

>epic level D&D
You've come to the wrong plane, dark power.

Pretty well, I'm a real world person and my campaign world is fictional.

But yeah he'd fuck shit up pretty hardcore, my setting isn't exactly prepared for him.

We'd all fall slaves to his will. Before he brokers an alliance with the Hive Lords. In the deal, he gets us and our planet, and the Hive Lords can experiment on us at their leisure.

I'd say, if you can tell ultra giga Satan to get off your fucking lawn and his response is "oh shit I'm sorry. I'll go" and he runs off ashamed

Well assuming the exalts can get themselves unified again they can probably take him. That or the incarna put down the games for a bit and go deal with it

Ok ok just hear me out man I know this sounds crazy but it's a pretty crazy world right. What if. what if they killed death?

Yeah, it's mine. It only exists as a small binder filled with very rough notes that I won't copy down here because the organization is horrendous. As for things to do:
>Find broken pieces of the Afterlife so that your soul might find rest
>Join a cult and wallow in a pointless orgy of violence
>Get lost in you dreams, the only thing that somebody hasn't killed/shattered yet.
>Seek the Lonely Throne at the center of the world, so that death may truly take you
>Feed your violent flame, so that one day you may burn brighter than the Forgotten Suns.

I haven't ever actually run the damn thing. Every group thinks it's too grim and pointless to play in. I'm inclined to agree.
They're not necessarily evil though, so I dunno how much he'd like them. Either way they'd probably still try to murder him.

Ea shows up and drags him back because hes a nice guy like that

The Reaper is already gone. It either left entirely or is in hiding, nobody knows. Everyone is an immortal, forced to live in an empty world of dust, night, and ruins. And they have no one to blame but themselves for it.