Magic the Gathering is full of sexists

>Magic the Gathering is full of sexists

Yeah fuck off Boogie.

Looks like he's full of twinkies and mountain dew.

What a cuck.

Your white knight ing ain't gonna do shit their pal, how about stop eating so much.

Wow, are all MTG players cucks? Serious question. I've never met so many actual cuckolds than when I was playing MTG on a tournament level.

Not you OP, btw
You're cool.

I couldn't even make it past 6 minutes. As soon as he said they need to make the game more diverse for women and people of color I closed it. ITS A FUCKING CARD GAME HOW DO YOU MAKE IT MORE DIVERSE

This isn't your hugbox, /pol/

Wasn't he on DDP Yoga, with DDP personally sponsoring him?
Didn't DDP, the same guy that rehabilitated Jake Roberts and Scott Hall, give up on this fat fuck?

My god, he's almost like the incarnation of neckbeard. Give him a fedora and a trenchcoat and he would be.

Not a MtG player so I'm out of the loop. What exactly are the SJW sissies bitching about now?

>Boogie is sitting next to his wife and it telling her what cards to use and when to use them
>guy tells Boogie to stop
>Boogie gets mad at guy

Hey guess what Boogie. Let her play on her own, it's a 1v1 game fucking cuck. If I was playing against a person and people were telling him how to play if say something as well

He's just so fucking desperate for the fucking ad money he's dropping any old click bait shit and that clearly means pandering to the massive sjw market that love magic...

Not to mention he's He's so fucking fat now he can barely breathe and operate as a human being.

"Suh-suh-sehxcism in uh m-mahgic"

just die already

That the game has very few people of color and women.
Which depends on the area because my MTG has tons of minorities and women.

>youtube slut being so hungry for views he literally hops on every new trend
There's literally nothing surprising in it, I've understood that he's a piece of human garbage after watching his first video years ago, shown by my excited friends who creamed their pants over le fat funny guy.

Guy told Boogie to stop telling his wife what cards in her hand to use and basically playing for her. Boogie thinks Magic players are sexist now.

jesus christ he's fucking massive. I mean how big can a person get holy shit

He was talking with Phillip DeFranco earlier today, and Phil was quizzing him about the people he follows on Twitter, the first half of the list could be summarized as "hot girl, shows cleavage". He kept calling them very nice people.

Soo... because MtG doesn't appeal to a majority of women or minorities, leading to most players being white, means it's sexist?

What kind of sence does that make?

It's a card game, how the fuck do you make it more diverse? Offer free classes to women and people of color?

Get rid of idiots like that one chick who was cheating at one of the championships by putting down 2 land cards a turn to remove some of the negative bias against women?

Boogie, the SJWs will never love you no matter how much you suck up to them

I'm currently in Japan and I see only Japanese playing MTG. Clearly it needs to stop pandering to Japanese.

All women and POCs should be given the Power Nine. The game needs to get more diverse.

I don't even play magic, but I can't go through any of the nearby gaming shops without seeing some latinos, some asians, and white folks with the occasional black guy playing magic.

He's so eerily similar to Movie Bob

Didn't Wizard permaban a kid who was a "rapist" because of social media outrage?

>Boogie is making up a scenario in which his wife was playing magic against a guy and boogie was coaching her on every move. and leaned over and says loudly "shes not a real magic player!"

This never happened, it's a made up story.

>Boogie, the 650lb man apparently got mad and started insulting the guy and wheezed "you cant talk to my wife like that" "get the fuck away" and the guy apologised

This never happened, it's a made up story.

Nothing quite like seeing a grown man pant and wheeze while only talking.