What is Veeky Forums's equivalent of the Hydra Cap meme?

What is Veeky Forums's equivalent of the Hydra Cap meme?

Do your worst

Lion El 'Johnson,"Hail chaos."
>inb4 that's already the case

You shut your whore mouth.

Hail Chaos

Virt: "I love elves."

Knew I saved this for a reason.

Good one!

Anyone know what James Jacobs looks like? He could be saying "I love martials" or "I listen to constructive criticism".


Hail Min-Maxing

>I enjoy the smell of the 5e PHB

All will be one.

Veeky Forums: Hail Pathfinder

>Hail Asuryan

i did this for y'all

But, Pathfinder has the longest lived generals with the most posters...

Drawn by a friend of mine

8/10 pretty good.

>Captain America

Why though?

5 minutes in gimp. Couldn't be fucked to do more than the beard

Because people who don't like the idea of thousands of refugees and unrestricted immigration driven by an unwavering sense of guilt and self-hatred are actually evil frothing Nazi's who are just as bad as terrorists. I'm not into comics these days, but from what I've heard the guy who wrote this shit is an unapologetic political activist and apparently most of his work is of similar preachy, cringe-inducing quality.

Marvel makes money by pissing off fans
>Miles Morales
>Kamala Kahn
>Falcon America
>Civil War 2
And Hydra Cap

The point is that the guy is supposed to say the opposite of what they are known to say or to believe.

Where the fuck did you get refugees from? I haven't heard shit about refugees having anything to do with this.

It's the red skull's new angle in that very same comic.

Hydra's anti-immigrant now. Red Skull was giving speeches about it and everything.

Then a Hydra member blew himself up to kill immigrants.

I knew there was a reason I saved this!

Considering the current political climate it isn't much of a stretch to include refugees when discussing immigration and movement across borders in general. I won't push it though, Veeky Forums isn't really the place for that shit, if I was mistaken I'll happily concede that I just threw that in because it also comes up pretty regularly when talking about borders.

>Because people who don't like the idea of thousands of refugees and unrestricted immigration driven by an unwavering sense of guilt and self-hatred are actually evil frothing Nazi's

>Not wanting the main source of the constant bombings and crime spikes to come into your country without restriction and screening = wanting to gas millions of jews for existing.

I don't know where you could even pull something this far out of a shitty captain america decision but obviously you need to back to your job and earn money for your wife and her boyfriend's child.

>he doesn't realize this is what Spencer actually believes

We need a Horus one will a chaos god tied up saying, " Suffer not the heretic to live"

Take a look.

I'll feel like the Alpha Legion would have a field day with this.

I tried.

>Marneus Calgar
>"Hydra Dominatus."

Shit,forgot main ingredient.

This is fucking glorious. Stealing this meme for the Trump General now.


their war cry is "For the Emperor", they're literally walking examples of the meme

It's old news over there, buddy

I thought it was HYDRA DOMINATUS?

And just to confirm because I have little to no knowledge of the lore:
There's nothing regarding the Alpha Legion outside codex's fluff-wise, is there?



Where's the lie though?

Red Skull is right, you know.
Unfortunately, its coming from the mouth of an actual Nazi, so his method and logic is terribly flawed. Like, a nugget of truth in a mountain of shit.

On the next page, where he gets some guys to strap on some bomb vests in the name of Hydra.

When your cure is the same as the disease, that's when you know you're a liar.

read their Index Astartes article

>Imperialistic cries of "For the Emperor!" and other similar are deliberately calculated to mock and infuriate foes who recognise them as traitors. Any of their victims who do not know the difference between an Imperial Space Marine and a Chaos Space Marine will simply think they have been betrayed.

Violence sometimes can only be stopped by violence

>no don't, if you kill him you'll be just like him

I think Red Skull would have solved the problem a FUCKTON better if he sent those suicide bombers after ISIS.

Then he has all the right to tell the sandniggers to get out his dominantly aryan neighborhood REEEEE

Here you go, user

This is probably one of the reasons this shit reached memedom in the first place. It seems like the Author is trying to equate rational and completely legitimate opinions held by sane and normal people as literally supervillain tier raving.




But Kamala is pretty great, and Miles has the potential to be alright if they'd give him more non-legacy stuff

>not "Glory to Farsight"


>considering an entire race of people to be terrorists is the same as treating an entire race of people like terrorists
Not that far off.

Or if they'd make him, you know, not shit.

Because fighting for truth, freedom and justice is fascist as fuck

Kamala would be better if the writing in her stories wasn't preachy as fuck.

Or if Ms. Marvel had better writing in general.

>tfw the MCU Captain Marvel film will star Carol
>tfw we'll never get a good Captain Marvel film

Not sure if this is strictly Veeky Forums, but hey. Had it saved.

>equate rational and completely legitimate opinions held by sane and normal people
>sane and normal people

>Red Skull said absolutely nothing unreasonable
>He's still supposedly the villain

Ham fisted preaching seems to be the in thing with Marvel these days. On the bright side, I haven't seen any examples from Ms. Marvel quite as bad as basically any given page from Whor

he says reasonable things, then the author remembers red skull a nazi with a skeleton face and has him strapping bombs to people because fuck ambiguity

>whining about immigrants coming to the country you emigrated from

DC has the same shitty problem

Cómics are written by Tumblr, what did you expect? Of course captain America is going to turn into a fascist Tumblr never read captain America, they only assume he's an imperialist fascist because, duh, America and that the only thing they care, so they turned him into an Hydra agent since he was a kid and all he did in these 70 years of history fighting for truth, justice and freedom was only pretending

>they only assume he's an imperialist fascist because, duh, America

BU$$$H = HITLER lol

Read the author's opinion

Hi. There's this disturbing tendency on the left to dismiss anything that they don't like out of hand. It's been going on since Bush's second term and it's finally reached critical mass.

It's one thing to hate on foreigners unreservedly. That would justify some of the opprobrium that they hurl around casually, as if it's no big deal. Instead, the actual policy debate is a rather dry one relating to the effect on wages, comparative crime rates and the responsibilities of a nation to enforce its own laws.

For example, I think that laws against illegal immigration should be more fully enforced, particularly the fines for hiring those illegals upon employers. The H1B visa program is similarly a joke and deliberately designed to be abused. However, I also recognize what a joke the legal immigration system is and, as such, I think the process deserves a certain amount of expediting to make it easier to move here legally.

I live in one of the most liberal cities in California. If I were to publically voice these opinions, then I would be lumped in with the Red Skull because I don't give all forms of unconditional immigration full-throated endorsement. As you can well understand, this is quite the insult. It's a serious charge and one that's thrown around with little thought to its repercussions, yet they do it lightly and with no thought as to who they might offend. There objections to dissent are so vehement as to be as shocking as they are unbelievable. They have become so fervent as to banish all room for deviation from this strict orthodoxy. In the process, they have done away with the basis of all civil discussion: The assumption that your opponent has honorable goals in mind. Now, disagreement should strip someone of all of the protections of civil debate, leaving them with only a choice between an echo chamber or their daily two minutes hate. And they go on and on, assured of their own goodness and compassion.

Ok the rest of this I can understand but
>Miles Morales
Don't you dare shit on Miles. He's actually a cool as fuck character that isn't just "non-white Spiderman". Lumping him with the rest of that pandering bullshit is an insult.

Are... Are you alright, user? We're here. Talk to us. You don't have to shoot up that school.

That's why I hate all this liberal bullshit in comics now days. Because he's not wrong. And I actually kinda agree with it. So apparently that makes me a Nazi.

>Mary Sue as fuck with any other character ever constantly reminding us how fucking awesome he's
No, he's shit

We could've had a meme but no everyone had to go and /pol/ it up about the pollution of our aryan blood. You can't even blame questfags anymore, Veeky Forums's just a fucking wreck now.

>Hi. There's this disturbing tendency on the left and right to dismiss anything that they don't like out of hand.


Both sides are becoming so ideologically pure that compromise our disagreement is immediately shouted down.

I hate to say this but the left is WAY worse about it than the right. The right will listen, smile, agree to take it under advisement, and then do what they were gonna do anyway. The left will now just shout you down and call you a Nazi. Bottom line is we are very quickly approaching a tipping point that I don't want to be here for.

Santiago did nothing wrong

Yes, but it is far and away a problem on the left. When you say that the terms "freedom" and "balanced budget" are white supremacist code words, you are truly beyond the pale.

They have literally become the party of "give me money or you're a racist."

What, if anything, that I said here would even vaguely fly on /pol/

>traditional gaming culture is just a fucking wreck now because of everybody trying make everything politically correct and a safe-space


Freedom, truth and justice are now nazi things and that's why Cap is Hydra since he was a kid

Don't you just hate it when people prove you right like this guy just did?

The media's liberal paymasters are just getting scared in the runup to the elections

The people have awoken and the left are trying very hard to discredit Trump

"The setting doesn't matter."

shouldn't it be like "Hail, reddit"

That's even less believable.

The problem is rather that people are so fed up with beibg served the same plate of shit after every election and so they go for the candidate that looks less like the established parties.

Worked for Obama before, but he was not able to deliver the promises he madd fully due to several reasons and now the swing goes for trump.

Eeh not really a good comparison since leftists are used to the idea that, culturally speaking, they've won, and so they can make extremely rude and hateful blanket statements against moderates and conservatives in private company or in mixed company at will, and most moderates and conservatives just learn to smile, nod, and not speak up or defend themselves. Leftist compromises are generally about "you cave on your values, while we give up nothing."

Most obvious example are issues of gun rights, compromise there is always universally of the "you give up some rights, and we give you nothing."

Yes, I am ok with homebrewing your own eace and class.

I dunno, the Right seems to call you a communist, a tyrant, a weakling, a secret muslim, or an apologist if you disagree with them. Wanting to raise taxes makes you a communist, and wanting the federal government to have the capital to function makes you Stalin.

The Left may take to twitter and tumblr to make fun of you, but the Right just jumps on the radio or Fox News to make fun of you.

"The pool is open."

The reason people are questioning "freedom" instead of blindly trumpeting it is because the people who blindly trumpet it actually mean anything BUT actual freedom. Usually they're just trying to be violent assholes and, in lieu of an actual justification for their behavior, hide behind the claim that they want the "freedom" to be violent assholes.

I want to play fucking elfgames you autistic retard. But now we all have to stop to have serious conversation about the end of civilisation that will come because of the goddamn muslims every fucking thread.

Eeh, not really. The Right refuses to compromise on issues like raising any sort of revenue.

>Left may take to twitter and tumblr to make fun of you
And when you try to debate them, they'll throw a dozen words ending in "-ist" at you to devalue your argument, and then have you silenced/muted/banned.

Nah. Generally speaking, the stuff people mock people for on twitter is nowhere near the same level as the thing they're trying to make fun of. Black people mocking white dancing isn't equivalent to getting shot, and gay people mocking straight fashion sense isn't equivalent to lynching.

I assume that's the point where your mind shuts down, or you might have noticed that most of those words refer to actual concepts.

I question the "trying to debate" part if you would rather mock and trivialize their responses than acknowledge this.