How can I make a succubus a great villain without people thinking she's just fapbait?
Also, demon thread

You can't since they're also weak as shit.

Don't give her big tits.

Don't focus on her tits. Focus on how much of a demon bitch she is and all the insanely evil things she does for no justifiable reason beyond "It was funny/pleasing to me".

> How can I make a succubus a great villain without people thinking she's just fapbait?
She treats sex like a 9-to-5 job.
Imagine an office worker, completely dead inside and lackng ambition, just whittling away at his job without any enjoyment, day after day after day after day. She just wants to finish her job as fast as she can and go home, so that she can play videogames or something, because this job kills your fucking soul because of all the monotonous sex you are forced to have. And it's not even enjoyable anymore!
That's your next succubus villain.

Yeah, just give her a smaller chest.

That makes everything better.

You could make her cruel and violent, dominating men by over powering them. She'd be a ruler in the same way any male demon would be. She dresses in practical battle armor.

Or make her a more mature character, like a widened elder who rules by the respect she has gained from centuries of experience. She'd dress in very respectable clothing, perhaps even looking like a religious figure.

Or ave her be more of an emotional vampire than lust powered demon, who manipulates the feeling of those around her to get what she wants.

No matter what, there will be some people who fetishise her. Your best bet would be avoiding the word succubus and just have her be a demon that happens to be female.

Make her not-obvious.

A poor succubus gives the pious priest a boner when he hasn't had one in years.

A good succubus invades his dreams and reawakens his imagination

A bad succubus attacks men at night, stealing their energy. A great succubus convinces them to pay her for it.

A bad succubus twirls her mustache and makes hackneyed promises of power and pleasure. A good succubus is amiable and can communicate well with humans, barely hinting at her nature.

Do not make them seem guilty of what they are. Make them as repentant as you are of your nature. Do not make the "You need food to live, too" argument.

Make them a part of your team. Make players learn to like them. Have the succubus-in-question murder some villains for sustenance, while the party wonders why they're searching for someone who kills bad people.

Make her have ingratiated herself to the menfolk of a city, while the women abhor her. Make her well known, but a dirty little secret. Think "small town scandle".

e.g., Nobody wants you to know that Mr. Sanders drowned his little boy a few years back in a fit of rage and nobody did a damn thing about it, because if it got out, well, that would just be shameful.

Make the people care about appearances. Blur the line between man and monster. Or some shit like that.

Just some thoughts. I hope I communicated them well.

Fine. Make her ugly then...yet still irresistably attractive.

I think that imp you're quoting is ugly.

Easy: give her the personality you usually reserve for shopkeepers (I.e. the Simpson's comic book guy), and make her utterly repulsed by players looking to get their beak whet.

Continuing : If they're your BBEG, make the campaign more about shame, secrets, and having to make compromises, than WOW SEX.

Make very clear that, whatever their preconceptions of what the succubus demon is, that your BBEG does not meet those criteria, that they're more complex. Make them doubt that they're facing a succubus altogether.

I'm thinking a mystery campaign. Turn it into a full-blown witch hunt. Make their quest-givers give them terrible advice on finding succubi. Stoke their paranoia. Hint at the idea that the succubus is among them.

But don't have the punchline be THERE NEVER WAS A DEMON THE DEMON WAS INSIDE YOU. Because that insults their intelligence. Reward rational thought and planning, and using magic and intellect to further their investigation.

More thoughts.

Horny roleplayers don't care about personality.

A battle mode?

Sound advice. Thank you.

make it a succubus (male)

Then it would be an incubus.

succubus means lie below, incubus means lie on top.

they are not related to gender


Don't dwell on the sex as a defining feature, just use it as a tool. Formulate your villain's goals and motives and demeanor and only as conflicts arise and need brainstorming focus on the fact that her most powerful tool happens to be sex. and in spite of a preternatural proficiency with sex, if even amazing sex does not logically or adequately solve the problem, just have her solve it in other ways, because she's not bound exclusively to the sex. Treat her and sex the way you'd treat Lex Luthor and money.

Easy op. Have her be a villain bent on destroying sexuality as a concept. things like sex, gender, perversion, intercourse, lust, orgasm. she will eradicate it all until the world is chaste. Damn the consequences.


>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy


Think about what you would do with mind-control and shapeshifting powers if you were a villain. You probably wouldn't just turn into a hot chick and suck dick for a living. Even if you were only willing to turn into women mind-controlling the king and controlling things from behind the scenes would be more likely.

Further, make sex with her the least appealing thing. Have the players find withered husks with horrified expressions on their faces.

If she fights them, she isn't going to wear sexy clothing to try and manipulate them, she's going to show up in her magical demon fullplate. While she might use her magic to try and puppet them, it should be clear that she isn't doing it out of any sort of affection.

If the PCs have been a thorn in her side, her charms should only be used as a way to get them alone where she can gut them. No keeping them under her spell to try and use them, no slowly feeding off them to try and keep them alive, just a sword through the chest.

Make it clear that this isn't someone they should bargain and parlay with, since they're so utterly outmatched on the social front. Their only chance is combat, and even that isn't a sure thing.

Clearly establish what she is trying to accomplish, not for others, for yourself. It should become clear to them when the time comes.

As the story progresses, flesh out her goals the way a person would have goals. They don't complete everything at once, they progress as adventurers do, the pieces come together.

You don't need advice that's limited to succubi, I think advice for good villains work.

Make her absolutely psychotic/evil, not "We can redeem my waifu" evil, "Jesus christ we need to kill that fucking bitch" evil

Do the opposite, convince people she's just fapbait.
Have everyone think she's just some weak magical realm insert. Of course, that's just what she wants them to think.

Make her intelligent. Don't make her be slutting around for the sake of doing so. If not having sex would net her progress in whatever her master plan is, then have her do so.

like this

Pro tip:
Succubus don't have to look like attract humanish females. They have no natural form.

>Succubus don't have to look like attract humanish females. They have no natural form.
>Dragoness sucubuss

>Not having your goal be a perpetual cycle of slutting around

But isn't the humanoid form the easiest and universally the most attracted form? I assume shapeshifting is tiring work.
Or am I wrong?

Well yes bu-.. No! Bad user! You are missing the point!

What setting?

If you are looking at D&D Animal-people or centaur-like things (or dragonish things) out number the humanoids by far.

I think what he's saying is that a succubus doesn't have to look like 'sexy lady with demon cosplay' as their default form.

They could easily be what said and be demonic snakes or something that just turn into women as needed.

Succubi are probably masters of shapeshifting. It's kind of a need in their line of work to be able to maintain a very precise shape for hours if not days at a time.

>No! Bad user! You are missing the point!
Too late, slutty dragon succubi are totally gonna be a thing now

Oh, okay then.

Can't dragons already shapeshift in such settings?

Besides stuff like having a demonic aura or something, how would you tell the two apart?

Only three
and they're all good

Simple. She's seducing other people.

The alchemist happens to leave the reagents for a summoning circle beside his shop when he closes up.

The queen's consorts are turning away from her, frustrating and enraging her, making her nearly impossible to work with.

A veteran warrior's new and beautiful paramour appears to be suffering from a dreadful disease, and only the blood of twelve holy men can cure it.

You've sent countless messages to allies, yet none have arrived. The powers that be of the city, the region, the nation regard you with increasing ill favor, even as your exploits grow.

The players are beginning to cotton on, but now hundreds of whores are offering their services for free, and are surprisingly unwilling to allude to why. She could be anywhere. But this woman probably isn't her... right?

Basically, crank up the paranoia that a mind-raping, heart-snatching monster can create. Make them distrust the world, distrust every NPC they come across, distrust the premise of every quest... perhaps even distrust each other, if you take to speaking to them one-on-one and swearing them to secrecy.

Genius, user.

>you will never fuck a bored succubus as she plays videogames

I have a webm of literally that.

Also, I have a girlfriend who gets off on being withholding, so I've experienced exactly that. Surprisingly, it's pretty awful.

I don't believe you.

If you want to prove it,post the webm

user, it's straight porn and I'd rather not get banned from my favorite board. Just google Natalia Grey fucked while playing and click the redtube link and you'll have a very happy fap.

Demons who are always/inherently evil or demons who are merely predisposed to it, but can be good if they really try?

What's better in settings?

Demons of the semen classification.

thank you user, you're a good nigga
fucking a girl while she pretends not to care while reading, or not even caring at all, is one of my fetishes

>Make them as repentant as you are of your nature

Nt exactly good advice on Veeky Forums.

I'm flattered~
But yeah, it could be fun, esp. since at least the circles I run in are pretty secure with their sexualities, so making fear out of it would be a fun twist.

Depends on the tone. You wanna play something noblebright? Even this demon or that one could turn. A dark and overwhelming campaign? Definitely the force of nature. That said, personal preference probably matters more than tone in most cases.

Since I'm an ancient /gif/ dweller I can tell you that bradi belle literally has a video where she pretends not to be interested in some guy while he has sex with her and she plays videogames with a friend. Have a good night user.

thank you. The hunt begins

Go back to their roots. A succubus doesn't seduce, it rapes people in their sleep. It steals men's semen and uses it to forcibly impregnate women with demon babies. Sometimes, it mutilates women's genitals, especially young girls.

Given the definition of a succubus?

Ebrietas from bloodborne but with seduction through sex instead of power.

Spreads an STD/Curse through being a slut that causes mass deformation and effective subtle mindcontrol in the men and women infected birth demon spawn on a certain cosmic event that is unprecedented and one of a kind to humanity.

Only happens IN her city and she fucks off after due to lack of other interests but it means that the motive isn't so much as evil as humans are just the most suitable vessel for it.

That's sounds horrifying and a great way to be evil.
But I know this is someone's fetish. Why must sex ruin good things?

>But I know this is someone's fetish. Why must sex ruin good things?
Sex ruins nothing, you just care about what some random user you'll never meet thinks too much

1. Don't say she's a "Succubus" directly. If the town has men turning into husks, don't focus on how their dicks are out. Let the players figure it out, hopefully after getting closer/invested. Sex demon queen is the answer, not the question.

2. Fight her harem of drones before she even appears. Make all the guys she's harvesting look gross like the singer from AFI.

3. Alien(s) movies essentially feature rape monsters. If I was writing, I'd think about lifting some cues from that series. Impending demon spawn can be delt with Prometheus style. Wasn't that scene great?

Without sex, there wouldn't be any good things, because sentient beings able to qualify them as such wouldn't exist.

Also, that's prudespeak, man.

Make very specific, planned reasons why you do the things that you do. Remember that the sex is just a tool. It's a means to an end. Succubi don't have sex. They are sex. Demons embody evil. A succubus is everything immoral about sex made manifest. Seducing a husband into breaking his wedding vows is ok. Weakening an institution by corrupting it's virtuous members is better. Seducing a nation into war is fantastic. The goal is causing the maximum amount of damage.

Succubi are master manipulators and masters of seduction. They can change their personalities or their form in subtle yet profound ways to fit the preferences of those around them. That is what you should emphasize. Being sexually aggressive is fine, but that is a tool to a succubus when it suits their need, not their modus operandi.

Godspeed you, OP. Succubus don't get a fair shake at the table.

You can simply make her a puppet-master type of BBEG.
You won't see her until you unveil her plot and go through a horde of minions in high places.

Hear me out

What if the Succubi had just taken the form of a sexy dragon-queen to lure the strongest and most powerful of men to her grasp

Anybody asks about the wings,tail or strange powers, all she needs to do is tell them about her fake dragon heritage.

Now just how would a team suss out this fake from an actual dragon-queen is up to you guys, don't disappoint me now.

This. And if there's anyone in the party who wants to do the reformed succubus thing, let them so that she can stab them in the back later

succubi are fapbait. use a different demon instead, like a glabrezu.

or just come to grips with what the succubus represents and roll with it.

Rule #6 of being a good DM:
Never tell your players what something is; describe it, and then let them derive what it is (often in the hopes that it's wrong). Monsters and ethereals don't walk around with name-tags that read, "Hello, I am Ogre."

They face a woman with horns and a saurian tail. Maybe during their first encounter she sprouts wings and flies away when nearly defeated.

>corrupting its virtuous members
I had a chuckle.

Here's one:

Instead of making them feed on sexual energy or anything, make them feed on the drives that corrupt men.

Whether it's greed, lust, what have you.

For example, a pauper gets hooked onto by a low-ranking succubus early in his life. He thinks of her as a secret confidante as he ascends the nobility and one day earns the highest title next to King.

She isn't satisfied.

It also opens the door for succubi running brothels and casinos and stuff, but they could be unfuckable lizard people for all it matters.

Use a different prototype of lady demon instead, like an Erinyes.

Succubi can never escape the fapbait label because that's literally what they are.

From the middle-ages onwards people have enjoyed having a cheeky blasphemous wank whilst thinking about sexy demon women.

They basically can't be anything else.

Succubi-centric campaigns are pretty much just an excuse for under-table mutual masturbation.

>succubi are just fapbait

Posts like these are why succubi are still such a threat. Don't underestimate the fiend because it's a sex fiend, user.

Oh the stat block might smack your stat block about sure.

It's more that I am bored of "sexy demon bitches", they aren't a draw in and of themselves and I've seen them so many times that a Dm using some/one as a main plot hook barely registers as a "meh".

They're sort of old hat in addition to basically just being there to ensure thirteen year old boys sleep with the monster manual on their nightstand.

That's you, user. You are not everyone.

I'm the DM so I'm "Almost" everyone.

And I decree that there shall be no crusty stains on my rug after sessions.

You can rule otherwise of course, but Succubi are banished from my table, as they are a harbinger of player-induced cancer.

You are shit. Uncreative shit.

Then you're a shit DM. When I throw a succubus at my players, they tend to think much more about how it will screw them over than about screwing it.

If you simply must wank during game-time there are ten billion other shaggable monsters that aren't so overplayed.

Call me uncreative bit I'd rather a sex demon be more alien and terrible than a cheerleader in a halloween costume.

Perhaps a discorporeal spirit that craves bodily sensation, so it possesses victims in order to slake it's appetites; which could be violence, food, sex, something else entirely, or any combination thereof.

This is off the top of my head how I would run that.

Buttmad waifu-fags.

Thy sling bullets are styrofoam packing peanuts

Thine arrows are of spaghetti.


Yes? So play your succubus like that. It's a very good idea.

She makes people want things. She makes people want things so hard that it breaks them.

To be precise, she's not the primary object of desire herself, she merely awakens destructive desires in others. The story thus becomes less about the act of sex or passion, but more about the horrible decisions that occur as a result of it.

Looking like a walking Patrick Nagel painting is optional.

You mean Australia?
No, wait, that's small breasts.

And that's actually a not-uninteresting position to take here.
As is obvious from this modu operandi and the general capacities of this monster, the succubus is a demon of sterility, chastity, hate, pain and ugliness.

What, you thought it's promoting luxury, sexual promiscuity and infidelity ? You're playing into the Abyss' game, kiddo.

They enact a plan to make the world worst on all levels by making sure that love, promiscuity, sexuality, pleasure, joy, fertility, seduction and just the concept of having a good time with someone of your favourite bent will be for ever tainted with pain, death, slavery, weakening and losing your curriculum. So that you're always wary of the nice lonely elf at the bar ; that you are afraid the guy who promised you his love isn't a demon wanting to sip your soul ; that you are almost sure that the Temple of Yondalla who advertise its consequence-free fertility-parties is a den of worshippers of the Abyss ; that all those women who are so insolently showing their hairs and ankles are all succubi eager to corrupt your vital fluids ; that your lack of enthusiasm in your marriage is not an occasion to spice things up but is of course a sign that your significant other is a monster from outside the world slowly draining your will to live and must be destroyed !

Faced with this growing paranoia, some temples of the fun-loving gods are trying to develop some way to incorporate a Death Ward in small, cheap and easily dispensable devices. But for the moment, even a simple scroll of Death Ward costs 6 and a half years of salary for a qualified worker...
And it's far more easier for the already sinister cults to get all apocalyptic and propagandise that the succubi are a curse and a lesson from the gods to remind us that pleasure is pain, sex is death, love is destruction, seduction is hate and that those Sssssssssluts who bring you impure thoughts are demons.

>syphilis demon
Yes why not

At that point it sort of ceases to be a "Succubus" in the Monster manual sense.

Sex demons themselves? not innately bad.

But My god I've seen enough red body-paint cheeky little bat-wings and horns to last me several lifetimes.

It just reminds me of shit like back in WOW when I was about twelve and vanilla was in full swing, and I swear I musta met five hundred people who insisted their Succubus Warlock summon was their Waifu.

Serves me right for playing on the RP server.

Jesus that shit fatigued me.

Yeah, that sounds like the root of the problem. Although it could have been worse, you could have played during the draenei horsecock era.

Lordy lou user.

When you insert succubi in your campaign, what is the message you send to the players ?
That sex will kill them ; that love is always a fatal lie ; that any relationship they form is potentially/actually a monster that only desire their death and damnation ; that the only way to stay alive and free is to keep the entire world at sword-length ; that murderhoboing is not disease, it's the only way to live.

What if the setting hear this message, too ?

As a being who represents and embodies the vices of mortals, she could be terrifying in that she is only so powerful because of the extreme, permeating prevalence of such vices within humans. She is the product of our sins, and we must surely wish whatever horrible fate she has in store for us if we have truly sinned so much as to give birth to such a horrid fiend.

Glad I got out when I did to be honest.

It always feels like, when show up to threads like these, I have genuine ideas related to the question posed by the OP, and I share them, but by the time I do, the thread is already deserted, and I never get to hear what anyone though of my idea. Love it? Hate it? I may never know.

>I swear I musta met five hundred people who insisted their Succubus Warlock summon was their Waifu.
That's actually canon. Warcraft succubi are mentioned to often go full yandere on their summoner.

>Warcraft succubi are mentioned to often go full yandere on their summoner.
Well, that would be first good thing to come from the setting in past couple years.

In my setting, erinyes like to bully succubi. When the players encounter a succubus begging them to save her, they know a real crazy fight is just around the corner.

Succubi feed on semen and men's lifeforce, incubi do it with women.
In this case it's a male demon that feeds on semen and men's lifeforce.

Yes, it's dumb and gay but kind of makes sense.

>What if the Succubi had just taken the form of a sexy dragon-queen to lure the strongest and most powerful of men to her grasp
So a slutty demonic dragoness queen?
Glad we're on the same page user

>Now just how would a team suss out this fake from an actual dragon-queen is up to you guys, don't disappoint me now.
Probably the energy drain every round should one of the adventurer's go spelunking

I can't find the source right now, but 15th century Christians believed that incubi were succubi that had finished stealing a mans semen and shapeshifted into a male demon to use the semen to impregnate human women and make more demon babies.

Malus something or another, it was a book written in the 15th or 14th century

That explains why all the nuns are having kids that look just like the priest.

So trapubus?

So like the bitchdemon from that not!Conan movie starring TV's Hercules actor where she's a demon from an eternal fire and uses her sex powers to control the king into making her queen and then 'removing' him?

>adhering to the rules
See, that's your problem
They are rules, so they are only suggestions