What are some traditional gaming "genies" we can never put back in their bottles?

What are some traditional gaming "genies" we can never put back in their bottles?




d20 base classes that don't have 20 levels.

All the clusterfuck terminology from D&D

>armor class
>saving throw
>ability score
>basic attack bonus
>skill check
>hit point
>character level

jesus christ what a game design nightmare

Why do you want to bottle-up fun?

Magical realm stuff. Someone opened the floodgates, and then a torrent of shit drowned us all.

Shitty pseudo-Tolkien-esque fantasy is another. Though if it weren't that it'd be something else that people made low-effort copies of.

There was a drow thread the other day that mentioned that drow were originally not nearly so edgy, but then Salvatore and whoever wrote fucking chad zak and all that other shit ruined the Realms version of drow.

That's what comes to mind for me.

Mistakes, user. OP is a faggot who has trouble communicating clearly. Things that, once created, could never be undone. Stains on our hobby that have indelibly made them worse. Et cetera.

Vancian magic

>OP is a faggot who has trouble communicating clearly.

It seems like you've never heard the phrase OP used. As someone who has heard it used in an appropriate context, it's quite clear what OP intended.

I never communicate with people, myself, so I'm probably the real faggot. I had some trouble parsing it, and I'm a disgusting foreign sack of dung, so that's that.

>Not using the proper name
>Arabic: الجن , al-jinn

This constitutes a provocation

The d20 system and OGL.

>not a microaggression

Step up, SJW-sempai.

But Vancian magic kicked casters right in the nuts (as it should) and did a good job of balancing "Cosmic Powah" with running like a little bitch cuz you didn't memorize invisibility twice.

The existence of ERP.

storytelling is a lost art.

hardly anybody does it anymore, and of those who do not many do it well.

The dice, the tombs, they are all about proper storytelling etiquette. If people could sit still for five minutes without fidgeting, maybe we could do without them.

I was trying to be sarcastic.

Alignment. It's entered the general consciousness.

allowing women, minorities, and degenerates a spot at the table, now they're trying to ruin everything Veeky Forums

Paying attention to marginalized social groups that don't have an actual stake or interest in the games, but use them as a low effort way to forward their agenda.

To be clear, I'm not saying that there aren't actual concerns, but that many of those who are loudly crying for the most extreme changes are those who are not in the gaming community.

A divisive example from the whole gamergate thing would be Anita Sarkeesian who clearly is just using video games as a way to further her personal causes and not because she has an abiding interest in games. (She's on record saying she doesn't like games btw.)

Listen to the gamers -- male, female, whatever sexuality, but make damn sure they actually care about the community and aren't just using it.

Woman players.

Vancian magic isn't really a widespread concept. It's just D&D that's married to it.

A lot of those are also just D&D abstractions. Ability scores, hit points, and character level have definitely got around and rooted in a lot of places though. More and more, I find that the use of "leveling up" is used laziliy.

This one is definitely a pain. Unlike D&D concepts like Vancian spells, which are stuck to the system and don't leave, and stuff like hit points, which all sorts of games have co-opted, alignment should be D&D only yet somehow is not D&D only. People can't wait to apply D&D's magic morality to every and any facet of media, not just games.

jeesus, how long are you going to beat that fucking drum.

>sjw who doesn't game detected
Look, gaming isn't your space. Leave it to the people whose space it is.

I suppose but I havent played in a game that bothered with alignment for years. Nothing is stopping you from removing that bullshit from your games.

I don't have a space, so I'm taking yours. Nothing more true to the spirit of the game than that.

I'll gonna bite this bait hard and say that the very mentality that outright rejecting everybody who isn't a heterosexual white male is as equally terrible for this hobby as bending over backwards to cater to accommodate to female and minority demographics.

Perhaps MYFAROG is more your style of game, user.

Sadly it has to be "we are turning this entire space into ours, no you can't have your part of it"

>anybody who disagrees with me is automatically a filthy SJW who doesn't know what they're talking about!

The very term Social Justice Warrior has spun so far out of what it used to mean as to be completely meaningless in this day and age.

>another sjw detected!
You show your colors by entirely ignoring the point and attacking the person over a term that pretty accurately describes your behavior.

We can put it away. WotC has already been eroding it by making everyone in 5e spontaneous casters. 6e will hopefully take us another step away from it.

Cracking jokes during sessions

While I enjoy the jokes and have a good laugh most of the time I also understand shit is disrupting and counterproductive.

Yet I somehow always get caught up in the pun game when it happens

>entirely ignoring the point

What point? What argument have you even made here? "Women, Minorities, and "degenerates" (which I assume you're referring to LGBTQWERTY or whatever the acronym is this week) are ruining actively ruining an entire hobby scene? How are they doing this exactly, especially since this hobby is A. Entirely collaborative and has fluid rules that all players and the GM/DM must agree to and may freely discard at their own discretion, and B. They participate in relatively insignificant numbers to begin with. And let's be real - back in the day, (not so much today, but for a while at least) it WASN'T friendly to minorities and women, because it was a major escapist hobby for disenfranchised white males who didn't fit in with mainstream "male" American culture. That is very rapidly beginning to change though, as more women and minorities are becoming involved and interested with the rise of things like video games and general fantasy/sci-fi in pop culture. So what are you suggesting - arbitrarily segregate an entire hobby purely along racial and gender lines to preserve your own "Safe Space" (because that's what it is, whether you admit it or not) in place of opening it up and make it more accessible (and therefore more socially acceptable) to the general public?

I mean, do you NOT dream of a day when you can talk about things like playing 40K or Rogue Trader in public without fear of being judged for being into that "weird roleplaying shit?" The harder you fight accessibility, the harsher this hobby will be judged, turning away good individuals with much to contribute to the hobby because they don't want to be associated with hate (which is what you're espousing right now, dude).

It's entirely possible to make things more accessible without reducing the quality of the product, especially in such a discretionary hobby as ours.

Unless, of course, the very IDEA of non-white-males participating is offensive to you.

Cracking jokes at the table is fine. It's when everything out of your mouth is a half-baked attempt at humor or a meme, Eric. Shut the fuck up and roll your initiative already, Eric. "All your base are belong to us!" was funny sixteen years ago, Eric!

>I somehow always get caught up in the pun game when it happens

Maybe that's because puns are fun.

I'm sorry but I doubt anyone is going to read that and the length of the response just demonstrates how badly he rustled your jimmies.

>>makes well-worded argument and raises good points about the nature of our hobby
>>"2 long, u rustled"

throw yourself in a woodchipper, dick-first

Secret doors

Posting Christina Aguilera in a genie thread!


I just call em' how I see em'.

To appeal to Veeky Forums.
Veeky Forums does not like fun.

Suggest to Veeky Forums that you play a number crunching character optimising dungeon crawler,
where naming your moves after memes and spouting the meme as you do the move grants you +4 to hit (or +2 to damage),
and you play as Gorean conan the barbarian types, smashing the evil matriarchy of the SJW collective summoned by the lich Hillary Clinton, in order to rescue hot chicks and de-brainwash them with thorough application of the dick,

and Veeky Forums would be like "roleplaying shit meme shit politics shit fetish shit I hate fun"


Phones at the table.

The first sounds extremely retarded and would get old if used past a one-shot.

The second would be hilarious in a game were the tongue is firmly planted in cheek. It would be like playing Macho Women with Guns with a bunch of feminists, which I highly recommend, the group I ran it for had a ball.

Why can't we just play some "Big Heroic Good Guys eugenics + intrusive mind-affecting abilities up a Master Race, and proceed to genocide the rest of the world so that the Master Race can then usher the world into a new age of prosperity" without getting /pol/ and twitch.tv in on the action?

what are you some kind of whale biologist?

>I mean, do you NOT dream of a day when you can talk about things like playing 40K or Rogue Trader in public without fear of being judged for being into that "weird roleplaying shit?" The harder you fight accessibility, the harsher this hobby will be judged, turning away good individuals with much to contribute to the hobby because they don't want to be associated with hate (which is what you're espousing right now, dude).
You do realize the way to get mainstream is by actually kicking all of the feminists, gay rights activists, and etc. out, right?

Jokes on you, this entire thread was a dog whistle for /pol/ types to weigh in, it's how they infiltrate crossboards and sow conflict by hosting innocuous "complaining" threads.


Well fuck them.
Fuck /pol/.
I want to play a heroic campaign where what the normies consider "unethical" and "immoral" is embodied by the players, who are going to clear the world and create their OWN world! With their OWN morals and ethics! and so the players usher in a new age of peace and prosperity and happiness by overcoming those dumbass normies' short-sighted limitations on what they consider "acceptable".


Skills. They were the beginning of "you are only what is on your character sheet" mentality.

This genie needs to go back in the bottle. Two of the biggest spergs I've ever met were both named Eric. If the fact they both acted practically the same wasn't bad enough, that they were both tall, overweight, and had oily red hair has only made me paranoid that there's some sort of breeding pool down in the sewers.

The march of technology, like video games. For better or worse, the ''competition'' for pretending-to-be-an-elf time means that the general environment for traditional games is completely different from what it used to be, and it will never go back.


Fuck 3e. 3e ruined any hope of D&D growing into something good.

D&D-wise, narrow character classes. Barbarian and monk are just fighters with different fighting styles.

Thats because both of those don't sound like fun to a majority of people. They sound retarded.

Oh look, an SJW who literally vomits hypocrisy. I love your putting safe space in quotation marks as if the acceptance and use of your ideology against you somehow discredits it.

Yes, white spaces have every right to exclude micro-agressive behavior that is inherent to the world view of SJWs. Being called on every single fake gender and behavior which doesn't match your worldview is exhausting and, more importantly, pointless. The right to self-moderate triggers belongs to every individual, filthy user, not just to snowflake people.

There, I explained it to you in your own language. Do you understand now?

>have a Barbarian class in your game
>nobody can get upset unless they are a wild savage
>have monks in your game
>if you want to be a cool martial artist you have to have some ki bullshit

>Not actively being racist against anybody who isn't me means you're an SJW!

user pls

At this point, I think I've become LESS tolerant and more hateful thanks to faggots like you. I wish I could kill all of you, every one.

Maybe one day I will.

oh no, another scary edgelord

1) Dragonborn and Tieflings: dragons and demons are supposed to be entities that you fear and heard in stories of legend, not Characters that hang out in the tavern like everybody else.

2) 3-18 stat blocks

3) Levels

>you are only what is on your character sheet
As opposed to "personally perform any action you want you character to do"?

I'm not, and that's the thing. A long time ago, shit like that would not be possible. But increasingly, it is. It could be done.

At any rate, I think that making tabletop gaming more accessible is a bad idea. Something special is lost, when you throw open the doors and let the unwashed masses on.

I also hate how pro-diversity messages are being crammed down our throats. I wouldn't complain if they had their own properties (Like Blue Rose), but they're encroaching on our shit! This is a creeping rot that should never have been given a inch, but we were weak and stupid and (worse of all) tolerant.

Being tolerant is an act of slow suicide.

Every day, I pray that a terrorist's bullets will somehow find her and those she loves.

Keep /pol/ in /pol/

This is what feeds this shit. You cannot limit options to "pro-diversity only" and label everything else /pol/. That just polarizes people even more. It's like when they tried to label everyone who hated F4tanstic a racist.

Men and women should be statistically equal.

I tried a Tiefling.

The experience is basically "Cast Disguise Self all the time".

So you end up playing a really shit Half-Elf.

And never EVER be either of those races if someone is a "Paladin". I say "Paladin", A.K.A. "I must kill everything god totally told me is bad"

You do get Hellish Rebuke. Which does fuck-all at later levels, but is free.

>Give an awesome speech
>"Roll persuasion"
>Know an item is magic
>"Roll Arcana"
>Need to investigate an obviously suspicious and plot-advancing area
>"Roll Investigation"

I honestly wish that Paladins could be played more as zealots and heretic-slayers than Bioware Paragon protagonists.

A GM let me play a racist, elitist Paladin who was a tremendously smug asshole - Yet he died sacrificing himself to save millions. It was enormous fun, given the way he spoke down to peasants, turned his nose up at his 'lessers' and refused to take prisoners (i.e. only offering surrender ONCE, at the start of combat) and fiercely enforcing Old Testament penalties.

He made it through the whole campaign without a single flicker of doubt, and it was amazing.

That I would be comfortable with. If they didn't suddenly turn on a dime when you enter the room, and doled out the smiting to all who they looked down on.

Like, "All demons are bad" would be better than "fuck you in particular".

They just knew a lot about my character o.o.c., so they were constantly watching for me to fuck up.

I suppose they *could* have justified that as healthy suspicion, but this person was not smart enough to come up with something like that.

You won't convince these people mate.

Just look on the bright side. What happened in Orlando is going to keep happening. You can't take faggots, dykes, Muslims Spics and Niggers and put them in the same area and not see murders. Avoid those areas and let the blood bath begin, just make sure you and yours are able to defend yourself and have supplies you need to survive for at least 6 months.

The radicalisation of normal people is happening because the left is so extreme that it's trying to get us killed by zealots. It's just a matter of time before Hitler 2.0 appears to sort them and theirs out.


Yeah, it's the contrast. He looked down on peasants and was patronizing to them, but he would give his last rations to a starving child. Similarly, he would rebuke a mob, fend them off to stop them from lynching a peddler of false cures during a plague...Then he would cut the man's hand off, as the legal punishment was amputation.

It's a very nuanced portrayal, and you don't have to be saintly all the time. You can defend, say, gnomes from racism...Then tell them "These are wholesome lands. Human lands, not for your kind. I suggest you move on."

Nice pasta

This is very true: you need to pander to the people that actually play and purchase your games. Look at all this idiocy that Nintendo is doing with censoring their own games.

here's your (you)

>implying the perfect Veeky Forums character isn't lawful good 3.PF paladin that smites with his dick as a favored weapon.

A lot depends on the GM though, some will allow OOC knowledge, some won't. The biggest issue was with skill monkeys vs not skill monkeys, MAD, etc.

This should be more what pallys are like, but I blame DM magical realms, hurr sophie's choice paladin falls bullshit, etc.

A paladin should have an attitude; they're a highly trained and initiated warrior of the clergy, not a missionary.

To quote Mark Steyn, "You have to pick and choose which squares you want on your diversity quilt".

It's the same fallacy as "I'm friends with Bob and Tom, so Bob and Tom should surely be friends with each other". Definitely not the case when one demographic thinks that murdering the other is an "act of compassion".

The streets will run red with the blood of the Islamic faithful.

>"If you can't speak like JFK, your character will fail his Oratory attempt"
>"Your character can't defeat that swordsman because you're physically weak IRL"
>"Leap that wall, if you're so great."

You could just say skill checks with narrative and RP bonus are superior

I pick zero diversity because I'm informed on multiculturalism and how incredibly destructive it is to a community. I want a space for me and people like me, you can have a space for you and people like you, but leave my shit alone.

The only reason any one would let in alien cultures in the way we do is if they had no love of their own culture and people. Any society like that is doomed already so hey.. guess we're fucked!

I want /pol/ to leave.

Whoa, I've known an Eric that almost fits the description of the Erics you've known. Maybe the name is indeed cursed.

The one thing I don't understand is why the Left defends gays AND Muslims. Islam hates homosexuals! You're trying to support Nazis AND Jews at once!

It's like they embrace everything that's self-destructive.

>Being tolerant is an act of slow suicide.

You can't deny history. How did tolerance work for native populations when the Westerners rolled in? Only Japan understood the need for cultural purity.

There's a difference between 'tolerance' and 'not repulsing a geopolitical power's invasion of your sovereignty.'

I miss how you could be that guy in ME1. I didn't want any filthy xenos on my team at all if possible, mostly because we couldn't trust them.

ME2 should have had the option to push Human supremacy HARD since we were the biggest fleet afterwards, and had all the seats on the senate.

Instead I got "You thought you could escape Liara? YOU THOUGHT WRONG."

I intentionally killed Tali, Morinth and Garrus in the end just to have one less Xenos infecting 3.

They're both "others". Read The victim's revolution for an idea of how it works. But tl;dr if you're not normal then you're on "their side".

>Illegal to be gay
>Looked down on to be gay
>Legal to be gay
>Gay marriage
>"Well we're done with the gays, need a new horse to ride"

Can we just not tolerate homosexuality and prevent the slippery slope? This is why you don't tolerate stuff, you stand firm on what is healthy and you don't back down and you don't give an inch. Meet any attempt to corrupt things with as much hostility as you can bring and violence if needed.

Hey you Janitor fuck who blocked me. We're discussing social justice in Veeky Forums shit you retarded cuckcold. I know you're a redditor and only got the position from blowing Moot's shriveled up cock and letting the slanty eyed one eat sushi off your asshole, but try to read a thread before you get upset by someone saying nigger. You can go back to your safe space on Reddit and tell everyone how evil and bigoted we all are, it'll keep you busy and stop you fucking up image boards.


And here is where the ride stops because of a little thing called consent.

They have destroyed the concept of consent. They want to make it so you can retroactively withdraw consent even days later etc.

The ride never ends, they will always find something else to use as a club against healthy families. So you just say no to all of it.

>At this point, I think I've become LESS tolerant and more hateful thanks to faggots like you.

Nah man, being unable to tolerate people who are different from you is pretty much your own fault, and yours alone.

How do you even function in the real world, user?

>How did tolerance work for native populations when the Westerners rolled in?

If you knew literally anything about Native history you'd know that their "tolerance" was "oh shit we can't actually wipe these people out, and they've got some good shit they're willing to trade with us like steel tools and firearms. Better keep them around in small numbers."

Their error was in that they assumed constant harassment raids would be enough to deter further expansion. It was not.

>They have destroyed the concept of consent.

Good to know not everyone slept through history class, cheers

Given the level of salt in this thread, I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or sincere lol

On a list of "what's wrong with this thread" I think we can safely check-off the "Everything" box and abandon it.

100% sincere considering this genius

"I don't want to have sex with you, so you shouldn't" seems pretty fucking cut and dry and functional to me

He's talking about the people that wanted to have sex but ended up regretting it afterwards, then claimed that they didn't want to have sex at the time.

It's somehow managing to not be cut and dry.