Have any of your games ever taken your character to prison? What happened?

Have any of your games ever taken your character to prison? What happened?

Yeah. Super heavy railroading. Basically the warlock tried to sell a deed that ended up being fake. He didnt know that. Noone in town saw me with them but i muat have known where he was, when i walked out of a shop on my own. I even pointed the guards in the right direction to find him. I got arrested anyways. I broke out dressed as a guard and went to get my gear back. And a random prisoner knew i wasnt a guard and somehow called for the guards to stop me. Luckily the dmnpc came out of no where to save the day by getting us pardoned just becasue he said we were innocent and killed the guy who accused us by throwing himinto a pocket dimension where he keeps t he taarasque as a personal garbage disposal.

One was Session 1 railroading to get the party together. The other was intentional so that our rogue could sneak into the keep which he managed to poison all the food there and kill off most of the guard as we incited riots throughout the city.

Not prison, but my Mage was stuck in the tank for 24 hours once because he smartmouthed a Cop.

Then there was the time my Super-Criminal had to get himself arrested to break someone out of Prison. Got himself arrested on charges of aggravated assault, plead guilty, then Hulked out and broke down a few walls escaping.

Dang, you've got me beat. Similar situation, but way less... blatant? Anyway, the party summoner is breaking into a jeweler's store at midnight. He's breaking into a side-window with no guards in sight, using a modified summon that looks nothing like what he normally summons in public. A guard rolls a 17, so that obviously meant that he and his partner charge down the street to apprehend the criminal scum that he had no line of sight to. Summoner hears footsteps, ducks around a corner and moves, and lets the guards see the monster disappear. So obviously their only course of action is to arrest the summoner for knowing magic, despite the town practically being under constant goblin attacks, sneaky goblins that like to break into people's houses, sneaky infiltrating goblins some of which know magic like invisibility! So now the summoner is suspect number 1, and I'm suspect number 2 because I'm a wizard, but let's ignore the two clerics, the ranger, the wizard, and the druid npc's we've met in town. (Two of which were also travelers, so no excuse there.) Now we're asked to summon something. We do, and they look nothing like the monster that was seen, but the guard captain has a "gut feeling" so the summoner is arrested anyway.

The summoner and I call it there and start our own game the next week. The adventure we left was pre-made and we had only played one session, so the summoner just DMs it himself. Turns out the jeweler's shop was supposed to be an easy mark: no locked doors or windows, low DC locks on the display cases and safe, owner is a heavy sleeper, etc.

Magical realm happened, OP. Magical realm happened.

I like how we tell how mad you got at the end by how your typing degrades.

>playing rogue in pirate gang
>everyone is human with some weird ass ability
>got water breathing and swim speed 70ft
>ship is attacked in middle of night
>three party members down in 2 rounds
>dm describes them being drug down with nets
>fuck that, jump overboard and swim down to hide so I can sneak aboard their ship
>sneak on, have most my gear
>murder stab two watching prisoners after waiting 5 days to learn their schedule
>attempt to pick locks after slathering them in grease and barring door
>cutscene knocked out as captain busts in and nearly cuts me in half, taking my max hp-1 in damage and get told I pass out from shock
>finally awake, I immediately pick the locks
>dm is pissed, demands to see my character
>hrumphs for 10 minutes, starts to erase things
>Tell him that if my numbers are changed, I am leaving
>gets up, tells us that he no longer wants to run

Why do some dms hinge their entire campaigns on making players powerless/captured with no escape beyond what he planned?

From The Alexandrian

>In 26 years of play, I have literally never seen PCs voluntarily surrender. Admittedly, beyond a certain point my villains largely stopped asking.

>The only time I’ve had PCs taken prisoner is because they’d been beaten into unconsciousness. There was one incident about 3 years ago where a single PC got separated from the rest of the party and was captured (the rest of the party ended up using a wish spell to rescue her). The previous incident was about 4 years before that where all but one of the PCs were captured (the other PC was somewhere else at the time that the rest of the party was beaten unconscious).

>Recently, I was running Eternal Lies, a published campaign which, on two occasions, expected (but didn’t require) the PCs to be captured. In one case, the PCs simply avoided the entire situation by staying three steps ahead of the bad guys. In the other, the NPCs whose “vast numbers” were supposed to make them surrender got hosed down in a hail of machine gun fire before they had a chance to even open their mouths and demand the white flag.

>There was one group about 4 years ago who briefly discussed surrendering because they were near death and had been cut off from the surface by a half dozen giants and an entire platoon of orcs. They decided that it made more sense to literally cut their own heads off so that the elven wizard could stick them in a bag of holding, turn invisible, and fly them out to get resurrected. (Surprisingly, that worked out for all but one of them.)

>Whenever I see a published adventure that requires the PCs to surrender, I take it as a very strong indication that the product was never playtested. (In my more cynical moments, it also makes me suspicious that the author has never actually played an RPG.)

I agree.

The only time I saw a decent captured scenario was in Red Hand Of Doom, where it is a contingency in case they decide to fight a horde of 10,000+ with dragon and giant support at level 5. Even in that, they wanted to pc to escape at every opportunity and suggest letting the player decide if they want to immediately change characters if they see they can not escape after an amount of time.

Tell us exactly what happened

In a Capes and Cowl campaign where my lady was under strict orders to never use her powers in her home nation.
Aliens invaded and the first thing she did was head straight back home to defend them from the laser-cockroaches.

Post invasion she was arrested and spent time in a special prison designed to hold metahumans while waiting for her trial.
In there she ended up being protected by another lady she specifically put in there originally mostly because said villainess was planning to use that as evidence she didn't hold a grudge and was 'reformed'. Really she was spending time to convince her to put in a good word, pull some strings and also working out how her powers worked for future reference.

Most the time in gaol was a brief description with a short conversation with said villainess.
At trial she was found guilty of knowingly using her powers in full understanding of the law, but circumstances at the time mean she is basically on her last warning.

Said Villainess later showed up on a revenge scheme but the two ended up commiserating after a short fight and she was allowed a probation to join the Not-Justice League.

Played in a couple extended one-shot campaigns that revolved around hellish prisons. One was a South American hellhole, where problems were sent to rot. The place was virtually run by the worst amongst the prisoners and kept contained by threat of absolute destruction by the corrupt military. Sort of Peña Duro meets El Rey meets Devil's Island.
The other was set in a corporate run prison that was run to appear tough but fair, but was corrupt as shit.

>Have any of your games ever taken your character to prison?

More importantly, was getting caught part of their plan?

The Durance RPG is set on a prison colony. Players create the specifics of the colony and the prison, and alternate scenes between Staff and Convicts.

Damn, I thought Thunder was some sort of Beta Ray Bill thing seeing that profile in the thumbnail.

In a Magical Girl game she used a disguise spell akin to Sailor Moon's Disguise Pen to sneak into a low security prison to locate a plot important character.
She quickly found herself stuck when she realised if she dropped the spell, she would be spotted and whilst she would get out, her identity will be revealed to the world.
She couldn't find a location to change her disguise which wasn't under constant observation by guards, fellow inmates and/or cameras and didn't want to risk transforming anyway as a Magical Girl seen in a secure location like that would just breed bad publicity and risk further government intrusion.

In the end the rest of the girls had to ask for help off a Youma who we'd been trying to take down for awhile, hoping we were correct in our suspicions that said Youma was actually peaceful.

She agreed and was able to smuggle me out, overwriting my own clumsy fake records and removing memories of my presence.
And all it costed us was the promise of a favour sometime in the future.
Which she obsessively brings up every time we meet her now.

After everything was said and done, we were approached by another Magical Girl telling us we should've asked the MG community for help first but now that we've made a Faustian pact, as they called it, we are being treated with a large degree of suspicion by said community.

Said character I went in to find had their bail paid just earlier by a third party group and was out on probation, making the entire ordeal a bust in the first place.

Our party was "ambushed" in the inn we were staying at by these shades that were looking for a magic gem we stole from the badguy's hidey-hole. In the process, the shades killed aboutique ten people before we killed them. My character and one other member are vigilantes in this city, so we convinced the party that we can'talk stick around anduring try to explain this to the cops, especially because shades don't really leave behind much of a corpse. But our lawful stupid monk decided to stay and give a statement. He got arrested and escaped with the help of a genie who decided to really fuck with him, and he became a fugitive. About ten weeks later, we just finished clearing his name with some bullshit trial, and we never let him live down how he decided to talk to the cops. Especially as we realize that most of the law enforcement in the city is pretty evil.

Tell us the tale.

Sexy lesbian antics? Hardcore anal penetration? What?

>In there she ended up being protected by another lady

Damn. Of course, you know what accepting ssomeone's 'protection' in prison means

2 other characters got arrested.
We busted them out, destroying most of the prison in the process.