The most prolific rapist of all time was likely born in the following century: _________

>The most prolific rapist of all time was likely born in the following century: _________

Can anyone help me answer this question? I need to know for my time-traveling Call of Cthulhu campaign.

Other urls found in this thread:


Whichever century you're prepared to have everyone travel to

I'm loath to ask why you need to know this anyway, ya creep.


Have you seen the movie Time After Time?

I'm doing something like that.

There are no accurate rape statistics. Ever. So make it up.

OP, how are you defining rape? Its a concept that changes and varies throughout cultures. Are you counting men who coerced their wives pre-1980? What about women taken as spoils of war, which only stopped being acceptable in some cultures after 1950?

The 40:s perhaps?


Genghis Khan might actually be a strong candidate.

>OP, how are you defining rape?

Unlawful penis insertions into strange women.

There are 1.6 billion muslims in the world, what man could be more profilic than the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who famously raped his young bride Aisha at six years age. Born 570 CE.

Late 20th. Just wait for it

Except Islam in contagious, not hereditary.

>Just wait for it

But the 20th century is already over

Ok, but which law? Many things would be considered rape today that were not in antiquity.

Yeah, but people born at the dawn of it are only 16-17 now and may still have much raping ahead of them.

I thought the story went that he married her at six, but waited till she was nine to fuck her? Am I mistaken?

>Late 20th. Just wait for it
He is implying the rapist is alive now and will be revealed to be "the most prolific rapist of all time" in the future.

>I need to know for my time-traveling Call of Cthulhu campaign.
Nice try.
>posting in a fetish thread.

Easily the late 20th or early 21st century. It'll just be the heterosexual man who looks at the most women, whether in person or on the internet, without getting their permission to cast his gaze upon them first. Each of those women has been brutally eye-raped by that nameless man. Hundreds, possibly even thousands of brutalized women every day, for the entirety of his life.

Hope you're proud of that legacy, men.

No, you're right. He was quite the gentleman.

What is it, the average person got 2% of his DNA from Genghis Khan? More than double that if you're from Russia or Asia?

He's the arch-rapist of all time.

So far.

With the new ruling against thighing, things might change on that front.

>new ruling against thighing
The what? Intercrural?

1900-2000 because it had the most people in it, I bet?
More people = more chance one of them is the top rapist

>Islam is contagious, not hereditary
So, what you're saying is that Islam can be cured?

Yeah, especially when treated at early age.

When you marry a girl who's pre-pubescent, you can cause serious medical problems consummating it, like hemohorraging, broken pelvises, etc. So "thighing" was an acceptable substitute. Your new wife would keep her legs together and you'd stick your dick in her thigh and kind of hump until you came that way. Or, sometimes, her butt cheeks.

By "you" of course, I mean muslim men in the arabic world, where this is legal. In the West any of this would get you put away in jail for life, and rightly so.

Anyway, there was a recent fatwa from a prominent cleric on the practice, and whether it counted as consummation and whether it was a halal practice. Apparantly, it isn't, so now the speculation is that they'll go back to consummating marriage in the old-fashioned, life-threatening way. And apparantly just saying girls that young can't marry 50 year old grizzly men was out of the question, too.

With moderate doses of white phosphorus

It depends on if you define rape by the century's standards or not.

If each century gets its own standards, than probably the 22nd, shortly before the collapse.

What a profoundly diverse and wonderful culture.

ONS/EAR was in the 20th.

Statistically, more people have been born in the twentieth century than any other, so absent any good data on how common rape was it's a fairly good bet that any random high score was most likely achieved by a twentieth century dude.

Given the image, I'm surprised no one brought up Gengis Kahn

Is "Ancient Greece" a century

Well that's just foolish. It's not like you're measuring per capita or something, and few people in the modern era spend decades on a military campaign like they did in Genghis Khan's day.

Maybe it's really just some randy soldier who survived the 30 years war start to finish.

Probably a Mongol somewhere who just a gorillion Chinese chicks.

Alternatively, some Soviet soldier who plowed every frau between the Danube and the Rhine. Awful lotta rape in the aftermath of WWII. Most people assume it was Ivan, but reports suggest it was more often the Central Asian soldiers they started drafting once they started running out of white people to feed into the German meat grinder.

My money's on a Tatar. Worthless race, rape is really all they're good at. Hopefully the Chinese will remember this and ethnically cleanse Mongolia in a few years.

>My money's on a Tatar. Worthless race, rape is really all they're good at.

I'm told by the fish-people that they also make good sauce.

>people born at the dawn of the 20th century
>only 16-17

dear god the stupid.

test post please ignore

well it takes all types to have a traditional gaming board i guess...


its me

You're probably wasting your time. If they didn't already understand the problem with what they were asking, explaining it's not going to suddenly enable them to respond meaningfully.

Ghengis was born in 1162 CE (the 12th century) if that's what you're going for.

Otherwise just make shit up OP

Ghengis has got nothing on Gary. That guys is an asshole.

>lovers helping each other masturbate should rightly get you put in jail for life
If you're really going to try to convince me that Aisha didn't want to be consort to what amounted to an Islamic Jesus, you better try real fuckin' hard.

Wait wait wait, so unlawful penis insertion into ordinary women isn't rape?

It's either Genghis, Tiberius, or Muhammad.

Just depends on where you draw the line between rape and molestation.

of course not, only strange women dont appreciate unlawful penis insertions

Whatever century your players hail from.

He also liked cats. So much, that the muslims still torture dogs for fun.

>Marital rape is not a thing
>Incest is ok

I think you're taking this a bit too seriously.

Genghis khan

You could have just said "yes" instead of defining your made up term for it.

Your pun is dumb but not dumb enough to be funny for its dumbness.


>Given the image, I'm surprised no one brought up Gengis Kahn
Given the fact that you're user, I'm not surprised at your absolute lack of ability to read the entire thread before posting

There's literally zero evidence for that being Chinggis.

Probably some Assyrian Bronze Age lord.

It's a real term, google it.

You must have a strange private definition of "literally zero evidence".

Although famously infertile, Julius Caesar was so well known for raping defeated enemies and their families that his soldiers had a song about it.

gb2 le reddit pun thread

Berlin 1945


and probably a few more. War turns people into beasts.

Rapist, or murderer-rapist?
The distinction is important.

What if we expand the meaning of the word to it's long-abandoned previous definition: "taking people" in any context?

Genghis khan

You think the most prolific serial rapist is 16?

>You must have a strange private definition of "literally zero evidence".
>>The variation that did exist in their DNA suggested that the lineage began around 1,000 years ago in Mongolia.
>>Genghis Khan is reputed to have sired hundreds of children
These are not evidence of any kind.

That may well be a real book, but if I were the first author I would have used a pseudonym.

If it's a real term, it's a redundant one invented by idiots. Saying "but I'M not the one who made this bullshit up" doesn't make it not stupid.

The one they invented time travel in

>tfw people don't know about intercrural