Could goblins ever form a respectable society, or is that unrealistic?

Could goblins ever form a respectable society, or is that unrealistic?

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Depends on the setting.


what said

see: Runescape's goblins

Well, they're certainly clever enough to form a vaguely modern-like culture.
"Now goblins are cruel, wicked, and bad-hearted. They make no beautiful things, but they make many clever ones. They can tunnel and mine as well as any but the most skilled dwarves, when they take the trouble, though they are usually untidy and dirty. Hammers, axes, swords, daggers, pickaxes, tongs, and also instruments of torture, they make very well, or get other people to make to their design, prisoners and slaves that have to work till they die for want of air and light. It is not unlikely that they invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines and explosions always delighted them, and also not working with their own hands more than they could help; but in those days and those wild parts they had not advanced (as it is called) so far."
So I figure they'd probably be like Chechnya. A technically "civilized" nation, but whose primary exports are criminals and terrorists.

>Could goblins ever form a respectable society

Yeah, check the CoC goblins.

>could made-up creatures do [thing]
Yes you retarded fetishposter, now fuck off to Fenoxo's forums.

>could fictional creatures with characterization that varies from fictional setting to setting ever form a respectable society?

the fuck is the point of these threads
they're whatever you write them to be

>CoC Goblins
Strangely appropriate acronym

WoW goblins are basically Gnomes

and gnomes are basically SHIT

>What is the point of these threads?
You know. I know. We all know.

Sure, just don't make them bog-standard D&D goblins.

Can we move this along to the shortstack fap material now?

user you have the internet at your disposal. You could but change the board and you'd have your fap material. We're talking goblin societies here.

Runescape goblins are idiots who are always at war with each other up until someone green and actually competent can kick them into position.

>Cave Goblines

Presumably it's an invitation to get people to share their versions of said creatures, with a focus on the particular aspect mentioned in the post.

>Could goblins ever form a respectable society, or is that unrealistic?

Unrealistic, but not impossible.

Male Goblins spend the majority of their lives either impregnating female goblins, foraging for food or kidnapping the offspring of other sapient species for their goblin mates to raise like reverse cuckoos.
Female Goblins spend the majority of their lives either being swollen and pregnant or compulsively raising children- even the children of other sapient species like a reverse cuckoo.

Goblins that have had their sex drive removed though can be alarmingly intelligent.

What if goblin ladies realized that other races loved stortstacks, so they ran away from their males for a chance at superior mates? A few spells later, and they'd insure that they'd have no male offspring, only stacked, thick goblin girls.

A few centuries later, goblins has taken over the service industry, trying to pay for a higher education or just to attract the attention of a rich patron. A society of college girls that strip to pay for tuition, but green.

>Could goblins ever form a respectable society
WoW goblins, unless you're a gommie that thinks capitalism isn't respectable

nope, decent and functional democracies require at least an average IQ of greater than 90. goblins average IQ is about 80. there are demographics in the US with similar IQs, and the places they live are exactly what you would expect a goblin civilization to look like. different parts of the cites are controlled by warlords and their gangs. gang warfare is a constant fact of life. violence and fear is the currency of power, not reason or merit. massive unemployment, broken families, and non functional education.

>>>/magical realm/

sauce on pic?

That's stupid, you're stupid. Fuck off to a porn board, fap, then come back.

You can tell purely off art style thats incase

While we're on the subject and because I have nothing better to do:

LOTS of solitary sapient species -species that are intelligent but for one reason or another can't tolerate the company of their own kind- often keep small broods of goblins to tend to their needs and wants while they focus on other things. A lot of the time the majority of these goblins or at the very least over a quarter of them are alchemically/chemically neutered. This also has the unintended but happy effect of doubling the life expectancy of a goblin.

-What few intelligent Dragons there are often like to keep Goblins around as minions: alchemists, lab technicians, manage their treasure, to keep pests away from their eggs or to just keep them company since most Dragons are literally dumb animals.

-Cyclopes occasionally like to keep Goblins around since other Cyclopes are often few and far between, often using them as to help them garden, herd livestock or as assistants in smithing, tinkering or masonry.

A lot of the disparity and discrepancies between skilled, intelligent Goblins are created by Dragons and Cyclopes teaching them things.

-Trolls like to throw their ugly children into Goblin dens for the Goblins to raise. The Troll children finally leaving the den when they're strong enough to resist their siblings and parents from physically keeping them at home.

-On the opposite spectrum of things: Some Brothels literally just tend to an artificial den of Goblins that they throw willing customers into.

Only if they eat enough respectable people.

The disgusting slug-like lips are a dead giveaway.

>-What few intelligent Dragons there are often like to keep Goblins around as minions: alchemists, lab technicians, manage their treasure, to keep pests away from their eggs or to just keep them company since most Dragons are literally dumb animals.
and to plate them with armor when they accidentally turn into a lava monster

>and to plate them with armor when they accidentally turn into a lava monster

I absolutely fucking adore Warcrafts evil goblin dragon symbiotic technician motiff they've had going on in their games.

But I've also got a lot of respect for early sword and sorcery cheesecake and french cartoon sexual liberties.

t. /pol/

>implying any respectable person will let themselves be eaten by trash like goblins

>Has somehow never seen bimbo lip stick/gloss/crap in his entire life

Because goblins have a high sex drive but also are violent, many male goblins die relatively early by violence, stupidity or an unhealthy fascination with explosives.
Because of this, goblins are loosely ruled by matriarch clans, wiser older goblin females leading due to long years of existence. Perhaps the old biddies squabble among themselves and use breeding rights to raise militaries. Perhaps they work together to exile or otherwise inconvenience a male lucky and clever enough to grow old.
In game the matriarchs of goblin clans can be powerful spellcasters or storytellers and diplomats of strong ability.

If we all know then why aren't there nearly enough lewd goblin pics in this thread?

I think the main thing goblins lack is strong central leadership. They could be set up as a WW2 Russia style culture where they rely on numbers for everything, but even if you get enough smart goblins to organize it all, they're all going to die of old age in maybe 30 years.

This inherently makes Goblin society very chaotic, as social changes occur rapidly. Internally, a Goblin society could be doing fine, but externally it looks like a mess.

Just take how in some settings Elves sometimes consider human kingdoms to not be worth remembering, and then scale that relative to humans. Who cares who the Goblin King is if they're going to change government systems in 10 years anyway?

While Goblins can form a complex or prosperous society, I don't think they'd be able to make it a respectable one.

Well shit, I guess they're forever doomed to the brothels.

I remember in Radiata Stories, a PS2 game, where there were 2 races of goblins. The green ones lived in slum city in the desert, were mostly thieves and scavengers, but had a mostly organized society, although small.

Black goblins lived in mushroom infested caves where they ate mushrooms all day, these mushrooms were implied to be narcotic, but were overall stronger than the green ones, were smarter, with some of them even reading books and taming wolves and had basic trading with other magic creatures due to mushroom trading.

I'd say gobling can make a good enough society as long as stealing and being a parasite on other bigger societies isn't a immediate option.

Push comes to shove, they can organize themselves well enough to prosper.

>Could goblins ever form a respectable society, or is that unrealistic?

Yes, they can.


>a society of goblins that are tired of being killed as low level mooks and banded together to poorly mimic the civilization of other races with stuff like dumb hats and strange, forced vocabulary.
>They don't truly believe in what they're doing but it's fun to pretend and it's better than being killed.

thanks for the idea, op

Even the short stack thread on /aco/ is getting light on lewd goblins. I partly blame incase for pushing each page of his comics rather than doing the warm up goblins that he was doing.

>not talking about Domesticated Goblins
What the actual fuck is going on in this thread? This is how you have goblins be a part of respectable society:

>And here you can see our prize Mendhavian show goblin
>See the way the ears have been extended out and clearly reflect her mood
>From the current angle you can tell at a glance she's quite happy - like many show goblins she enjoys being put on display
>The noise retains the characteristic oversized quality but has been softened somewhat from the base stock
>The teeth are - open up, dear - bright and neatly arranged - you can close now - with the canines just barely visible with the mouth closed. The breed is prone to minor sores on the lower lip, but a few dabs of healing potion can take care of the problem
>You can see the slim waist, wide hips, and fair skin. Mendhavians do have to be kept on a strict exercise regimen, as left to their own devices they tend to overeat and develop a bit of flab

Look up Iron Kingdoms.

That's far too magical realm.

I read up on the CoC goblins.

How do you control a species like that? They'll eventually out-populate everything, so there needs to be a reliable way to cull the bastards.

Also seems that if you send in adventurers, they'll get pelted with lust potions and your teams will return somewhat embarrassed, since your men ended up rutting with as many of them as they could and your women ended up dropping a litter or ten of the bastards. At least there doesn't seem to be much difference for half-breeds.

Think you could invent up some anti-goblin disease? Goblin myxomatosis? Or will they be smart enough to use their alchemy to cure it?

Exterminator golems.

If you can manage, make a meatgolem with functional dick that shoots slow acting poison.

Goblins? Respectable society!? Wha-

I mean of course! For faaar too long have your kind been subjugated to neglect and abuse at the treatment of man, elves, and dwarves, but no longer I say! Join the ranks of my armies and claim your juuustice!

Myaaah hah haaa!

>That's far too magical realm.
Sure, there's some Magical Realm in there. But there's also some really solid shit regarding the enslavement and domestication of subhuman races. For example:

>The Yaojing breed of goblin has been rapidly gaining popularity for the wide variety of colored spots on its skin.
>Yaojing are about a head smaller than your usual goblin, as they were bred to be companions for the children of ancient royal families, equipped to be both a bodyguard and loving companion. Because of their role, these goblins have been bred to have a much longer lifespan, by about 15 more years on average.
>Because of their closeness to feral goblins, the Yaojing are notoriously hard to train. Expect a lot of repetition before they register a command. Likewise they are very inquisitive getting into everything. So make sure to goblin proof your house if you have to leave them alone.
>Grooming isn't as hard as other goblin breeds as Yaojing can take care of themselves. But you should still overlook their grooming as they can take it to strange places.
>Don't worry about having babies in the house. You can find few breeds as loving as the Yaojing.


Goblins as implied by that pic? Hell no. That's a tumblr goblin and therefore utter shite and incapable of anything good or productive.

>high elf civilization creates magical internet
>some asshole creates fast-breeding goblins to work as spambots
>high and moral elves liberate some sweatshops of his and put goblins into liveable conditions
>bereft of purpose, they just shitpost

They all get eatenor impregnated with non-goblin progeny by the rest of the wildlife
Its probably only 5% of goblins that actually live to reproduce

You've got to give the more active, working breeds a job to do - or at least a large environment to roam and explore - or else they invent tasks of their own. Patrolling the house and yapping at anyone out on the street, hoarding socks and hiding them under furniture, and so forth. You can try to give them long walks to tire them out, if you have time, but unless you're walking somewhere with lots of interesting things they'll require more mental stimulation to be satisfied.

Don't get a working breed if you live in the city unless you have a permit to take it with you on your daily activities, like a service goblin. Being alert, hard-working, and more intelligent than typical breeds, though, they do make fantastic seeing eye goblins.

Fetishits fuck off, you're cancerous and provide nothing of value. Go fap yourselves raw, then come back to post if you still wish (implying fetishits have anything to contribute outside masturbatory fantasies).

Fapping is bad for your creativity, user. And one prude's magical realm is another user's inspration.

>being this terrified of other people not being asexual

Demons > goblins

Warcraft goblins in general are pretty good. Better than Gnomes at least.

That's bullshit, and nothing creative is going on ITT, just rehashing a furry's fetish worldbuilding.
>thinking hypersexuality justifies shitposting

Holy shit you are a triggered autist.

Back to topic. Going by traditional goblins? No. While they do have some intelligence to craft certain devices and poisons, it seems that all these tools are built with malicious use in mind. Add to them being self destructive little shits they won't be able to build much of a society before backstabbing and chaos breaks out.

>compulsively raising children
Goblin nanny service? That has potential.

In this case they're probably naturally gravitate towards councils for leadership, so that the death of one member doesn't have such a huge effect. You'd likely see mountain clans being the most advanced too, as space is at a premium and a strong military would be required to compete with the dwarves.

Maybe goblin society trends towards a caste system. You'd have your rulers, warriors and workers, with gifted metallurgists/alchemists/etc. being pretty much the only social climbers. The military caste keep the naturally chaotic worker goblins in line so that they work without killing each other and vent their own aggression in doing so. It makes for a fairly brutal regime, but is pretty much the only way modern goblins have been able to compete with the other races as otherwise they fall into tribalism and violence.

The council that heads this nation would be made up of those cunning enough to get a spot on it, for the most part, but they also tend to have a high proportion of former military caste members. Certain well respected artisans might get a place as well, if only so they can advise the others on warfare. Membership on the council is often very short lived, due to assassination, but is very rewarding as it brings with it a lot of wealth and prestige.

Occasionally you will get some ruler that manages to consolidate power in his own hands, but they don't tend to live long lives at the best of times, and there's always the old guard willing to pick up where they left off beforehand.

I read that in Jareth's voice.

I'm not sure how I feel about it.

aw fuck yeah bat goblins

you got more?

9/10 times goblins are alchemists

That has to be worth something

Goblins are the inventors of the infamous hermaphroditic potion obviously

>sexy orc threads
>sexy goblin threads

god damn it Veeky Forums why must you constantly remind of things I can't ever have

>TWF no Greenskin gf

Gobbers in Iron Kingdoms are kinda normal and accepted part of society

The problem is that if you don't pick them up in time they turn into goblins forever.
And there's a maze to make sure you do.

>an average IQ of greater than 90.
An average IQ is defined as 100. It's not an absolute measurement, it's relative to the rest of the populace.

Of course the tests are calibrated so a certain answer set gives you a certain score. But they've had to keep re-calibrating it so the population would average to 100.

If an IQ 100 person today took the test from 100 years ago, they'd score much higher than 100.

As democracy worked 200 years ago, the claim that you need your populace to have a certain IQ score is bullshit. The nice thing about democracy is that stupid people can vote for someone smarter than they are.

We don't have them.
We have Muttfolk, though, which you get from several races cooped up north for a long time with little population flow. Their strange blood makeup makes them unlike any of their 'parent' races, maturing at age 6 but living only 30 years, an unnerving situation for most. They generally have pointy ears and are built like dwarves, with most other facial features being human.
They tend towards extreme law or extreme chaos, and are fairly rare as they tend to stay 'among their own' in the north.


Haven't read Rasing Steam, have you, OP?

Black folk weren't allowed to vote 200 years ago.

Neither were the majority of white people.

And all of that racist shit aside, a democratic goblin society could be as decent and functional as 1700's USA. Sure, they might restrict voting to land-owners. Whatever. Put that sliding scale of freedom where every you want.

>we don't have goblins
>we have not!goblins

Of course. I've enjoyed having crazily varied faeish goblins ever since watching Labrynth and that one Halloween Scooby Doo movie. A bunch of ugly weird looking things with a few individuals who are extremely powerful or beautiful or both due to possessing high levels of magic and are just as likely to give birth to beautiful fairy monarchs as they are to give birth to giant ogre warlords.


Yeah, that's sort of the point.
They're like goblins, in that they tend to reproduce and mature quickly to upkeep their relatively short-lived and sometimes volatile population, but they're not actually goblinoids, if that makes sense, and they do have their own functioning society.
Basically, they're close enough that I thought it was relevant.

Guacamole, I think.

A council system could work, as would that sort of layered setup. I imagine they could almost pull off something vaguely Roman, minus an Emperor, using their numbers to swell militarily, and using it as a sort of intelligence and discipline test. If you can follow orders and think on your feet, you'll live through it and earn a proper place in society.

They could also use slave labor to fill things in. As you said, Goblins are naturally Chaotic, so they'd be better suited for whipping more disciplined laborers instead.

I'd rather deal with the maze than let the goblins come over for child-minding duty.

You start off with the one and somehow by the end of the week you've got over a dozen.
And that's just the Goblins.

Google gives me nothing but delicious avocado.

>stupid joke

>your dumb head

Yeah, no, I still don't get the joke.

You asked for a sauce for the green lady. He gave you a green sauce.
It was more retarded than funny, though.

Oh. That's really funny now that you've explained it. I don't really see guacamole as a sauce, though. Salsa verde, maybe.

InCase. He's been on a shortstack high for the better part of a year now. Truly we have been blessed.

Shortstacks are truly the best.
Green, blue, red, any colour, the best.

I can't find that particular picture on any of his pages.

You don't deserve those damn numbers. GIVE THEM BACK.

How the fuck is Salsa Verde a sauce

Sauce is usually a liquid that's added to other dishes and aren't served by themselves, which Salsa arguably doesn't do since it's the name of the main dish.

I'm from California and how the fuck are you this stupid about Mexican food?


>Spanish for sauce

Because at least it's thin enough to be poured. While there are some guacamoles that are saucy, most are thick enough to be scooped, not poured.

Picture related is salsa verde. It's not bigass chunks of tomato.

Salsa verde is poured onto other things. Guacamole looks like this.

Well that is curious. It's clearly his latest style of goblin, but I can't find that specific one either