What is the absolute best way to deal with trickster spirits?

What is the absolute best way to deal with trickster spirits?

being a trickster yourself

or touch the fluffy tail until they give up

Out-trick them.

Uh, yes. I propose we fuck them all to death. Hold them down and forcefully fornicate with them until their souls leave their bodies and the soul departs this world.

be an absolute stick in the mud.


Or that.

That might just encourage them. I think there's a better way. Which I shall post in one minute.

Hit them in the feels.

Disintegrate if you want to go for style, or finger of death if you're a practical sort.


By siccing this guy on them

has it closest with the first part, but forgot a word.
'being a trickster SPIRIT yourself'
Just being a trickster won't do you any good - you will at best amuse them and thus draw further attention to yourself. You have to be their equal (or their better) to actually truly be able to deal with a trickster spirit and not get fucked over in the end.

No listening, only killing.





>Disregard fey
Just ignore them and they'll go away.

Rolled 11 (1d20)


That's right, brother

So I rolled really averagely on my saving throw. What now?

>I don't believe in faries.
>I don't believe in faries.
>I don't believe in faries.

Marry them.

You mean besides my dick?


You don't notice anything:^)

Have absolutely no interest in them ignore them and really just try to avoid them while.

Soon they will go into notice me senpai mode and that's when you take advantage of there attempts to gain acknowledgement.

Set up some trouble hire some bounty hunters or bandits to capture her then rescue her only to go back to the old dynamic if directly asked why you would rescue her reply with some cheesy line like
>things would be boring without you
>Does a man need a reason to do anything

If that don't hook her or get rid of her then IDK what will

Cool. That tail looks really fluffy, though. I touch it.


>really, user
I touch it... carefully?

Antimagic field.

>psionic spirit laughs at you

Follow them around and explain all of their jokes in ridiculous detail.
When possible beat them to the punch line while messing up the delivery.

besides making incredibly broad "depends on the setting" threads with some random anime pic in the OP?

idk dude how about uh

sucking my fuckigni COCK

It's not anime.

You absolute fucker

you too fuckboy

Either this or pretend to be incredibly dense and unable to understand their jokes. Ask them to explain further.