Why are Samurai so rare compared to knights and vikings? Let's take a look at them

Why are Samurai so rare compared to knights and vikings? Let's take a look at them

>rekt by Mongols
>rekt by sandniggers
>rekt by fucking peasants

>killing some unarmed farmers and monks

woah fucking impressive

meanwhile Samurai rekt said Mongols and are pretty much agreed to be the best warriors in history

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Dumb baitposter.


That isn't how you say Apache Helicopters, user.

>rekt by marines


rekt by gooks

You need to go back to /v/ with the weak baitposting

If samurai were so great why did Japans get cucked for eternity by the west?

Check mate, dummy

Because they got rid of the samurai.

Is this a weak excuse to talk about For Honour? Because I'm actually looking forward to coop the shit out of that.

rekt by samurai

And thus the cycle was complete.


Who are you, that do not know your history?

Vikings where pretty awesome with their long traveling routes with longboats, which combined stretched half the globe, and their business with the Middle East helped bring in new silver into western Europe that lead to a more stabile economy.

Samurais had a bunch of civil wars, a bunch of failed invasions of the mainland and made everyone in the region hate Japan.

Actuarry, the ocean lekt the Mongors fo'a the Japanese

Nigga Ill solo that shit. Ive wanted a game like that for years and hopefully im getting it.

Knights Vikings and Samurai came about under completely different conditions and circumstances. Comparing them directly and completely isnt really fair.

The real question is why samurai made this thread. I suspect to draw away from the fact that asthetically (the only fair metric to quickly compare them by) they lose hardcore to knights.

There are things called Libraries, or this thing called google, where you can look up historical information.

And then you can FUCK OFF with your shit-posting.

Remember when Hideyoshi successfully invaded and conquered Korea and then the Ming?

Me neither

Look, I like the samurai. I love japanese history as a whole, actually. But this is just plain stupidity.

I mena, I get this is bait, but you could have put more effort on this.

Woah so some sea jews should be shilled as great warriors? LMAO

No, but i do remember when Tokugawa did it.

That was a fun game of EU4.

That's subjective.
I think vikings win by a milestone. However, I love mail and shieldwalls, so I'm biased.

To be fair they were doing fine on land

Wow mail and shieldwalls how fucking unique too bad literally everyone including Saxons who rekt them used shieldwalls and fucking mail.

>Samurai:"Rook at these Chinese sword, let us spend thousand years copying it! AYYY Nanban dogs have cowardly superior weaponry, let us spend half a thousand years in isolation licking our wounds"
Is there a worse people?

I didn't say my favourite warriors ever were the vikings. That would be either the Sassanids or the early anglo-saxons. But if I were to choose between knights, vikings and samurai, based only on how they look, I would choose vikings. All three of them are pretty cool, but I prefer the early medieval aesthetic.

Also, you're forgetting that the vikings conquered England two times.

I remember when the Qing conquered Japan.

That, too, was a fun game of EUIV. Well, as fun as a game of EUIV can be.

Samurai used the Nanban guns, and adapted their tactics pretty quickly to them. Even during the Tokugawa Shogunate, the japanese kept using guns, just not as much.

Also, the isolation lasted 200 years, more or less.

>two times

aside from the fact that once they conquered most of England and not whole of it what was the second time?

He's probably going to say the Normans.
Yes, they're French, but people keep calling them vikings because they were vikings, before they became Normans.

Actually, they sort of conquered the entire thing the first time. Alfred was forced to retreat to the marshes. But that didn't last long and it's more of a footnote, so you're still correct.

The second time was the invasion of Sweyn Forkbeard, although it was his son Cnut who became king of England. This lasted more or less 26 years. After Cnut's death, the English became independet under his son Harthacnut, and after Harthacnut the crown returned to the house of Wessex.

That would count as a third conquest, if it was,'t for the fact that the normans were a mixture of french and dane with their own language and customs. So no, the normans aren't vikings, just as the carthaginians weren't phoenicians.

And Americans were British before they became Americans so by that logic we might attribute all american achievements to Britain.

This, basically. This isn't really relevant, though, because our whole concept of 'knights' is just as continental as it is British, if not more so. The whole chivalry thing was 300% French. Frankly, our historical concept of knights is about as accurate as our depiction of cowboys: heavily romanticized and invented by a bunch of Italians.

Well, it could be because their primary weapons are kind of underpowered (going by their d20 stats at least?)

No. Stop that. Do not abjure the copypasta. We haven't had that copypasta on Veeky Forums in like a fucking year. Stop. Why.

Because the Japanese were (and, as much as they can get away with it, still are) deeply isolationist, especially when the samurai were actually relevant.

>We haven't had that copypasta on Veeky Forums in like a fucking year

If only.

>Samurai rekted mongols
Samurai did no such thing. In fact, Japan was certain the mongols would bring about their doom had it not been for a freak storm that wiped out their fleet. Even weebs these days dont know world history.

There were two Mongol invasions of Japan. The second one was the one with the storm. The first one was conventional warfare, and the Japanese repulsed the Mongol army after several battles.

Most people don't know world history.

Is there anything where you can play in ye olde japan other than Legend of the Five Rings?

Sengoku Rance.

I was talking about tabletop RPGs, but I'll go replay that anyway.

Successful business and economy is always more important for a thriving culture than having a class of special snowflake warriors.

Then why the fuck should merchants be even compared to knights and samurai?

Yi Sun-sin op pls nerf


Or some oriental adventures type of shit.

you sound fun to be around

When you live on an island and a big storm saves you from invasion I don't think you can claim victory through your superiority.

Also mongols rekt by knight, hence why we aren't all mongoloid fucks; sand niggers it was more of a draw knights fucked them, they then fucked the Knights, this goes on for a while.

Also the Vikings didn't just fuck up peasants the also conquered swaths of lands which doesn't happen without fucking up the ruling warrior elite.

Samurai on the other hand got rekt by dirty peasants.

Because knights and samurais are just roadbumps in history. Merchants is always what makes society great and allows knights and samurais to even exist. It's money that makes the world go round. Not muh honor or muh swords.

>However, I love mail and shieldwalls

Most pretentious pseudo-intellectual moron post of the year award goes to you, user.

probably because they're not part of the european collective that was all dumped together to form tolkien's setting so they do not exist in the current pop culture fantasy canon

also they look dumb

Since we're already at it I might as well shitpost too.


Imagine trying to build a civilization next to this place, and it just keeps spewing out barbarians to raid and settle your shit.

Okay? It's not like I was trying to, but nice on me, I guess.


>japan literally banned a weapon from the comp scene because it was too powerful and wrecked the balance and fun

What a bunch of scrubs

remember when ghandi nuked the us

Everybody seems to think so

Orly? They couldn't even keep a measly division surrounded.

>Samurai on the other hand got rekt by dirty peasants.
Based Ashigaru. Staple of the Shimazu Clan in Shogun 2.

Shimazu had katana niggers

Oda was the Ashigaru boss

They're not, go to Japan and Samurai shit is everywhere.

>Not using Ashigaru no matter the army
Pleb, Ashigaru are all you need.

Like the Pope did crossbows?

Tried. He didn't pull it off.

God I want to roll an Apache Attack Helicopter so bad but my DM thinks they're overpowered.

They were Normans because they had the mixed blood of Northmen and they were on the North-ish part of France. And judging by the fact that they spoke French after William's conquest and not some Scandy language for the next few centuries it's more accurate to say that the Normans were French. Otherwise you're just saying that the Vikings conquered other fucking Vikings.

Of course, everyone uses Ashigaru. Oda is just better at it than the other clans. Well and Chosokabe because of their accuracy bonus.

More like
>rekt everyone
>literally everyone
They fucked the Middle East so hard something just irreversibly snapped to the point it's still a shithole nowadays. Their few battles with the Japanese completely destroyed their understanding about warfare, and they only were saved by a storm destroying the whole fleet on the way to Japan. The Mongol conquests come second only to WORLD WAR II in death toll, in a time period where the world's population was measured in hundreds of millions rather than several billions

Did you perhaps mean "conjure"?


Soldiers don't hire - they're hirelings.

>rekt by paymasters

The brainiacs who can generate wealth for an entire region do the hiring - and build the infrastructure to make the distribution of wealth self-sustaining. They are the people who drive industry and social progress. Look at the economic powerhouses of Cuba and Venezuela to see how well strongarm juntas fare.

>rekt by pirate radio

Oh no! My pathetic slave-stock might get superior Germanic blood intermingled with it!

Japan is a tiny island who rarely had invaders, they mostly just killed each other it seems

Actually, the Mamluks did win against the mongols.

>Pope says that we need to holy war with those wealthy Arabs in their fertile crescent

>Pope wants to outlaw superior military technology I can use on wealthy Arabs and king Fuckface from the next nation over
I'm not doing what some filthy fucking Spaniard says.

They do seem to enjoy pissing off all their neighbours with invasions and warcrimes that even the Vikings would view as shameful.

The Crusader Orders were the ALLIES of the Mongols and Hungary stopped the Mongol invasion cold. I also haven't a fucking clue where the peasant bait is from, because peasant rebellions got crushed.

You aren't the kind of retard that actually thinks the English army at Crecy or Agincourt were peasants, are you?



>rekt by peasants with rifles
>rekt by their own government for seeing them as obsolete
>rekt by their own ego just like every class based system

unless you are a merchant/warrior

if there is war you turn into a warrior with the shiniest armor you could buy

if there is peace, you are a badass mafia like business man

but I doubt there was something like that IRL. Most merchants don't like to fight battles and training a competent fighter takes time



jokes aside, the problem with Mongols was themselves. Civil wars and fight for power destroyed the Hordes and divided the Empire.

about the Mongol conquest of EAST EUROPE check Tsubutai article in wikipedia.

the game is good and the trailer is hilarious (but not so accurate):


>Rekt by Mongols
The Mongols were cucks. They couldn't even take Hungary. Hungary was the baby back bitch of Europe, during the Mongol invasion most of their forts were made out of dirt.

These inbred retards managed to beat up the least developed parts of Europe, but NOT EVEN CONQUER THEM, and then acted like they were tough while getting shitstomped by dune coons in Egypt. The last Mongol King was dragged out of his house crying like a bitch and shot in the mouth by Russians. They raped his wives and then threw his kids off of cliffs for fun. No consequences were suffered--because they did nothing wrong.

Mongols are faggots. I'm so glad the Chinese ethnically cleansed them. Every one of those babies who were thrown into ditches and buried alive deserved to die. No Mongol has ever deserved anything except to have his belly slit open and live rats stuffed into his chest cavity.

Not some brain in a floating robot, that's for sure

Are you okay, user? You sound angry.

Muslims, please leave

>peasant rebellions got crushed
Jan Zizka wants a word with you.

Tell that to the Song Dynasty.


Vikings are total faggots. They're basically thieves and bandits. In my country they were punished the same way, it wasn't until like the 1980s that we realized that a bunch of pirates the Genoese cut the hands off of and tortured to death in the 11th century were actually Swedes.

Tough luck, faggots. Maybe stay in your shitty frozen piss receptacle and leave real civilizations alone.

So your either a
>Angry Muslim that blames Mongols and Western society for all your problems.
>Angry Chinese/Chineseboo that blames Mongols for all of China's problems.
>You hate nomadic tribes and find the Mongols meme-tier and because this is the internet, you can say whatever you want without consequence.

>Cuba and Venezuela
>strongarm juntas
They aren't even those things you nigger. I get that you're conditioned to hate communism but for fucks sake use the actual terminology. Strongman and junta aren't universal terms for things I don't like.

You mean the rebellion led by a fucking nobleman with an army that wasn't made up of peasants?

>Successful business and economy is always more important for a thriving culture than having a class of special snowflake warriors.

Remember how the Jews constantly managed to repulse and repel invaders for their entire history with their incredible economic status and wealth?

Oh wait, that didn't happen. They routinely got their shit kicked in by "Army of the Month" because Jerusalem is kind of important, and therefore worth owning.

Their mistake was turning away from sky-worship. The moment they started embracing other faiths and not conquering everything that could be burned/trampled, they were lost.

The Normans were Norman. You'd have to be retarded to think they were French.

Jerusalem was worth notthing. Salahadin wanted it because it was iconic. Richard wanted it back because of christian butthurt.
Millions have died for a useless chunk of land jews can't let go off.

Every country on earth has been rekt by someone at least once except Australia, Canada and New Zealand so who cares.

>Worth nothing
>Everyone wants it
choose one
It was the worthiest city in history faggot

>Emu War
>Not getting reked
Try harder