Describe a Veeky Forums board as though it were a realm, territory, geographical feature, elemental plane, etc

Describe a Veeky Forums board as though it were a realm, territory, geographical feature, elemental plane, etc.

Here be dragons.

Veeky Forums would be a big hall with a large table in it. Hundreds of people sit around this table and they assess questions asked by newcomers who travel far and wide to seek the advice and wisdom of this council. But every answer is always the same,
>Depends on the setting

That idea depends on the setting.

>Elemental Plane of Nice

/b/ is a freaking wild drug and alcohol fuelled party and orgy on hell with massive faggots as hosts and we love it

/n/ is a vast and empty expanse of land, crossed by its citizens through many different modes of transportation. It is locked in a state of Cold War between the foamers and cyclists on one hand, and the cagers and nimbys on the other. Confrontations between the two are sparse and build up slowly, but then both sides fight dirty and relentlessly.


/b/ is like the fae first world.
Its a swirling mass of chaos where things can change in an instant. You might be a man one moment but you are a fish the next, a stone the moment after that, then a cloud. This applies to almost everything in the first world or /b/.
However, like the first world, there are some things that are always the same but constantly shift. Like the endless forest that is always there but always changing slightly around you in the first world, /b/ has its constants. Things like YLYL threads which change slightly every day but are always the same exact thing with an overwhelming majority of the same thing as the last.

/pol/ is a generic Lawful Evil empire whose Antipaladins of Kek regularly launch conquests and invasions of other lands. Only a handful of boards has managed to slip under their radar or mount a resistance, while others, such as /v/, have fallen victim and became puppet states. All dissent is crushed by an iron fist and no non-humans or different religions are suffered to live.

Veeky Forums used to be a lush ancient fantasy land rich in stories, artifacts, legendary heroes and powerful wizards. However, currently it is caught in a crossfire between the antipaladins of /pol/ and /d/'s lust demons. Though there are pockets of resistance, much of ancient knowledge has been lost.

/z/ is the elemental plane of bees, famous for being the default destination for wizards who botch or fail their planar travel spells.

Veeky Forums A constantly bubbling cesspool of fetuses that should be aborted along with gurgling pits of vapid memes and continual torrents of badly regurgitated cultural references that tries to make mouth-breathing down's syndrome victims feel better about their environment while only because it doesn't have sarin gas pumping through it to save the rest of humanity the stench.

take your zoloft user

>The Story of the /k/ingdom of unnaground
/k/ is an underground dwarvish kingdom. It is old and powerful but they got their land after a lot of death and pain. Originally a forestal people, they lived in the forest of Innawoods. They were happy there, in communion with nature (communion means shooting everything that moves in k-speak). However one day one of them decided to dig. He was afraid of the gun-grubbers and he knew the forest was compromised. So he dug. And of course he died when the thing collapsed because no planking. But his sacrifice started a spark in /k/. Many other autists started to build tunnels which got wider and deeper. But it was not until some idiot set the fucking forest on fire with napalm rounds that they decided to leave Innawoods forever. After generations unnaground, they have become shorter, due to the lack of light and a diet based on salamanders.

The empire of /pol/ shares one of its borders with the vast, murky peat-bog of /r9k/, where dwells the fanatical priests of Kek, commonly referred to as the Kekquisition.

Antipaladins and Kekquisitors have not always seen eye to eye, as the Kek priesthood believes that only a lifestyle of extreme deprivation is pleasing to Kek, and shun what they consider the less devout practices of the Antipaladins, who unlike the priests, are permitted to marry and go outside.

The antipaladins take a similarly dim view of their neighbors' fanaticism, primarily their disdain for worldly conventions such as basic hygiene, and their practice of the religious doctrine of piss bottles. However, when sufficiently provoked, the two factions will usually set aside their differences and cooperate against a common foe.

The result of the third schism of the faith of Kek are the ascetics, those who inhabit the mountain valley of Esfores. These peaceful monks believe Kek's grace is present in all things and should be celebrated, and regularly make pilgrimages to other lands to return with souvenirs of their cultural richness. They make these as offerings to their spiritual leader Swaglord, he who is believed to have attained swaglightenment. They practice an obscure form of numerological augury colloquially referred to as checking digits, though this practice is generally recognized among the faithful as evidence of Kek's favor.

>a diet based on salamanders.
And cum brownies. Don't forget the cum brownies.

That is mostly a delicy reserved for foreigners as a sign of hospitality.

A Mystical underground land of angry midgets. They suffer constant infighting, and nearly all of the residents are prone to excessive violence

>Not bald men
The infighting has gotten to a point where it's impossible to tell ruses apart from serious statements.

>/v/ are literally skaven/grots

What about angry bald midget men?

Veeky Forums is but a city-state nestled in a valley between the sprawling conquests of /pol/ and the bantzpublics of /int/, forever divided between those who follow the path of DEUS VULT and those who think paths are a spook.

Since the departure of the /k/ommandoes the forest has been left to go wild and dark.

The spirit of /x/ moved in and it is now the abode of The Slender Man, Skin-walkers and other darker things. It is a dark and twisted place now that invites paranoia as only the mad would go there and only the paranoid can survive.

Read the OP you dip

It says a board.

/co/ was once a green and pleasant land, but has since suffered incredibly due unchecked mass immigration from Tumblr,/tv/, /pol/ and many other places. It is now mostly a battleground between these immigrant groups.

user sorry to break it to you but you're retarded.


/x/ is a rural area.

Very superstitious people. They are afraid of clouds, stars and all the boogeyman they constantly make up. At the same time a lot of weird cults have settled down there. probably to lure the naive people in their ranks. Some say the misty hills of /x/ also spawn a lot of mad people

Naw, /co/ would be Dominaria

Veeky Forums would be a Noble Dark empire and the only lasting alliance between dorfs and elves, both claiming to hate each other but ultimately hating their neighbours more.

To the north is the Technocracy of /g/ who's Techno-lords assail the border with clockwork and wire monstrosities, occasionally selling arms to /k/ with whom we have had both good and bad relations.

We used to love the denizens of the Forest of Innawoods when /k/ dealt there and even made a loving peace with the spirit of /x/ before it twisted beyond recognition and madness. We don't go there anymore.

To our west is the barely literate Jock Hordes of /sp/ and Veeky Forums. We built a big fucking wall of DM screens and littered the ground with d4 caltrops to keep them out.

We have isolated ourselves because it is a siege. It may be a siege without end or relief in sight but it is a siege that must endure.

Kingdom of Veeky Forums was originally founded by refugees from the burning primordial wreckage of /b/.

the people of /k/ are rangers. protecting the boarders of /out/ from the abominations that dwell from /x/

the tale of the first unnaground /k/ommando

/mu/ is another green world filled with colorful hills and aeroplanes flying over the sea. It is locked in an eternal battle between those that wield the power of patriciandom and those who wield the power of poptimism. For aeons these two foes have been locked in mortal combat, using the power of music and sound to combat the other, but after the P4K drones descended upon the realm from another world, the poptimists have used their power to gain a slight upper hand. The mages on this realm are known to use spells such as the Death Grip and use the power of the Sun and Moon to Kil

/out/ is the big unexplored landmass to the west. huge forests, mountains and desserts. It contains the mystical valley of /an/ where druids and beast-masters meet.
They have a mixed relationship to the people of /k/

Veeky Forums is the place were nobody has to hunger. Chefs from all the world travel to this realm to learn and improve their culinary skills.

does anyone remember that huge setting where peaople from Veeky Forums all got abducted and put in a mysterious dangerous land? people would write stories and each board had a different culture and geographical location?
that summed up a lot of the boards pretty well

At least post all of it

There is the mass grave of /fur/.

Their land was a sinful and depraved place of sexual immorality and deaerate mutants.

One day The Great Moot visited that realm and beheld it and his expression was not pleased.

He held aloft the dreadful Banhammer and slammed it into the earth and all about for hundreds of miles all about was naught but death as the souls of the unworthy were cast aside in the fires of permabanned and the last cries of departing spirits were heard throughout all boards as a resounding "BAAAAWWWWWWW".

And there was much rejoicing.

But what about /m/ ?

at the center of the ruins of /fur/, there is a bubbling cesspit known as /trash/.
It's rivers run under the ground of the whole world, and steal away things too immoral or disgusting for any other board to harbor.
There is a great underground lake of filth and degeneracy where all that is bad with the world is collected.
It is said that it was created by the new god after the first god abandoned this world.
It is said that it was created to purify the world of filth.
It is said that it has grown beyond the power of the angels, and that the second god is too prideful to not see their experiment all the way through.
It is said that the taint is spreading.

>/r9k/ is a massive, seemingly endless, flat dirt field, with muddy ground, and where it is constantly raining.
>Dotted across the landscape are numerous tiny naturally grown hutlike structures inhabited by antisocial frogs who creak "ree", whenever something approaches their hut.
>The frogs never leave the hut, and all of them die by suicide after a certain age, but are reborn again as the same frog, rising from the mud.
>The huts also have tiny windows, and the frogs always stare out of the window into the rain and muddy fields. Explorers who venture upon this plane find the enigma of the frogs disconcerting.

this is why /k/ is the best board.


This was one was not bad. Might use it for my own campaign after veiling the obvious reference to /r9k/. Could be pretty creepy and weird.


I kinda want to make the villain of my next campaign the Cult of the Frog God Kek who are using meme magic to control the world

Veeky Forums is an realm made up of countless city-states that trade and war amongst each other.
Most city-states are formed to devote themselves a single deity while some city-states merge together to worship pantheons of the same genre, but all share a mutual love of the divine.

Veeky Forums was founded after the exodus from /v/, but it's concept of city-states had already been established when groups of /v/irgins grew tired of being mocked for their love of the divine and thus banded together to discuss their favored divine and to resist the unending tide of cynical heretics that surrounded them.
These city-states ended up being so successful against those that would disrupt the stability of discussions that the concept soon found itself taking hold in other realms of Veeky Forums.
For better or for worse.

This is glorious

A realm of utter chaos beyond reason or sanity; squirrels pass out parking tickets on a baking cold Thursday afternoon, John Lennon's ghost hosts a talk show, and the world is a hockey puck orbited by a large lemon. At least, this is what the land's inhabitants will claim, to those who have not been "red-pilled" it appears to be a perfectly ordinary tract of land where little of interest happens and these "normies" are regarded with scorn and distrust.

The Confederacy is a loose group of varied nations without much in common aside from proximity and shared resources. The many factions comprising it hold little love for each other, but have formed a bond from battle with outsiders which holds them together, just barely. It is a large hub of commerce, much larger than its humble history would suggest, and often filled with many number of travelers from other lands. This includes memesmiths and other craftsmen who wish to delve into the Confederacy's vast mines from which the greatest of materials that can be used to create their wares are found, scholars who have heard of the history and welcoming nature of the people, allies of other lands who have bonded with one of the nations through shared interests, refugees who hold a true love for the country and will be welcomed like brothers should they prove themselves, and invaders who seek to have what the lands provide for themselves and will sacrifice the population and culture to get it. It is also plagued by otherworldly raiders who seem to seek only destruction in the name of their heathen gods and will use both open warfare and subterfuge to achieve this goal.
All this has created a tumultuous land ruled by infighting and paranoia. Anarchy sits just beside crushing police states and they struggle to maintain a semblance of protection for the people. It is a land teetering on the edge of destruction, and many believe that it has already been lost.

Lenore, yes.

It was great.

Is this supposed to be Veeky Forums?

I like it


Veeky Forums is a grecoroman labyrinth habitated by perfect statues of marble or flesh, it is said that if you enter in it you will recieve a body like those of the gods, but will never come back, instead becoming one of the statues. Countless landwhales have entered the labyrinth with the intention to break the statues in the name of the god of fat acceptence, only to be murdered brutally by a squat of min-oat-aurs.

That's some nice fucking compilation work. Really great.

Bretty good user


The fabled halls of /ic/ are a sight to behold to any wanderer. It is a realm of savants and artists whose studies have allowed them to paint lands, monuments, and entities of sheer beauty into existence. However, the natives of this place are in a constant state of depression, bemoaning their works for not being perfect enough and shooting scathing remarks at their equals for their own works. The local government also imposes bans and lists as to what can and cannot be beautiful or perfect.

Some radicals of this regime fought against these bans however, and even dared to enjoy their creations. They fled to the new pastures of /i/ to establish a new state. The land may be crude and simple, but the residents feel true beauty is within the freedom and happiness of their people.

pic related

Veeky Forums is a vast open land comprised of mighty cities of towering chrome and labyrinthine underworld alleyways, and starports where adventurers roam the universe, but around is an ancient, wild land of a million ancient, lost civilizations whose dungeons are carved deep into the planet and filled with untold nameless arcane secrets.

No one ever goes to any of these places, but instead argues about them instead.

All Gargantians will be judged by the great Striker

>dat /k/ teleporting

>Lawful Evil empire
Reminder that all states and governments are lawful evil by default.


Another layer was added to the Confederacy's troubles when one of their component nations experienced an unforseen boom in population and began expanding rapidly into other territories. A ban on emigration from the growing nation was put into effect, but the resultant overpopulation still led to trouble spilling out into the other states. Eventually, the Confederacy was forced to invoke divine magic to seal the rogue nation away in another realm; while this was the right choice for the health of the Confederacy, it was not without consequences, as the paranoia and infighting already bubbling under the surface grew steadily worse.

The exiled nation is only spoken of in hushed whispers, and those brave few that have journeyed to it describe it as a festering hive of degeneracy and filth. Still, with an entire land to themselves, the exiles have remained benign, leaving the other great empires in relative peace.

well, /d/ is very easy

/ic/ for me is some sort of wild west town where anyone that speaks loudly outside of their group is shot on sight, causing a gunfire battle between each other before they decide to shelter themselves in their own generals. Obviously, visitors and new people are the ones that get the worst from it.

/d/ is a utopian orgy state which has mixed feelings about /aco/

What about /c/, /u/ and /y/?

/a/ is cutthroat pirate town, but they are stubbornly proud of their independence, and will put aside their petty differences to drive away outsiders and those who don't have the mettle to be a pir/a/te.

>these realms are the darkest, blackest dungeons of the realms. Inky with darkness, even a torch is dimmed by this place. Laying in corners, blind and muttering, the cursed inhabitants whisper to one another of the life outside, where cute girls can love girls, and cute boys have delicious butthole smells.

Nah, /pol/ would be more like Congress or the House of Parliament, except everyone talks like they're on the internet and literally everyone has charts backing up what they're saying. Just, charts all the time.

Welcome to /toy/

fucking awesome


That's /mlp/ alright.


Link please?

Under-appreciated post

The mysterious lands of /mlp/ are home to certainly one of the strangest lot of the land, here the locals occupy their time discussing strange imaginary creatures, though some insist they are real, this has won them the chagrin of other peoples as the folk of this land often discuss such subjects with others, however most all have learned to conceal this when abroad, to varying degrees of success. These people and it's land are not without it's merit however, as high concentrations of OC can be found here, from the lake of drawfags to the greentext fields. The near fanatical obsession of imaginary creatures has driven certain individuals to, extreme means to contact them, most common a magic potion commonly used for washing clothes, it's not uncommon to find the body of a 'traveler'.


Holy shit. Too accurate, it burns.

I thought I was the only one who remembered these.


Paraelemental plane of salt

The population of /pol/ looks a bit like this, with the values of strength and personal responsibility and liberty being foremost. Criminals are given due process, but they are often used in lynches, similar to how a king would hunt on his grounds, after serving a mandatory service of labor. The people there are strange, first frigid and curt, then warm and full of banter, then strict and orderly.
The country also has segregated sections, though not by any real law. The people there did it themselves, and any race is allowed anywhere, as long as they don't act like a nigger.

/k/ is a massive forest, literal millions of miles, all of the earth laced with veins of lead, iron, coal, and sulfur. The factions there have forged great weapons, and even greater defenses, with defenses of wall, traps, and tunnels that form fortresses unassailable. The experiments here are strange and varied, and have produced horrors of steel and sulfur.

Game play bonuses
All ammo make here is of masterwork quality, and there are unique forms of ammo and weapons. Masters of martial arts, both of the body and land (how to make defenses/forge items) are scattered across the land. The combat here is very 3 dimensional, going into the trees, and into the ground.

>Im probably on a watchlist for pic related

Veeky Forums is a realm bordering both sports boards, and isn't too far from /pol/. It consists of massive flatlands, with small halls made of stone and mortar, carried there by its citizens. The people there strive for physical fitness, and do so through regulated exercise, and through what amounts to surprisingly great cooking. Every citizen has a fairly regulated schedule, consisting of eating, sleeping, lifting, and any mental workouts that occur.
Degeneracy is heavily disdained.
Gameplay benefits
Gain +2 to Will save after a week
Gain +2str if you stay longer than a month.

>Gain +2str if you stay longer than a month.


Veeky Forums would just be an infinite plane of gaming tables, mountain dew and cheetos, and fat neckbeards arguing.

You're missing some traits.
>in the Greek tradition, everyone exercises in the nude, and wears comfortable robes otherwise
>"nice pecs brah" is the customary greeting in this land, male or female
>the elderly and short are mocked when attempting to disrobe
>they are nevertheless greeted with "nice pecs brah"

>Courtesy is a must in these lands, as not doing so is to give up one's first impression.
>There is actually a great deal of philosophising, even for the Veeky Forums realms, and it is generally done in great halls of white, with padded furniture spread about
>Leg Day is a weekly Ritual, similar to the Sabbath, and the consequences for skipping are shunning, laughs, and a reference to such following the "nice pecs brah"
>there is a large transhumanism movement, as well as a de facto eugenics program.
>Cardio is shunned by some, religiously practiced by others.
>A well respected people in the realms, do more to their grasp on life and will power, but also due to their physical strength, which borders on Herculean

Within the Realm of /tv/, there is a shrine, containing a belt, a mask, and a sculpture of a large male figure. From here the power of Bane radiates out to all the realms. From there, there is twin factions, Marvel and DC, both having their respective franchise, and both fighting to overcome the other.
Pls add more, I am not well versed in /tv/

To enter the board realms one must first pass through the Gate of Four. And on this gate is engraved the words "For (you)"

In the time before the coming of the Masketta Man, /tv/ was thrown into turmoil. Waifu threads dedicated to their child goddesses were cast out for their depravity, the likes of which made even the hardened pirates of /a/, famous for their love of drawings of young girls with flat chests, recoil in contempt in disgust. It was a time of aimlessness for the nation of /tv/.

So in this setting, magic works like this. spells take the form of memes, Autism is your casting stat, and there are powerful schools of meme, most notably, Bane, Pepe, /pol/ (Which covers political memes) Veeky Forums which is mostly 40k memes, and other smaller schools.
You invoke a meme to cast, and your autism empowers it in certain ways.

The greatest of the philosopher-wizards of /a/ are capable of such autism they've been known to transcend dimensions themselves to meet their waifus in the Second Dimension.

But even they pale in comparison to the sages that inhabit the mountain shrines of /jp/.

I really want to start creating a setting based on Veeky Forums, where the seperate boards are individual planes, with their own characteristics and flavors of memes and autism

/s4s/ is a great volcano, the forger of memes. Those who live in this land worship the lord dubs guy and lady keksandra.