When you think about it shouldn't polymorph and soul transfer spells be a much bigger deal in settings where they exist...

When you think about it shouldn't polymorph and soul transfer spells be a much bigger deal in settings where they exist?

Their very existence means that any magic user could be someone completely different than he/she seems. The likes of spies or serial killers would love such spells.

If they're big deals, then could they afford such things?

Daily reminder: Magic is still not an everyman's tool that people use to wipe their ass after dropping one.

Boring answer: Depends on the setting

Fun answer: Because you either need to dedicate your life to studying it and be smart enough to actually use what you studied, or you need to be born with magical talent, which then needs to manifest.

Also this makes me want to play a Wizard who is super old and wrinkly, holding onto life via alchemical organs and furious willpower, who's main motivation is gettin revenge on an equally old wizard. They both had a falling out, went up into their towers for 100 years and now have come down to battle.
Or the exact same scenario except he's alive because he got a one-way ticket to youth and turned into a little girl.

The other wizard also turned himself into a little girl

In D&D literally every class casts spells now.

Settings where "polymorph" and "soul transfer" exist and more-or-less mundane people have access to them usually also have "soul scrying", "true names" and "detect alignment".

I fail to see the problem.
It's not like the magical government can't track you with unique number assigned to your soul's essence.

PCs are not representative of the everyman.

High level magic spells are like supercars. I may know what a Lamborghini is but I'm pretty sure I've never seen one in real life, and will almost certainly never drive one or know someone who has. They might be a big deal to a very tiny subset of people but most people outside of that group will never realistically have to give a fuck about them.

So you're saying in any realistic setting magic users are the topical aristocracy?

Is that a weird thought? That's how it works in a lot of settings.

>topical aristocracy

What does this term mean?

I believe it's an aristocracy that is applied directly to the skin.

The last thing I want is the Aristocrats applying something to my skin?

>Seemingly innoncent little girl hires PC to kill a mean old wizard that intends to murder her.
Actually, not a bad plot hook.

The setting is full of magical girls who are all century-plus old wizards.

Now there's a campaign idea. In a world where criminals can shape shift and swap bodies, the player take on the roles of government agents that keep the peace and the public calm and unaware.


>No one's posted that manga

I'm proud of you Veeky Forums

Which? There are several that could be posted and appropriate.

The Asanagi one. You know, the most fucked up one.

Not to be rude, but where do you live? I've seen plenty of supercars in my short life, and even though I've never driven one, it's not terribly uncommon for me to meet someone who has (a couple of friends of mine have, and a lot of people's parents that I know have at some point or another).

Doesn't ring a bell.
Could you provide a quick recap?


You know, can you actually use polymorph to avoid dying of old age? I don't see why you couldn't.

Mindbreak through application repeated rape and death.

Polymorph has a time limit

I have no idea which comic you're talking about. For a second I thought you meant that one where the kid raised by wolves gets turned into a trap.

Search for Fatalpulse.

But wasn't there a higher level polymorph spell that makes the target eventually forget who they were, and start living in their new body?

Fatalpulse, Victim Girls doujin featuring Cagliostro from Granblue Fantasy. Search it on panda, hard to miss.

Meant for .

Also, Psychopass would be a better choice to mimic.
The tracking system is full of flaws and fails a lot, but mistakes are being covered up so ordinary people feel safe when they actually aren't.

Hah. I recognize this Taiwanese metal etching.

In Howl's Moving Castle the only way to break the morphic spell was through character growth revealing it to have been a metaphor.

Seeing a character star in an issue of Victim Girls changes them in your eyes forever. VG is an odd duck one of those one's that you'll orgasm to but you'll not be happy about it.

Sorry for misplacing your trust in me.
I didn't even realize this wasn't a doujin-original setting

Maryland. Most people here drive normal cars, not Lamborghinis.

>When you think about it shouldn't polymorph and soul transfer spells be a much bigger deal in settings where they exist?
the only real settings i can think of where those exist are dnd and those have all sorts of dumbass problems