He isn't shorting bitcoin like crazy

>he isn't shorting bitcoin like crazy
*pop* ... that's the sound of all of your 'wealth' disappearing in a matter of hours. Tick tock.

It's not going to crash until it hits 20k. Too many normal people no coiner faggots entering. Enjoy your liquidation.

>shorting btc

Feel free to join the legions of morons who got JUST'd by their 10k shorts

Do you think shorting bitcoin is cool? Does it make you feel like a super cool trader man? Do you think you're Jordan Belfort? I have news for you, faggot. You're a fucking eyesore.

Would you short the S&P500 because it was making consistent gains?

do you know when? I've been waiting i'm so tired i want to go to sleep but im worried it'll happen without me

>he shorts bitcoin
Just when I think the userbase is wising up.

You won't be able to predict the crash, and odds are good it will crash to a price above what you'd pay now for it. Just fucking buy and holding, jesus.

crash to a price above what i'd pay for it now..hmmm

>not going long bitcoin and buying put options on hyped up block-chain related corporations as a hedge
Have fun missing out on the one sure way to make money in this bubble.

this kek

You have to be a braindead moron to ever short bitcoin. Literally JUST fuck my shit up. Nobody knows when it will crash.

This he thinks he's fucking leo dicrapio

I'm not touching this overbought shitcoin with a 10-foot pole. But I'm not stupid enough to short it either.


I remember when it was at $300 and the same thing was said

I remember when it was $300, it actually had utility, and there were no viable competing coins in the market...

What corporations in particular?

XNET and MARA are the best ones I found. XNET is a sketchy chink company that made a torrent client that only seeds for its own users that is now making an e-currency that might not even be block-chain because ICOs are temporarily banned in China and MARA is a patent troll that is going to dilute shareholders down to 20% of their equity selling shares to acquire a private a bitcoin mining company. They're both up several times their price before the hype.

remember that viable competing coin eth?
remember how it absolutely shit itself because of a meme kitty app?

would someone explain what JUST'd is to a normie?