EDH/Commander General

Super spooky spiders edition

Old thread: RESOURCES

>Official Site: Contains deck building rules and the current ban list.

>Deck List Site: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck’s strategy and card choices.

>Another resource for commander discussion; they have an entire forum dedicated to discussing decks. People often make primers, which go into detail about how they built and play their deck.

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen Commander’s color identity.


>Official search site. Current for all sets.

>Unofficial, but has GOAT search interface

Other urls found in this thread:


I sure am spooked by how shitty all the legends in eldritch moon are!

Gisa and Geralf look alright. Better than that piece of garbage

Gisela is also toned-down Baneslayer which isn't awful

Man spiders and werewolves got let down by these new cards

At least Gisa and Geralf get to cast Sidisi every turn.


Takes advantage of the wide breadth of black spiders.

>This one dude in my group
>Every time a new legend is spoiled he starts building a deck for them
>Every new set he has 3-4 piles of hot garbage he plays for a few games and then takes apart
>No one else even bothers building anything from the latest set because he gets really upset if anyone else "steals his general"

Really excited to hear him tell us how he should get two generals so he can do the fusion dance, with added bonus of some awful new tribal decks!

This is a bad card but I still want to build it.

How fucking awful.
Overcosted even if the additional spiders didn't rely on delerium, and the activated ability is overcosted and underpowered.


>Seven mana repeatable X damage

>x damage that crumbles after a board wipe or spot removal

I'm from the future and this card is a $250 Neo Modern staple, buy them while you can!

Post 'em

r8 h8 b8 masturb8 m8

My squad.

So does the chance to use the ability, so that's irrelevant

Guys, it's simple: just get infinite mana, sac this guy and repeatedly recast him from your command zone. You have the mindgame of everyone thinking that you're playing some shitty spider tribal deck when really your deck is loaded with infinite mana combos in two of the colors that best support it.

Bar Arachnogenesis and Spider Spawning, there's no good method of getting lots of Spider Tokens out, so really, no, it's shit.

But he isn't RU, I'm so confused.

I know blue has tons of infinite combos, but how does red contribute to supporting infinites better than green or black?

user I..

Infinite mana is pretty easy to get on BG.

Mostly Reset Reiterate and Turnabout. With Foresight as an enabler for it

>how does red contribute to supporting infinites better than green or black?
Splinter Twin?

Oh, so you just want to shitpost. OK, I'll play along.

Umm...uhhh...you're a faggot!

How was that? Did I do okay?

Thank you for an actual answer, I appreciate it. I can't believe I forgot about the Foresight combos, probably because nobody in my group plays UR, and the few that do have no idea what they're doing.

>Splinter Twin
I can't believe I forgot this either, especially since I used to run Kiki/Conscripts in one of my decks.

Thoughts? I might try to jam some number into my legacy MUD deck to combat all the duresses and thoughtseize

Convince me not to build Skullbriar

Leng/10 would not discard
Might see some play but ehh

>legendary spider
>that cost
>that ability
That's ok I only wanted to build the necrowarfare brothers anyway...;_;

>the necrowarfare brothers
The who?

Gisa is a boy in his headcanon

I assume he means the necrotwins and their tabletop war games from og inistrad

It is a "may" ability


Could make a mediocre finisher in BUG via infinite reflections or Artifical evolution(swapping its type to the type of tokens you've spammed), but I'm willing to bet there are other legendaries which fill the same roll but better. If you can get the card which allows you to untap land during each player's untap step in the deck, it could be a game ending bomb, but even then that's entering Christmas land where nobody board wipes you.

Gisa and Geralf

Hey I though I could refer to brother and sister and 'brothers', seems my english isn't that great after all

Ah, didn't realize you didn't speak the King's language. Sorry if I offended you.

So we have Newrakul, G&G, Ulrich and the Akhenaton spider. How was this round of commanders?

No trouble

Its ok you have good taste in sibling rivalry


The word you're looking for is "siblings."

But I wouldn't put it beyond Gisa to craft herself a necrocock

still waiting for that 4 color samurai commander....

That's on C16, and we still have the Conspiracy 2: Electric Boogaloo round before that.

Were there green samurai? Mardu colors were all I remember

How about a 4-color legendary samurai that's not very good or interesting? If Ishkanah and Ulrich are what you have to compare to, I wouldn't be holding my breath.

Let's do this.


Who's your next commander to build?

At least he's experimenting with the new stuff in the format, you shouldn't shame him for it. Him sperging out when someone does the same though, that's retarded.

Meren is a better control commander
Jarad is a better midrange commander
Gitrog is a better combo commander

Before you build any other BG commander, consider building one of these instead.

>Toshiro Umezawa
Mono-Black Storm, here I come!

For real. I have to stop asking wizards for things.

For years, I wanted a spider legendary, that would have captured the flavor of spiders with a unique and interesting ability. And I got this piece of shit boring design. So now I'm done wanting things. I will expect the worst from MaRo and still be let down as magic slips into a singularity of terribleness.

I'm sure it is much the same for those who wanted a werewolf legend.

Behold. The only green samurai in existence.

>Sakashima the Imposter
Clone tribal hell yeah. I'm halfway through a Brago Blink deck though, gotta finish that first.

Oh wow that card is awful

>mfw building a deck for new gisela despite not knowing if I will get her or not

Its fun to set up for disappointment sometimes

>Hokori, Dust Drinker



Sea creature tribal with every blue counter ever in existence

I'm sorry man. That card is utterly irredeemable trash in every way. Imagine having to spend multiple turns setting up delirium, casting it, then finally activating it's ability and only doing a pittance of damage against just one person, assuming it doesn't eat removal. Christ almighty. The very least it could have done was make a spider every turn, or cost less, or not rely on delirium, or hit all opponents, or give life, or give spiders deathtouch or hexproof. So many options and you get this.

>I'm sure it is much the same for those who wanted a werewolf legend.
>tfw I think Ulrich is actually more playable than Akhenaton
He may not help with the flip clause but at least he helps putting more damage on the table, and RG wants that after all.

>Gisela and Bruna
Bruna's inbuilt reanimation could make for an interesting W deck, Gisela is...okay. I think you can return your commander of the two when you meld, but until we see Brisella I can't recommend for/against melding.
Literally just a watered down, potentially faster Emrakul. If speed is important, don't play Emrakul.
>Gisa and Geralf
BU is a good combination, seems like it fits snugly into BU grave decks. Not sure if it'd be commander worthy.
See , but generally shit.
I like her personally, but she's probably better as a card rather than a commander.
Kinda bad, especially if it can't target itself for the +4/+4 when transforming. If it could, at least it'd make for a 10/10 base alpha striker commander.

Well he's a samurai, what did you expect?

What are some infinite combos for mana in green black I have the cards lying around and might just make a deck for it, kinda like oona infinite milling but with a spider babe.

Actually, surprisingly effective. I'm speaking as a guy that's played it before. You've got several free spells (slaughter pact, the other free kill spells, potentially not of this world), several rituals (dark ritual, cabal ritual, a graveyard based ritual), several one mana tutors (vampiric tutor, demonic consultation, spoils of the vault). Combine all that with being able to chain the effects off of something like an oblivion stone (even if tosh dies, he sees the other creatures your opponents control going to the graveyard, and he triggers), and you almost have yawgmoth's will on a general.

Some other tech:

Ad Nauseam
Sudden Spoiling
Tainted Pact (yeah this seems absurd in EDH, until you fill your deck with so many non basics that the risk of ever hitting two swamps is extremely low. Don't forget to split your basic mana base between snow and non snow to lower it even further)
Doomsday (not an instant, but super fun to play)

I've played toshiro for years, and storm was just one of the ways I played him. He's super fun, and can be very competitive if you want him to be.

Make sure to include some non storm win conditions too.

Tainted Pact will always produce salt (and if you cast it on an opponent's creature, you should get the packs)

Also some general goodstuff:

Cabal Coffers+Deserted Temple

Oh, and one thing that I never see included in decklists is Forbidden Orchard. Sometimes your opponents just don't have creatures for you to kill.

Shit I forgot the monoW girls. Thalia is nice but on the 99 of Hokori. And G&G at least is a huge flavor win that can be easily played on the helm. Not the exact best (That's Grimgrin), but helps a lot.

Thanks for the advice, but I hope you realize that I'm not actually going to build this deck.

Why do you think ulrich can't target himself?

How do I spam flicker in monoblack?

That's okay user. It's your problem not mine. I just love talking about my toshiro deck and its various evolutions.

>It's another "user won't shut up about his special snowflake Toshiro deck" post
Every fucking thread

>it's a "guy is salty because they got one shot by a surprise infect gisela" post

You're worse than the shu yun fags.

>surprise infect gisela
I'm intrigued. How would this work in Boros colors?

Why couldn't the legendary spider be more like Arachnus Spinner? I'd actually rather run that as the commander of a spider tribal deck than this garbage, even despite the singleton format making the ability a lot less useful.

Grafted Exoskeleton

Looking for good black/blue/white cards to use with pic related. Perhaps some good life gain or with good drawing/counter potential. Anyone have ideas?

Ertai is the commander, by the way

Ah that'll do it

Probably some shenanigans with trash for treasure and grafted exoskeleton. I did it in mono black colors though by just casting tainted pact on an enemy gisela attacking somebody else after no blockers were declared. The resulting explosion of rage from the victim was probably the highest salt content I've experienced in a game of EDH.

>the shu yun fags
I haven't seen a Shu Yun post in a while

>Avacyn, Guardian Angel

Jesus how boring ;(

It's literally just Nyx Weaver and Spider spawning.

There actually more Red and Red/Green spiders than Black ones.

>that German Braids

That's a big name for her.

He didn't design it.

He at the very least approved it.

Fools Demise?

>Ashling the Pilgrim
Sounds like some sort of voltorb

I know it's ETB can target itself, but I don't know if transformed creatures are considered the same creature for targeting rules - if not, then the two sides can't target each other since, when the ability activates, the transformed creature doesn't exist.

Mind you I haven't played magic for years now, so I may be off.

Neat. Play with tons of "reveal hand" effects

Splashing black lets you run Nightmare Void and similar, to help set up Delirium as well as fill your graveyard for Spider Spawning.

PICTURES OF Spicy Secret Sedris tech

Nope, may I reroll?

Helvault might be neat if you can get multiple activations in a turn (Brighthearth, Kurkesh, Strionic Resonator)

got a list for Daxos? I'm working on a Daxos deck myself

Looking to build Tetsuo Umezawa and thought about taking the combo/goodstuff route. What are some must includes besides the obvious ones (triskelion, niv-mizzet, etc).
Or maybe someone has some sweet tech for another route?


I know what I must do.


But I want to slap people in the face starting on T2

So we're gonna get a bunch of cool spider cards to work with this guy in the new commander product right guys? Wizards wouldn't just leave us like this r-right?

If you want some.inspiration, check out my decklist! It's always a.blast.


Why would you build such an irredeemable piece of trash.
>least interesting color
>shitty 4-mana baneslayer in EDH

Play blue along with it.

Damn, that's actually very spicy.