I'm writing something. What's a good name for luck tokens that you can spend for automatically succeed on a roll?

I'm writing something. What's a good name for luck tokens that you can spend for automatically succeed on a roll?
I'm getting tired of writing "luck tokens" all the time; also bennies sounds gay

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also, the theme of the game is much like early dragon ball or dr slump

Fate points.
Fath points.
Fat points.
Fap points.
Fa points.
F points.
F pts.

Plot twists?
Burning Spirit tokens (BS tokens)?

Bullshit Plot device

GM blowjobs.

Heroic Acts.

>Fate points
I'd think that "Fates" would work better as a less generic and slightly more "mystic" (though still within the realm of MUH GRITTY REAlISM) name for a token?

Why does the government want to turn Scully into a bimbo?


Happy goblin totems

Wait, screw OP's topic.

What episode is that from?


Your FACE sounds gay!

Aces and Charms are both pretty good.


Providence Points
or ProviPoints or PP

Spin to win points.

First off ask yourself do you really need the system? What the point of having a game where you roll dice if you aren't willing to roll them in the first place?

On topic though Limit Break, you are breaking the limits of the character to guarantee the success. Sound right and make sense.

Bullshit Tokens
Consolation Prizes
Admissions of Suck

Call the 'Fate Point pool' something like the "Determination Pool". This is nice because it maps well to the fiction about 95% of the time (through invocations and such), and even when it doesn't match up as well you can rationalize it as "well, a bad thing happened to me (a compel) so of COURSE my character's will to succeed/overcome them would get stronger!" kind of a thing.

soul burn
can use at any time, but it will burn a significant amount of experience


Could go medieval and go with indulgences

So as an example, "I spend a point of Determination, and as he brings his foil up to deflect my blade, my mighty blow crashes through his feeble parry as I invoke my
>Those Who Oppose Me Are the Wheat to My Scythe
"... aspect. Now my attack is 2 greater, turn from a tie (boost) to two-shift success. That's a hit, force consequence-
>Deep Shoulder Gash
"... what now?"

Meme chits


Hero Points.

Brownie Points.


Fortune Cookies


>What's a good name for luck tokens that you can spend for automatically succeed on a roll?

Auto Success Points. Aspies.

That's it: FACE!
Fate Alteration CrEdits
I'm a genius.

Oh oh oh, and if you can say that you're saving FACE.

Or even that you'll take it in the FACE!

So many possibilities.



limit break is the nicest for now. I like it because characters have only 1 luck maximum and have to do specific things to recharge it (samurais must risk their lives for others, ninja must steal a treasure or a secret, rangers must seek and hunt a specific pray,etc) and spend it should feel like a ffvii limit break

Edges is a good idea. Shadowrun has Edge attribute. And it sounds nice and edgy too. He lost his edge, I gained an edge in that encounter etc.

>Determination Pool
>Bergentrükung starts playing


Why not use literal casino chips, Deadlands-style?

we call them gummy points.

It's a Savage Worlds term you unread simpleton

Chance tokens, twist of fate, divine intervention?

Though bullshit tokens and cheatyfaces win the thread..

Mine are called Karma, you can either spend good ones or take bad ones...and it's not used for automatic success on any roll

Twists of Fate is a really cool one, better than fate points

I dislike all "points" or "pool" names, they're breaking muh immersion. :(

A fluke. Flukes, if a person is known for them he is considered flukey

Funny enough, I find that the higher the edge stat, the less edgy the character becomes. Higher edge just kind of nudges the character to be more happy go lucky with good things falling into their lap.

luck tokens

Immutable moment

I called them Divine Favors. Maybe I can find a shorthand for that

Just call them fate, talent, opportunity, focus, fluke, godsend, kismet, drive... whatever. Yeah, they're technically points or tokens, but you can just say "spend fate" or "spend a talent" or something like that. Or you could call them something like "strain" with the idea being that the thing that lets you reroll is that you're really pushing yourself, and after a while, you're worn out and can't do that anymore (in which case, you probably gain points of strain rather than spending them, and build towards your maximum).

Senpai Bucks

Call them a win. Because win is a sort word and it is what the thing does.