/twgg/ TowerGirls CYOA General

Now in THREEE DEEE Edition

We're currently working on Gen V

Here's the current worklog:
| Gen V |
-Army Upgrades Page

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Game welcome here!

Everyone welcome.

Q - What is Towergirls?
A Veeky Forums creation. Read more here.

Q - How do I play?
A - It's a CYOA, there are no established mechanics for the rescue. All the pages to the game are in the imgur album linked in resources.

Q - Why aren't/are we we working on; Fan Gen II/Knights/combat mechanics/etc.
A - No. We recognize that spreading out our efforts is what originally killed the project. Accordingly, we're focusing on just one thing at a time and finishing them out.

Q - Hey, can we make a pricness about X fetish?
A - It generally comes down to what people like. Propose the idea and see if others want it.

Q - Is there a map/unified setting?
A - Nope. Though proposals have been made, nothing concrete has been created.

Q - Can I post fanart/fanfiction here?
A - Go right on ahead, just make sure it's within the global rules.

Imgur Album - imgur.com/a/maXHJ
Tower Girls infinity Chan Board - https:// infinity ch.net/twgrl
Booru - tower-girls.booru.org/
Brushes, Fonts, and Templates - pastebin.com/0uCbMGx6

Subtitle Pending:
Kingdom Conquest:

Contact Project Lead: [email protected]

Last thread:

Who did this?
I'm interested in how they did the hair.

First for kill all lawyers.

Yes please.


Ooh. Kawaii shit.
Who is in the middle, though?

That's obviously the knight in a maid outfit and a mop over his helmet.


Who did this?

>Two Princesses, one Knight

how is this now?

Nothing wrong with the design. The character on the other hand...

Cute, the expression is great,
bellies are always nice

Also here is her assistant

Have you told Dog Princess how much you love and need her today?

She is waiting.



Which princess is the most american

Uhhhh, Gator?

Wake up!


Anybody doing new cards at the moment? We got Lillend Princess and a second Mimic Princess (although I'm not sure if she's quite done) last thread.

I could try making some tomorrow or Thursday, although I don't know what gen's cards should be used. Is there still room in fan gen 2 (there's 10 slots taken by the ones in the original fan chart, and some others that have been made since, although I'm not sure if they've been carded)?

I was thinking of a few Knights to help fill up that list too. A few were Necromancer Knight, Mage Knight, Death Knight, and Girl Knight.

Nothing wrong with that, but most people aren't sure what gen they'll be since we had a LOT of fan gen 2 stuff get made while we were waiting.


Dark Knight and Light Knight were a few as well as Black Knight, White Knight, Checkered Knight, Monk Knight, and Yin-Yang Knight.

There was a Towergirls Pen and Paper RPG right?
Some friends want to play it real bad...

I've seen a lot of new princess designs, but no completed cards for fan gen 2. I suppose we should just start working on them, and if we still have princesses left after reaching 10, or however many we need, just use the remainder for fan gen 3.

Original idea was that the knight cards could eventually be used in a simple RPG, but we haven't made that (yet). Some people have run Towergirls, or Towergirls-inspired, games on existing systems, though. I'd suggest something rules-light, maybe Fate or Risus.

>hate actual dogs because they're always either hostile or too friendly
>Dog Princess is objectively worst
>somehow can't help loving her
Heel. Good girl.

You're weird user


But like, a good weird.

You mean a weird weird way?


The user doing the wargirls/towermachine/whatever around? I'd be interested in knowing how the mimic army id progressing.


So I've been drawing some Goblin Princess, and I had a thought;

A follow-up CYOA that involves building your crown. If you're marrying a princess, it follows that one must become a king. What kind of king will you become, though? Build a crown that represents and compliments your rule with different strengths and powers given by different materials, inlays, gemstones, ec cetra.


Spoiler'd image cuz cleavage/NSFW-ish-but-not-really-but-I'd-rather-be-safe

Go for it if you think you can make it interesting. Picking metals/gem/style?

I.. don't hate that idea.

>Not choosing a sultan turban in-place of a traditional european crown.

Shit what? There is a Towergirls Wargame?
Hell, I'm sold. I want to know more about that!!

>tfw fighting the hype for the completion of Gen 5

Some user has been making one using modified Warmachine rules. Dunno if he's posted the exact rules, but he's done stats for Kobold and Goblin armies, and is working on Mimic army. Each army has a Princess (works like Warcaster in Warmachine) and four units (2 troops, and one "special" and "heavy support" unit).

...Heavy Support as in Warjacks? (I play 40k so I'm very very unexperienced with Warmachines aside from that one "Warmachines Tactics" Game that somehow is in my Steam library without me remembering ever buying it. Played the first two missions so far so I have just the vaguest Idea of the thing)

Will there ever be a Gen VI after the fan expansions or are we planning to stop there?

I was thinking that the rewards could be something like:

Bride Bonus: A gift for pleasuring a single princess.

Harem Bonus: A gift for entertaining a group of princesses.

Instead of Love/Lust bonus or Power/Wealth bonus or Dowries for example.

Besides Lillend and Mimic II, I think Eversor finished some Nymph and Dryad princess designs that could be used.

Those are very recent, we have designs going months back for Fan gen 2.

We don't know really.

Was Mimic 2 Eversor?
Marked as user.

Nah i don't have that kinda talent! Those intestines?! So Divine!

I'd totally be up for it. At the moment, though, I need to get to work on getting the armies all together. We want to do at least Expansion Gens I-III before we move on to a VI. We want to make it so that those princesses that are kind of tacked on to those gens can have their own place without everything being messy.

I'm not sure I understand the army stuff going on, is there something to be helped with?

This is what I have carded and arted for the most part. I've got 4 more arts that need cards and a single card with no art, but that might just be that I need to get it from Eversor. So, short of me missing something, I've got about 10 armies and we have space for 10 more.

I was out of the loop for a couple weeks because of RL shit and might have missed stuff, admittedly.

Does there need to be one army for reach gen V princess?

Not strictly, no. For some it wouldn't make sense; such as Unicorn Princess who is explicitly called out as "last of her kind".

Did you go through the archive like you were told?

No, not yet.

Yeah, metals/gems/styles is what I had in mind, among whatever else could be worked in. Engravings, arches, mondes, those little cloth caps that sometimes go in the middle...
An option for turbans would be a great idea too.

In truth, I'm disorganized as hell and awful with numbers. I could draw assets for it, but I couldn't organize and stat a CYOA. If someone wants to pick that up, I'd be glad to draw what I can for it. If not... Eh, it's just a thought.

Rulewise they work more like, say men'o'war: multiwound infantry, instead of having a unique damage system like 'jacks.

There's also the terracotta army posted in last thread, although the card has minor spelling mistakes.

I'll make sure tha'ts integrated on my next version.

Also the skvader

There is no resolution only Zul

found a big ol chart of mary-sues in towergirls style

also, mass chart is now to big to be posted in PNG here, when its fully done ill cut it up in more organized snippets and post it

You are a masochist and we love you, Brum.

Is this a collection of all the fan princesses or ones that have not been on a card yet? I think Mimic Princess II is missing.

all of the waifus, ALL OF THEM

Dragon Princess Rating
2 > 1 > 4 > 5 > 3

4 > 5 > 1 > 2 > 3

5 and 1 may swap depending on how I feel as time goes by.

Well... Almost. But nice collection.

do you have the latest version of your future chart? I kinda just grab princesses at random, and im nowhere near done

Working on it. I want to post it with at least a couple of cards done.

>bellies are always nice
tru dat

I kinda wanna present my idea for a princess, but I'm not exactly a drawfag.

Brumus! Don't use that chicken us this one!

Present away buddy!

Do it faggot. We'll laugh at it, but unless it's toddlercon, scat, or equivalent, we'll like it.

Hey guys, I haven't animated a princess is awhile. Any suggestions for one to animate? Something for the earlier gen's if possible.

Ant Princess perhaps?
Idle or a light dance.

Plant Princess plz

Oreiad Princess

+ Talented Landscaper
+ Gentle and motherly personality
- Overly Passive
- Clingy
+ In a cute way

Fetishes: Pregnancy and Exhibitionism

>TFW we don't get enough Plant Princess

Also, I just found out something.
The user who has been doing the Warmachine Towergirls thing is FicFic.
>Went looking to see what came of Crystal Princess Alts
>Find Kobold Unit Page

Emo knight ftw, or would that be Bash Knight?

Edge Knight probably.

Oh yea, forgot about him. Ill try to get info out for all those other knights i posted about out, though im a writefag, not a drawfag, so no arts from me. Mostly i just wanna finish off the knights so we can just get them down already.

What 3D modeling software is this?

Nipples are SFW now apparently

1> 3> 2> 5> 4

Who is the most fit princess? Not necessarily the strongest.

I'd say Monkey.

Shes in a lil huff that ant.

MM yeah, that's what I had in mind. Really like the eyes.



By the way, if we still need armies, how about throwing in a few basic fantasy armies along with the more oddball ones? Elf archers, dwarven defenders, etc. Haven't really got much other ideas, unless I could somehow turn those little cultist guys I made into an army.

Big titties, small titties, perk titties, muscular men titties.
I think we can agree, titties in all forms are the best.

Reminds me of Dominions.

I've actually been informed by Eversor over skype that he had a few things he'd made over my hiatus. I'm currently getting them on cards and integrated into the sheet. Once that's done, we'll have a more clear understanding of where we stand and how many things are needed.

Technically.. Angel? Maybe?


Whoops, didn't mean to link Ants in my pants princess.

Her in the air arms look awkward.
Its nice but look like she is scrubbing her face.

Here all the not sci-fi princesses I made.

>That last one
Ooh baby.

you and I have opposite aesthetics friend, I hate them all

What do you want to know?


Don't worry towerfag I'm just taking 5 in between sculpting, I'll get to it as soon as I can

>You kill the boss of the castle
>In the back room, you find not your Princess, but a mook
>Your Princess is in another castle!
How mad would you be?