If the country of North America was somehow teleported to a standard fantasy world...

If the country of North America was somehow teleported to a standard fantasy world, what would be the immediate repercussions? Would they be able to keep the Internet going? Would schools have to teach Dwarvish and Elvish?

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>what would be the immediate repercussions
Everyone would be confused.
Lots of people would panic and riot and die because confusion is scary and scary people are idiots. Religious nutters would start calling the apocalypse happening.
>Would they be able to keep the Internet going?
It wouldn't be as expansive as it is now since only the parts in the US would exist.
>Would schools have to teach Dwarvish and Elvish?
Most schools don't even HAVE to teach SPANISH, and there's a LOT of Spanish speakers in the country.

This site never ceases to destroy my faith in humanity.

Well about the internet...
Seeing how most of the 1st world relies on imports, the infrastructure would probably collapse for a while- untill contanct with the locals can be made

>North America

>country of North America

Found a pic for you

[Democracy intensifies]

And suddenly a masochistic middle eastern jewish hippie is the most powerful deity in setting


>the country of North America

Fuck, meant


The "country" of North America ONLY exists in fantasy you fucking mong.

Everything reliant on satellites glitches out, weeks to months are spent with multiple layers of bureaucratic tangles as tech is retrofitted to work with land lines, GPS is lost, a great tech race ensues to either be the first providers of satellite services in the new world or replace the infrastructure.

Definite mass exodus of amateur anthropologists trying to study demi-humans. A lot of them get scammed. Some get slaved. More people than needed die to provide shock and awe tactics against who ever took ours from us. Many immigrants frustrated by inability to understand technology, despite complete openness of civilians on its workings, as the lay person only has surface understanding of these principles.

Technology is seen as just another form of magic, if surprisingly usable by commoners. 'Scientist' is taken as word for wizards specializing in the arrangement of matter to do their bidding without their will.

Religious conversion takes place. Christians attempt to ape clerics in order to perform miracles in name of God (whether this works depends on the setting). Atheists and agnostics do not all convert, but some do. Conscientious objectors towards religion go from stating there is no proof of any gods, since now there is, to stating those gods which exist do not automatically deserve worship, which they may or may not.

is that joke to old now or is it just that summer in here?

You would probobly get a GATE like scenario only instead of jap racism and an autistic level of operation when functioning as the primary political and military power, you get good old American racism and a military and political stance that just wants everyone to get along but then is blamed for everything anyway... And fireworks.

Post more american monstergirls.

well food/fuel isn't going to be too much of an issue, with the strategic reserves doting the US, not to mention the stocks that Mexico and Canada have, seeing as you said North America.

Fuck some people might not even notice until we try to contact another country/ a dragon wants to check out the fuck was going on, only to probably blown the fuck out by a few middles in the resulting panic.

I'd say the main issue would be the initial panic, then America getting their hands on magic and trying to finally rule a planet(God bless the US, hail archwizard Obama)


>you get good old American racism
But user, we elected Black Osama, so racism is over now and stuff, go America, four more beers, woo!

Since the criminal element of the U.S. came as well, and since the sex slave industry has mostly Hispanic women being sold into prostitution for white Americans:

ELF SLAVE, YOU DO (for six gil)

>hail archwizard Obama
Ahem. The proper term for a mage who hold political office is either Witch-King or Grand Wizard. All hail Grand Wizard Barack Obama!

Serious reply

Effectively all overseas trade would dissapear, without international shipping there would be a famine, many would starve, money would become effectively worthless as the complex international economy no longer exists. All overseas forces would be lost and without access to gasoline and chemical deposits the American military would grind to a halt.

Those willing to leave the dying nation would diaspora into the surrounding feudal nations. The unprecedented number of refugees would destroy the surrounding nations who would be unable to cope with the strain of a massive population influx on a medieval agricultural system.

Local monsters would feed on the refugees causing an unprecedented boom in monster numbers who would likely migrate to other nations further away.

Decades later the area is still a quagmire of warring feudal states and American remenants.

A century later the area begins to stabilise, American culture has been lost as the survivors integrate into the native population. American cities become ruins inhabited by risen dead, ghosts and the odd Dragon. America as a nation is dead.

TLDR everyone starves, those who don't starve are refugees who integrate into the local cultures

Thank you user I got a good giggle out of that one.

Oh god, I just thought of the worst possible scenario: Munchkins and murderhobos get their hands on an actual, working magic system to game the shit out of.

Fuck, I can't conceptualize gluons well enough to tranform a rock into a big pile of them, but I'd sure as shit back the Kickstarter to bribe a theoretical physicist into doing the work for me. Just to see what happens

>archwizard Obama

If the US winds up in Golarion that's exactly what would happen too. Paizo having made their not!Africa the source of all wisdom and knowledge, and home to the Greatest Wizard Evar!!1! after all.

Lmao this retard doesn't know about the strategic reserves of food and fuel, not to mention we Still have the capability to produce food and fuel.

Though I do realize this was just you taking the excuse to shit on America given the topic.

Extincting of everything because a fuckhuge continent just impacted.

We try to make half elves, half halflings. half dwarves, half orcs, half dragons, half everything.

For science of course.

The thing is, all of Golarion's "good" societies are literally all economically-unsustainable security nightmares.
You're talking about a company that believes a woman having more than two children is a "broodmare," and thus immoral. You're talking about a company that has their gods/goddesses of fertility approve of homosexual unions without any children.

If actual real-life humans were there to observe and measure the effects of these disastrous policies, those societies would collapse in a single fucking month.

While the US manufactures enough food to feed itself, it doesn't actually grow enough to feed this industry. You're not going to last unless most farmers do a 180 and start growing different crops.
And you're forgetting you'd also have to deal with Mexicans and Canadians. And if what's under the land didn't come with the US, you're going to lack fuel real fast.

Mate, California alone could feed most of the US, iirc.

in fairness the level of hardship the country would face would be absurd. Society might very well collapse thus making the strategic reserves moot.

that said honestly "the country and her people dies" is boring. It's been done a gorrilion times. The Postman is probably a good example of "we almost held the line but failed"

so for the sake of the argument lets say north america, All the US Territories, complete with Canada and Mexico along for the ride pop into a standard fantasy setting.

Mexico is probably the most fucked considering the level of corruption present in that country. Canada and USA manage to hold together and ration their resources so they can convert over to a new economy that doesn't depend on global exchange.

(and honestly a lot of countries depend on global trade for their food and fuel supply) Gasoline would become rare seeing a rise in the use of horses, bicycles, and so on.

For the sake of argument I'm going to say Canada and America get their shit together, Mexico has some issues but gets help.

What the three countries REALLY need is a threat from an enemy power.

Something something the fated hero fails to defeat the dark necromancer who wants to usher in 10000 years of darkness. Wish spell goes awry. North America enters the scene.

I think it's implicitly understood there was an equal dispersal of matter in the other direction, as that puts a minimum impact on the overall environment, and allows us to focus on societal issues over geographic ones.

Huh. Actually, that explanation means there is now a large tract of ocean populated by magical species in the gap where America used to be. Right next to the Bermuda triangle...

Personally, I think zombie Lincoln would have been the better choice for office, but whatever.

Still, Obama reincarnating bin Laden into a Turkey over and over again on Thanksgiving was kinda neat.

Mexico grows a lot of corn and Canada is friendly enough with the US that things can easily work out.

I'm sorry, how would those societies collapse within a month?

honestly the USA literally keeps strategic reserves of certain crop seeds in case some bizarre crap happens that requires a suddenly requires a 180 flip in agricultural approaches. We've already seen a volcano cause an global winter so "and then suddenly the whole world is different" isn't exactly planned on but endurable.

Canada has its shit together as well as, if not better than the US and their agricultural industry is no slouch.

The USA has long standing trade agreements to help keep mexican citizens fed because the last thing anyone wants is a sudden influx of mexican refugees trying to escape a plague.

honestly you're underestimating modern agricultural techniques here. yeah the switch over would be a serious bitch but it's hardly an unlikely outcome that the USA and Canada and MExico would work together to prevent famine.

I am not even American and I know the US is almost self sufficient when it comes to food.

Fuel and mineral resources extraction would take a hit but it would hardly be an end of civilization tier event. It would just mean those mineral and oil deposits deemed too expensive to mine and extract are now viable again.

That is if a major effort to explore and exploit the untouched resources of the new world don't start, since the entire landmass of the United States still has factories, mineral mines, farms, colleges and 310 million people to support it.

The strongest effect the entire US would feel would be the drop in living standards from being cut from cheaper consumer goods and commodities bought from the rest of the world.

Besides, Veeky Forums has been through several what if scenarios where the US ends up in fantasy world and crunched the numbers around modern technology versus magic.

Magic doesn't stand a chance against modern forces, specially when you put things like high altitude bombers, drones and stand off and non-line of sight weaponry in the question.


>You're talking about a company that believes a woman having more than two children is a "broodmare," and thus immoral.
I love how people are still worried about global overpopulation and mass starvation when two children per marriage is already considered easily enough for your average family, and only lower-class families commonly get 3+ children. That's only going to accelerate within the next couple generations as the boomers start dying off and a peaceful global dieback kicks in. Then in 40 or 50 years we'll be the old cancerous fucks holding up the promotional ladders and refusing to die and controlling politics because there's more of than there are young people. Unless robots take all our jerbs first.

We still have hydrogen bombs, right? Maybe we wound up there from a gate to pull forth "The People of the Stillborn Sun".

Still talking biological disaster of mass global extinction levels. An entire continent's worth of invasive species, diseases nobody's ever been subjected to, the effect of temperatureon global climate (unless the two places had the exact same temperature), the effect of geography on global climate.

Do you really think those reserves are to protect you XD. Those reserves are for key political and military use in the short term not to feed entire populations for years of transitioning to a post apocalyptic scenario. The key assumption for them is that most people will be dead in such a scenario.

Keep believing the propaganda though, I'm sure it'd save you in an apocalypse

Why does nobody talk about what the sudden influx of modern weapon and technology does to the neighboring nations and how it will change War for the natives once they get access to guns and radios andodern engines?

Diseases might not actually be that big of a deal with modern medicine and three countries worth of medical facilities. The CDC (And I'm sure the Canadian equivalent) have their shit together. Mexico might be a little bit fucked (Or they might not, I know nothing about their high-level medical policies), but the US and Canada aren't going to leave them out to dry.

America STILL has enough nukes to kill everyone on the planet several times over.

Excuse me. I meant a year.

>An entire continent's worth of invasive species
I for one can't wait to see "Baby white dragon vs flock of hungry bald eagles" pop up on MericaTube.

hydrogen bomb strikes me as an extreme response to an enemy necromancer. Then again maybe he went full Ermor and we're looking at like 'scout groups' of 500k+ undead armies.

So a wish gets made, someone who can deal with that kind of threat, maybe draw in a new kingdom or armies from some other land and the genie or god or whatever behind the wish goes.

"Okay fuck it, I am not baby sitting some backwards magical kingdom for centuries. Hammer, meet nail."

Keep in mind though that the USA's nuclear reserves are kind of poorly maintained. Varies from base to base. Still I figure if a battle goes poorly enough someone can scrounge up an ICBM or Bomber and Shock and Awe a Undead Horde into submission.

Hmm...we could probably spin this into plot hooks for guilt driven relief missions that tax America's already overburdened resources on behalf of disaster victims of tragedies we've 'worked out' are our fault.

>Implying eagles won't interbreed with the dragons

And potentially friendly magical medicine.
I imagine that at least some of the nearest political entities would want to play nice with an entire continent full of super advanced tech, and there's usually a philanthropic religion or two hanging around with their own brand of magical healing.

God would become a 100% confirmed actual god who grants spells to faithful clerics based on the fact that enough people believe in Him to manifest.

Mexico's entire problem is that it's leadership are corrupt assholes, the ones who AREN'T have to worry about getting assassinated by cartels. I figure if plague cultists start popping up the government will face a lot less in the way of resistance from drug peddlers whose entire empire comes from selling illicit substances to the rest of the world.

If anything neighboring fantasy nations are probably going to see a sudden upsurge in banditry as the cartels evacuate mexico with whatever they can carry to build their own empires.

>Then some absolute madman creates Gargantuan half-dragon half-celestial axiomatic bald eagles and sets them loose to liberate the fuck out of the local evil desert empire ruled by a sinister Wizard
>And that madman's name? George Walker Bush.

People would die like being Aztec was cool again, on all sides.
>a few magic priests curing literally hundreds of millions of people in a short window of time

But an h-bomb would set a definite example. Try to invade us and get fucked.

There is a severe lack of patriotic monster girls in the world. Have this instead.

His calling was always to be a ranger, never President.

If this is a dumb jab at modern relief policies then odds are that whatever disasters you're referring to are at least 50% America's fault.

Naw, I was thinking more that getting America instead of an ancient evil is the 'twist' on a prophecy. Necromancer guy kills huge armies to get huger army, stores their souls up for hugest spell ever, chooses to use it to bring in the foretold "People of the Stillborn Sun", "Children of the War that Could Not Begin Lest All Life End", "They of the Trail of Tears", "The Last Slave Takers", other such *technically* accurate nonsense, and what does he get instead?


I want one.


Though, now this thread actually wants me to see some patriotic monster girls. As some could either immigrate(?) here, or magic/a wizard did it and caused a bunch of animals to turn into monstergirls.

kind of, the radioactive fallout wouldn't be full on apocalyptic but it would have a negative impact on local wildlife for at least a century, maybe more. Go look at pictures of plant life from Chernobyl for instance. Main thing tho is life would go on, it would just be mutated life. Wouldn't see nuclear winter from just one H-Bomb.

Honestly conventional firebombs might be a better choice, then there's the issue of the area you're bombing. The fact that your enemy literally turns dead people and animals into soldiers for them.

I'm seeing a rise in the use of Flamethrowers personally.

>Literally hundreds of millions of people would catch lethal diseases in a short window of time
I doubt it. Especially if the fantasy diseases have never been exposed to antibiotics. We have an entire back catalog of nearly universal preventatives and cures that no longer work on real diseases, but are easy to manufacture and would work on entirely new diseases.
Unless the fantasy plague is literally a magical effect, we can deal with it.

>The entirety of North America, islands included, get teleported to a standard fantasy setting.
USA, Canada and Mexico gets a few puppet islands / territories. Five years go by and they adapt their production while the civilians suffer less consumption / stricter laws. After those years, production and civile life sees a relative return to normality.

A bunch of retards would riot. Probably wont be able to do anything important.

Now it's up to the rest of the fantasy world to react to this change, facing a triad of huge nations with incredibly powerful weapons, infrastructure and information technology.

Do they attempt to infiltrate and steal technology? Do they seek to cooperate? Do they surrender completely?

>If anything neighboring fantasy nations are probably going to see a sudden upsurge in banditry as the cartels evacuate mexico with whatever they can carry to build their own empires.
Yeah, those cartels and their expertise at independently producing all the modern weaponry they'd have to rely on.

>"The Last Slave Takers"
That one's not even technically accurate if you completely ignore the ongoing slavery in Africa.

Plus. Simple hygiene.

mite b cool

so your necromancer who probably ravages the continent that gets replaced shows up and demands USA, Canada, and Mexico serve his will as they have been summoned to end the world?

Nah, man. The tech has improved. We can get the same results as Hiroshima with just fuel-air bombs. Same shock and awe, no worries of contamination clean up, and we can honestly say (under lie detection spells!) that it's not even the worst we have.
It's not. I was thinking more along the lines of PCs deciding they have to help the goblin women and children because they wiped out their war band, just more indirect/ecological damage than normal for table top games.

Also the US wouldn't enter in total chaos.

The if the entire landmass of the US gets teleported without harming anything in it there are still a lot of communication networks in place to prevent a total communications blackout.

Most of the internet goes through either regular cables or optic fiber cables, not satellites and you can still use AM/FM radios to convey long distance communications. Like we have been doing since the 50's.

The whole economic sector of the US would take a hit but nothing that would end the US economy, the stock market would be done for but off all the markets it is the one that save some ultra rich and international corporations, no one really cares about and when push comes to shove it doesn't really matter for the continuity of the nation.

The society would go through a quick shock and mass confusion, while there would be some nutters stirring shit up they are just a tiny insignificant group who wouldn't do any lasting damage, since mass communications would still be in place in the form of radio transmissions and landlines, the government and private sector would still maintain a nice grip on the population providing assistance and information.

Probably the police forces and national guards would be activated to ensure the security and order across the country. People would still seek order instead of devolving into savages just. The world as they know it is gone but the US as a whole still intact and that is more than enough for people to latch on and remain in order.

There would be a new wave of explorers from both US and the New World but if the US is teleported into the sea in a fashion similar to the North American continent, the US borders would still be secure, if it is a landmass something like the US/Mexican border would have to be built, but with modern technology and a population poll large enough to recruit and arm the new border patrols, the US still has the capability of secure most of its borders.


Canada would surrender immediately.

Mexico would pretend he doesn't exist.

America would shoot him.

I want to correct myself a bit.

Cuba and Haiti might stay independent. And if Cuba stays independent, Fidel Castro is going to take over again and live forever.


>Archlich Lincoln

Ditto. What I wouldn't give for a pack of cowgirl centaurs wearing some stars and stripes.

>"So this guy's name is, he's called uh, Malgoroth the Soul-Forger. What he does is, you see, he, uh takes peoples' souls, their souls, you see, and he uses them. To make weapons. Weapons of mass destruction. So what we need to do is, we invade the desert, the uh, Endless Desert of Certain Doom, and we stop this man, and liberate those poor people!"

Imagine if ebola, the bubonic plague, smallpox, the Spanish flu, polio, malaria, and a ton of other shit, was suddenly exposed to millions of people whose immune systems had never once been subjected to anything remotely related to them. I mean, sure, drown people in antibiotics, but aside from coming with its own set of problems (like how it would fuck up the immune systems of the literally everyone who'd have to take it all the time while scientists try to work out cures for a bunch of diseases they have never seen before, all the while the country's resources are strained by having to adapt to all the other effects of the country's displacement), there's also everyone in the new world to consider, who will have to deal with new diseases as well, and that without no comparable ability to research, produce, or distribute cures. Shit's gonna die in droves.

>Local monsters would feed on the refugees

top kek, there's more guns than people in America.

Shall not be infringed baby.

Lets see how an Owlbear holds up to a 75 round drum of 7.62x39.

My money is on "not well"

>"Sir, those 'people' look like reanimated corpses of the dead."

All sorts of cryptids native to each state, region, and country start to come out of hiding and populate, causing havoc especially in rural areas. The U.S. now has a monster hunting bureau and deals out licenses to sportsman, veterans, and magic adventurers alike.

Fuck, can you imagine the sudden race to be the first person to get such and such historical figure as an undead thrall working as your advisor/creative slave/activist.

People constantly trying to raise Washington and the Founding Fathers to get his opinion on what America has become. Tupac releases another posthumous album. A post-posthumous album. Every Doctor from Doctor Who can suddenly be in the same series together. Every dead fantasy author brought back to give their series a satisfying ending.

Terry Pratchett, Douglas Adams, and J. R. R. Tolkien all magically compelled to collaborate on what later turns out to be an overhyped piece of trash because their Necromancer took creative control away from them to get the kind of book he wanted written.

Help fight the Sasquatch uprising, join today!

>beast of bray road
Okay, alright, that's literally just a bear walking on its back legs, they didn't even both to anthropomorphize it.

The danger in the short term is rioting and confusion. The danger in the long term is that all foreign sources of fuel are gone. We have some reserves but they won't last long term. Especially if we have to go to war.

Basically everything in the USA is structured on the idea of cheaply available energy, so this would be disastrous. Just imagine what your typical American suburban sprawl looks like without cars. It's bad.

>I don't work for the government

Nigga, if you only KNEW the crazy outlandish scenarios we're prepared for

Uncle Sam is extremely paranoid

Resource wise the US would need to slow down the current consumption rates and adopt the same mentality the US households had during WWII when the war effort created a scarcity of luxury goods, but that is very survivable for the US as a whole specially when it is the survival that is at risk.

Thanks to the US being a continent sized country, most of the minerals needed to keep a functional civilization running are already there. As I said before it is just cheaper to import form other countries.

The worst case scenario would have the US revert back to the 60's levels of technology but post likely it would move back to mid 90's since scarcity is an imminent issue until the resources of the New World can be explored. Which would take something like 50 years give or take.

Militarily, the US has most of its military forces with US borders, meaning the strategic fleet of bombers, fighters, helicopters and cargo planes are still within the continental US. So are most infantry and armor cavalry bases, meaning most of the US manpower is also within the US borders. Since most fantasy worlds barely have its total sentient creatures populations at the billion mark, the US alone would probably be the most populous nation. Which means for everybody else that zerging the US isn't a viable long term option and since the US has more than 4 firearms per citizen, there would be no issue with arming every single US citizen if the need arises.

The US also produces nearly all its munitions and has massive stockpiles of ammunition and fuel to go on for years.

The US also suffered more than a few events mimicking cataclysmic situations and the government, military and population still resume functioning shortly after the blow.

This New World would take a hit on the US collective memory and the US would still spend a few years trying to adapt and accept the new reality. But in this world the US is a super power among powers, in the New World the US would be the only

I imagine a lot of effort going into fracking.

Yeah, living in a world of actual goddamn monsters everywhere all the time would definitely cause Americans to up the ante on the right to bear arms. I can see the rest of the country taking a much more Alaskan view of things, that it's just stupid to not have a gun in case of meeting something you don't wanna.

>Someone ressurects Teddy Roosevelt and charges people money to watch him wrestle bears
>Same guy resurrects Stalin and Hitler and holds nightly televised knife fights to the death
>As it turns out, Jesus really does not like the WBC

i don't think that would work. I can't off the top of my head think of any undead you could create from a long dead corpse that retains the original's personality.

Raise dead type stuff would be better.


We already have a game for this. It handles some issues better than others but it's there.

>Breaking News! Undead J.R.R. Tolkien kills himself after viewing the Hobbit trilogy, undead thrall owner: No biggie, he'll be back

Would it be possible to expand the internet to other countries?

>The wastelands of Gol border the 3 kingdoms of Iron, Glass and Fire.
>The Witch-King Gol in his arrogance assumed he could simply conjure the armies required to wipe all life from the face of our world.
>Fate however has no interest in merely handing a man victory. In this case he traded 18 kingdoms worth of souls for 3 kingdoms, the greatest of which claims to have weapons that could wipe our world clean of life.
>Maybe they are lying, maybe they aren't. Regardless Gol's messengers were killed within minutes to hours after their appearance in these kingdoms and the locals proved to be highly reclusive save for the odd adventurer.
>Or so it appeared at first, in truth the lords of the land were merely adapting and ensuring that they could feed their peoples and supplying their armies.
>to date Gol's grand Armada has been crushed and the Three Kingdom's army continues to engage in the use of magical flying contraptions, fire spells of unprecedented scope, and clairvoyance spells of impressive capability in their campaign to repay the Witch King his efforts on summoning them from their world.

Oh for sure. People with concerns would be shouted down. But in the long term it still wouldn't be enough. Especially if we were on war footing.

Here's a thought: how much oil can a wizard specializing in create spells make? If it's a high enough number, we might actually be in a better place in terms of oil supply than in the real world.

Yes, either through radio transmission or a secure landline between the other countries.

I'd figure NASA would also be busy again trying to launch as many satellites as possible for communications and to map everything.

Depends on the setting. Outside of table top games balanced to stop players from getting super powerful, historic NPCs under their control for cheap, there's plenty of worlds where just getting the body up and running with enough juice gets you access to their minds. That's a bit like saying you can't get access to a ghost's personality because they lived too long ago, when I'm fairly sure at least one setting has ghosts from the time of cavemen.

There's a lot of oil on American soil as well, it's just not as profitable to pump up as Arab oil. Individual consumption would probably be cut pretty quickly. Lots of plastic shit is easily replaceable, much are luxury articles. I mean, the entirely unnecessary consumption of fossil fuel-based products makes up for a large portion of all consumption of fossil fuel.

I doubt the US would be on a war footing at the scale of something like the War on terror.

The initial goal would certainly be securing its own borders to maybe wipe out a few orc settlement or an evil lich castle here and there, the in a scenario where the US would have a vastly reduced resource pool would probably mean Libya stile interventions would be the norm outside the US borders. Where you make a few bombing runs in key regions, establish some communication channels between the locals and the US forces and if needed you send a small detachment of US special forces or a small garrison to secure a specific location.

I guess the US would become very isolationist until areas with rich oil wells or rare earth minerals become known to the US authorities.

>During their first forays into the New World, the United States military encountered practitioners of what the natives call magic, which allows the practitioner to mold the very fabric of existence.
>From that point onward, great efforts have been made to capture numerous individuals of said practice and force them to conjure crude oil in labor camps.

we've had the technology to create fax machines since the 1920s or so but the technology was supressed by phone companies once landlines, you know the infrastructure that'd make that crap useful, were in place since they figured it'd hurt their business. Only the military ever made wide use of them up until they finally relented in the late 80s or so and then e-mail and cell phones killed them.

main issue would be setting up landlines for dial up. Broadband would be rarer after the whole transfer and nonexistant outside the US, Mexico, and Canada but the Internet is so vital to communications technology that there's no way we wouldn't expand it. Especially since there's a fuck ton of infrastucture for it in the continental US.