Request Network

Thinking about investing a good portion of my portfolio into this.
What's the price prediction for the upcoming time and the long term potential?

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i hear its link paypal but better and it has a finite amount of coins

Eoy 2018 10$

I heard like the oracle had some problem or sum shit and this nigga solved it

And follow up question. Since this is a payment Network. Is the team going to build / integrate all the APIs themselves or is there any kind of incentive program?

They've stated that either is fine. They are happy to build out most things given enough time, but will also create incentives so hopefully they won't have to and the network can create itself quicker.

Wait until they implement their tax module in Q3 2018. this will go NUTS. believe me

REQ is going to be huge, its a ycombinator project with a $65million marketcap...just to compare..paypal is 20billion marketcap
if it even goes 1/5 fifth of paypal and you have 100k you;ll be rich

There is an incentive program. They want for REQ to be an ecossystem of projects and a platform on which anyone can build. Look into to it!

Isn't a tax module kinda impossible? Just for example, the "small" europe has an enormous issue harmonizing the tax laws, because its way too complex for every national state to tax the same way and then there are political interests. On top the crypto world is full of question marks regarding the taxes.

Do you have any worthy readings about the tax module? Cannot get my head around it, how this should work. IQ 50 confirmed btw.

I agree it will be a tremendously difficult task. But my guess is they will start with a basic implementation for one EU country.
They will publish a list of countries and explain how they will achieve this in 2018. Currently they only mention it their whitepaper without going too much into detail

REQ is one of the few coins that actually have a place in the real world and not crypto fantasy land. They have backing from Y Combinator and ING.

Few coins are ~10 cents and have such a concrete roadmap with an actual testnet on the within the next week or two.

That's my problem right now. I srly love the Request Network potential of every single use case. But every single use case is superficial described, doesn't matter if it is the tax module or the auditing. This whole project might be too big?

unironically this.

trying to get 150k req
if req goes to $10, I AM FUCKING SET
hell just $800k means i can retire(i already have 500k in savings)

Yeah they have a lot of things (too many?) to implement but they're hard workers (ill spare you the monetys, yc meme).
Ive met them in berlin, we're from the same university. they WILL be the team delivering something. Will the product include everything that's stated in the white paper? maybe not.

When you compare them to the model/dj from Monetha, no hesitation investing in them.

I prefer few things, but these things near to perfection. They are for sure a well rounded team which is working together for ages. I give you that point. But imo the really hard part with the API's is coming though. Looking forward for their marketing strategy with the Main Net launch.
Do you know them well or just visited the same university?
Yeah MTH is veporware, Everyone knows this already.

Be rational for once. I know it's hard in the crypto world to be rational, but we wont see $10 in the near future. And another question is, would you srly hold until $10?

They are a payments platform, think ETH but focused on payments. Of course the scope is big and ambitious, and that is a positive.

Taxation should focus on the payments space with easy to conpute taxes like withholdings and VAT maybe. Tax payments for income taxes and other assessed taxes should be possible but would definitely be computed outside the platform but settled inside. Its not impossible, but will be a challenge, and that again is good.

Even if they don't reach expectations, they're a +180M MC project once a working product is out.

Now, if they deliver... There's no limit. We could even see them getting bought by a giant, since It would become too much of a threat to stablished business.

Also percentage taxes like sales taxes and gst shouldn't be problematic

i alot of people made the mistake of getting into bitcoin early and selling wayyy to early. or giving away their bitcoin for pennies. I dont want to be in the boat. However I think depending on my future situation if it got to 500k or 800k, id probably say fuck it and pull the trigger and sell. But who knows.
In the crypto world a coin can go from 0.09 to $10 in a year.
Bitcoin went from $800 to 13,000 in one year

>We could even see them getting bought by a giant, since It would become too much of a threat
if it gets that big, you'll already have made it by then. just make sure to get out before the acquisition because "too much of a threat" = throw it in the dumpster after we own it so we can continue charging 5% fees and freezing everyones funds without competition.

> I prefer few things, but these things near to perfection.
Couldn't agree more. But once they show they are capable of implementing 2-3 modules, people will believe in them delivering all the other modules stated in their roadmap (even if they utimately don't). It will get traction.
I really feel "safe" (big word in this space...) holding REQ compared to other tokens out there

Just uni friends and we're professionally invested in the same field

how much REQ do you hold

The days and hours leading up to Friday are going to be good times.

It's already done 100% and listed on a single shitty ass exchange.

over 750K

holy shit

you're gonna make it

invested 40% of my savings (im all in crypto) in REQ at ICO and swing traded during a month.

Now I'm holding.

Want a tip?
Look at MANA now, buy LAND with it. LAND = ERC721 = Kitties

Super bullish on REQ

holder of around 400k here

could you explain further

Lol, I'm in the presence of giants

What exchange is everyone buying REQ on and does everyone feel like it's safe leaving it on that exchange?

i got it at binance only a paltry 50k, nothing like these guys with 700k

no kidding. I was feeling like a god with my 40k. I'm merely a peasant

Buy REQ or get REQt

But seriously just the amount of shilling you'll see here and on reddit should tell you that this is one undervalued piece of amazeballs OP. It's same as ARK at 30ยข.

I'm on binance and both scared about keeping it there and too lazy to move it

binance. never "safe" leaving it on an exchange, only risky or less risky.

Heard dis too

REQ or DNA ?

Decentraland is a decentralized VR world.
They had their ico a few months back for their MANA token.

On the 15th of December you'll be able to buy, through an auction, their NON FUNGIBLE token, which is called LAND. (Kitties are NON FUNGIBLE as well, both are what we call an ERC 721 token).

LAND will represent the space you can buy in this virtual world. (the center, which is where everybody will appear when connecting, will be worth a lot)

This shows how retarded biz is. The price doesn't matter! Market cap does

Fuck. We got some pretty big bois here.

What's your strategy?

I don't want to get dumped on this Friday if you plan to exit early.

Really with these kind of gems you shouldnt risk missing a huge ann on friday

thanks for the tip on MANA. could easily see this shit popping off like the crypto kitty bullshit

Don't worry, no dumping :)

I learned my lesson after selling ANS when it dipped to around 3 dollars

Seems reasonable
That would put Req at a marketcap of 6.5 billion $