How do you run a game while tired...

How do you run a game while tired? I'm hosting a session in two hours and I haven't slept in like 38 hours but I don't want to cancel.

By taking a 90-minute power nap before hand. That should get you through a session.

Beat me to it.

Just set your alarm and then go ahead and pass out.

Also caffeine if you're groggy when you wake up. If you already drink too much of that shit it wont help though.

Just wing it. Staying up for 48 - 60 hours is still safe for healthy adult. Assuming you're not doing it often and have enough food and drink. (Just don't drive or operate heavy machinery)

It's beyond 60 hours mark that things get weird and potentially dangerous.

Drugs and caffeine.

I hosted two convention rounds on 2 hours of sleep last year. It went great. Canceled a third round though.

Keep it simple. If you're not up to your regular campaign, play a night of Dread or Lasers & Feelings. Do not play Everyone is John or Don't Rest Your Head, those really demand attention.

Prepare a lot of coffee and avoid sweet snacks or drinks, even artificial sweeteners. Take a 5 minute break every hour and air out the room. Get up and walk around, do a few jumping jacks. Mind your posture and your breathing. Don't smoke or drink. Have a sandwich before the session.

If the players are hyped it will be no problem, their enthusiasm will keep you awake. If they need to be herded, try and give them responsibilities. If a player is not in the scene have them play an NPC without secrets. If there are creative decisions to be made, ask the players OOC what they would like. If a houserule is called for, ask the players what they would consider fair and balanced.

How about you cancel the session and go to sleep.

Get your players to do most of the shit

90m power nap and make it very player focused. Put them in interesting scenarios and if they enjoy their characters you can often sit back and relax.

This tbqh

Well, OP is either playing or sleeping.

OP here. Playing.

Good luck!

Drink a full glass of water before caffeinated drinks. A lot of what people think is tiredness is due to mild dehydration

You learn to say no and stop being a pussy

Just checking in. Coffee is literally the best invention of the twentieth century.

Twentieth century? Dude, coffee has been our friend much longer than that.

Commercial coffee makers then.

Try 15th Century.

>Drink a electrolyte drink.
>drink a cup of coffee then take a 20 minute nap.
>Drink a shit load of caffine.
>pull a "crank"
The list goes on and on...