Yugioh thread

Yugioh thread - slam dunk edition

Useful Links:
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with a wealth of information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/decklists (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Hypergeometric/Probability calculator)

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Invasion of Venom (July 9th)
●OCG: 20th Rival Collection (July 21st)
●OCG: Booster SP: Destiny Soldiers (August 6th)
●OCG: Extra Pack 2016 (September 10, 2016)

●TCG: Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck (July 8th)
●TCG: Dark Side of Dimensions Movie Pack (July 22nd)
●TCG: The Dark Illusion (August 5th)
●TCG: Dragons of Legend: Unleashed (August 19th)

BEFORE asking to be spoonfed, try the following:
● Read the cards.
● Lurk
● Read the cards please.
● Google your Deck before you post it here. If your deck is/was competitive it will probably have topped an event.
● Most games have single rounds or a best of three match; matches are encouraged as they teach you to make use of your side deck for tournament play.
● Remember to playtest and try suggestions before you trash them, even if someone recommends a weird tech choice. You don't know everything.

Other urls found in this thread:

yugiohtopdecks.com/?filter=All Time

I'm happy with the new gemini support that's coming in Invasion of Venom
Now I wish that this guy also receives some new support maybe a new deck like Felgrand

Tellarknight Vatraemus
Rank 4 DARK Warrior-Type Xyz Effect Monster
ATK 2600
DEF 550
Materials: 2 Level 4 “tellarknight” monsters
(1) All face-up monsters become treated as DARK-Attribute.
(2) You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then discard 1 card; Special Summon 1 LIGHT “tellarknight” monster from your Extra Deck by using this card as Xyz Material (This is treated as an Xyz Summon, and Xyz Materials attached to this card also become Xyz Materials on the Summoned monster.), but for the rest of this turn, you cannot Xyz Summon monsters. This effect can be activated during either player’s turn, if you have 7 or more “tellarknight” monsters with different names in your Graveyard.


yugiohtopdecks.com/?filter=All Time

Burning abyss best deck ever. Thank you Kevin Tewart.

>No UA support ever

Sad day to be alive

>playing TCG archetypes
>dies to Chaos MAX

>not playing tcg archetypes

>playing Blue eyes
Enjoy your bricks faggot
Even better blue eyes can do shit tcg side

>running droneless archetypes that literally LITERALLY DIE to one card
>Kozmos die to Light-Imprisoning
>Burning Abyss dies to Shadow-Imprisoning
The archetypes are so bad Tewart had to kill the other topping decks on the banlist to make them relevant
>putting Ignister to 1
>Construct to 0
>Refuses to import CED because it fucks Kozmos hard and they already lose enough LP as is.
Tewart is a fucking idiot.

>literally playing unreleased cards

>literally moving the goalposts
Enjoy being shit at the game
Kozmos wont ever win worlds :^]


>calls others shit at the game
>has to netdeck chinks and STILL loses shadow duels


Cuz they shit mate
I've only lost one shadow duel. Also I've never netdecked. Neck myself mate.

I wanted to start YGO from a while and I was thinking of building an Exodia deck because of a mix of nostalgia and having recently watched the first series, is it possible to win some games with such a deck?
Also can someone explain to me why I can't use asian cards during events?

If they're shit then why are they consistently one of the best decks right now?

Yeah, Exodia decks are possible, but they're mainly built around stalling.

>zero tops in OCG
>best deck
>can't even be qualified for Worlds
Only reason they even top in TCG is because Tewart slaughtered PePe, Qlis, and Shaddolls. If they didn't get their hits Kozmos wouldn't be doing shit. Compare the number of tops pre Emergency banlist and after

Because asian cards are part if a different game called the OCG, we play the yugioh TCG.

They don't top in the OCG because they're TCG exclusive.

What's your point? I'm still right and I already stated that you burger.

If the OCG had Kozmos they'd be tier 0 and everyone knows it.

Great, from what people told me they're like mtg combo decks right?
In mtg I only played midrange and aggro a change of pace should be fun.
So there are actually different rules?
That's a strange marketing decision.

Spotted the retard

The TCG deck to get ported over to the OCG is STILL dominating, why wouldn't this, even better deck, do the same?

Different cards, actually. We have stuff like Kaijus and Kozmos, they have ABCs and D/D/D.

The last* TCG

Were Kozmos ever tier 0 in TCG?
Do you even know what the fuck is Tier 0?
You're a shitter who knows nothing about the game. BA is different in that in can still use 2 other engines to keep the deck alove. All Kozmos have is a shitty field spell card to blow up their hand. And EASILY dies to side decks.

Komzo are tier 1 in the TCG, which is more that enough to get tier 1 in the less powerful OCG.
They had to kill monarchs and almost kill BA just to let metalphoes and ABC compete for fuck sake.

Exodia is solitaire, so yes it's a lot like mtg combo decks. You just draw and stall until you hit all 5 pieces.

Dont be surprised if everyone quits immediately upon seeing you masturbate.

>Tier 1 = Tier 0
>less powerful
>triple Cyber Stein
>feather duster
>triple Vanity
>triple skill drain
>full power Blue-Eyes
>ABCs which can just go into Abyss Dweller for game against Kozmos

>generic shit makes exclusive cards better
>triple vanity
Which noone runs
>full power blue-eyes
That can't beat kozmos
Which are dog shit
>abyss dweller beats kozmo
Then why don't mermails, which are full power and run 3 dweller, ever beat Kozmo? Is it because relying on 1 card to shut down an entire deck is stupid? I think it is.

>ABCs are bad
Someone's delusional.

Anything that tops one format and not the other is bad, just ask

So basically there are cards that are exclusives to one game and are not in the other.
That's ok, people already leave the room when I masturbate anyway.

ABCs can't be that good, they haven't topped in the TCG.

Go back to Veeky Forums, Kaiba. Oh wait.

ancient gear structure fucking when?

How MANLY are you Veeky Forums?

too soon

It's been a year user, you have to get over it eventually.

I think yugioh4realmen would've liked igknights... rest in peace you glorious bastard.


>main character of Arc V part times as a clown/circus entertainer

time for kink sex!

also I never watched the show....but explain why did they cross dimensions into 5D?

It's not actually 5ds, and has nothing to do with the 5Ds story. It's just a dimension of synchro users that just happens to have jack and crow lookalikes.

Yuma pulled a Made in Heaven at the end of ZeXaL which destroyed all yugioh timelines and reset everything. These are all alternate history parallel universes starring most of the same characters.

>Part times as a cute* clown/circus entertainer

Dueling barbie dolls anyone? Do you think now that dn is dead, xsteven will have more time to work on animation?

holy shit, thats like Madoka tier of dimension fuckery

man I remember when it was all about dem Shadow Realm or King of Darkness

>shit animation
>cringy voice acting
>forced exposition
Why the fuck am I wat...
>duel starts
>amazing animation
>cool music
>good sounds effects
Well that was unexpected

To be serious, Kozmo got crunked by the OCG banlist and Worlds uses a shared list between OCG and TCG.

I thought Leo and Yuusho said that they separated summoning types into 4 different dimensions

>separated summoning types into 4 different dimensions

wait wut

so thats they're excuse for why 1 type of special summoning is the dominant/only alt form? so one dimension gets synchros, one gets xyz, etc?

So how do YOU guys have your Frightfur/Fluffal decks built?

anyone else planing on playing darklords when the new ones release

I've been running 3 fusion tag and its made sabretooth and chimera much easier

I hear the current meta is not running chimera and light on tigers honestly.

How do you reliably run Chimera anyway?

Meant to say Leo, not Tiger.

I have no idea what I'm doing

pic is for ants!

>tfw DN is kill

user, Digital Bugs are BEYOND awful. Literally the worst archetype in years, no memes.

I run Cyberdarks, do you think I give a shit about whether archetypes are competitively viable? I just want to run with something I like the best I can for fun

The goal is to make wolf and tiger with at least 3 material each.

Well sure, but what do you choose for your:

Ditital bugs aren't fun either. Sorry user, but they suck on both fronts.

>running XYZ scum cards
Fusion master race user.

Are you saying that all the fun I've been having with that deck was not real fun?

It wasn't as much fun as the fun you could be having playing any other deck.

Yes user.

the "If this card attacks or is attacked, your opponent cannot activate cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step." part makes a good way to remove monsters that are in the way and gives you more damage for potential otk

U mean revolt-r they just released more info its like 40 cards plus a promo so most likely a tribute engine and a stronk af gadjiltron dragon but no fusions -__-

Then what decks are currently 100% 3rd-party-tested officially certified fun™

We turbo maxed out wings engine instant fusions for norden or sheep then into Tooth or r4 and 2-3 king of the swamps

Since you can apparently find digital bugs fun, an extemely linear archetype that bricks hard and doesn't even get wins easily to make up for it, I'm going to say literally every deck in the game.


Konami can be real funny sometimes.

I don't get it.
I'm guessing it has something to do with the banlist?

Yes, those are banned cards and Thousand-Eyes is now unbanned. They did similar joke where they arrested a card for smuggling pot of greed.

Now I see it. good joke.

And I'm guessing you mean the "sangan takes the wrong train" series?


poor sangan

That's a neat, flavorful card. Too bad Yugioh never has flavor text on effect monsters.

> Too bad Yugioh never has flavor text on effect monsters.

they dont have space

also I'm sure if they did, some of them would be japanese puns that dont translate well

That's another reason I don't play yugioh anymore. I can't read font that small, keywords are objectively superior.

That's also a really silly card for a number of reasons.

Blame the game being designed around Japanese language's advantage of needing to write less characters for their words. The effects themselves are usually simple, it's just the game has a lot of summoning and activation requirements that takes up most of the text space.

Flavour text on that card would just ruin the joke though.

>I can't read
Don't worry, neither can the rest of the playerbase. We just look at the pictures and guess.

given how bad many magic cards are...yeesh ygo could be even worse

especially they would be more kid friendly

I don't actually remember quotes being used in YGO flavor text. Usually the flavor text is the monster's description, or some lore hint.

>some lore hint
The lore is almost exclusively in the cards art, and never featured in the flavour text.

Joke flavor text aside. Some of the flavor in ygo can be pretty dark sometimes.

For example Dragon Horn Hunter (pic). And this is the translation of her newest form's flavour:
A female warrior possessing power beyond the likes of normal men, that she gained from the spurts of blood that come from dragons she slays. Her soul is now stained with the grudges of the dragons she's slain, and it's been reduced to a wicked dragon core that spreads their plague. Without a home to return to, dying her blade with blood has become something she does without even thinking, and she no longer remembers what her original goal or purpose even was.

user I think you forgot something.

Aand forgot pic.


Do you have a pic of the retrain?

>what is Qliphort Scout
And speaking of Qliphs, Monolith has one of my favorite flavour text. To bad it got censored in the TCG cause can't reference biblical stuff.
JP Flavour:
qliphoth.exe の 0x1i-666 でハンドルされていない例外を確認。
場所 0x00-000 に書き込み中にアクセス違反が発生しました。
このエラーを無視し、続行しますか? ...[ ]
JP Flavour trivia:
>The apparent error dump in this card's Japanese flavor text below the "===CARNAGE===" header contains two streams of reverse text (similar to "Evilswarm Heliotrope"), one in English and one in Japanese:
>The English stream of text reads "God is angry on your doing and want to bring fire flood", a reference to Noah's Ark in the Old Testament.
>The Japanese stream of text is written alternately in hiragana/kanji and katakana to obfuscate it; when converted to the proper grammar it reads 「見よ人は我々の一人のようになり善悪を知るものとなった彼は手を伸べ命の木からも取って食べ永久に生きるかもしれない」 ("Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"). This is a direct quote from the biblical verse Genesis 3:22, and references the tree of life in the Old Testament.
EN Flavour Trivia:
>In the TCG, the error dump is replaced with an error message enciphered using the Atbash cipher, which when deciphered references both streams of text in the original Japanese flavor text. In English, it reads "Contact with the Sacred Tree is forbidden. The scourge has been unleashed.".

Also most of that was in Japanese so I couldn't read it anyway.