Gorkamorka General!

Gorkamorka General!
Post ur mobz
Post ur spanner'z latust creatun!

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=Digganob pdf


Postin' info from uvver threadz.

If you don't have dice you can hunt ebay or you can use a D6

Sustained Fire Die: Use a D3 except a 6 is a misfire
(1-2) = 1, (3-4) = 2, (5) = 3, (6) = Jam

Artillery Die (For Stikkbombz) use a D6 where a 6 is a misfire and 1-5 are inches scatter.

More links and house rules are at:

So, everywun, what do you think that squig, more specifically, a eatin' squig, tastes like? I like to imagine it as a fine prime rib cut, cooked to perfection with a nice mushroom gravy.


one armed jim scourge of the seven seas

one armed jim scourge of the seven seas


I honestly have always had this wacky idea that since a whole Ork camp can live off of Eatin' Squigs, that they taste different depending on what they eat, how much they eat, and how old they are before you eat them.

Something to the tune that if you get an older, well-fed Eatin' Squig that's mature, it'll come out like you said, a prime rib cut in a mushroom gravy. But if you get a young scrawny one it'll taste more like Bologna. Then again, if you get an old, scrawny Squig it'll taste like tough, well-done steak, and a young squig that's been fed well will taste more like ham. But that's assuming they've been eating good stuff. A Squig that's subsisted on nothing but drops and whatever trash it could scavenge is going to be gamey, but the ones that are fed grots, or other eating squigs, will have a fine texture and broad flavour.

That way Orks have a rudimentary cooking Kulture based on how you feed your Squigs, care for them, and less on how you prepare them (If you prepare them at all).

That's my bit of autism on the subject, leastways.

>tfw you will never be a ork boss, forcing his gretchen to make gormet foods.
Why even live?

Does anyone have the book that has Diggas?

You stupid gorkers don't deserve no janglies

>TFW no GorkaMeshi

I know your pain


There ya go, would send it but there is the size limit so

lmgtfy.com/?q=Digganob pdf

Thank youuuu

Who /WAAAGH/ here?

My mob's slowly coming along, finished da trukk, da Nob and da spanna so far, onto da ladz next!

>Drive me closer, ya git! I wanna duff 'em over!

Nice, very very nice.

We've been hearing about mobs and vehicles, but what about your forts?
Post yer 'ome away from Mektown if ya got one (and if some sneakin' morker ain't nicked yer bitz)

>Where can I get models for X?


What about Big Luggas?

Sometimes you need to break out the plasticard.


All of GW's little grot blisters are gone.

'ere we go 'ere we go 'ere we go!

Where can I find a ice hockey goalie mask for me Boss? Ala The Humungus! The Lord Humungus! The Warrior of the Wasteland! The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla!"

Sadly, you're going to have to green stuff it. Sorry man.

If you don't want to greenstuff it, you could always loot this guy's head:

What is it with miniature companies and cameras?

It's not that fucking hard to take a damn picture.


Working on my trukk-sized trak
Fuck tamiya models, so many mold lines
Mold lines on mold lines
Life is suffering


It needz kustom gubinz.
What gubinz do ya fink it needz? Alreagy got a scrapp colector

You're not playing a campaign?


>Me incharge of clicking the right photo

No, I only occasionally play one off games with a friend.
Not enough people for a campaign

Without a campaign you might as well play another, better game system. One-off games are dull as fuck.

Yeah, well
That's just like, your opinion man

>dull as fuck (4U)

Pic related, it's you

How do you do one offs? Just decide on the amount of teef you get, or would you use a mob like you would in a campaign?