The local kingdom's courts are hit with a surprising appeal

>The local kingdom's courts are hit with a surprising appeal
>A normally hostile orcish tribe has sent a legal delegation
>They claim to have been displaced from their traditional lands by an elvish enclave, which by treaty is now subject to the kingdom's law
>They want the lands restored to them, claiming that it was taken by genocide, leading to the survivors becoming a ranging tribe of sometimes marauders

>normally hostile
The kingdom only accepts unconditional surrenders.

Accuse them of being liars, as they're clearly not even really orcs. That is a human woman painted green. So we must hunt down whatever conspiracy is trying to agitate relations between us and the orcs.

>tfw you became king just so you could have a harem of orc women oil wrestle with you.

I will help them in this noble goal.

Orc filth? Asking us for peace this late?

Finnish what the Elves began. Eru wills it.

I'd tap that. despite their hostile behavior, i'd tap that.

>The elvish delegation, however, was not unprepared
>Their representative points out the inherrent problem of infinite legal regression: nobody owns anything, and property itself becomes theft rather than a secured right
>On top of that, at the time of the displacement there was no international legislation defining and condemning genocide, meaning that the orcish delegation effectively argues for retroactive enforcing of the law which is against the principle of legal certainty

That's she-hulk.
She only fucks demigods and up.

Kill the delegate, kill the orcs.

These are our lands, fuck the savages.

Since when? She's at least fucked Iron Man and Juggernaut.

Bring forth the next docket.

Tony Stark might as well be Eros' brother with how many people he has fucked. But I'll give you that one.
Juggernaut is an avatar of Cyttorak.

Isn't the Juggernaut the Avatar of Cyttorak?

If the elves are kingdom's subjects and the orcs are not, I really don't see why the courts should even bother listening to whatever the greenskins have to say.

Let's say we're a humane kingdom and put them into intermnent camps instead of just putting them to blade, and try to beat the orkiness out of them.

At what part of the legal proceedings do they make out?

>The orcish delegation asserts that they have a prima facia case, pointing out that in this circumstance there are still living perpetrators and architects of the genocide still living and in positions of authority.
>They argue that as a consequence of this unique circumstance that there is no ex post facto law being implemented, merely a test of property rights that are not infinitely regressive as it is being conducted between the aggrieved party and the living perpetrators of the act

Send the delegates away with a no. All land is taken and they're currently a tribe of violent marauders. Come back when you can get a non-orc god to back up that claim
I think the Juggernaut one was retconned, but she's certainly gotten around

Fuck the elven delegate.

Literally. Judging by nonsense she spouts that's how she probably got the station anyway so she'll be expecting it. It's not like there's really anything to discuss since foreign orcs have no rights (domestic ones of course do after they pass citizenship test).

>Law & Order: D&D

I can dig it.

Id play it

This pic annoys me. Jen has skinny arms and bolted on tits, like she's a pornstar. The face also seems to have odd proportions.

>Reed Richards CAN'T give me a bad review!

Jesus Jen, have you even MET the guy? He'd do it just to see what would happen. Or if he forgets that it's not the 60's anymore, because holy shit he was a mysogynistic asshole back then, and Sue didn't help by enabling that shit full force either.
How that it's Hank that gets remember as the wifebeater when Reed has probably backhanded Sue back then more times than Hanks accidentially created an AI that's turned on him*?


>Judging by nonsense she spouts
>He unironically supports the outcome of the Nuremberg trials


What's the purpose of this question?

Nobody gives a shit about Reed is why.

>some orcish marauders want sovereign turf taken by the kingdom through strength of arms from the elf menace
>their claim is based on the elves forcing them out through force
This is a kingdom, not a fucking charity.

>it's another Female Orc thread
>kicking it right off with a typical green elf
What's next? Ogre women?

I don't know enough legal terminology to tell if this story is very interestingly constructed and well-informed, or literal gibberish.

Why do both delegates have such ample bosoms? Is that a requirement or a coincidence?

This is why revolutions happen.

>negotiating with a hostile tribe of Orcs
>pissing off the Elves in the process

>kicking it right off with a typical green elf
>Why do both delegates have such ample bosoms?

By the gods user. It's a ruse by the elves! A false flag! They painted one of their own women green and sent her here to make the orcs look like fools. It must be a ploy to provoke the human kingdom into attacking!

John Jameson was not a demigod at the time when she was fucking him.

Fucking kill them all.

You're so fucking gay, OP.

>Send out my finest Knights
>The rip and tear the Orks
>Men and women killed
>Take children/babies and have them raised to be barbarians to defend my lands

Everything went better than expected

>>Take children/babies and have them raised to be barbarians to defend my lands
>not releasing them into the wild to ensure your people always have an enemy to fight
Complacency and peace lead to weakness and idleness.

Ogre women are just obese human women.

Lotta ogres here in Texas.... Lotta ogres...

My people excel at two things


and science.

how would one even piss off the lizards that badly yet still have such relatively low approval elsewhere?

The Juggernaut-fuck was completely OOC and the fault Chuck "The Fuck" Austin.

Feel free to google that guy and get a taste of his unique talents, then tell me Jennifer Walters fucking HER OWN CLIENT who was ALSO an active super-villain at the time makes any sense.

Girl might be thirsty, but she's not amoral or unethical (as a lawyer).

Jen suffers from inconsistent art almost as badly as she does from anti-thanos missiles.

Ol Shulkie's often struggled with artists.
Shame for a cheesecake character.

I'll be honest. The sun-blotter-outer may have been a mistake.

>Girl might be thirsty

It must suck having vaginal muscles so powerful that they'd accidentally rip off the dicks of lesser men that entered you.

Yeah, Slott retconned it into there being a bunch of assholes in a parallel dimension who spent their spare time pretending to be superheroes in 616. It was a parallel version of Jennifer Walters who fucked the Juggernaut.
I always liked this because it explains why Wolverine can be on five teams at once while simultaneously running a school and having his own adventures.

Ah, classic Imps.

I loved that issue.

It was a true masterwork of retconnery.

How has Slott fallen so far from his once enjoyably lofty heights?

Adamantium chair?

She-Hulk is the greatest fucking master in the 616. Her vaginal control would make Karnak green with envy if he had one of his own.

Tell those pinko-commie elves to go fuck themselves until they stop riding Marx's dick with Lenin providing commentary
>pic related

Ay oh! Anons coming in hot tonight.

Both parties will be executed, their lands claimed by the state. Hail Zarus.

So is there a reason She-Hulk has been tunneled so many times throughout the years?

I can't think of many other superheroines that have been fucked half as many times as She-Hulk.

>How has Slott fallen so far from his once enjoyably lofty heights?
It's such a shame. He's become IRL Comic Book Guy. A disgusting, sneering blob whose only pleasure is in trolling other fans. And also he's somehow a bitch to Marvel's non-existent editorial.

Sex is fun, and Jennifer Walters has incredible self-confidence and lack of fear or anxiety while in her green form.

Simple as that.

(Though a psychologist could probably try and argue that she's overcompensating a little in the other direction due to her pre-she-hulk life of timidity and poor self-esteem. Ultimately though, she has lots of sex with lots of guys because sex is enjoyable, rather than due to some sort of compulsion or neurosis.)

We don't need orcs for that, there will always be other kingdoms.

She likes sex.

Sounds like as good a reason as any.

I know if I turned into a muscular green super-hunk I'd probably be fucking just as often as she was.

Actually this brings up an interesting point; why aren't more superheroes or superheroines constantly fucking or getting fucked? They're usually young, typically beautiful and in fantastic shape, as anyone who's worked at the Olympic Village would tell you that's a recipe for crates of condoms getting flown in to support the sheer volume of semen getting pumped into those places.

Because comic books are for children you nerd.

Spoiler: they were between the end of the Comics Code and the sex-negative 2010s.
Ever read an X-Men comic? They're like soap operas for their relationship drama. Avengers and Justice League have been almost as bad at times.

Have you seen some of those relationship charts? The superhero business is so incestuous that I can't even think of a colorful comparison to another industry that captures how much they all fuck bench other.

I learned something today.
Ignore my post here


>why aren't more superheroes or superheroines constantly fucking or getting fucked?
But they do, when they're not in the midst of drama, getting into fights, being dead, then not dead, having PTSD, PR stunts, and whatever else capes do during the day.

>Wolverine Station

It feels like "One Night Stand" should be a separate category from "Single Date / Kissed" considering, you know, the actions going on with it.

>get paid to draw a sexy woman
>draw that
that is not how arms, muscles or anything works

I hate comics. What has happened to you indeed.

That run was plagued with terrible art.

nah, she sleeps around

They are. VA just has insanely good PR departments making sure the heroes look like boy scouts.

Everyone wants to snikt his bub.

>Everyone wants to snikt his bub.

>future issue where logan discovers he's an AIDS carrier, all of its symptoms masked by his powers

>the troll delegate who was sticking around for the booze points out that the statutes in which genocide was legalized were made to be retroactive so King Barbus "the ear taker" could be prosecuted and sentenced to death for his crimes against elf kind.
>she also demands more cigars before she leaves.

where's the human official who suppose to tell them all to shut up and get use to living under human dominion

What was wrong, legally, with the nuremberg trials?

>Elves make a quasi-Lockean libertarian argument, except with an explicit refutation of Nozick's just transfer principle
>Argue for legal certainty instead of Marxist end-and-means shit
>"Fucking commies"

kek I fucking hate human plebs

Mutants can't get HIV.

I'm wondering the same.

Reading the Wikipedia article I'm not seeing the big issue, but it's pretty sparse on info.

>High up Nazis tried for war crimes.

They could have gotten a more competent executioner if they were trying to be humane about it, but I think I'm missing something important to your point, and only have a brief passing knowledge on the subject.

Not him, but they prosecuted for laws that didn't exist and/or weren't signed by Germany at the time. It was hypocritical for some other reasons as well, but I forget those. I guess one would be that Stalin genocided people before WW2, but to be fair, Stalin had a seat at the UN conference determining the definition of genocide and had the foresight to say "social class doesn't count" so that he could later say "all the Ukrainians who starved were fucking kulak reactionary scum, so it's alright."

Well, I wouldn't be so sure about that.
I mean monkeys can get it, which is how the whole thing started...



No, it's canon that mutants don't get HIV. Chuck Austen. Came up as a throw-away line when Angel was trying to donate blood.

Pretty much the entire batch of them.
The allies invented new laws to put thier prisoners on trial for, did not limit the trials to persons in positions of high authority and even then allied atrocities should have put most of their command on trial, but those laws were selectively enforced.
It's one of the reasons Admiral Nimitz refused to participate other than pen a letter condemning the trials and noting that everyone was using the tactics that the captured German military was on trial for.
So yes, it is bullshit to invent new laws to. retroactively enforce against only a selective group of people for violating.

This is why we keep the Trolls around. They remember this shit because everyone is to arsed too and would rather make stuff up just to sound smart.

I was unaware that the US and Britain ran their own Dachau.

Yeah but do you honestly think defending Nazis makes you a better person? Both sides have their issues, but one had more issues. Also one lost.

Shhh, it's the alt-right. They dissemble, misdirect, slip in historical revisionism, and ignore glaring holes in their own arguments. I don't know why the internet has spawned them, but it has.

The U.S. had a concentration camp for the japanese set up in california.

To my knowledge we weren't experimenting on them, but we were guilty of ethnic based internment.

It's probably more of a clarity issue than anything else. Imagine if those were three separate colors and how much less you'd be able to read that chart.

>The U.S. had a concentration camp for the japanese set up in california.

I knew you were going to bring this up.

>To my knowledge we weren't experimenting on them, but we were guilty of ethnic based internment.

Arresting and imprisoning the Nisai was bad. But they didn't execute them en masse in order to achieve some crazy notion of racial purity. Gold wasn't pulled out of their teeth and melted into bars to be stored in swiss banks. Their women weren't forced into "service" pleasing American officers sexually.

Your whataboutism is duly noted though.

Get off of Veeky Forums with your lies, Victor.

Angel's blood heals people because Chuck Austen decided that he was descended from a race of Angelic mutants, and Nightcrawler's dad was a literal demon, and Angel's blood hurt him because of that.

Or something.

Really, when it comes right down to it, Chuck Austen is a terrible writer.

Internet anonymity and the stupid shittiness that sometimes produces in human behavior, mostly.

Stretched out to the max, and born of facing no consequences for their actions.

The same thing that produces some of the pieces of shit that use the other side of the spectrum as an excuse to shit all over people while feeling righteous about it, really.

Ultimately, it's all about the perceived lack of consequences in treating other people like garbage, more than anything else.

Also, forgot to add, they can't get HIV, but Northstar (Who is now canonically gay) got HIV-like symptoms that turned out to be a Fairy disease, because he is part Fairy, and he had to go back to Fairy World so he could get better.

This is all happened back in the 80's/90's and is a thing that actually happened, because Editors didn't like the idea of gay superheroes or AIDS awareness.

The Japanese internment camps are a real stain on American history (and Canada's version of it wasn't much better), but they weren't extermination camps. There is a real difference there, even if it doesn't make the Japanese internment camps any less loathesome than they were.

>Angelic & Demonic Mutant Blood Strains
I liked that plotline, and I liked all of the Azazel plot that came with it. I was disappointed that it basically just got dropped only to never come up again.

I also enjoyed the plot where they time-bubbled a bunch of people on a boat, and they all evolved into mutants (because the humans in 616 are an experiment in genetic manipulation by the celestials and they're designed to eventually all go homo superior) and got out and the X Men had to deal with them, and was disappointed that got dropped too.

That's what I said, yes.

Honestly, marvel should just declare all of Austen's shit to be non-canon.

It was garbage from start to finish.

The fact that this got retconned in such a silly way makes me happy.