Tyranids are objectively the least evil race in 40K they never betray, they never torture...

Tyranids are objectively the least evil race in 40K they never betray, they never torture, they never indoctrinate they are just trying to survive and considering how corrupt and terrible the galaxy is nothing of value will be lost once the nom it anyway. Tyranids are the future anons the biomass they will gain from your corpse will be used to mold something better, something perfect it's safe to say they came to punish the sinners and redeem them at the same time.

More importantly they also rekt marines which is always nice.

>they never betray,

Genestealer cults.

It's not betraying if you don't promise anything to begin with.

Squats are objectively the least evil race in 40k. They never serve GW, they serve to piss off GW & are too awesome for canon. No matter how corrupt & awful the 40k galaxy is, the Squats will remain outside the galaxy & laugh at everything.

Y'know what I see in the future? A proto-Tyranid master species; having assimilated all intelligent life in the Milky Way, they will destroy the Ruinous Powers entirely, eliminate the last remaining Necrons, and 'farm' Orcs as a source of food and violent amusement. They'll be ruled by a great and powerful Norn Empress, gifted with godly psychic abilities and intelligence, who will have 20 daughters...

>they never betray, they never torture, they never indoctrinate


>More importantly they also rekt marines which is always nice.

You must realise that pound for pound Space Marines far outperform Tyranids. For all their mastery of biomass they've never created warriors as effective as Space Marines. They should bow down and accept the Emperor as their superior.

>Tyranids are objectively the least evil race in 40K
They don't acknowledge the divinity of the God-Emperor of Mankind, so they're just as evil as any other xeno

>they never torture
The Malanthrope's tendrils carry a venoumous poison that is injected through the skin and causes excruciating pain. This poison disables the target and the Malanthrope then absorbs its body into the bloated sacks present on its torso, where the victim's genetic material is slowly extracted and processed -- a terrible death for any individual unlucky enough to be caught still alive by the Malanthrope.

thats not out of malice though

Yes out of malice.
The Hivemind has been shown to be an evil bastard.

>More importantly they also rekt marines which is always nice.
no they don't

>something perfect it's safe to say they came to punish the sinners and redeem them at the same time.
This boys and girls is what we call Genestealer cult propaganda.
>More importantly they also rekt marines which is always nice.
Deathwatch and Calgar would smack you for that.

They're abhumans now so yeah they're going to get eaten.

Just like a nuke.

Doesn't mean its good in any shape or form and should not be allowed to exist out of contained use.



> Tyranids are the future anons.
>The biomass they will gain from your corpse will be used to mold something better, something perfect.
>It's safe to say they came to punish the sinners and redeem them at the same time.
OP sure doesn't sound like a 'stealer cultist

There's a whole lot of Xenos sympathizers in this thread.

I actually think Tyranids winning would produce the most interesting ending whilst keeping with the universe's themes.

Chaos ending is the best ending, the races of the galaxy finally consumed by their sins.

One could argue that the Mephrit dynasty of the NewCrons is actually the best and most stable ending, as they are essentially robo Tau with better weapons, the ability to close the eye of terror and the Maelstrom, and aren't interested in genocide.

I disagree.
40k is a setting built out of spite and hatred. For literally millions of years, these other factions have feuded and been dicks to one another for stupid reasons. It's all grudges and fueds.
So a 3rd party who can't have these petty grudges coming in and killing everyone is a perfect end cap, showing just how stupid everyone was in not putting their differences aside to fight the true threat.

>Most interesting ending
>Dead empty galaxy with no living thing in it
>Most interesting ending

For what reason would you think that?

How is that at all an interesting resolution to millions of years of conflict?

>with no living thing in it
except for millions of kinds of tyranids

>pro tyranid, so probably player

with no living thing in it
>except for millions of kinds of tyranids
>millions of kinds of tyranids

>Doesn't know that all tyranids do is move on after they nommed everything

Did one of your parents drop you on the head as a child?

Because, it shows the futility of it all. The galaxy is corrupt and rotten to its core, so it takes something incorruptible, uncaring of petty rivalries to tear it all down and cleanse it.