Jumpchain CYOA Thread #961: Maximum Amoralism Edition

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XXI Century human morality is overrated.

Human morality is needed.


So, this happened.


...I'm just gonna guess that it's a fakeout. What's the use of resurrecting an arrogant prick who, when he uses his powers, Acnologia will instantly come running to kill again.

What does it even matter? Resurrection magic is all over the place in jump chain.

It's just about the plot being all over the place.

So basically like most long running shonen series?

Tell me about your usual companion line-up. How strong are they? What dothey do? What is your relationship with them? Do you all wear some kind of uniform or everyone gets to choose their own style?

129. Ravenloft
Age: 20, Origin: Drop-In
Location: Barovia
Perks: Nope!, Performer (-50), Sneaky (-50), Iron Will (-100), Magic Resistance (-300), Mist Walker (-300)
Items: Free Stuff, Vistoni Charm, The Gun, Sacred Scarf (-100), Belmont (-400)
Drawbacks: Unwanted Harem (+100), Tragic Watchman (+200)

I'm still a mailman, I just added some drawbacks.

I deliver the worst news, and it's rumored if your letter arrives the information inside will lead you to insanity. Still, I am the only courier that can never be stopped, so it works out.


They do whatever they want really. Be your own man man

I've got...

A huge god-dragon holding absolute dominion over fire and being easily double the size of godzilla.
A ghost girl bound to a otherwise ordinary stone who I've been teaching necromancy.
My AI personal assistant/secretary, who's hopping all over the place through every piece of technology I have... and is trying to get me to be serious more often.
The cosmic incarnation of "Fuck You", taking the approximate shape of a deer and/or deer-man.
The Lady Gromgard aka The Overlady running around in her sauron-style armor and breaking mountains with centuries of Iterative Improvement on her gear.
A catgirl-shaped eldritch horror...
An immortal, eldritch, bat-shit insane, perverted, ancient vampire
My Little Sister, from Slice of Life. Basically a little girl version of my jumper.
My Parting Gift, from Darkstalkers... Basically a little girl version of my jumper.
Ranma Saotome, from Ranma. Now with more martial arts, Enhanced Mastery, and other learning/skillcopying perks.
And Jibril. The angel of blowing shit up and knowledge.

There strength ranges from sort-of-human but ridiculously skilled, to 'casually murders eldritch gods and smashes through absolute defences like tissue paper'.

Relationship depends on who they are. Generally a bunch of waifus, friends, family... and one actual rival. though it might be edging into kismesis territory after Sburb.

Everyone gets to choose their own style. We're not really strict about anything like that, and most of the time they're free to do whatever they want anyway.

Can /jc/ give me any good examples of what Fire Emblem magic can do in terms of feats? And if there are any interesting metaphysics to think about and work with?

Well apparently a cult managed to revive a horrible dragon of darkness and create an artificial manakete of sorts out of a human child as a vessel for it. So that's neat.

Basically you have combat magic, which is your generic videogame stuff, and you have the story rituals, which are always big news.

So /jc/, we all know there are quite a few physical shapeshifting perks/powers/whatever in the chain.
But where could I find something that does the same to my own mind? For example, being able to rewrite what I like/dislike, my hoobies, my sets of morals and all that jazz. Basically the mental equivalent of shapeshifting/psychic self-surgery.
Does something like that even exist?
And if so, or not, what uses would your jumper get out of it?

Attitude from Power Rangers. You don't need anything else.

Is there anything at all worthwhile in the ASoIaF jump other than the chance to kill everything and establish a new world order?

Oh right, this is the Elonanon. Good catch on the resistance perks last thread, guys. I've been distracted by Bravely Second.

259. Investigation
Location: Washington
Age: 29, Origin: Psychic
Perks: No Badge No Problem, Expert [Geneticist], Why Do They Always Run? (-100), Background Check (-300), Enhance Button (-600)

I hung around the Jeffersonian and my identity only lasted a couple weeks, but that's to be expected when you hang around with police scientists. It was mostly the little things that gave it away, like making toys from whatever bits and bobs they were about to throw out, and how it always rains when I had to go home, and how I had only recently published any papers despite somehow wrangling a job working with the FBI and having multiple PhDs at 29.

And then I just didn't bother pretending that I made sense. I showed up for work on time, did my job, revealed information I had no earthly way of knowing, showed up places I couldn't be, and occasionally sang songs that caused old injuries to heal and helped them recover from difficult cases. By the end of Year ten I mostly walked around without illusions because they had pieced so much together about me. Bones actually guessed I was an alien anthropologist, and I guess she was right, in a way. I corrected her by saying I was a tourist, though. A tourist that kept journals, and notes, and talked to natives, and learned about their cultures and histories and lifestyles. But I also interfere far too much to be a scientist, because I have to keep the boss-lady happy.

I think Sweets was the only one that got the full story, because he wouldn't let me in the field if he didn't get it. He seemed amused at first, before he began taking it seriously and thinking of the implications of the secrecy pact I placed him under.

So, could you feasibly devise and execute rituals like those yourself given time and resources?


You can punch a bunch of people who completely deserve it in the nuts. Or cuntpunt.

I was one of those little deer elves.

They seem cute.

Yeah you do, if you want to add or modify anything. Attitude only acts as a delete button.
Also, you better hope you don't ever have to delete something later, because it's one and done.

I find Psychonauts tech is pretty good for that kind of thing. I mean, it's not the be end all, but it's a really base for being able to enter into a metaphysical realm of symbolism that you can start applying changes to.
Also good for generalized research on mental structures!

It's kind of touch and go, but, I mean, if you're in there, and you can effect things, then you can change how things operate. The kid from Psychonauts fixes some mental disorders by jumping into peoples' heads. You could presumably create them or add new stuff altogether with some practice.
Just refurnish some mental landscapes and maybe teach the constructs some new hobbies or something.
This can be used on other people as well as yourself, though you'll obviously want to be careful about what you're doing if it's on anyone important.

Personally, I've, uh, sometimes had to cram a bunch of memories into a safe and lock it behind another, slightly larger safe and bury it in metaphorical cobwebs.
So, yeah. Psychic surgery. It's a thing!

I learned how to make candles.

... out of poison.

The reward from Best Dynasty Ever is nice if you care about family. But other than that yeah there isn't much difficulty or power for even a middling jumper.

What's your jumpers current power level?

This is true. But at least it's better than any other century.

let me run a combo by you guys since I know I'm bad at this. power combinations from Young Justice+Omega level energy Absorption from X-Men+LiveWire from Darkstalkers=absorb all the different kinds of energy as if it was electricity,having it heal you.+insert any of the numerous perks that let you run off a hit point system here+Waveform anatomy+solipsistic integrity from NGE+(prototype from prototype and shoggoth from Lovecraft)=the energy is now mass for your body, As well as healing you mentally and spiritually. +fusion Boomer assimilates a thing with a supcom energy receiver+ paragon resource generator= you now have near infinite energy. =you now have near infinite Biomass to work with as well as near infinite mental,physical and spiritual health and are empowered by nearly every form of Non-mystic energy.

Over 9000.


Couple hundred at the highest.
Of course, I'm still in the "Jumping familiar settings" phase of my chain

>Iterative Improvement.
Is that a perk? Where from?

It's a Worm power. Allows you gain 'charge' to give your equipment powers. Canon guy was said to potentially get a citybuster weapon in 400 days or something, and it only goes up from there.

Thanks user.

High-to-Elder God tier. I'm not quite at ASA levels, but I'm getting there at a solid pace. I'm only 50 jumps in and I haven't even gone to Worm, Raildex, any of the shounen jumps, or any of the typical powergrabs yet for that matter.

I've got...
Mother Box Which I've been importing into nearly everywhere that has ntelligence-based magic as A wizard and has compound computation,so they are not unlike hex from diskworld at this point

one punch man who Is now immune to both magic and Mind control,my sparring partner haven't been able to Defeat him Without Conceptual bull crap.

my servant Leonardo da Vinci,imported several places to make her Better at crafting unusual things on top of EX item creation Saitama's wife .

Pam Poovey-Lannister
late jumper level brawler/only sane woman,Looks like a mass of red hot Iron, Mistress of the obvious

Tyrion Poovey-Lannister
late jumper level general/only sane man,
the Man I'm most likely listen to listen to.

Late Jumper level Sniper. my son, a bit twitchy since he grew up on Pandora,imagine a less cranky Hunter S Thompson.

Lady Tina of Blowupyourfaceheim
Less impulsive and Pyromaniacal then she was a teenager, giving her access to a wand of universal fire was one of my jumpers earlier mistakes, I have not corrected it yet.

Roland Junior
their son,literal Demigod of KLUGE and kit bashing, mechanic and fabricator general,total jock about four stories tall with as many arms ,has the best hammer I've Been able to put together.

RJ's wife, much happier now that the implants are not hurting her and she is among folks that don't freak out Around her,eventually she learned to love her body as much as RJ doesn't wear much,hi mobility CQC Focus'd Perky girl.

Weezing Pokéwifu, think Donna from Parks and rec with Actual power,Her word is law,been together with her longer than mankind has walked this earth.

Zero...but I'm hiding my power level behind several contradictory layers of deceptions and enough sandbagging to save New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina.

Drawback: All the Enemies you Ever Wanted (1800)

Paradigm Shift: Girls und Mecha: Super Robot Wars (1650)

Scenario: Little Army (2150)

Latveria for Latverians!: Nova (1950)

Scion, Age 15, Male (1900)

Start The Mission! (Free)
We're Together, We Can Do It (1800)
Our Armor Is Fairly Thin (1600)
Zig-Zag (1200)
Rush Job (1000)
Battle-Hardened War Hero (600)
Bokobears (550)
Tank Cakes (500)
Extra Food VouchersX2 (400)
Extra PardonsX2 (200)
Fish Farm (50)
Flower Arrangements (0)

The last thing I remember from last jump was the Exarchs charging up some kind of absurdly massive Fate-Space-Spirit ritual straight at me, after breaching the first of their Cintamani Palaces by using Umor as a battering ram.

I...I guess that curse was powerful enough to pierce the barriers of jumpchain itself. Because I'm currently looking at giant robots pilotted by eldritch abominations, my two least favorite things in the multiverse.

There goes Nyarlathotep from R'lyeh Academy, honking her squamous biomechanical terror of a giant robot

There goes Louisa Ferrel from Chaos U, just knocking over people whenever she steers the Mara Lagann in a different direction.

And...yep, it appears the Exarchs, all 8 million of them, have followed me here too. They appear to be smugger than ever.

Godammit why do most of my shapeshifter nemeses also happen to have conveniently schoolgirl-shaped forms? At least Ravenloft and the Dark Powers over there seem to be just as disturbed at becoming goth lolis as I am.

Pretty much the only silver lining is that Elodie's teh literal queen of our academy. I have a new blackbox tech known as the scopedog that might prove useful. I know from...personal experience it's absurdly effective against cosmic beings.

Apparently the local cuisine's pretty good. GRRM wrote enough descriptions for it that there's an ASOIAF-themed cookbook out there.

What are some good psionics perks?

Specifically, perks that synergize with them rather than just making them more powerful, and a way to become a disembodied thought being so I can exist as a psionic lifeform.

In this settimg ressurecting someone makes you ultranecromancer with a side of everyone around you dies and you go crazy.

I Operate around Mantra level VI,before applying bonuses from My Czarnian Mosaic organ and run at mach 128 with Proportionate reflections and reaction time.

>Attitude only acts as a delete button.

>"This gives you free reign to adjust your personality to remove traits you don't like or perhaps add new ones."
>"add new ones"

Jumpers why must we be cursed to live in interesting times? 2016 is just shaping up to be worse with every day.

For added proof.

Also, there's no implication that it's a one time change.

Supcom has a charisma perk that scales with psionic ability.

How strong are the Angels that you can create from the Innistrad jump? How does the creation work? Is it a magic spell that I can apply my buffs to for a stronger angel?

Alpha Centauri has lots of psionic stuff. FEAR has a perk that allows you to grant them to other people.

Not sure on the thought being. Been looking for something like that myself...

Stronk as fuck. base 8/8 in MtG power terms, can grant an entire world divine magic, and fight an Oldwalker.

The canon creation was with a spell, so I assume the perk works the same way.

>Is it a magic spell that I can apply my buffs to for a stronger angel?

Nope. It's fiat.

There's a perk in the JuDOS tree in Portal that lets you temporarily delete bits of your personality, and though it doesn't implicitly say it, implies you can 'add' bits on as well, and even has an example of adding care for someone you have to escort.

Best thing is all of it can snap right back into place if it needs to, so sure you can be a horrible monster who would never do that, but if you want to stop yourself doing a particular thing despite looking like you would to an empath, you can.

Also, there's a great acting perk in SAO that could help smooth things over a bit.

Oh great, who died this time?

Don't acknowledge it, it isn't on topic to jumpchain.

We're a colorful and varied group, and they usually get to do whatever they felt like, unless I need something important that requires their help or their doing could potentially spoil some of my plans for the setting.

After losing a few companions early on, mostly them leaving us or being kicked out of the group for some discrepancies, the 'core' group is like a big family, with myself doing the role of patriarch, big brother and some times the 'cool uncle'.

The core group that gets brought to most settings consists in:

-Alucard, who aside from being a prismatic dragon with many kinds of magic under his belt and having being modified using Time Baby's DNA, is also acting as the number 8 and leader of the Felt, who had been upgraded to fuck even more with time and causality. His true form involves many tentacles and eyes and growing bigger than stars. Being the oldest member of the group (aside from myself), he usually works as an 'enforcer' and the one that solves disputes between us.

-The Earl, my Overlord NPC, a demonic oversized clown (he is currently the tallest of the group while in human form, being close to 9 feet tall). Most of his skills are related to crafting and chaos magic. His true form involves something akin to Ubik during Berserk's World Transformation. With many clowns and demons. Not good for reality. His fanatic loyalty to me didn't help too much to his integration into the group at first, but everyone got used to it. He and Aoko Aozaki are the ones usually in charge to build most of the stuff of the group, unless something extremely complicated needs my help.

Awesome, now if only there was an agreement on how it worked.

Babylon 5 has something for that, but the thread will insist that it's joke text.

Fuck you, you're not my mother.

-Dante, the other demonic-like entity of the group. After finally embracing his demonic lineage, he has been upgraded with Kryptonian DNA. His true form is similar to Lucifer's from SMT. The life and soul of the party. He still acts as a cool big brother with everyone.

-Yakumo Yukari, got some more magic, nothing too special. She got some nice gravity and space bending abilities. True form related to foxes. Big ones. Usually the voice of reason within the group.

-Solarie, he became a living sun. Well, at least he can for a time. He's been given a lot electric and fire magic and bending, specially after Fairy Tail. He got a new armor. He also as the medic/healer of the group. His true form is, who would have guessed, becoming a living sun. Usually the conscience of the group, although we have very little right now, he doesn't seems to care that much.

-Akame, she got some burning martian DNA and a few Lantern Rings knock-offs,powered with some magic batteries rather than leeching out of the embodiment of something. Her true form is very similar to her human form. Actually the smallest member of the group while in true forms. Still being treated as the young little sister.

-Furie, after many modifications and lots of magic added, she is actually a true god of light and has been given many angelic traits and some cute summons. Her true form is the average eight winged archangel. With the size of a mountain. Somehow growth to be the group's wise girl

-Aoko Aozaki, keep getting more magic, but after sometime, she surprisingly turned out to start experimenting with magic-tech and I had to start passing some of my knowledge about super-science to her. True form related to dragons. Because everybody loves dragons, huh. Mostly in charge of planning.

Strong enough to don’t have to fight most fights and as I please.

>Implying I'm not your mother

Learning how to make Wildfire.

>Not learning how to make Others.

What do you want to know about its working? It can either follow you or you can leave one per setting. It's strong as fuck and it doesn't cost anything to summon it.

That's just shitty napalm. Any tech or magic jumper can easily make something better, and then use it to annihilate the entire setting.

One of you fuckers took a 300 CP drawback.

You could wank becoming a thought based lifeform with Waveform Biology, since your mind, soul, and body, all become the same thing.

>Making Others
>Not making Otters

I for one welcome the chance to improve myself through facing adversity and look forward to the events to come with curiosity. There is nothing worse than living a boring life.

Jumpers would you tell us of the time you hit your limit and decided to keep going anyway? Not because you Had to but because you Wanted to.

Otters are like jrpg monsters in real life. Read some of the shit they get up to, nature is evil.

I just wanted to know if it was a spell so I know if I can apply my summoning and magic boosters to it to make my angel tougher.



If you have Blessing and Take Shelter Beneath My Wings, does the line about 'shaping' energy to send to them such as sending it as strength if they prey for it basically letting you cast spells at/on people that pray to you? The wording is a little ambiguous but that's how I read it, and it would be really awesome if that's how it works.

>That's just shitty napalm.
Clearly you don't know what napalm is, then, because wildfire is far more powerful.

You should reference the jump if you're going to ask perk specific questions.

Innistrad. Someone else was asking about it so I asked a question of my own.

Sort of, I think? It doesn't seem like it would just allow you to cast whatever on them, but Blessing allows you to send energy from any pool they could use, so shaping that into something specific like a spell seems like it'd work.

It seems to say they have to pray for a specific effect, the example being strength, then if you know a strength spell you can 'send pre-prepared to do that.'

That sounds about right to me, yeah. Though you can also just send generic energy like Blessing allows you to do, if you prefer/they don't pray for anything specific.

+ An electric fox who could create all kinds of world bending magical artifacts, but rarely bothers.
+ A double-headed cute monster that can lift small buildings and enjoys dramatic entrances.
+ A purely synthetic being from the stars that has a love of both technology and nature.
+ A cyborg from a trash heap of a future. She likes singing and can kick my ass with surprising ease.
+ Green skinned alien hottie, short and flat but don't you dare mention either. Has a talent for shape-shifting and infiltration.
+ Minor fertility and harvest deity who forced her way into my vacation Jump and never left. Newest addition.
+ Horrifying vampire monster who won't stop calling me master. Has a lovely exterior and knows a great deal about choke-holds.

The fact I only have 7 bothers me. I like even numbers, but I haven't found anyone interesting to fill the slot yet.

They're all relatively strong. I Import my Companions into every Jump on principle and the ones who have been around since the beginning have amassed quite a bit of power by this point. Thankfully, their talents are diversified enough that they fill in the few gaps I have in my own power set. It also allows me to be a lazy at times, which I like to do.

Our relationship is... unique. I'll leave it at that because I'm not sure anyone really wants to hear about it.

We don't usually wear uniforms. It's much easier to distribute people where you need them when they can't be instantly recognized as one of yours. Still, we do have a few sets from Soul Eater saved for a special occasion.

Dungeons and Dragons has a few memory modification spells. The only problem with them is that they all take time. For every minute of memory that you want to add, delete, or modify, it takes one minute of casting time. Trying to modify years? I'd suggest a few power components unless you've got some time to kill.

Girls und Panzer build! Finally finished it.

Age: 15
Scenario - Enlist Today [Free]
Location: Ooarai Girls HS [50]
Reki-Jo [100] History!
EGSDT - Deer Lord, Arixen, Ghost Girl, Lady Gromgard, Alucard, Byra, Cait, Cass, Ranma, and Jibril, the Choir... [Free]
Tanking Specialization - Commander [Free] But of course.
Electives -History Appreciation [Free] M'kay.
Basic Tankery [100] Nice to have, yay!
More Love Love Operation [100] ...Relaxation is important.
Songs of War [Free] Singing!
Hot and hard like Steel [100] Vanity? Vanity!
Battle-Hardened War Hero [200] Holy shit. This is nice, and my "weight class" is pretty high up...
Always Remember [100] Public information for free, and never forgetting birthdays? Glorious.
Read and Ye Shall Know [200] Learning is good.
Tank Tech [100] Put 'em together!
Tank Cakes [50] CAKE!
Extra Pardons [Free] ...Uh. So, this is useless out-of-jump at base? I am slightly disappoint at Reki-Jo getting only that in terms of items.
Anglerfish Team [250] Gonna take all of you...
Duck Team [200] And you.
Ooarai Tanks [Free] Decent base, I guess.
WWII Tankette - Type 89B [3] Let's grab one more of these...
WWII Tank Destroyer - Jagdtiger [12] Getting there.
WWII Heavy Tank - KV-2 with 152mm howitzer [15] Gud gun, but slow.
WWII Super Heavy Tank - Panzer VIII Maus [20] But if you go big, then REALLY go big.
Can Humans Even Wake Up At Six In The Morning? [+100] Business as usual for me?
The Little General [+200] I am small. Again. But that's okay, I've got loads of cute perks to use with that.
That Would Be Cheating [+300] My, uh, stat-based abilities are utterly bonkers. 'Cheating' is unnecessary.

So, mostly I'm going to take it easy this decade, and just have fun with tanks and matches.

I'm expecting ineffectual attacks/assassination attempts from a depowered cute girl Deer Lord, which is hilarious. I'm going to pay for this next jump, but for now this is gold.

Where is this from?

The normal use could be quite useful, topping up mana pools if you have enough to spare, and maybe handing out a healing energy if you have one, possibly straight up healing magic to keep your followers healthy.

I...try to avoid thinking in terms of a usual lineup. I rotate every decade or so. Most of them are too individualistic for something to a uniform so instead I brand them with a memetic IFF.

Relationships...vary. I'd trust my life to any of them, but..things just kind of inevitably become complicated what with who and what I am. What they DO is keep me company, and whatever they feel like within reason unless there's a reason for everyone to work together.

Alice is one of the easiest to work with. She looks up to me as an eccentric cousin and likes to help me with stuff. She just needs to be reminded every now and then "helping" doesn't always have to involve stabbing things. Consequently I also work with Belial & Nebiros a lot, since even after growing up she likes to have tea parties with them.

Avacyn's been really clingy ever since being rescued; having psychology perks for days got kinda offset by having too many harem perks. She's also kinda torn between genuinely wanting the best for most mortals and absolutely mistrusting organized religions. At least Brigid and Anhel are there to support her from having been in similar situations-but what this means for ME is having to be on the same plane of existence as multiple women who alternate between yelling at me for genocide or whatever, and dragging me back to the couch for cuddle therapy. You can run, but you can't hide from tsundere archangels.

I guess Odin and Jibril are pretty regular, being podded? Odin's elevated snark to a martial art after aeons of weirdness. These days he's swapped out the viking leathers for business suits too. As for Jibril, outside observers may make the assumption that she's mellowed out after a while. She has not. Her power has simply grown to the level where she spends every jump using an intellectus-like spell to try and learn everything to become ever more powerful through efficiency, which kinda makes her seem dreamy and airheaded at times.

Innistrad, as I said I didn't think to say it because someone else was talking about it.

Doom 2016 question from someone who's only passingly familiar with the game

The intro says you show up right before the Lazarus Wave, that's the event that makes everything go to hell, correct? Does this mean that, if you don't take the Too Late drawback, that you could potentially avert everything if you're fast enough? Also, if this is true and you do avert it, are there any demons to kill, or does doing this make everything much more peaceful?

>Apparently the local cuisine's pretty good. GRRM wrote enough descriptions for it that there's an ASOIAF-themed cookbook out there.

I've read a lot of food descriptions in the books, but I don't remember Westeros being famous for its spices or food variety, so I'm so not sure about that.

Not the same user, but aside from the ability to easily melt rocks, some kinds of napalm can do most of the stuff.

As the other user said, an experienced Jumper after visiting one or two alchemy/science jumps should be able to do a more powerful substance while being much less dangerous.

Who knows, it might end up being better.

Who did you get any Odin to come with you, ASA?

They all seem to be to busy with their 'destinies' to actually do anything.

Why are we still shitposting? Just to suffer?

MGShitposter you ain't.

He has a time and a place that he begins to shitpost - and it's always at the middle or end of a shitstorm. Here? You're getting nothing - nothing but a cloud of the feculence that could be stirred up.

I'm Australian so, I can't not shit post.

>spices or food variety

I don't remember, to be honest. And yet apparently someone thought there were enough to write a whole book on 'em.



Viking Saga jump. Ragnarok came, and there I was fielding spaceships against wolves vast enough to eat the sun, Artificial Causality Weapons against Surtr's army of fire giants and entire armies of Einherjar Stand users. The Realms shook when Thor feinted at Jormundgr with a backup hammer fashioned from uru, then decked the beast with Mjolnir.

The world still ended up being destroyed eventually, but more of the Aesir survived than they would have otherwise. Odin was one of them.

We shared some of Mac's brews and then realised he didn't really have any plans apart from dying in battle.

He'd been pretty cool about sharing the runes' lore-especially since I was technically a scion of Loki-so I invited him into a pod and he figured why not, his life couldn't get any weirder.

How wrong he was.

Maybe you can figure out how the shading computer in raildex works. In canon, it can transfer consciousness into such mediums as AIM fields and potentially nano-machine clouds and just straight up air.

>The intro says you show up right before the Lazarus Wave, that's the event that makes everything go to hell, correct?
>Does this mean that, if you don't take the Too Late drawback, that you could potentially avert everything if you're fast enough?
That's what I took away from it.
>Also, if this is true and you do avert it, are there any demons to kill, or does doing this make everything much more peaceful?
The UAC is still doing experiments with hell portals and argent energy. It would be much more peaceful, but even if the religious fanatics don't fuck things up you can bet the UAC will do something accidentally.

>since I was technically a scion of Loki
What kind of animal Loki fucked to give birth to you?

Although you clearly the kind of stuff he sires.

Not many members of the original gang are left. Going roughly in order, there's Tinder, my Charizard. She's never lost her enthusiasm for adventure and is basically the emotional heart of the party. She's gotten a little more violent in combat, though...

Undyne, after dying once, is likewise miraculously unchanged. I think her thrill seeking tendencies have only been exacerbated by the idea she can be brought back to life. She's not allowed to use the motorcycle anymore. Also, despite time in Toriko, her cooking is still...erm, what's the word? Bad.

Bruce Banner was an unexpected addition to the team, and he's stayed on board through the worst of it. Probably the only companion I fear coming to blows with. Ever want to be on the bad side of a Hulk with Gourmet Cells? I hope not.

Bruce, Gaspar, and Daedalus act as the science team. Gaspar in particular is the senile grandpa with occasional words of wisdom, with Daedalus being the 'mom'.

Oh, and we recently picked up Tiffania.

I'm not at liberty to describe how I ended up with this lineup.

To add to , you should also know that that a demon was able to straight up communicate with Olivia BEFORE the incursion had occurred.
Plus, the Lazarus lab is filled with demons that they have been testing on.
Including the corpse of a Baalgar demon that they resurrected through cybernetics.Making it a Cyberdemon.


Reposting this, since last thread ended a bit too quickly. Gimme your opinions, people!

>0 cells
>0 shells
>Down to 45% health
>Only 22 rockets
>Looks like he is about to take a hit.

I give him a 10-20% chance of survival.

>Gimme your opinions
Feanor did nothing wrong.