The gods in my setting is just powerful creatures that have figured out a way to sap strength from their followers (1...

The gods in my setting is just powerful creatures that have figured out a way to sap strength from their followers (1 hp per level).

How should I reward a PC true believer? An extra spell slot, a once a week free action heal or some other shit?

Other urls found in this thread:

I think it would depend on the god. Jealous gods who care only for themselves wouldn't offer anything. Lawful gods would probably treat it as a business transaction and offer something worth the cost. Perhaps chaotic gods would offer something entirely based on their whim. Generous, giving gods regardless of alignment would work for that power.

Come on man, post the whole thing.

Best gothic horror themed game series


-1 hp/level?




You fucked up OP, never post an image more interesting than your text.

user, there's a little thing called "The Classic Blunder."
Look it up.

This is now a LoK thread.

>"Oh, no. Every time you show up, something monumental and terrible happens. I don't think I've the stomach for it."

I know, I just didn't know how many LoK fans were on here.

I don't mind at all, my favorite vidya series next to Gothic.


>I just didn't know how many LoK fans were on here.
Oh, user. Don't you remember?

"As long as a single one of us stands, we are legion."

What are you guys favorite scene?

Mine is when raziel discovers the uncorrupted pillars.

Anytime Raziel gets to let loose the sass.

>Elder God: Moebius is my good servant. I have many.
>Raziel: And if I told Moebius that he's worshipping a giant squid, do you think his faith will falter?

When Janos is revived.

>I just didn't know how many LoK fans were on here
Dude, we don't have them super often, but when we DO have LoK threads, they pretty much stay active all the way through autosage 'til they fall off the board.

Toady servants are always named Moebius in my games because of that line

The universe starting to unravel when Raziel is using his Soulreaver against Kain's physical one

Anything with Janos is pretty great.

when Raziel meets his Seraphan self.

"You're a righteous fiend, aren't you?'
"apparently I am."

I don't get the hate for Blood Omen 2. It was an ok game.

Classic blunder.

This thread caused me to make a 4am thread for the first time in a long time. I just couldn't help myself, seeing as how it was already so close to 4am anyway.


You forgot to include the board into the link, mate.

is my guess?

One of my favourites is actually the very first part of SR2, from the FMV of the climactic fight of SR1 in the Time Streaming Chamber through to Moebius and Raziel's first conversation. It's an amazing bit of performance by Richard Doyle as Moebius, with the jovial old man act constantly undercut by a hint menace. It's even better once you know how the story comes back, full circle to the same area and the same character.

>You can drop the benevolent façade, Moebius.
I know who - and what - you are. I should kill you where you stand...
> Perhaps you *should*, my boy. But you DON'T.

>You don't want to meddle in this, old man. I know all about your sordid little schemes, but you're simply out of your depth on this one.
>You underestimate me, Raziel. Let me show you...

It would help if I link it, wouldn't it?

>At last...
>I must say I'm disappointed in your progress. I imagined you would be here sooner.
>Tell me - did it trouble you to murder your brothers?