/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General: Too Many Spiders Edition

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How many spiders have you faced at once? Especially of the giant variety.

this might be a stupid question, but is there any cool editable character sheet that you can write in your information like with a form and then print it out.

The one's I've found so far are pretty shit

>How many spiders have you faced at once? Especially of the giant variety.

We went through Not Mirkwood once in Faerun.
It got pretty bad. Two of us had insect and general big phobias. The Wizard probably burned half of the fucking forest down with his fireballs and burning hands and rays of fire.

Alright /5eg/, give me your cheesiest builds.

>Lightfoot Halfling
>Divination Wizard 2/Wild Magic Sorcerer 18
>Lucky feat
>Heightened, Twin, Subtle/Careful/Empowered (depending on your spells), Quickened Spell

Portent, Heighten Spell, Bend Luck, Tides of Chaos, and 3 Luck Points. Full caster with con. proficiency and ritual casting. Probably won't be doing the most damage, but god will you get on the DM's nerves.

That's not cheese, that's a thematicaly fun character.

>and ritual casting
of level 1 wizard spells, yes

>Probably won't be doing the most damage
Why not?
Wild Sorcerers can cast Fireball and Lightning Bolt like anybody else can.

Is there any content from 4e that you'd like to see officially converted? Conversely, is there anything from 4e you wish hadn't been carried over?

>inb4 warlord whinging

Somewhere between 4 and 8 all at once. I've also fought a drider that owned two giant spider pets before. The underdark is littered with giant spiders and the like.

Officially converted:
Everything fighters, paladins, warlords, rangers and rogues could do.

Especially the rangers, but I want the brutal rogue back. So badly.

>Things I wish that hadn't been carried over
At will, encounter, and daily distinctions.

You either can or you can't. Limiting resources shortens the adventuring day.

I guess it's not really from 4e exclusively but I'm not convinced psionic classes are a good fit for 5e, or D&D in general actually. It just feels pretty unnecessary to me. Just feels like a +1 to "regular" magic.


Only the dailies do that, encounters are fine, no?

>>Things I wish that hadn't been carried over
>At will, encounter, and daily distinctions.

You realize that except encounters these are all classic concepts, right? 3rd edition and earlier spells were all dailies that you got to choose, essentially. And weapon attacks are basically at-wills.

>Made sure the whole party was on board with our session times
>First session comes
>3 out of the 5 change their minds an hour away from the game
Kill me.

Yes, spells were always a daily thing. Vancian magic has been a sacred cow in D&D since the dawn of time. It shouldn't be.

No arguments here, really. I'm just making the point that it's not 4e's fault. The only thing 4e introduced was encounter powers, and like said, they're not a bad thing.

Technically, 3.5 had warlocks and skill tricks which were per-encounter IIRC.

To say nothing about initiators.

What I do for stuff like that is take a copy of a blank character sheet from the wizards website, make a duplicate and write on the duplicate using Adobe reader. Then I save it to edit and reprint in the future as I level.

Your players aren't taking you seriously. Don't invite them if it bothers you, or roll with it if you don't care.

It mostly depend on if they respect you or not. Sometimes people fuck up their schedule and realize they can't actually come, it happens. But if they just suddenly found something better to do, you shouldn't be OK with it.

Don't whine, don't be bitter outside of it. Just don't reinvite them. If they ask, simply explain.
They woulda been terrible, terrible players anyway, probably.

Nothing worst than being a DM and having players that don't understand or respect the work you put in.
Nobody needs people like that in their life.

Thanks. I don't think I know how to do any of that, but I'm going to try and find out

You're right.

During the weeks leading up to the game, they were excited at first, learning the system and making their characters, asking me questions about my setting, asking me to check if their characters were acceptable for the setting.

Then, around a week ago, I had to start reminding them to make sure their character sheets are complete on roll20, to make sure their attacks are set up properly, everything.

Then they just turn around and go, "You didn't tell me the game was so late!"

Motherfuckers, yes I did. I asked all of you if the time was okay and you all agreed. I put the time on our roll20 page. I put it in the text emails I sent you.

Fuck, I just want real world friends to play with.

It's mostly as simple as downloading a blank printable copy of the character sheet, opening it in adobe reader, and toying around to figure out how the program works. I only learned how to do it last thursday myself. It's not too hard.

Isn't there one in the mega?

That's going to happen when you play with strangers online. Just keep at it and you'll end up with a reliable group sooner or later.
Also, remember to request proper applications to weed out the retards.

Don't you otherwise get the problem of one healing spell keeping the whole party at full whenever there's a break in combat?

You kind of already get that with the Cleric casting Guidance for every skill check

Well the problem is they're friends I've played video games with for years, guess thinking they could commit to this was a bad idea.

C'est la vie, maybe I can convince some friends on campus to start a game once I go back to class.

Have you never heard of the ol' clickystick? Spamming Wand of Cure Light Wounds between combats is exactly what the answer has always been.

Paladin oath of devotion 20.

>spamming Cure Light Wounds with a wand
>only ever 3.5e

is there a class that uses guns? i am going to make a real world vs dnd world campaign

not particularly editable, no.

The official character sheet that WotC put out is form-fillable.

It has some limits and quirks but it is editable.

Any class with martial weapon proficiency can wield guns no problem. Check out Firearms in the DMG.

None of the classes have firearms proficiency to begin with, because firearms are an optional set of equipment for the DM to implement at their discretion. see the DMG

Also it would be fundamentally against the design philosophy to create a class or archetype based solely on "It shoots people, but better." A battlemaster fighter with a gun will almost assuredly perform whatever insipid function a "gunslinger" class could without needing the baggage that that term carries.

mmm i was thinking in just using Thief, Fighter,Barbarian and Ranger and give them guns and shit like that

Run a campaign with two players and yourself. Good times. Focus the story on them and enjoy yourself.

Good man, user. You're doing the right thing.

Someone only glanced at the DMG. It takes like 4 intelligence check successes to learn to use a gun.

is there a list with modern equipment? i feel the one in the dm guide is just lacking

>filename related
The Alien Technology checks are to figure out how to use it, not to gain proficiency.
For example, IRLI know that pulling the trigger of a loaded, cocked gun with the safety off will make it fire, that doesn't mean I am any good at actually proficient in firing them.

Guns would never have taken off if they were difficult to use.

>Shamefully forgot pic
I fucked up.

t. Garabogazköl

/5eg/ - Ripping out 5e's magic casting system edition

No spell slots.

All casters can use their known spells at will, with each spell's level denoting the number of rounds that must pass after the spell is cast before they can cast the same spell again. Material components are still required.

11 i believe.

What about stuff like ki points and maneuver dice?

What's the best cleric domain for backline casting? I was thinking either Light or Arcana, but I might be overlooking something or just dumb.

>before they can cast the same spell again
>same spell
So alternating fireball and lightning bolt until every enemy on the battlefield is reduce to smoldering piles of ozone-smelling embers at 5th level is nbd. Got it.

Fireball->Lightning Bolt->Sleet Storm->Fireball->...

No, that's way overpowered.

This user gets it.

Also keep in mind that we have yet to establish what sort of firearm it is.

If we're talking modern-day guns and rifles with "point at pull" triggers, modern reloading technology (clips, auto-loading magazines, etc.) then almost anyone can learn how to fire it easily.

If we're talking about flintlocks and muskets, then there's going to be a larger learning curve. Knowing how to repair/maintain the weapon, knowing how much powder and gunwad to put in, properly packing in the powder and gunwad, loading the bullet properly, and THEN being able to fire it once the flintlock is pulled back. That requires more training to fire, along with training to reload it quickly.

Even stuff like a blunderbuss will require a bit of training, if more-so than to know how much powder to use and not have it blow up in your hands when you pull the trigger.

Not to mention not many people in generic fantasy realms know about blackpowder or how to make it. Hell, the Chinese were the first to discover blackpowder and only had weaponized it to deliver just a large explosion like a cannonball, only they had next to no metal so it was just bamboo and stuff, when the rest of their metal was used to making spears, arrowheads, and swords.

It wasn't until Europeans were able to steal/borrow/buy the blackpowder technology from China and bring it back to them to where they could start to fool around with it more, thanks to their much more abundant supply of iron ore.

Maybe the cooldown should be expanded to say "all spells of that level"


Just maybe.

So what you're saying is Fuck Warlocks, yeah?

So now I'm alternating between fireball and scorching ray if I'm 5th or fireball and ice storm if I'm 7th level. Ite.

then you're still cycling fireball, agnazzar's scorcher, flaming hands, fireball, agnazzar....... etc etc, which is just letting you fireball every combat for the rest of your life. then add vitrolic sphere, cone of cold when you get it, etc etc.

or to put it another way, your system lets you just cast wish every single encounter for the rest of your life.

Yeah, but you can only cast them once in the average combat anyway (10 rounds).

me again

maybe it would be better if it TOOK that many rounds to cast. but that would need work too like with reaction spells.

>implying 5e combats are designed around highest level spell slots being blown on *EVERY* encounter

>implying that's not what the "adventuring day" cynically represents

That is such an awful idea.

I hope for your sake that you're a DW troll and not actually this fucking stupid.

>except it doesn't, since 5e rolls many many encounters per day as the running assumption, in which it is impossible for someone to blow all their highest level slots on each encounter (except perhaps warlocks)

*shrugs* works for Anima

track down the 2nd edition psionics and give that a read.


>mapping out Death House for CoS
>finishing up the attic
>"oh this is easy, man why did I think making maps would take so long"
>start mapping the basement

And you're still fucking stupid.

You turn sorcerers from worst tier full casters into over-lord God-of-all-casters by comparison.
And taking 6 rounds to cast one fucking spell is *HORRIBLY* boring and not good at all.

Anima sizes its spells for those rules to start with. 5e spells are sized for 5e mechanics.

The average D&D player, everybody.

Proficiency with this one individual weapon and proficiency with all firearms is different. Alien technology lets you use that single gun, proficiency lets you use all of them.

2nd edition psionics were interesting but frankly an unworkable mess where any "spell" you cast had a pretty high chance of failure.

i think his idea was shit i was just riffing off of it for something he could think about

Actually, scratch that. Quickened no longer *eve fucking works* for any non-cantrip (kik) non-1st-level spell.

What do you mean "mapping out" the digital maps are in the mega. I made all the maps for roll20 in an hour with tokens for enemies in the GM layer.

>remember my image this time
>filename related

It doesn't feel right doing it that way. I don't want it to feel too much like I'm throwing a pre-packaged adventure at my group even if that is basically what I'm doing.

And if we end up playing more in the future with campaigns that don't have fancy maps, I don't want them to suddenly go from super high quality professional art to whatever I can put together with a program.

I can customize things more this way too.

I want to play the ultimate "tricky bastard" character who is entirely or at least 99% nonmagical.

So far my thoughts are:
>rogue (assassin)
>fighter (battle master)
>monk (way of the open hand)

I'm leaning toward open hand monk. I really wish there were even one monk weapon with reach, so I could fluff it as a ji and take Sentinel and Polearm Master, tripping people onto caltrops from ten feet away or pushing them back fifteen feet off cliffs or into fires.

Any ideas for me?

You *WILL* wear yourself out doing that.
Theater of mind in conjunction with basic lines and sketches will save your sanity and it's just as fun.

Well at least use that deviant art castle Ravenloft or you will literally kill yourself making that map.

the ultimate tricky bastard is a thief rogue imo

Thief rogue is the trickiest of bastards. Quick motherfuckin' hands.

Thief rogue. Caltrops. Ball bearings. Etc.

>buy bags upon bags of ball bearings and caltrops
>take Mobile feat
>rush in, stab, throw caltrops down while moving away
>repeat until entire floor is filled with fucking caltrops and ball bearings

Caltrops are way better than ball bearings. If an enemy fails a single dex save against caltrops they're fucking done.

Can you give me some examples of how that works?
What kinds of shenanigans can you pull with quick hands?
I don't think the rest of the party would appreciate that much.

What did you want? More guns? Have some more guns.

just... when you say tricky bastard it makes me think of a rogue.
>can do anything tricky faster than anyone
>good skills
>can jump really far
>sneakier than anyone else
>later on can trick magic items into working for him
>gets two turns at the start of encounters

You can use the healer feat as a bonus action. You can pour oil on someone and safely light it in the same round. You can use a *FUCKIN MAGIC WAND* as a *BONUS ACTION*.
And as a thief rogue, you can wield the Holy Avenger. Oh yes.

>I don't think the rest of the party would appreciate that much.

You want the party to think you're a selfish ass? Try Grassland Druid, Plant Growth to fuck anyone trying to move around, Haste on yourself and move about unhindered due to Land's Stride.
My current character is a Wood Elf Druid who does the above, and also has the Mobile feat.
>90 ft. speed
>everyone else spends 20 ft. movement for 5 ft.
>zip around the battlefield smacking fools with your Shillelagh'd quarterstaff

Although for general tricky bastardiness, definitely go Thief Rogue.

Being able to use one item is not proficiency, proficiency is being able to use all similar items. Just saying "you can add your proficiency to attacks with this one gun."

>You can use a *FUCKIN MAGIC WAND* as a *BONUS ACTION*.
You actually can't--Fast Hands doesn't cover magic items, explicitly in the Magic Items rules in the DMG.

Are there rules for how long it takes to gather the caltrops when the battle is over?

Gay. Whatever - lob alchemist's fire and acid at people then.

Not really. I'd say you could spend a few hours gathering them, but it'd take forever.


>bag of 20 caltrops
>taking a few hours to collect
Couple minutes max per bag dude.