So the Emperor is actually Sigmar...

So the Emperor is actually Sigmar, Sigmarites are proto-Thunder Warriors and everything in Fantasy and AoS is just a prequel to 40k ?

Lord almighty no.

AoS is actually farther from 40k than Warhammer Fantasy was.

> All-powerful godlike figure gather around him people in heavy mechanized armor to purge worlds from corruption and chaos
Yeah, that sounds really far from 40k


The old WH:FB had small things dropped throughout that implied they could exist in the same universe. Orcs arriving on space ships, Sigmar arriving on a comet or some such, and of course the Old Ones existing in both settings as pretty much the same race. But the End Times basically stamped that whole thing out by saying the entire universe was devoured by Chaos, and that the AoS universe is multiverse where space is filled with ether and a lot of worlds are actually just flat.

I refuse to recognize AOS or End Times as cannon.

> One tiny planet lose to Chaos
End Times is so shit.

Actually 40k too because if Chaos has such trouble taking over a single galaxy, it's gonna be hard to destroy the universe

Well, the Chaos gods are just really powerful warp aliens in 40k and their dominion stops at the edge of our galaxy. I'm sure other galaxies would have their own equivalents. Maybe even stronger ones, or more peaceful galaxies might have gods of order or something.

What AoS should have been is Empire vs Skaven, Elves fucking about with eachother as they are wont to do, Orcs n Goblins vs dwarves, Tomb Kings vs Vampire counts and Chaos vs Lizardmen. And everyone else in between fucking up and fighting everyone else anyway. Bretonnia is off fighting wood elves or something, fuck if I know. They get ignored all the time anyway.

Chaos isn't a universal force. It only exists because of the collective psychic energy of humans and eldar.

It's basically just the byproduct of two galactic civilizations, that grew wildly out of control.

don't you get that chaos is a meta entity?
affecting things only in relation to observers?

the efforts it takes to take over the galaxy, or the world, or the universe, are usually the same because it reacts accordingly to the opposition or the focus of the setting.

Also 40k tech occasionally turning up in the far north.
And that thing with 40k existing inside a bottle in some wizard's lab.

Even better. End times did nothing to Nippon, Ind, Araby, the Southlands.

Still killed everyone.

>Chaos only for Humans and Eldar
Flat out not the case.
Every thinking being with a soul adds something to the warp.

Oh and fucking Cathay was also unaffected, you know the biggest and most populated realm in the setting.

how have you not realised this already. its been obvious for a entire year

what if I told you endtimes and AOS happened BEFORE whfb would it then be cannon? or is cannon just what happened before you turned 18. like your sexuality.

>English hurt much

>not Gork & Mork

The warp gates being the Web way. .. the fact that the northern one is broken causing the warp to leak onto the world. Just to add to you Mr user

Literally nowhere does it say that the rest of the world was unaffected. Ind got fucked up by the skaven, and Daemons were marching all over the place. The south lands got fucked up when the skaven blew up the moon. in the first end time noves they mentioned that the great bastion was broken and there was so much smoke coming from cathay that the destruction could be seen from miles away. The last one mentions that Grimgor Fucked up both Cathay and Nippon. So, to say that the rest of the world was unaffected is just plain wrong

>skaven blew up the moon.

This is stupid.

It's not their fault it's made of delicious glowing green cheese.

No because I only just got into WHFB and it's so rich a setting to be squandered on age of smegmar; it is the worst mistake GW ever made


No, you unspeakably retarded person. The world was destroyed, the universe is alright. Did you fucking miss the part where the FUCKING CORE of the Old World was flung into space and kept flying in space until a space dragon found it.

Someone needs reading classes.

Wrong, the Chaos Gods are described as universal in 40K lore. Also the Chaos Gods reach extends to realities outside the materium such as the Webway, the Mandrake shadow realm, and Necron dimensions.

Are you saying that Gork and Mork, who are the psychic reflections of the Ork race in the Warp, are not in the Warp?

>The one year old setting isn't as rich as the 35 year old one

But at the onset fantasy is infinitely better
One is a caricature of our own old world in the throes of the end of times and how each faction tries to fight being destroyed by them (or actively bring the world closer to the end) and every other faction
The other is just kinda weird pantheon-esque shit with no good aesthetic to it or at the most no aesthetic or theme that isn't done way better elsewhere

... I'm pretty sure that at the onset of WHFB there was NO fluff. At all

That's not what I'm saying you asshurt shill, one is simple and cool on its own, old world dystopia, what the fuck is age of smegmar?

Something that you'll likely never look into and dismiss as "Bad" cause you don't actually want to do any research, you want to be proven right

Didn't Grimgor go east and fuck up Cathay after killing Greasus and becoming the Overtyrant of the Ogre Kingdoms?

The fuck are you even talking about at this point?

That is exactly what happened. Though to fair, Cathay was already under siege from a chaos incursion and holding it back decently well until he showed up.
This all could have been avoided though if cathay didn't allow tzeench worship


Not him.

You automatically lost the argument. This is the equivalent of calling the opposition hitler/nazis, the /v/ and now Veeky Forums version of Goodwin's law.

>This all could have been avoided though if cathay didn't allow tzeench worship

What Josh Reynolds said in his is not canon. GW hammered on him to say this after they got fed up with his shit and his headcanon.

He didn't refute a damn thing so i'm inclined to believe he's a bandwagoning fanboy, but since AoS had none to begin with I can only assume someone's paying for this faggotry

I'm saying that maybe we should wait a bit before comparing the fluff of the two.
And to answer your question, i think AoS is suppoused to be like WHFB mixed with DnD planescape, except the planes are based on the old winds of magic instead of alignments. I'm not actually sure though since, again, it's still a bit too early to say as not all the armies have gotten their fluff updated yet

Thanks for literally proving what I was saying. You don't want to argue, you want to be told you're right.

Just give up. You have lost the argument this time. Try again later.

>only just got into WHFB
You're the reason the old setting died.

Lorewise, Fantasy was implied to be a feudal world that the Old Ones fucked off to after things went south in the Milky Way.

A shame things didn't go that route.

Who wrote this shit?

>, except the planes are based on the old winds of magic instead of alignments

They're not planes, they're places in space.
The only separate "plane" is the Realm of Chaos.

>a space dragon

Holy crap, AoS is pants on head retarded.

>skaven blew up the moon

Fucking how. I actually think that's awesome, unlike , but how?

They built a giant warpstone laser cannon.

>or is cannon just what happened before you turned 18. like your sexuality.
Are you implying I turned into a sexual cannon at the age of 18?

They're also described as not having power outside of the galaxy and just being warp aliens as user mentioned.

Which is it?

>They're not planes, they're places in space.
That distinction can get kind of vague.

In whitebox D&D the astral plane is the only fundamentally different place, and it completely overlaps with the material plane.
Travelling to "other planes" (usually other planets) involves vast stretches of nothing because you're flying across space.

>They're also described as not having power outside of the galaxy

No they're not.

>Tfw you love high fantasy

>They're not planes, they're places in space.
It's actually really unclear. They've been really annoyingly vague about what the mortal realms actually are. A lot of the descriptions make them sound like the realm of chaos, not physical places.

>It's actually really unclear.

Not really, Azyr can be seen in the sky of the other realms.

>A lot of the descriptions make them sound like the realm of chaos, not physical places.

They're made from magic so the landscapes are fantastic but they're still physical places.

>They're made from magic so the landscapes are fantastic but they're still physical places.
You just described the realm of chaos.

Yes they are. The Immaterium becomes still and undefined towards the edges of the galaxy due to the lack of souls/emotions. That's why intergalactic travel is impossible. It's like ocean doldrums, there's just nothing to push you around within the warp and nothing to navigate by.

Also, the Tyranids are as alien to Chaos as they are to everything else in the galaxy, and not just because they're a crazy hive mind.

The Realm of Chaos is a psychic place.
No two people see the same thing, and the "landscapes" are in a constant state of flux.

>Yes they are.

No they're not.

>The Immaterium becomes still and undefined towards the edges of the galaxy due to the lack of souls/emotions. That's why intergalactic travel is impossible.

Intergalactic travel is not impossible, it may as well be impossible for the Imperium because the Light of the Astronomican doesn't stretch very far.

>Also, the Tyranids are as alien to Chaos as they are to everything else in the galaxy

Chaos doesn't care, seeing the Tyranids as prey or playthings as they do all other mortals.


Did you even read End Times?

>Oh and fucking Cathay was also unaffected

Why would it need to be?
The only place Chaos actually needed to take was Middenheim so they could activate the device there.

>biggest and most populated realm in the setting.

Weaker than the Empire though.

>Chaos doesn't care, seeing the Tyranids as prey or playthings as they do all other mortals.
Most lone nids don't have anything like a soul. The hive as a whole does have something like a warp presence akin to a god.

>And that thing with 40k existing inside a bottle in some wizard's lab.


Dechala and Arbaal where fucking up Ind before being recalled, so was Galrauch but the Gods worried he might be too much of a wild card so didn't call him up.

The Eldar make a cameo appearance in the Thanquol book being described as elvish sounding beings speaking at the other end of a communications device the skaven find in a slaan temple...they freak out and shoot the device.

Also Draigo appears in the realm of chaos in all but name to help out some elves, he gets helped by the protagonist of the liber chaotica books who at one point accidentally meets Magnus the red.

I miss the days when chaos space marines and warriors would be plucked up and plopped down in each others realms for the Gods amusement.

>The hive as a whole does have something like a warp presence akin to a god.

The Hivemind is pretty weak considering that Slaanesh casually slapped it aside.

>Dechala and Arbaal where fucking up Ind before being recalled, so was Galrauch but the Gods worried he might be too much of a wild card so didn't call him up.

Fuck you.

Josh Reynolds is not canon. GW made him tell everybody that it's his headcanon. It's made wose by the fact that morons like put it up on 1d4chan were more morons pick it up.

>Fuck you.

You wish.

Reynolds may as well be canon because GW like George Lucas fucks up it's own stuff.

I have actual diagnosed aspergers but i'm in awe at your sperg-ness, consider yourself an honorary aspie.

No, you fuck. Josh Reynolds fanfiction is not canonical stop quoting it, you childish twat.

Not him

But literally nothing in the actual books goes against any of what Josh Reynolds said on his blog about the minor human factions. For those of us who want fulfilling answers to what happened, those posts are the best we're going to get. As long as it doesn't conflict with something published in the campaign books I'm accepting it as canon.
And the bit about Grimgor fucking up cathay and Nippon is canon and is mentioned in the novel.

>Josh Reynolds fanfiction is not canonical stop quoting it

eh I got mixed up

> you childish twat.

I'm not the one sperging out and trying to command people on the internet, calm down and i'm sure an eternally disappointed parent will be along shortly to feed you some chicken tendies or doritos or whatever, or continue to get mad, your choice.

>But literally nothing in the actual books goes against any of what Josh Reynolds said on his blog about the minor human factions. For those of us who want fulfilling answers to what happened, those posts are the best we're going to get. As long as it doesn't conflict with something published in the campaign books I'm accepting it as canon.

The novel is not canonical at all and what he says is my self admission just his headcanon. Both of which go against what is in the game books.

Furthermore, GW had Josh Reynold say that everything he said on online media is just his opinion and doesn't represent the stance of GW or the canon. They barred him from commenting anymore on GW lore.

No, you did not get mixed up. You deliberately used his stuff despite being told numerous times not to. You posioning the well of fluff discussion by pissing on it with an author's headcanon that GW itself shutdown.

> No, you did not get mixed up.

Do you have any proof of this besides your own imagination?

>You deliberately used his stuff despite being told numerous times not to.

...Wat, nobody told me anything.

> You posioning the well of fluff discussion by pissing on it with an author's headcanon

Any piss I could muster would be nothing besides the electric yellow torrent that GW has already unleashed on it's own fluff.

>>But literally nothing in the actual books goes against any of what Josh Reynolds said on his blog about the minor human factions. For those of us who want fulfilling answers to what happened, those posts are the best we're going to get. As long as it doesn't conflict with something published in the campaign books I'm accepting it as canon.

Also you are quoting a different guy here,

No. Sigmar is much more sensible than the Emperor.

This is infuriating.

Josh Reynolds and his own End Times contradict the End Times rulebooks.

For example, Settra story ends in End Times Nagash. His fate is left ambiguous. For the rest of the End Times rulebook series, he is never seen again.

What did Josh do? Bring him back for whatever reason and have him dickwave with Nagash one final time. Needless to say this contradicts the story in the End Times rulebook. This the least of his sins. The most jarring mistake he commited is by having the Ereth Khial replacement in wrong place and at the wrong time and then having her killed off when she is important figure in the last books and the character who who builds the Elven sanctuary. When questioned about it, he went "LAWL I did not research it". Yeah, this is the guy you want to quote on the lore.

>Do you have any proof of this besides your own imagination?

You knew who Josh Reynolds is. That is enough. He has a reputation.

>...Wat, nobody told me anything.

shameless lie.

> GW has already unleashed on it's own fluff.

Which is canonical. You might as well throw your own headcanon in the mix because it's as valid as Josh's.

>You knew who Josh Reynolds is. That is enough.

That was a different guy, to me Josh Reynolds is an author, apart from the odd Veeky Forums thread I don't really pay attention to what people are saying about warhammer, especially it's authors, all I know is CS Goto is bad, McNeill has gone downhill due to being enslaved to the HH series and everyone hates ADB for some reason.

> shameless lie.

Is there a newsletter I missed? Where was I warned repeatedly, the first i'm hearing about it is your sperging out at me.

> Which is canonical.

And contradictory at times.

>Flat out not the case.
>Every thinking being with a soul adds something to the warp.
You are using the words "Chaos" and "The Warp" interchangeably which is also flat out not the case. Chaos is about the four names Chaos gods and their servants, the Warp is a dimension of thougths. Chaos is a part of the warp that is true but they are not the same things, there are many other things, creatures and areas in the warp that are outside the influence of the Chaos gods.

>>The Hivemind is pretty weak considering that Slaanesh casually slapped it aside.
[citation needed]
Slaneesh and the other Chaos Gods couldn't even deal with Kaldor Draigo, does that mean Draigo alone is more powerful than the Nid Hivemind?

A Love Gun, perhaps?

The Valedor novel.

And Draigo is ignored by the Chaos Gods because he is nothing.

If you see Silver Knight in End Times Glottkin as Draigo, then know that the Daemons of Chaos beat him up and imprison him whenever they can.

Stop lying.

The BRB and Chaos Daemons Codex says that Chaos is the Warp and the Warp is Chaos. The two are indivisible and interchangeable.

Picture related for fyi.

As I see it the Gods do not put in real effort to kill Draigo because he provides entertainment and can be used as a beatstick on each others forces.

>No two people see the same thing, and the "landscapes" are in a constant state of flux.

This is wrong.

>The BRB and Chaos Daemons Codex says that Chaos is the Warp and the Warp is Chaos. The two are indivisible and interchangeable.
You know it is strange that you yourself post two different explanations for something that is supposed to be the same thing.

By the way also from the Chaor dex
>The Formless Wastes refer to the rest of the Warp uncontrolled by one of the Chaos Gods. Other powers such as Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes who have become capable of forcing a small influence over their surroundings sometimes create their abodes here. The Wastes are also the home to Furies, grotesque gargoyles forbidden from entering the Chaos Gods' realms. They roam the Wastes searching for new helpless souls of mortals not yet absorbed by the Warp.
Your idea was dumb to begin with.

Not an argument. Your post has no refutation or a point.

The fluff is clear on the matter. Chaos is the Warp and the Warp is Chaos.

Not really. In 8th ED Daemon book, a guy stuck in the realm of Chaos notes on the map he drawn of it that his map doesn't have much value because Realms of the gods are everchanging from one form to the next


And here is the full context of the Formless Wastes from the codex for the muck sucking wiki quoters out there.

Notice how it's a part of Chaos and is called the Chaos Abyss.

Intergalactic travel is probably possible for the orks. Most people forget that they have some of the best teleporter tech in the 40k Universe. Shame they don't get it on the tabletop

>in a position where they have to utter the phrase 'kept flying in space until a space dragon found it'
>has no shame about this
>seems proud about it in a passive-aggressive way
wew lad.

I am proud by the fact that I can read. I mean what's wrong with you. How did factor in the destruction of a single world into the destruction of the whole universe.

Also we are on Veeky Forums where nerd stuff and fantasy crap is discussed. If you assign shame to these things, then you don't belong here and also you revealed that you don't like Warhammer fantasy because I am sure If I said that Lizardmen used the Frog shaped Old One ships to flee into space you would have had the same reaction.

Get out.

Also-Also I am not being passive aggressive. I am being openly aggressive on your bitch ass.

>being this salty

Not salty, I am disappointed by your illiteracy and stupidity.

In your world, a single planet = universe/cosmos.

Also forgot the most important part.

"Not an argument".

Not the user you've been arguing with.




The fact that you went to shaming, insulting, and not argument tactics means two things

Either you are lying or you share in his position and stupidity. In any case, you must go back.

I'd heard great things about salt mining, but they really didn't do it justice.
