Why are Tolkiens elves and Warhammer elves the only ones allowed to fight, clad in the finest steel...

Why are Tolkiens elves and Warhammer elves the only ones allowed to fight, clad in the finest steel, against ancient evils in glorious close combat?

If I'm wrong please give me some other examples.

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The Dunedain Rangers, the Elves and Dark Elves of Raymond Feist's Riftwar Saga, the armies of elves and men against the demons in the Elstones of Shanarra, etc. etc. so on and so forth.

In other words, you're a moron.

Dunedain are humans, you know. Maybe not insult people before you check your own facts next time.

Warcraft Blood Elves are all heavily armored spellswords. Or shunned rangers.

Most other people can't afford to fight ancient evils, or don't want to.

they are spellslinging mages that start crying if they break a nail.
The old nightelves were badass warriors but Kosak happened.


The elves in riftwar were all basically rangers, even the animal pelt wearing dark elves. Only lord Thomas, a human lover of the queen, wore plate

Mah nigga

I'm looking them up, seems interesting.

I thought OP was complaining about only elves alone, not about those two factions of specific elves.

Thank you for giving me more reading material, user.

From my understanding it's about elves in general, not the 2 he mentioned, but >48515427 gave 2 wrong examples that actually backed up op and then called him a moron....

Aren't most Mer of Elder Scrolls like that, only with even more arrogance?


Get out

Please forgive me user, I'll go quietly

depends, the most violent elves are the bosmer, a bit more than the orsimer, but orsimer are the most melee combat oriented meri

literally who?

The Mer would like a word with you.

Iron Kingdoms' elves have one of the best heavy armored melee units in the game. Half a unit of them can scrap a heavy in equal point value and a full unit can take out a colossal twice their point value.

But there are so many of them.

>iron kingdoms setting
>elves aren't even noble or good
>trying to compare the warmashit setting to whfb
Get out


Cynwall elves

You have to be more specific.

My nigga.
Asadars are pure sex.

>Cynwall elves
At what am I looking here?

In that picture specifically ?
It is a Pulsar, a relic war-construct housing a sort of limited intelligence deployed by the Cynwalls.
It was comparable to heavy cavalry of the other armies.

Pic related is an Échahïm, which also served as cavalry for Cynwalls, thought in a different way.

No joke, IK is a fantastic setting. It's well considered and coherent in a way that very few fantasy settings are - most likely because it was designed from the ground up as an RPG world.

There's probably more depth in the succession history of Llael than in most of the Empire's political workings as the audience knows them. Which is fine, because the Empire and the Old World are awesome for different reasons.

Warmahordes' failing is the goofy design ethos of its early models.



Armoured elves thread?



That would be great.



Because elves are different kind of beings in different mythologies.
In english we have the human sized version of elves on which tolkiens elves are based.
In the french and germanic myths they are more like fairies or pixies.

Over time these two images merged together to create today's human-sized, weak, magic using elves.

Fun fact: In the german translation of Lord of the Rings elves even got a "unique" name to prevent this confusion.


That's a very silly cavalry. Both of them.

Dawnguard Sentinels and Ellowuyr Swordsmen in Warmachine/Hordes are plate mail wearing elves that hack and slash up close with great swords.

You mean like "die elfen" and "die elven"?

wild hunt elves had plate

not sure if they get in the books too or just the games, don't even know if they show up in the books

"Elben". Singular is "Elb".

Oh yeah, sorry thats what I meant.
I always wondered about that

>Fun fact: In the german translation of Lord of the Rings elves even got a "unique" name to prevent this confusion.
Much funnier fact: Tolkien liked it so much that he regretted not calling them Elben in the English version
Then again he liked the German translation more than the English one in general since German can build words and names much better than English

They are called "Elben" and that is most likely a mixture of the world "elfen" and "alben", might even have something to do with "Albion". It might just be completely made up to remove the confusion the world "Elf" would have caused.

Probably from "Alb", which is the more vicious version of the germanic elf. Some think the german word for nightmare "Alptraum" (Traum=dream) is related to that.
Yeah, I like my language, don't mind me giving a lecture on it

Because when DnD hit the scene they decided to use Legolas as the base example of an elf instead of Glorfindol. In Tolkin's work the two major Elvan civilizations the reader encountered was Lothlorian in LotR and Thurandil's Elvan Halls in the hobbit. Both forest bound. Rivendell was also in both but was always viewed as a unique special place, an exception from the other elvan realms.

As Legolas was an inspiration for the wood elf trope the idea of an elvish ranger became the common first thought for playing an elf. Years and years of franchises piggybacking off of each other led to elves being the forest race, with a few outliers here and there.

Warhammer drew massive inspiration from the Silmarillion Noldor elves, who were the shining armor and finest weaponry and armor elves in the LotR setting.

WoW, inspired by Fantasy followed suit with their elves as well.

Tad Williams elves (if you can call them elves) wear armour and kick major ass in close combat

Melnibonians and Vadhag could kick ass in combat too, before they sorta went extinct - but their last remainants, Elric and Corum, still kick major ass in close combat

seriously, stop treating D&D/WoW cliches as representations of all fantasy

I have to agree with him. I Read Lord of the Rings in German and English and enjoyed the German one more.
German is just such a beautiful written language, it's also great for speeches. But it's kinda awkward to use in casual speech compared to English or French, if not one of the worst overall.

>German is just such a beautiful language
are there several German languages? 'cos the one they taught me in school, and the one I hear from germans is horrible barking blackspeech, fit only to drive slaves and throw death threats

Was zum Teufel hast du gerade über mich gesagt, du kleine Schlampe? Du solltest wissen, ich habe als bester in meiner Navy Seal Ausbildung abgeschnitten und war in vielen geheimen Angriffen gegen Al Quaeda und habe über 300 bestätigte Abschüsse! Ich bin in der Affenkriegsführung trainiert und bin der beste Scharfschütze der Armee der Vereinigten Staaten. Du bist nichts für mich außer ein weiteres Ziel! Ich werde dich mit der höchsten Präzision auslöschen, die die Erde jemals erfahren durfte; lass dir das Gesagt sein! Du glaubst du kämst damit weg, Dreck über mich im Internet zu reden? Denk nochmal, Wichser! In eben diesem Augenblick kontaktiere ich mein geheimes amerikanisches Netzwerk von Spionen und lasse deine IP verfolgen, also zieh dich Warm an, du Made! Diese Naturgewalt wird das vom Erdboden verschwinden lassen, was du dein Leben schimpfst! Du bist tot, Kindchen! Ich kann zu jedem Zeitpunkt irgendwo anderes sein und dich in über siebenhundert verschiedenen Weisen töten, und das nur mit meinen Händen! Ich bin nicht nur ausgiebig im unbewaffneten Kampf trainiert, sondern habe auch Zugang zum kompletten Arsenal des Marine Corps der Vereinigten Staaten und werde dies vollumfänglich nutzen um deinen erbärmlichen Arsch vom Gesicht des Kontinents zu wischen, du kleiner Wurm! Hättest du doch nur wissen können, welch unheilige Vergeltung dein kleiner "cleverer" Kommentar über dich hineinbrechen lassen würde, vileicht hättest du dann deine dreckige Zunge im Zaum gehalten. Aber das konntest du ja nicht, du hast es nicht, und nun wirst du den Preis dafür bezahlen, du gottverdammter Idiot! Ich werde all meinen Zorn über dich scheißen, und du wirst darin ertrinken. Du bist tot, Kindchen!


I dislike this meme.

exactly what I mean. sounds so choppy and military. ugh.

That's why I put the word written in there.

But it doesn't even sound as bad as people make it out to be. I think that mostly comes from learning German from non native speakers. Kinda like English sounds terrible if a german person speaks it.

Butthurt magic user detected.

But really, Blood Elf spellbreakers were a force to be reckoned with back in Warcraft 3. It's a shame they don't show up more in WoW.

>this is what happens when people are used to girly languages

except before that meme I had been learning it in school and also had my german-obsessed friend try to convince me how beautiful it is. so my sources were biased the other way, and I still find it harsh and croaking.

It's fine man, girls nowadays are down with feminine fuccbois so you'll be alright
Just don't go to prison

well, it's not my nation/language that has Tokio Hotel, so your point is pointless

Considering that they went the most metal of pussy fuccboi routes and that there are dozens of english boybands and solo singers like that I'll take your point and smile

>Tokio Hotel
That's the first time in years I heard about that band. They still exist?

I just googled it
they grew beards

is that an euphemism

they must. shit like that endures long.

so they became hipsters?
hmm, it's a difficult question what's more gay - hipsters or whatever their old style was


ugh, that's somehow even more gay than what they used to look like.

they wouldn't look more gay if they wore whore make-up and peacock feathers

I think that's less gay because I wouldn't fuck the bearded version

Tolkien's Elves and Humans (and Dwarves) fought alongside in War of Wrath, against Melkor.

was it canon that dwarves had such epic gear they could withstand dragonfire?

Considering that only one clan knew how to do the metal pants I'll say probably not

Tiste Andii. Also the Tiste Edur who aren't massive pricks, which is like... Seven of them? Tiste Liosan pretty much all die as soon as they appear on screen though.


not dragonfire itself (that's impossibru), just the heat of dragon's PRESENCE and collateral heatwaves from dragon's breath. anything in direct breath radius was ashes, dwarfs or no dwarf.

Turin's helm was a dwarven mask, and did well when he was fighting Glaurung. So, maybe.

maybe i'm just confusing it with the dragon helm which could prevent any injury

German is good if you want to get shit done, but its the worst if you want to get down with the ladys, if you catch my drift.

>Azaghâl and his army fought with fierce iron masks on, and they were able to resist the fire far better than any Elf or Man. Then Glaurung trampled Azaghâl beneath his feet, but Azaghâl ran a dagger through Glaurung's stomach, and the dragon fled in pain. Many of Morgoth's forces retreated with him. In a solemn ceremony the Dwarves picked up their fallen leader, abandoning the battle, and marched him home in a great procession. Their wrath was so great that none troubled them.

okay, "far better", but still not outright immune. that's dragonfire, and that's Glaurung we be talking about. that shit melts Rings of Power.

well it does not specify if the masks helped them withstand fire or if it was just dwarves' innate hardiness and resistance against fire

Iron is probably the worst material for fire resistance because it conducts heat so well. You'd need some next-level kind of insulation in those suits of armor or you've basically shown up to a literal firefight wearing a figurative portable dutch oven.

Direct from my physical copy of the Silmarillion:

>Last of all the eastern force to stand firm were the Dwarves of Belegost, and thus they won renown. For the Naugrim withstood fire more hardily than either Elves or Men, and it was their custom more-over to wear great masks in battle hideous to look upon; and those stood them in good stead against the dragons. And but for them Glaurung and his brood would have withered all that was left of the Noldor. But the Naugrim made a circle about him when he assailed them, and even his mighty armour was not full proof against the blows of their great axes; and when in his rage Glaurung turned and struck down Azaghâl, Lord of Belegost, and crawled over him, with his last stroke Azaghâl drove a knife into his belly, and so wounded him that he fled the field, and the beasts of Angband in dismay followed after him. Then the Dwarves raised up the body of Azaghâl and bore it away; and with slow steps they walked behind singing a dirge in deep voices, as it were a funeral pomp in their country, and gave no heed more to their foes; and none dared to stay them.

They're magic user

I play a Tairnadal Elf in Eberron and I'm perfectly allowed to do just that. In fact it's a must.

ain't gotta be iron. dwarfs diggy diggy deep holes, can find tungsten there. would be still called iron, of course, because tungsten is lame-ass name

Well Bosmer are stealtharcherthemovie.elderscroll (despite that they got quite a few swordmasters as per lorebooks) and when they fight its rip and tear.

Orsimer are noble savage dwarf knockoff orcs who wear heavy plate and swing hammers.

Dunmer are spellsword/nightblade the race.

High elves suck at close combat.

Khajeet are kungfu masters .

Maromer either torpedo you with a spear or drown you.

Dwemer science you away in their mecha suits.

Falmer shoot you with poisoned arrows despite being blind.

"Alb" or "Elb" is a more traditional, older name given to traditional Germanic elves in the southern Germanic languages as opposed to the scandinavian "alfar".

Matter of fact, "Elfen" is suspected to be more directly related to the English "elves" crossing over into the German language in more modern times.

Best husbando !

>>Falmer shoot you with poisoned arrows despite being blind.

this was one of the things that annoyed me the most. Also they would have been scary if the caverns were dark.

but like in all rpgs the 4000 year old tombs and ancient tunnels used by blind mutant-elves are always illuminated by lit torches.

ASoIaF next book will have mostly humans against the Others

That doesn't explain why you randomly brought up the Dunedain, you had to have thought they were elves.

What the hell is this JRPG armour? I thought the Witcher was atleast somewhat grounded in historical accuracy.

The Wild Hunt is, essentially, the spectral projections of otherworldly elves. Usually they appear in skeletal forms but they can manifest in-person for special occasions.

Third game was a little batshit. Interplanetary super-elves who fuck everything up because their world is dying and they need a new one.

Are you stupid? WoW elves are great close combat fighters



I think not.

Looks like a Fingolfin clone.
