
>Drunk, clannish Scots that do nothing but drink and live in the mountains according to a clan structure but are somehow excellent warriors and brilliant craftsmen
How do we make dwarves not shit again?

You can't really change Dwarves without removing what it is that makes them Dwarves. Dwarves are stout,traditional, industrious miners with a subterranean lifestyle and a fondness for drink.

If you radically alter them from this definition, you don't have Dwarves anymore you just have something "called" a Dwarf.

Warhammer Dwarves are the best Dwarves.
Sad fags as a race, but individuals are really really good and OP.
Plus, Book of Grudges.

Reminder that if your dwarf women don't look similar to this your dwarves are shit

>inb4 anvils

They are homeless and their racial disposition does not allow them to flourish in their host society, and thus express their disharmony to the system in organized acts of civil disobedience.

>If you radically alter them from this definition, you don't have Dwarves anymore you just have something "called" a Dwarf.
This is why everyone prefers elves: you can do anything you want with them and they're still elves.

The only things that definitively mark dwarves for me is being stout and having massive beards. In my campaign they're almost similar to orcs, roving bands that seek caves to domesticate. The biggest caves in their mountains are usually homes to yetis or great bears, so the strength of a dwarven family directly related to the skull hung outside the entrance to their burrow.

You make dwarves cool by making them mountain Picts

>Instead of mountain Scots they're mountain Picts
And nothing changes.


And a little more actual clan. If standard DnD is set in a roughly medieval time period, I think it's more interesting to set it back 1200 years before meaningful empires could have evolved. Dwarves get stale only because the impenetrable mountIn fortress and ale trope is boring

>Drunk, clannish Scots that do nothing but drink and live in the mountains according to a clan structure but are somehow excellent warriors and brilliant craftsmen

Isn't that exactly how 19th century Scottish people worked?

Not even about whether or not I like Dwarves themselves, I think it's really cool how established they are as a culture, how they ARE pretty much all the same. When you refer to Dwarves, people all imagine the same thing, and I think there's value in that. It's an archetype that many identify with, and I think it's important to approach races as archetypes, to give players options that they can get excited about and invested in.

I'm the same way. One of the things I love about dwarves is that they can be identified as dwarves across *most* settings. I love how meta it is that the race best known for being stubborn and traditional is the one with the most clearly defined archetype that simply can't be swapped out for something else.

So you admit to being a pedo?

Or how about you just don't use dwarves, shit for brains?

Why do we always have to have this thread? If you're sick of dwarves, then make up something else! You're going to the trouble of creating an entirely new culture, why don't you just make up a name and a species to go with it?

Or better yet, why don't you just create an entirely new species, and then base a culture off of their biology?

Same with elves. Your interpretation isn't going to stick, so why bother redoing the same thing? It's dumb.


If they really were excellent warriors they would be independent now, wouldn't they?

>Or how about you just don't use dwarves, shit for brains?
Because they're a standard race in pretty much any setting? Because adapting dwarves into something new is a creative effort unlike scrapping them which is the opposite of creative?

How about creativity isn't about doing things one way or another, but just about making something cool and interesting? This argument is older than dirt and either method is fine. Dwarves are fine, but if you want to change them that's fine, and if you want to make a new race that's fine too.

>offers non-inflammatory opinion
>thread peters out
Daily reminder: we're fueled by hate.

>samefagging this hard

I samefag at merely 50% the level of which you accuse me!

Not if they were also poor administrators and statesmen

Just wait a few years until after the exit from EU is finalized

Does anyone remember those Himalayan sort of Buddhist dorfs we once made.

They were driven there by orcs and elves and their natural aptitude for all things rock and order related kicked in.

It was terraced farms and mountain shaping earthworks turned up to 11 and a road network that crept out of the kingdom and across half the world.

They were not quite pacifists. They would defend themselves and their high altitude kingdom but crafting weapons intentionally was taboo.

It was a good thread.

>implying Dwarves need fixing

Dwarves are basically rednecks in my setting.
Hank Hill is their king.

If you change dwarves they stop being dwarves.

Strangely enough the most cultural growth we've seen in Standard Fantasy Races seems to come from the vermin races like Orcs, Goblins, and Kobolds.

Goblins can be alchemists and have (extremely dangerous) alchemy and shit now.

Orcs are still a savage warrior race but it's becoming more common to just let the fuckers have a kingdom where they farm and shit.

Tucker's kobolds seems to be the new Kobold Paradigm.

Where's the beard?

I'd play it.

Dwarves in my setting are basically Dwarf Fortress dwarves. I can't wait for my players to make it to their mountain home and meet the psychotic little bastard's.

Boatmurdered? Nice.

Why not just go with the original definition?
They're just crafty drow.

I just roleplay my dwarves as russian

Make them just underground elves like they were before Tolkien

Worked for TES

Thank you. It's the obvious answer in my opinion.

I usually add variance. I'll keep the traditional Dwarven framework but expand on it.

Let there be Dwarves they left the mountain passes and lived amongst the plains and lived far differently. Why not? It's the samething with Elves, not all of them live in trees and sing merry songs.

All dwarves are Gimli.

>fatass manlet race of neckbeards

For the last 3 years I've been playing a surface-dwelling dwarf from a fishing village at the northern end of the world. Think Dawnstar from Skyrim. Alcohol abusing, fiercely practical and lacking in appreciation of beauty. hopelessly locked in his own ways, and looks down on "southerners" for being so silly and impractical. Superstitious, uncultured and simple.

a friend and i brainstormed a volcanic series of islands that were recently created by self-propagating volcanoes (crazy pyromancers). Dwarves and Drow emerged from extinct volcanoes connected to the underdark. Drow launch raids, Dwarves hollow mountains and conduct trade while harvesting stone and lava from the volcanoes. They're the standard dwarves, but tanner, less afraid of water and open air, and lots of tattoos.

flavor them as russian instead of scottish
a lot of the personality traits map over but it feels a lot different

Make dwarves into Russian Jews again. I mean, why were they living in the mountains to begin with if they were such great warriors and craftsmen. Wouldn't people want them in their society and not banished to the mines to gather resources for them?

Make them Scandinavian/Finnish.

Notice that the intersection between your listed traits and those of the OP is nonexistent.

Not so. All elves must be slender and have pointed ears.

>All elves must be slender
Not a fan of muscle elves, I see?

>and have pointed ears
Just like all dwarves are short and stout. That should still leave a lot of room for variation, yet there are more types of elves than you can sneeze at yet all dwarves are the same.

That elf is slender as well as muscled.

Read the Old Testament, base them on that. They turn into an insular, clannish, warlike people with an obsessive focus on craftsmanship and ritual.

>Because adapting dwarves into something new

muh mongolian throat singing horse archer dwarves oc do not steal

Scion's elves look perfectly human (albeit supernaturally attractive ones). They even lack pointy ears.

So you admit to being gay?

I'm not going to claim to have perfected anything, but here's my dwarves:

Like your generic dwarf, their short, beardy, and live underground in fortresses.

They also bear iron religiously, because the surface, and any tunnels that fall into disuse, are full of fucking fairies. They live in their tunnels between the fae, but if they go deeper they draw into the realms of monsters, and deeper still, the drums. The Drums in the Deep are a corrupting influence that leads to madness. This is largely inspired by Armok, and as such the drums are a creative impulse as well as a destructive one, and lead dwarves who venture too deep to insane artifacts and contraptions as well as to their own death.

There's another faction of dwarves, the Gnomes, who are ascetics that dwell in the tunnels and follow the laws of the fae. But they're weird by the standards of dwarves.

Those are mythological elves, not fantasy elves.

>on Veeky Forums
>not being gay, pedo, or both

I usually do german dorfs and russian kobolds.
Dorfs almost took over last, left really good roads everywhere, (and some very flat and smoking cultural landmarks from others) but eventually were beaten by gangup and a new, less crazy king coming to power, who actually stepped down from the position and made it a republic (partially willingly and partially because all the neighbors were camped on the doorstep).
Kobolds scan better with soviet russians for me- Uncaring leaders, general depression, wave tactics, etc. Imagine a dragon-induced Five Year Plan, and maybe ten, twenty dragon 'totally-not-nobility' served by an unending warren of badly organised and barely trained kobold peasants.