Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/
If you would like assistance with character optimization, please mention which third-party sources are allowed.

Dreamscarred Press's new RPG on August 4! Will the math be as bad as Path of War 1/Expanded? Will Ssalarn have his revenge?

N. Jolly's vigilante book playtest:

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Will you stop perpetuating that lie? Nobody knows if it's actually their RPG or if it's some other project, like "Lords of the Spooky" or whatever.

How would you play an usagimimi mystic who crafts EVERYTHING?

What are some "must have" potions for the solo adventurer, assuming they have access to all the bullshit from high-level Elemental Flux?

Enlarge Person is always a good pick

>who crafts EVERYTHING?
Don't be a mystic, be an Artisan.
As for Usagimimi, either Beastrbrood Tiefling or Agathion-blooded (can't remember the name) Aasimar

Hello everyone! A new version of the "Unchained" Fighter is here. I have added a few things to it, and would love to see opinions! These new things include several new Advanced Equipment Trainings and Advanced Armor Trainings.

In addition I have added two archetypes, adapting them to the "Unchained" Fighter. These are the Mutation Warrior and Lore Warden, becoming the Mutation Master and Lore Master. Much of these archetypes are lifted directly from what they were before, merely with a few new features and rewritings to make them work with the new class. Honestly I am a little unsure of them, so lets see together how they are!

Feel free to comment using the link above.

As a squat, mangy, foul-mouthed little maniac who finds industrial accidents HILARIOUS and acquires/uses ingredients in the least ethical and environmentally responsible manner possible. His enchantments might literally give you cancer, but by rabbit-God, they will be REALLY good at killing people (whether you want them to or not).

What's the most anime character you've played in pathfinder?

Depends. How weeaboo is a crossdressing shota trap kitsune sorcerer prince(ss) who sometimes dressed up as a maid?

No that's just disgusting.

Never played one. The closest was my Barbarian, but he was more like Jecht from FFX than an anime character.

When Horror Adventures user?

I'm playing him right now, he's a tough white-haired spearman that can channel his raw spirit energy into Elementsl strikes which he uses to take down massive foes.

He's 120% friendly rival personality and has side-kick levels of lust.

I've never gotten a chance to play her, every gm I proposed her to (rightfully) denied her

You are welcome. If there are any other rough builds for Path of War you would like assistance with, I would be happy to try my hand at them in the future.

I do hope that the Path of War 1 errata playtest is released in due time, such that people will have to tiptoe less around extreme-damage disciplines such as Broken Blade and Scarlet Throne. It is rather awkward to try to present "Path of War 1 disciplines banned" builds (and yet they come out as extremely high-damage, multitarget, alpha striking murderers anyway).

how does /pfg/ find games if they all prefer text based?

Hey pathfinder general, I'm currently in a situation with my GM(who also happens to be a long time friend)
running his campaign in way that is proving to be either be railroaded, or boring.
When I say boring, I don't mean just uninteresting in terms of story(although it is slightly lacking in that),
What I mean is that he will make our level 6 characters fight level 11-12 vampires just so his NPCs who he has placed with the party
(who are also significantly more powerful than us)
can beat them whilst we watch or maybe cause minimal damage or effect in both combat, and the campaign.
he is also very sensitive about us telling him this( he threatens to kill out characters or throws impossible rolls at us with dcs above 35 for traps we see around 3 times a room, and makes the perceptions dcs around the same.

Any tips on how to deal with this, or failing that, how can i fight fire with fire here?

Pic related, my GM pretty much

How much would a expert with cooperative crafting and on craft skill cost to employee? I need a calligrapher, alchemist, smith, tailor, leather worker, sculptor, and jeweler. That's seven guys, I was thinking a gold piece per day probably? So 210 gp per month probably.

Talk to your GM like a human. Failing that, abandon ship and/or start your own game with Three-Dragon Ante and Shayliss Vinder. He might be a good guy, but he sounds like he either has no idea how to DM or he's just a shitty one.

I'm willing to play anything but still can't find a game.

>DMPC pandering
Leave, he is a shit. Either that, or talk about it with your mates and bring up the problem against him as a united front.
If he will not aquiesce, then all of you leave. Being a friend is no excuse for being a shitter.
After that, GM your own campaign correctly, and allow him to join in as well as a sign of maturity

/pfg/, I have a dilemma. I love the Mystic's aurora soul archetype to bits.

But I'm also pretty sure it drops the mystic down an entire tier due to losing out on mystic's item crafting shenanigans.

What do?

So it's a trap that crossdresses as their actual gender?

Even an ERP?

Get your party caster to get the feats instead?
Or, failing that, dip a few levels in Artisan.

I'd be willing to give it a go at least. As long as I am not forced to ERP when I don't want to (fetishes or orientations I don't share), and when the game isn't majority ERP. (I'm there to play, not wank it)

Wait, now I'm confused. Are they a shota who dresses as a princess, or are they a princess who dresses like a shota?

That's a good thing.. PC magic item crafting is cancerous.

Tell us more about the character.

Any thoughts? Should I just buy slaves?

Are you propositioning, user?

It's just bad. You can use sword and board and be more effective. Or armored glove and buckler if you want unarmed feel.

A 6 foot tall sorcerer, covered in tattoos, that was only 16. His cat ended up smarter than he was, but he was so full of himself that he managed to bullshit his way around anyway. Kinda wish I could play him again sometime, but I'm kind of wary after the reception he got from the rest of my group.

Do not make your husbando the sorcerer who laughs at the target of his feeblemind, please.

Why would you not?

I did talk to him about it at the end of last session,
And he said he'd take it on board,
so he removed the npc's, but made the enemies even harder from now on.
It's also basically the only roleplaying group I like the people in at the moment,
should I brave it for the social interaction,
or try and convince them all to play in campaign of my own devising

So... He was an enchanter that would magically induce severe brain damage in a target, and then make fun of the target's mental retardation?

That's kind of hot, not gonna lie.

but his mum is one of the players, we will most likely not be able to get a united front

Well, that was one of the few things I actually got to do with him, since it was a oneshot, but yes. That's the kind of person I played. He was supposed to be an asshole teenager and an example of "this is what happens when you let a wizard raise an orphan".

>That's kind of hot, not gonna lie.
>mfw every time I try to make my character be a terrible person, people wind up just liking them more

Get the fuck out of here you degenerate faggot

And his mother doesn't have a problem with it?
How old is this loser?

If that's so, still talk to your other buds, and determine if you all should scarper out of there

Mind control is a pretty hard kink for fantasy players, especially the kind that corrupts or "degenerates" the victim.

You being a mind-killing asshole was probably pushing their buttons something fierce. What was the character that tried to husbando yours? You mentioned someone found your guy oddly endearing.

He's 19, and he never really taught her to play
(something i'm doing as we go along(he hadn't even set up anyone who hadn't done their own character correctly)
So she doesn't know anythings going wrong.
jeez, the more i talk about it, the worse it sounds


This game has some serious fetish issues.

Sometimes I think "you know? maybe I should let people know about my hobbies" and then I remember what happened when I read through the spell list.

Human wildblooded sylvan razmiran priest sorcerer with arcane blood eldritch heritage feats (questionable legality, as wildblooded multiarchetype stacking is devated in my group. I believe the official stance as written is that it changes the entire bloodline, but since it only effects certain bloodline powers it's a bit grey). Uses a talent to make her level 1 powers 1 level higher, boon companion, and a robe of arcane heritage to boost her familiar and animal companion to insane levels (I still have not found a definitive order of operations for applying feats with stacking benefits, most assume they stack to the greatest benefit of the player).

Since she is an exiled bastard princess of the king and a fey touched peasant, when the king died and named her heir she was hunted by her older siblings and nearly killed. They did kill her loyal guard, an elf magus who she brought back from the dead through a focus on necromancy spells as her cohort. While her older brother quickly ran the country into ruin with his excessive lifestyle and rampant loans from other nations, she disguised herself as an short dwarven animal focus cleric with a hat of disguise and wanders the land to gain support of the populace so she can take back her throne.

It's the dumbest character I have ever made and I want to play her more than anything

Just wanted to say thanks for the help!

What does /pfg/ thing of a Vitalist using the Soulthief method and the Sadist and Life Leech archetypes, build and tier wise?

everyone but my cellibate cleric had to ERP succubus sex,
I doused myself in holy water and tried to beat it to death

Not the most effective by a long shot, but actually pretty cool.


Actually, get out while you still can and still believe in hope. It's not yet too late for you.

Hey 2hu. Trying to avoid being broken as shit while maintaining competence, can I get an opinion on my build?

Rose of Sharon Rubinrot
Human Harbinger 10

HP 78, AC 31 (+7 Armor, +6 Dex, +2 Nat, +2 Def, +4 Dodge)
Senses: Perception +13; Scent (Spirit Sensing Stance)
INIT +10

STATS (25 PB, Human Alternate)
10 STR, 14 CON, 22 DEX, 20 INT, 8 WIS, 12 CHA

Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +8
Add +2 Sacred vs. effects from an Evil Creature
Add +2 Morale vs Mind-Affecting

Martial Tradition: Empyreal Guardians

Basic Attack
Rosethorn (Switchscythe III) +19 (2d4+16, 20/x4)

Attack Roll Breakdown
7 BAB + 6 Dex + 2 Insight + 3 Enhance + 1 Trait

Damage Breakdown
2d4 + 6 Dex + 5 Insight + 3 Enhance + 2 Discipline Focus

Weapon Group Adaptation (Polearms), Polearm Dancer, Deadly Agility, Grasp of Darkness, Dark Allure

Rough and Ready (Profession Farmer), Blade of Mercy, Naive, Seeker

Headband of INT II, Amulet of Nat Arm II, Ring of Prot II, Belt of Dex II, Boots of S&S, Cloak of Resistance II, Switchscythe III, Mithral Chain Shirt III

Distorted Clock, Silver Strike, Rapid Strike, Blessed Pinions, Silver Crane's Blessing, Time Skitter, Sapphire Displacement Strike, Temporal Body Adjustment, Sands of Time Tornado, Time Thief's Talons

Eyes of the Crane, Spirit Sensing Stance, Riven Hourglass Stance, Stance of the Crane Knight

Her land speed is 60 feet, 90 feet when she uses Time Skitter (which should always be up in combat). Her flight speed normally matches this with Dark Flight, but in Stance of the Crane Knight it shoots up to 130 ft (though her base AC drops to 27 in exchange for DR 10/Evil).

Most of the husbando-ing was being done OOC, since he was just a oneshot character, but the other PC (unrelated tiefling wizard) in the oneshot was all over him. I guess I just REALLY don't understand other people, because I was doing all that to try to play up the horror of his spells, not get people hot and bothered.

Trying to make a spellcaster in this game is an absolute nightmare after reading through all the spells.

When did 2hu become the guy to ask for PoW builds?

Since he keeps posting them, people assume he knows what he's talking about.

>tfw you look into Pathfinder after coming from an actual system
Y'all fuckers need to get laid, for real.

I'm asking for an opinion, not a "Hey, rebuild me to be broken." If I wanted that, I'd have grabbed Hour Hand, minute hand, the triple strike of doom, and the Broken Shattered Mirror stance.

You forgot to mention it's E10 character with approximate feat gain of one per session.
Speaking of which, how does wealth work in E10? CRs above 13-14?

Why are you getting so defensive, bruh? Someone asked a question unrelated to your build and you're acting like we accused you of munchkinry.

>Most of the husbando-ing was being done OOC, since he was just a oneshot character, but the other PC (unrelated tiefling wizard) in the oneshot was all over him.

What kind of husbando-ing are we talking about here, tongue-in-cheek fawning or genuine "oh wow this guy is hot."

Before I get somewhat in-depth into suggesting revisions to this, is there anything in particular you are attempting to accomplish with this character?

Is there any reason in particular you are aiming for Riven Hourglass and Silver Crane in particular?
What exactly is a "switchscythe"? Are you allowed to use Weapon Master's Handbook custom weapons? If not, has your GM approved of the usage of scythes as "polearms"?
Does your character need to be a dual-talent human as opposed to, say, a tiefling with Pass for Human?
Is there any reason you are not taking any Intelligence social skill traits such as Clever Wordplay, Cunning Liar, or Student of Philosophy, or the Orator feat outright? (Orator is especially effective by 10th-level.)
Is there any reason why you are not spreading out your disciplines so as to acquire maneuvers that are useful outside of combat, such as Cursed Razor 4's Fetch's Wrath and Veiled Moon 3's Ghostwalk?

Good points. It's so ingrained to our group that I forget it some times.

We gain treasure beyond wealth by level, but nothing can be made that requires a CL higher than 11. As for CR, we routinely fight CR 19+ encounters, usually an initiator supported by a few casters and a bunch of mooks with Martial Training.

>If not, has your GM approved of the usage of scythes as "polearms"?

Literally only something that was brought up in one thread because because 'WELL WIKIPEDIA SAYS THEY ARE'.

Seriously, you'd piss off so many fewer people if you didn't try to shove shitty rule interpretations on us.

How strong would it be to give DSP's Astral Deva monster class Spheres casting instead of their SLAs?

I don't... How is Feeblemind hot? Like 90% of the other ones I could at least see, since stuff like Hold Person, Dominate, Charm X, Geas could be used for some weird fetish purpose.

But Feeblemind is a spell that turns the target hit into a literal gibbering retard.

>he's never heard of bimbofication

oh you sweet summer child

Switchscythe is from Gnomes of Golarion. It's a collapsible scythe that springs out as a swift action (Free with Quickdraw, by our houserules, Quickdraw being on "the list").

Feats are worthless because we get one roughly every session, thus Dual Talent Human.

Probably gonna grab Orator in a feat or two.

Discipline choices and such are pretty much purely thematic, and will probably be expanded with Advanced Training later on.

And yes, we voted to have Scythes be considered polearms, because it's retarded that Paizo didn't make them polearms.

Her big thing right now is going to be mowing down useless enemies with the Sands of Time Tornado, using Dark Allure to debuff enemies.

I thought it was tongue-in-cheek at first, but every time the character came up I always heard positive things about them.

See: I don't get it either. I assume more of the infatuation comes from the general "dude enchantments lmao", not JUST that one instance of feebleminding. I hope.

Derp, and darting around annoyingly fast to frustrate enemies.

>But Feeblemind is a spell that turns the target hit into a literal gibbering retard.

>Turning the haughty lady-knight into a drooling idiot compelled by her basest urges

It's the ultimate degradation, and degradation is *hot*

Bimbofication is a bit above blithering retard though

user, the Int score is roughly equivalent to IQ, with an IQ of 100 and a score of 10 being the average. A "bimbo" would be a dumb person, so let's say an IQ of 70 (score of 7) for a low number, although that's borderline retardation. An IQ of 10 is lower than the average dog. That's not sexy, that's pathetic unless your party members get hot and bothered by someone who doesn't have the mental capacity to distinguish between their dinner and their own feces.

Are you sure? Because the extensive research I've done on the topic tends to show the average bimbo as a barely-functional human being that only exists to get their holes stuffed and love every second of it.

Cool; any advice for it, long term?

Unfortunately, I am much better at suggesting ways for builds to be improved than I am at evaluating how strong and flexible any given build as currently presented is. If I had to give a gut assessment, I would say that the character is "passably optimized to a humble degree by Path of War: Expanded standards, and could certainly pull their weight in a battle" but that is a very vague evaluation.

Also, Minute Hand and Hour Hand are quite strong but not *egregious* like Mithral Current 5's Rapid Current is. You do not seem to have room for Mithral Current anyway, so it is a moot point.

I would not feel guilty at all for taking Minute Hand or Hour Hand.

What is this "Broken Shattered Mirror stance"?

The Weapon Master's Handbook would allow for the construction of a polearm scythe.

That depends on the precise parameters of the spherecasting (low, mid, or high caster; number of talents) and the character's level. The astral deva is perhaps a low tier 3 class as currently written, and it never quite receives any of the truly game-changing at-will spell-like abilities that the erinyes or the succubus eventually attain.

I see now. In that case, is there a reason you have a preference for a Dual Talent human over a tiefling with Pass for Human?

I would suggest taking Orator now (and rearranging your ability scores accordingly), as it will be a vast improvement to your character's noncombat utility.

Why exactly are you aiming for Dark Allure? That feat is intended for "tank"-oriented harbingers, and you do not seem especially invested in defense beyond stances.

I do think that if you wish for your character to be a smidge more useful, it would be worthwhile to try to acquire the more useful noncombat utility maneuvers such as Cursed Razor 4's Fetch's Wrath and Veiled Moon 3's Ghostwalk.

Ironically, bimbofication can be interpreted as a loss of Charisma. Because the victim is literally losing personality.


>Still, it knows who its friends are and can follow them and even protect them.

Feeble-minded is weird; although the creature can't cast spells they can communicate, albeit with a lot of difficulty.

user, there's like a dozen other date rape spells you can do with the exact same effect that DON'T involve the target becoming incapable of passing the Harkness test.

Here's the thing. In actual war? A scythe is a polearm. In pathfinder? A scythe is not a polearm. Because these are two different scythe's.

Pathfinder's scythes, despite what the handbook says, are reaping scythes, the kind the Grim Reaper has, the kind you harvest wheat with, because it's cool and edgy and people like it.

Actual military scythes have the blade rotated 90 degrees, so they're more like a cut-rate bardiche. Because trying to use a reaping scythe in actual combat would get you fucking killed.

They can totally cast if they're Clerics though, so who knows how that works.

>there's like a dozen other date rape spells you can do with the exact same effect that DON'T involve the target becoming incapable of passing the Harkness test.

That's the point, user.

Feeble-minded is hot because it *causes* the target to become incapable of passing the Harkness Test. It's not just immobilizing the victim, it's making the victim incapable of protecting itself in the first place.

The idea is turning the victim into a barely-coherent fuck-slut interested only in satisfying itself, which is of course a fantasy compared to reality, but YMMV depending on the campaign tone.

Dual Talent Human has no ability score penalty. Tiefling does, and also lacks the extra skillpoint per level.

I'll consider it, if I can fit it in. I might give up Weapon Group Adaptation for it, but that would see a small reduction in damage and save DCs of her Maneuvers (not that she has many).

With Dark Allure, part of her goal is to go in and keep hitting people with Claim every round, then play keep away with her 90 foot move speed, forcing them to either eat the penalty, or waste their action trying to chase after her.

I'll take a look at Fetch's Wrath and Ghostwalk. I suppose ghostwalk could be fluffed GOES FAST style (which is her thematics; goes fast, with a touch of holy magic). I'm actually not sure what Fetch's Wrath does, though.

Oh, forgot to add.

Notice how the people were getting turned on by an *ally* casting the spell, not some random enemy. See the little addition to Feeble-minded in that shows a feeble-minded character can still distinguish friend from foe.

That's what adds to the kink; you're not just a blithering retard, you're a happy and very loyal blithering retard that follows the party around and just "knows" they're trustworthy and have the victim's best interests in mind.

Scenarios aren't hard to imagine how this could turn very lewd, very fast. It's basically the ultimate expression of submission, which is based around giving up your ability to act to a dominant, trusting they have your best interests in mind.

So far I was thinking high casting but locked to specific Spheres, not entirely sure if it's the best idea.

user if you want an unintelligent sex toy you can magic one up with fabricate or simulacrum. But whatever, I'm leaving this conversation before it starts interfering with my dinner. Y'all can have fun with your degraded knight or whatever that you have to train to shit outside.

Meant to reply to


Mugga, please. Please. Maybe in Rusty Dagger Shanktown that's appropriate, but not anywhere else.

Questions regarding the Relic Channeler archetype for Medium:

It says that the Relic Channeler starts with a relic for all six spirits, but that choosing a spirit power and taboo lock those choices in. It also mentions that destroyed relics can be replaced via 500 gold per level. Does this mean that I absolutely should not channel spirits with good, higher-level spirit powers until I can pick them? And does replacing the relic mean I can potentially re-choose powers and taboos (albeit at exorbitant cost)? Could I potentially find another relic to get a "new" spirit with a different power and taboo?

I ask because the medium sounds vaguely interesting to me, but my GM is the sort who'd screw me over on channeling locations.

How do you deal with another player who will break character and try to invoke rules with ambiguous writing to ruin scenes, just because it was character development for someone else and not focused on them?

Tell Touhoufag to leave your game.

The Medium had "errata" of sorts, where as long as you can come up with an explanation for a certain spirit being somewhere you can channel it. Like saying that this one clearing you found is a place where X thief prepared himself for heists, or where X cleric found religion, or where X scholar went to meditate on his research.

Basically they backpedaled hard because they realized location-locked channeling is fucking dumb.

>Dual Talent Human has no ability score penalty. Tiefling does
-2 Charisma is irrelevant for anyone with Orator.

>also lacks the extra skillpoint per level
Dual Talent forces a human to forsake this.

>Her big thing right now is going to be mowing down useless enemies with the Sands of Time Tornado, using Dark Allure to debuff enemies.

>With Dark Allure, part of her goal is to go in and keep hitting people with Claim every round, then play keep away with her 90 foot move speed
What is her method for disengaging without provoking attacks of opportunity?

>I'm actually not sure what Fetch's Wrath does, though.
Fetch's Wrath is a very long-range teleport that puts Veiled Moon to shame.

Depending on the specific spheres and how many talents the astral deva received, that would make a single-classed astral deva anywhere from a mid-tier 3 character to a very high tier 3 character.

I mean, that's my point, though. It's NOT realistic, and that's why Pathfinder's scythes aren't polearms. Because they're not based on actual weapons of war, they're based on looking like the Grim Reaper.

So I want all the defense. I'll be playing in a gestalt game at level 5 and am considering a halfling chosen one paladin + destined primalist urban blood rager making use of Fate's Favored. I will be focusing on two weapon fighting.

So that will give me familiar bonus to saves, divine grace, destined's luck bonus, halfling luck, bloodrage's bonuses, and superstitious. I will use bloodrage for dex/con to up them even more. In the end my saves will be VERY high. My AC is similarly very high. My offense however lacks as a consequence.

>this is the kind of shit people think about

I just wanted to try a silly sorcerer build. Now I have to go put the sheet in the trash, burn it, and pretend this never happened.

Get an air horn. When they break character and try to pull shit off track, use it every time they try to speak until they shut up.

Or, you could do the actual mature thing and tell them that their constant interruptions are killing the scene, and that it's very rude to the other player(s) and they'll have plenty of opportunities for their own RP moments, so please just bear with it.

If they persist in ruining other people's scenes, drop a meteor on their character and tell the rest of the party the sight is so majestic and awe-inspiring that they all gain a level.


Stick around and they'll ruin martials, casters, initiators, non-human races, humans and d20 systems for you too!

So the availability of spirits is tied directly to my ability to reach for flimsy, bullshit justifications?

I have been preparing for this my entire life.