Have you ever played a low intelligence character? How did it go?

Have you ever played a low intelligence character? How did it go?

Forever DM, mostly homebrew.

Only time playing DnD - I played a low int barbarian who lead his beastial, animalistic tribe to many victories over other tribes with his "wit" and "strategy." Ei. basic combat tactics and wearing some armor he stole.

The tribe talked him up for so long he became convinced he was the most intelligent man in the world. He traveled alone into the civilized lands to spread his knowledge to the world as a traveling tutor and strategist.

i played a low int goblin. every time i came up with an idea that i knew the character would like to do but i knew was a bad idea, I'd make my character roll a wisdom save. if he failed he would sail full speed ahead into bad idea island. otherwise he would think better of it. it was fun.


He was a combat monkey, of course. Oddly enough, he was one of the more motivated members of the group, always ready to go out and fight The Enemy. Considered reliable by most because he stayed out of politics and kept their territory well patrolled.

Kept getting in fights with one of the clan elders who was easily eight levels up on him at any point. Yes, he got his ass handed to him, but winning was never the point and he usually came away with at least one new dirty trick.

Once beat up a fire elemental with his fists, and laid the foundations for a form of supernatural kung fu.

Eventually died because he refused to acknowledge that plot events had just nerfed the crap out of all his special tricks and went off to handle a side mission by himself. He got himself captured by The Enemy he'd been so dilligent about culling, and they had some pointed words to share about that.

After failing to escape from a prolonged torture session, the badguys sent his head back to the group in a box.

I really like that idea, what was the dc on your save?

>Played a typical low-int half-orc
>First game period. Chose Barbarian because it seemed simple and I thought D&D was more complicated then it is
>Party thought I was a legitimate dumbass for months after that game ended
>The words "Wow, [user] is actually educated!" came out of someone's mouth

Best helmet, for one thing.

I've got an Int 8 character right now. She's a half-orc shaman who's wandering the world in search of wisdom. It doesn't come up much because I think my party thinks of me as dumb already just for being half-orc, but I basically play it as though I have no idea how the world works, but still have some lick of common sense from my Wis. And I act as though I can't remember shit, even if it's from the same session.

I think Caboose has moderate intelligence but incredibly low wisdom. He has demonstrated himself to be quite good with electronics and computers despite his mind only ever being half-inside reality at the most.

Likewise, intelligence governs the ability to pick up and learn skills rather than how good they are at analyzing the situation. For example, a high wisdom, low intelligence person would be brilliant at reading people and able to come up with strategies swiftly and effectively but might not be able to read, gets baffled by all but the simplest of devices and have trouble working in a way that's counterintuitive.

I play one every day.

It's a little bit more complex than that from the game's perspective, but I can see High Int/Low Wis as the best way to stat an idiot savant for certain mental tasks in most editions.

I played a half-ogre fighter named Charlie. He was a big lovable oaf that everyone but one player loved. This dude would stare daggers at me every time I did the stupid voice or mention the name Charlie. At first I thought he just hated the concept, but later found out his actual name was Charlie (we went by last names) and thought I was making fun of him for the entire game. Good times.

I typically play dumb guys if I'm new to the setting or system.

Makes any confusion or ignorance I have make more sense for the story.

Brother-in-law played a "Hulk smash!" Barbarian once. They were doing 3d6 in order, and he rolled out 3 INT. Which wasn't even enough to know his own language.
He would often charge into battle on his battle-cow.

>mfw years later a voice announcement in New Vegas warns about "battle cattle"
>mfw no face


INT is just academic knowledge and I play those all the time because fuck academia and fuck being a booksmart nigger wisdom and intuition is where it's at I've never once bought into being "hurr durr I'm retarded" because of low INT.


I played an ogre monk with negative dexterity and intelligence in a Ptolus game (basically, superdungeon beneath a metropolis has prompted an adventuring economy). He was a union-certified porter who used his built-up vacation days to go adventuring with the people he'd normally do the heavy lifting for. Had piss-poor AC, but surprisingly good saves due to Monk and Improved Evasion, not to mention a lot of health and self-healing through Wholeness of Body. Was basically meatwall who could flurry for 4d8+10 each hit with base 200 movement.

Made a homebrew prestige class that focused on being really, really ridiculously good at carrying big and heavy things - one of the features included being able to fit inanimate objects through spaces that should not be able to hold them as an extraordinary ability (think fitting a sofa through a tiny doorway). We ended up looting everything down to the nails wherever we went because I effectively had Carrying Capacity: Yes.

Played an Ogryn in Only War. Plenty of fun when you're mass of of muscles with the brain of the toddler and the faith of a Space Marine.

The guy is literally brain damaged from oxygen deprivation.

High Int, no matter how low their Wis, will not think switching a talking bomb with a robot head means that the bomb turned into a real boy.
Nor will they think that head being replaced by a skeleton means that they died.

Yeah. An Int 24 ex-Ganger in Only War.

It's fun, but DON'T YOU MONOLOGUE ON ME. It gets ya a grenade to yer face, got it?

He's legitimately brain damaged at this point, between having 3 AI banging around in his head at once, the oxygen deprivation, drinking gasoline, having Delta forcibly removed by the Meta, and all the other stuff he's been through.

Low INT Paladin dwarf in 5e.
Rolled for 5 INT. The fucking steed he summons has higher intelligence than he does.
I legit don't know how to come up with dumb ideas, so I just make him extremely literal minded.

Well, I gave myself 20 strength and 8 int in 5th edition. And so did the Paladin. So we got a battering ram and told the wizard to just keep casting mending on it. And we have smashed through every non-monster obstacle in our way with it.

Doors have been bashed down, locks be damned
Walls have been smashed to pieces, stairs be damned
Magical seals have been smashed to pieces, paralysis saves be damned

pic related was the DM the whole time


Early Caboose is the right way. Late Caboose is the wrong way.

How early?

Pre-Omega? When he's just an annoying rookie who just interrupts Churtch?

>Slightly ditzy blond fighter raised by an adoptive minotaur father (another player) who was himself adopted and raised by a church to fight for justice. She was a tomboy who had only one goal the entire campaign because she grew up seeing her father as a shining example of using great strength to protect and serve. She attached one's size with strength and therefore one's potential to serve justice was proportional to size. So she became obsessed with finding or making a superpowered enlarge person ring to become the strongest, most lawful good dragon wrestler in the world for great justice.

There was no such ring, of course, but she always made a point to check local markets for it while the party passed by. She was pretty lawful stupid.

It went pretty well, though the rest of the party was a bit dysfunctional and the DM was kind of a dick.

Friend ran a homebrew where various gods had chosen people to be their avatars, and given them power. We did not get to choose our gods

I rolled up a low level gang banger who really only good at B&E, lying, and sneaking.

Ended up getting voodoo powers that he barely used because he could see no value in talking to the dead (other than deceased gangbanger friends) and building a voodoo doll required too much time and effort.

Once he got alter self, he basically went nuts, committing the same petty crimes he had been doing before he got powers, but now he did it while wearing other peoples' appearances. He was not bright enough to use the faces of random citizens, and instead used celebrity faces. It was fun to roll with terrible PC plans.

He eventually got limited super speed, but mostly used it to run away from fights the party was losing

I usually play Paladins, so it was nice to play a cowardly, selfish idiot who only rolled with the main party because the party leader was the son of a wealthy business order and kept my gangbanger paid.

>Drafted into current governor's army
>Dumb as rocks
>Insists on wearing his helmet constantly
>Tries to eat and drink through it
>Nicknamed "Bucket"
>Bucket was too stupid for his own good
>Entire unit, save for party members, killed outside of stereotypical gothic castle
>Party members out for vengeance/curiosity/money
>Bucket follows because he doesn't want to be left alone
>No one cares what Bucket does for most of the adventure
>Finally after sneaking in (and later barreling through) the castle, they confront a vampire lord
>Everyone but Bucket goes into a panic
>Bucket is a barbarian class
>Bucket goes into tard rage
>Headbutts vampire lord into submission while screaming how he doesn't like "scary bad men"

Bucket was a fantastic character to play.

That's a pretty good metric.

Stat Me

Like eveyrone else, a horribly statted character that just rolls godly.

Agent washington's probably the only guy that's sensible in his capacities

or Carolina, or the doctor(the one that sings opera, not Doc), or Locus, or Lopez

My current party's fighter has 8 int and because he beat my bard on an initiative roll he was the one to pick up a magical game board (basically chess) that forces him to play once a day by making int, wis, and history checks. OOC the DM explained that if he wins he gains 1 int and if he loses he goes down to 7, which would make him illiterate. The wizard and I have been tutoring him during down time and he's actually holding his own so far.

carolina and Grey are munchkin'd up the wazoo in opposite directions, but munchkin'd as hell.

>Agent washington's probably the only guy that's sensible in his capacities
Wash's player is coming in from the GM's previous 2edgy4u political intrigue campaign in college (Project Freelancer). He's statted out differently because they were all serious turbonerds.
Which doctor? The one with the cute voice from the latter seasons?

>All of those retardation inducing situations

Well God's way of compensating aside it would definitely explain why he's as strong as he is. His brain literally lacks the functionality to keep him from using his full muscular ability.

please tell me you were charged by people with fire
just so my inner dm can stop hyper ventilating about how this might happen to me

>His brain literally lacks the functionality to keep him from using his full muscular ability.
I love this whenever it comes up. 8 Gates is the best part of Naruto that isn't eyehax edge bullshit.

Actually I would argue that Wash was actually the goofy that guy in the freelancer saga since he doesn't fit the tone at all.

So when he heard that the game will have a sequel he decided to fit the tone better and got serious. Then he realized that he should really get to reading campaign notes more.

Lee in general was the best part of Naruto,

Also girl that deserved to win, winning.
I'm not a Hinata fan, but I was glad that the author gave her character what she deserved.

Well you know what Kishi thinks of that sort of ending, right? It actually got him in trouble with his wife.

Do tell, I didn't really follow Naruto. I just read the last chapter once I heard it ended

So a while back Kishi did an interview. People say "write what you know", right? So the interviewer asked if the romance in Naruto was informed by his own love life.

Kishi's response was that in high school, there was this girl he was into who never paid him any mind. They graduated and went their separate ways, and Kishi poured his eventual frustration with his dating life and the torch he carried for this girl into his art (there's a lot that happened in the meanwhile, I suggest looking for the autobio he put in the volumes, some of it is really eye-opening, there's even a "manga club" in college he smartly avoided joining that just drew portraits of cute girls, also the story of how he learned to write is inspiring). Sakura, the first named female character we meet in the series, is Naruto's crush, but hates him because he's annoying and only has eyes for Sasuke, the resident dark-featured brooding bad boy. Meanwhile, Naruto is crushed on by a shy girl who seems to like him despite him being a shit.

Now years later, I believe at a reunion, Kishi and this woman meet again. It is revealed that he is now a commercially successful artist and writer, and she shows interest in him. They start dating, and eventually marry. Oda, the author of One Piece, remarked once at one of the annual Shonen Jump New Year's parties that Kishi's wife reminds him a lot of Sakura.

>Oda, the author of One Piece, remarked once at one of the annual Shonen Jump New Year's parties that Kishi's wife reminds him a lot of Sakura.
What a champ

Huh, that's pretty amusing.

But Kishi was bitter. He hated the fact that this woman was only interested in him after he was someone superficially worth paying attention to and in the limelight. Also, she was a NaruSaku shipper.

So he made the shy girl into Naruto's love interest in the end, and then WENT ON RECORD as saying that that kind of romance, where someone likes you because you're you and not because of someone superficial quality or the idea that you are cool or popular, is his ideal romance.

His wife was not happy with him.

Oda, for his part, married a Nami cosplayer. According to his assistants, right before the wedding he was away from his wife working all the time (mangaka live a hard life) so he was super horny, which was why the OP fanservice had recently ramped up to unprecedented levels.

Yeah, the last DnD game I played, I played an 8-int Barbarian, which in play ended up being just like 10 int, except that when the party was coming to conclusions, my character always came to the dumbest conclusion.

Also, I had a plan that was too smart for my PC and didn't say it. It would have saved us 2-3 sessions and several plot hooks.

then why fucking marry?

Jesus Christ, I can't understand people sometimes.

Mangaka are a strange bunch

depended on how bad of an idea. easy save if i considered something that would obviously kill me, very difficult save to resist eating out of the garbage.

what's opera, doc?


Just because you're hurt and bitter doesn't mean you don't irrationally still want her. I would do the same damn thing if the girl who rejected me year two of college came back into my life and wanted to marry me because of my law degree.

Dating is one thing, marriage is another, especially since it's Asia where divorce isn't a casual thing like it is in the west

You say that like I qualified my statement to dating. I'm too old to date girls that aren't marriage candidates. Yes there's some baggage, but this girl was and likely still is leagues better than I deserve. It would take extreme out of nowhere shit like a meth addiction or illegitimate mud baby for me to say no to her.
You know how retired people go back to college and even graduate school because they regret not finishing or old jocks that got their MBA instead of playing in the NBA will drop four figures to attend sports fantasy camps? That girl is my NBA career. If she wanted me she could get me any damn time, but she married her high school sweetheart, moved to another state, and will never talk to me again. To clarify I got rejected by a lot of girls in high school and college, but this one was the golden unicorn. Those memories and regrets belong in the Dark Depths with Marit Lage; I haven't thought about her in years, but I understand 100% why that guy did what he did.