Hey, at this rate it will be worth a million dollars a coin by mid January. Nothing suspicious about that

Hey, at this rate it will be worth a million dollars a coin by mid January. Nothing suspicious about that.

Log chart looks funny too.

Eh, the log chart looks a little more reasonable.

Is this what mass adoption looks like?

>it will be worth a million dollars a coin
bitch pls, it will be worth just 100 bucks a coin by tomorrow at best
anyone not cashing out now should leave ready a suicide note

This is what happens when a couple hundred people are given nuclear launch codes, matter or time till it crashes

We're almost fucking vertical

if gets that high they'll peg the dollar to it at a rate that will devalue btc by 50x against gold

it's up 4% since i posted this thirty minutes ago. may as well be vertical

The log chart looks like the linear chart should

fucking zoom out dumbass.

Well considering this chart shows all historical data of bitcoin worth, where would you like me to zoom out to?

Are transactions into BTC even being processed right now? I cashed 140 salt tokens for BTC and the transaction hasn't happened to go through.

>$14 fees

Im loving it!

zoom out

zoom out

What is use cases of bitcoin?


>buy it, and then sell it when it goes up
>moving money from country to country sidestepping banks
>buying ICOs / altcoins
Thats about it.

btc doesn't buy icos

>This will bring banking to all the poor people of africa who don't have access to banking institutions, they can be their own banks now

you convert your btc into eth you autistic redneck

Zoom out the fucking chart, OP.

>not sure if bait
it's already as zoomed out as it goes

I feel like I'm those guys getting told to pull over from super troopers.