How hard would it be to raise a family in the 40k setting?

How hard would it be to raise a family in the 40k setting?

Depends on the planet.

Pick one that you think would be interesting

depending on the planet, from hard to grimdark xmillion-rats-in-a-box hard

On Cadia.

Don't they take your kids at a super young age for military training?

And then you also leave for more military training because you were in the military the entire time and only took a short break to spawn?

So real hard, on Cadia.

Relatively easy, for starters, you don't need to provide for them as they all get state issued rations; plus they get free daycare.

But unfortunately your family only gets to see you for the mandated 1 hour reflection of family time when you aren't training or on duty.

im not sure but i think on cadia its all regimented and organised to a point the notion of something being 'hard' makes no sense, people just function cause emperor says so

How many Stalingrads is Cadia?

next planet: Catachan

Can they use a heavy flamer or survive at the age of 2?

If not try again.

Well on catachan it's like this 1/10 children survive. From poisonous insects man eating flora and fauna the average couple spend the first years of a child's life extremely tired as they struggle to protect its life even within the bounds of the village. If the kid makes it to 3 they might have a chance of 1/5 to make it to five. Having survived to five theyes likely then die of old age or are taken as conscripts

So you just make 10 kids and bet with the elders who will survive?

Big Brother: Catachan edition, now i'd watch that

dont they have, like, walls and fences?

Xeno Mosquito dont care for fence

They also have scorpions the size of vans. You're gonna need a major wall here.

wonder if theres any fluff statistics on what percentage of worlds is feral-feudal-civilised-hive-etc...

well, its 40K, youd expect walls to be major

I doubt they even have that in the Administratorum, since there's just so many worlds out there it's not worth writing down everys single one, just the important ones

next world: Terra

That chick in the background be all "yeah Imma gonna shank you bitch and take your place"

Fucking genestealers

so how do they know which ones are even operatively part of the empire or not?

that's just what you offworlders know about

They ask the local record keepers

How rich do you need to be to raise a family on terra?

Which pretty much applies to all 40k lore-related threads

exploding toads

Have ny of you read Harry Harrison's Deathworld trilogy?
The first book is Catachan.
Just straight up, lifted from the book and jammed into 40k Catachan.

The native (Phyrrans maybe?) folk are all roided up from the slightly increased gravity, and the world is actively trying to kill them with all sorts of mutated wildlife and plantlife and everything else, the climate's a nightmare, and creatures and plants are constantly jumping/ramming/eating the walls and sentry-flamethrower-turrets in suspiciously co-ordinated attacks.
It's bretty gud.

Feed me, Seymore

Yeah, that cover is a bit cartoony.
Anyway, huge total book plot spoiler:
Those are giant psychic Venus flytraps that are directing the actions of the rest of the planet's wildlife to eat the notCatachan's camp, because the notCatachans are mining and damaging the planet.
The further away from the mining camp, the chiller everything gets.

It's fine, i dont have much foregin literature in this country openly avalible anyway

You look like you know your stuff, what can you tell me about Angon's homeworld beyond what is written in online wikis and sites?

There was a similiar 40k story involving a platoon of Catachan fighters being sent to a planet with a constantly evolving Eco-system, which was becoming more dangerous and aggressive due to mining operations being undertaken by Orks.

Ah, my knowledge is old - I stopped following most of GW's fluff a good ten years ago.
It just got a little too unrelentingly hyperbolic to the point that it was barely even fun to read.
Aside form that, was never very interesting in the Primarchs or marines.

Shameless story-thieving.
Not that it's a terrible thing to do, but that example does seem a little too on the nose.
Not as bad as that time they just changed the names from the intro to Sword of Shannarah though.

Depends on your wealth on that planet.

>Hi mom I'm ho-
>Hi commisar, can I pl-

Depends on what planet, wealth and social status. That said, I imagine the relationship between these and raising a family is less than obvious.

If you were born in a wealthy and powerful family on Terra, is it really assured you would lead the good life? I'm not so sure with this setting. Seems like no one is safe.

How does family life on Mars look like?

Looks something like this:

___ ___ ___ _ ___
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| | | | | | | | | |/ |
--- --- --- - ---

01000110 01100001 01101101 01101001 01101100 01111001 01001100 01101001 01100110 01100101

>Not as bad as that time they just changed the names from the intro to Sword of Shannarah though
this I have to hear

Fun fact, the image you posted was used by nazies on occupied russian territories to urge russians into what was basically slave labor in Germany.

I had no idea, i just googled "family propaganda"

Sorry user, I can't find anything on the first two pages of Google to support my story or provide much more in the way of detail.

They had a story about a gutter Runner infiltrating a Wood Elf village, stabbing some guy before a council meeting and scarpering.
Next month, there's a little apology note at the bottom of the index page saying "Sorry, we got an outside writer to do that, turns out he lied to us and it all came from The (Wishsong of?) Shannara".
Which I owned at the time, so I went and checked, and it was literally exactly the same, except the target's name was different and "the assassin" was "the gutter runner" and he chittered instead of grinned to himself once he'd goten away with it.
Full-page A4 story, good 500 words.

I REMEMBER that one! Damn, I had no idea it was from Shannara.
Funny, I recall the Wood Elves came off as a little... generic? in that piece. I actually enjoyed it too, it was fun having a description of how Skaven can pretend to be other species.

Those rats were happy though.

>I doubt they even have that in the Administratorum
Bean counters like to count beans.
Now granted 40k is a bit derpy at times in terms of lore/fluff, but if the Administratorum was a thing IRL, you can bet your ass that someone there would have those very stats.

I hated that book

I mean Catachans are born on deadliest death world around and some random ass one takes atleast half a platoon out

So what would be casual wear on catachan? From the sound of it showing your skin or barefeet sounds like a death sentence.


Pretty easy. Countless trillions upon trillions of human families are thriving in the 40K setting.

Camo clothing covered in some extremely potent "bug" repellant.