

How does that statblock even work

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It doesn't.

How does a half-ghost even happen?

Some bard bones a ghost and pops out a half corporeal baby?

It doesn't happen.

Maybe have access to some light ghostly abilities and can learn to talk to the dead? Half ghost shouldn't really be able to exist if ghosts are just dead people though.

You get caught in a portal to the spirit world as it forms, and ghostly matter is entangled with your own form at a fundamental level.

Sounds like one hell of a ride.

I don't know, but can you imagine the power of a half-skeleton?

Part man, part skeleton!

That's really just...part man.

Near death experience in combination with necromantic powers loosens your spirit from your body. You're not dead, but your life is held to your body by a tenuous thread. If you're curious, bold, or willing to risk much for supernatural powers, you can try to shake your physical form even more, reaching past your flesh with your spirit to affect the material world as a poltergeist might. Each step toward this goal brings you closer to severing the connection between your body and soul entirely however; any injury might shake you from your mortal coil forever.

((Eidolon/Eidoloncer ghostwalk classes are my favorites, but I don't know about the actual statblock for a half-ghost rn.))


You get scared half to death.

I think it's more important to establish that half ghosts in fact can breed true.

A half ghost mother will birth a half ghost kid.


>How does a half-ghost even happen?
If a widower and the ghost of his recently deceased wife love eachother very much...


Roll human stats.

Then halve all physical attributes and add the losses to spirit/wisdom.

This sounds like the premise of a doujin.

It should not, dumbass. D&D has indoctrinated a whole generation of role-players that there HAS TO BE a half-anything when those special snowflake bait options only attract insufferable retards to the hobby.

Don't talk shit about Youmu.

You joke, but Ghost Marriage is a real life thing. Not an incredibly common thing, but it happens. Usually in China. When an elder son dies as a bachelor for whatever reason the family can pay some grave robbers to dig up recently deceased, unmarried women and marry the two corpses. Or a girls fiance dies and she marries the corpse in effigy. Or some young woman dies and the family leaves a red envelop full of money laying in the street, and when some poor man picks it up they all hop out of a bush and go "that a dowry, you're married now fucker" and assume that her ghost follows her new husband home.

Your waifu a shit. Tohou is infantile fap-bait which you should've dropped after the first episode.

Only upper parts of damage dice actually do damage.
For example, if a weapon does 1d6 damage, 1-3 does no damage and 4-6 does damage as usual.

>infantile fap-bait which you should've dropped after the first episode

That's an awfully good description of Kancolle.

>Or some young woman dies and the family leaves a red envelop full of money laying in the street, and when some poor man picks it up they all hop out of a bush and go "that a dowry, you're married now fucker" and assume that her ghost follows her new husband home.
I should really go to China once. Maybe that'll stop my mom from whining about how I need to get married.

I think it sounds romantic

I tried to translate this joke to russian, but somehow «Scared half to death» is a legite phrase there

For whatever reason you've found yourself in a situation where your Ba has locked out of your body while your Ka is still in there powering it. There's still a connection, so your body behaves like a puppet under your Ba's command.


Necromancer tries, REALLY HARD, to summon the ghost of someone that's still alive.

>Ghosts are a species of magical constructs
>They take on the appearance of other organisms that they see, with tales of people seeing their deceased relatives as these spectral beings being common
>As time has gone on, these constructs have got better and better at imitating living organisms and their biology
>Now, they have developed the ability to reproduce independently of the necromancers that create them
>Some people find these curious creatures scary, but others develop relationships
>The ghost method of reproduction is similar to mitosis, but they are recorded as being able to impregnate living organisms
>The half ghost children raised by humans are noted to be exceptionally adept mages and often sought after by universities

[sad 90s music intensifies]

It was a pretty nice movie though

Sounds soul crushingly depressing to me.

>wife dies young
>her one wish was to have a child with you
>this wish anchors her to the physical world
>spend nine months with her that you never thought you would have
>she gives birth disappears from the world, leaving you to raise the half ghost child alone.

>not spending those nine months learning necromancy so that you can be sure to keep her around

>Your wife loves you so much, her desire to physically express this love to you ties her to the mortal world
>She leaves you behind with new life, the fusion of two bodies and a lifelong testament to the emotions felt with you
>And the promise to reunite with you once your time has come

Explain what's so depressing about this.


I don't know, they way you put it sounds wonderful. It just makes me think about people who died before realizing simple life goals like that.

One of your brain hemispheres dies, the other lives.

What about a ghost that just possesses a recently dead body?

They gain control of it, but they also gain some of the old owners memories and their personalities overlap a little, creating essentially a new being. They don't look dead, but they'll always be deathly pale and a little cold.

she is shit

That's actually a pretty good idea. Stealing.

>falling for b8 that obvious


There's a dragon magazine article on half-ghosts (also dhampirs, half-ghouls and half-zombies) in issue #313. Try checking that out.

This actually sounds like a pretty good deal if she's inclined to stick around on this motley coil. And if it isn't, hey, I still got some money for nothing.

Really I just wanted to post some Touhou reaction images.


I am more surprised it's not an expression in english as well, given how it's a know expression in german, dutch and french as well, the closest languages to english

But it is an expression in English? "You scared me half to death" is a little old fashioned compared to "you scared the shit out of me," but it's still a legitimate thing.

What situation is that Touhou reaction image appropriate for?



You resurect a ghost.

They live, but they have no corporeal body, they still age, eat and shit and when they die, they die hard

So a living person?
I mean, undeath is the middleman between dead and alive, how does this work?

Is it like the box cat? Maybe dead if you look maybe alive if you look?

Just hope they live free.

Aren't people part skeleton already?

I'd say it's a but like "eat a dick" except with more casual rape and condiments

> No.


Permanent ghost possession would make you "half" ghost. Or even "half" demon. Tieflings aren't even half demon in my opnion.

For your race, just write down "DORK"


For a Youmu? Pretty easy. Take Undead Leadership, have your cohort be a ghost. Tie its rejuvenation to you being around, and that's basically good enough. Sacrifice all the random followers as an offering to the GM that they allow it.

I did a custom Youmu writeup that I was rather pleased with, but that was a few computers ago.

It's a bit less janky in GURPS or Shadowrun though, where you can treat it in several ways - Compartmentalised Mind that operates Telekinesis/Astral Projection, an Ally Spirit or Sprite modelled after yourself, etc etc.

IIRC, her condition is down to there being a soul-of-the-body and a soul-of-the-mind. After death, the former remains and the latter departs. I suppose she's basically haunting herself.

>Tieflings aren't even half demon
This is correct. Half-demons appear in 3.X as "Half Fiends", although their appearance in 3.X is more similar to that of Tieflings in 5e than they are to Teiflings in 3.X.

I remember seeing a slightly more literal half-ghost race in 3.5, the sickly offspring of a mortal parent and a ghost whom the gods took pity on or whatever.

Can't remember what splat it was in though.

They're only mostly dead

But which part's the skeleton part?

Turn Incorporeal once per day, 1d10 minutes duration

Ectoplasmic Ejaculation once per encounter

Astral Sight at will.

Is everyone gonna ignore the part where Youmu has 2 bodies?

>Ectoplasmic Ejaculation once per encounter

What kind of encounter are we talking about here?

According to the book, needs a five-minute rest

Pretty fast for being able to douse a full human in her ejaculate

You ever jack it like 80 times a day? Yeah, those ghostloads you get are actual GHOSTloads.

Well shit, it's a good thing ghosts don't come 'round here or I'd be a father millions of times over.




The... skeleton part.

Muh dick

muh skeleton dick

You mean your boner?

Now that's quite the BONER!


No. Stop that.

An oversized sperm is not a body.





You Veeky Forumsiggers forgot about this flickers right here.

The other half is also ghost.

What are some concepts that work for characters as "half-ghosts", even if the term is a misnomer? So far suggestions like possession or are nice. Reminds me somewhat of the kalashtar from Eberron, humans with their souls bound to a symbiotic dream-entity's soul.

I did this with a character in a setting, she had become possessed to the point that she was bonded to a ghost inside her, killing her body didn't stop her, it just would cause the ghost to manifest and start draining it's HP.

For how you could do something like that in D&D just allow limited actions during the dying state.

Last I heard Ghost Rider was possessed by a vengeful angel.

I've have noticed that every 90's film romance scene has sexy sax.

>IIRC, her condition is down to there being a soul-of-the-body and a soul-of-the-mind. After death, the former remains and the latter departs. I suppose she's basically haunting herself.

...so her body was preserved and her soul's on a permanent Obon trip away from afterlife?

There's something fucky about having your soul on a trip away from the afterlife while living in it.

It's not that funky if you're a people who believe in re-incarnation and cyclical growth that requires a regular exchange of favours between the mundane and the numinous.

Like this.

This makes the most sense given Youmu is a scaredy cat

Exalted? A background racial choice

D&D 3.X? A template

D&D 4e? A theme from Dragon Magazine

Like this?

>Possessed Mortal.
>Mortal soul leaking out of body.
>Ghost Blowjobs.
>Entities that exist in both the material world and an extra dimensional "afterlife" realm.
>Ghost posessing their own body immediately after death, rejuvenating it despite brain damage to keep the physical aspect alive but unhindered by many constraints of actually being alive.

>Pic related but liches don't quite count.

I w\as just about to post that.

I'm glad somebody knows