I hope you're stocking up on ADA Veeky Forums. You don't wanna miss the next moon mission...right?

I hope you're stocking up on ADA Veeky Forums. You don't wanna miss the next moon mission...right?

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I'm invested in this. I have high hopes for it, but we'll see what happens. Roadmap update in a month.

Currently doesn't seem like a good investment. Le science doesn't mean anything when they don't have a roadmap or even a direction where they're heading and what the coin is trying to be. Plus the insanely overblown marketcap. Love that it's being worked on by scientists and written in Haskell, but as an investment it's getting a pass for now.

Have you read whycardano com

Actually turned me over pretty nicely! Seems like they do have a clear idea where they're heading after all. This is gonna be a long long investment, but nice potential. The risk of getting overshadowed by the faster-moving peers is real though.

They mention a certain degree of centralization in the scalability section?

Seems like it will be a good long term hold. They don't really seem to be making a lot of big claims with it, which I kind of like. It looks like they want to build a new platform by really getting the fundamentals right, especially as they seem big on software verification and formal methods to prove their ideas. I do also like the idea of them having all ideas peer reviewed before they go in to the platform.

I think it will be slow burn, but that in the end when 90% of alts go to shit, this will be one of the few left, and at that point in time, it will have a reputation for excellence and reliable technological progress which is verifiably sound.

The verification will be so important, as when big businesses have to pick between open decentralised platforms, and the ones owned by governments, they will need a LOT of reassurance that the platform is somewhat semantically correct. Blockchain platforms will have to be verifiable under the same constraints as life critical software, as no big organisation will use them otherwise.

ive got 10k purely out of the fact that based dunb seems to know what he's doing

he reminds me of boy genius vitalik crossed with gandalf


its pissing down with snow outside so lets get comfy

i have about 20 percent in this
high hopes

Glad you see it in a more positive way, brother.

The whole team seems to know what they're doing.

Really the only safe thing to hodl in the long run besides the top dogs. And more likely going to a dollar and beyond in 2018.


he worked on ETH before right? (not that it means much since ETH turned out to be shit technically)

ADA got some hype and potential but who knows how it will turn out in reality

He's the co-founder of ETH.

Its hard to get invested into, the project is huge and they are taking on a lot, but the team is damn solid.

I am not buying ADA yet, but since I am a Haskell programmer I wish them luck. I have not read the whitepaper yet. Can someone give me a quick rundown of how good the formal verification side of it is? What properties will you be able/required to prove?

this will be omg 2.0 it will bleed for months with all the hype surrounding it

I came to the same conclusions (having already read whycardano). Love the project, but it's overbought and there are much better buys on the market rn.

Can someone else telll me if failed contracts are charged 'gas'?

This, despite this being one of my favorite projects in crypto right now (though I don't hold any, just like I don't hold any ByteBall)

just invested 1.2 btc in it for 140k ada
please charles do something great

>a bunch of buzzwords and vague language
Thanks for confirming my hunch that this is a shitcoin

Is literally the only thing you have. That memetic marketing can take you pretty far in this bubble market, but don't expect to actually achieve any practical usage just shouting about how much science you are.

Exactly, Vitalik was no scientist and look at the success of ETH. Programming is a domain where academics aren't necessarily better. Perhaps this ins't true for "compute science", but in the case of programming I don't care if they're scientist or not, but the market will, probably.

all i see is a clogged up network from a kittygame



It's off, Binance and Bittrex are flying up.

Big difference in price between the two.
50 sats difference (cheaper on Bittrex)
750 - 810

The kitty game is a gentle introduction to the problems that need to be addressed before industry use. I agree it's stupid as fuck. You can't deny that ETH was groundbreaking for crypto, that was more of my point.

I'm no ETH fanboy and am hedging my bets on a similar project to Cardano (Zen Protocol, also in a functional language but far less overbought). Would you mind answering for me? Is a failed contract charged "gas"?

Yeah you always lost your gas once it's sent to the miners / blockchain, even if it fails

As it's payment for computation power



And this is true in Cardano for a failed contract? ZPL doesn't charge for that,but I wonder how it compensates for the otherwise wasted computational power..

>one of tens of eth clones
>moon mission
feel sorry for you

there are dozens of eth knockoffs. they wont make it. ethereum has all the developer power. they will solve the scaling problem soon then its over for all these turd wannabes.

This isn't YouTube comments. Post an actual link: whycardano.com/.