Describe your favorite [or current] PC as though you were a six year old

Describe your favorite [or current] PC as though you were a six year old.

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Rolled 2 (1d20)

You must be at least 1d20 to post here.

he's a pretty purple pony who's a scardey-cat and likes cups


Man goes to church and helps and makes God proud and kills people who sin.

Sorry, best I can do, I pretty much suppressed everything before the age of 12 so I don't recall what mental capability I had at the age of 6.

He said as though you were a six year old, not as though you were an American.

He's a monster that sleeps under peoples beds!
In that he doesn't exist!
Because lolnogame!

She's a big mean lady!

>as though you were a six year old.
Sorry, mate, my memories are kind of blurry up until the 15-y/o mark.
I literally remember almost nothing about how a 6-y/o behaves.

He's a tiny little man who's even smaller than a toy but he gotsa toy robot that he uses as armor to hide from the big people who smushed his family =( he likes ta make stuff too, magic stuff that makes the DM man sad cause its cheaper to make it than to buy it.

he's a normal guy who likes birds because birds are really cool and he watches birds and looks at birds and studies birds and tells his friends about his birds.

He's a German wizard who raises dead people and hates dwarves cuz they're greedy earth mole guys.

She's a woman who is also a toad and she turns into other people and things and she can make magic potions that turn other people into things and she can grow extra bits and do magic.

So you haven't met one in all that time?

He was a wizard but he wasn't good at normal magic so he did bad magic and everyone got mad so he ran away and now he still does bad magic but he's real careful to pretend he's just a regular wizard cuz he's scared everyone will get mad again.

So he's a guy, and he fights monsters, and sometimes he gets scared but still fights monsters.
And sometimes the monsters are too big for his guns, so he builds a BIGGER and BETTER gun, or some kind of super science magic death superweapon out of scrap parts cause he doesn't have that much money

He lives in a big awesome truck where his super awesome workshop is where he builds all his supergagets. He also is haunted by ghosts of people he didn't save in the past and thats why he does stuff, but sometimes he jokes around with them

He used to be a mean guy who was a soldier for a job, but then the bad guy took over his hometown, and now he has to make an army to fight the bad guy and his old best friend who hates him now and is dead but not really, so now he's a hero even though he's not very nice. Also he's yellow now and has a thing on his face.


He's really fast and maybe even stonger than my dad and he has a cool hammer but its so big that you couldn't hit nails with it and when it gets dark he acts weird but I don't act weird now that I have my nightlight maybe he should get one too my mom says lots of people use them

My favorite PC:
He was this really strong warrior who got married and was really happy up until he got betrayed by an elf lady who used to be his friend.
Then he had to make a deal with a bad guy so that he could live, but he had to fight a war and he and his wife both died. He was really sad because two of his kids got taken away from him and now he and his wife are both bad people, and they have a bad person son. He doesn't want to be a bad person, but it's the only thing he can do now.

Hes this SUPER COOL dragon knight and he has this big dragon god boss who taught him all kinds of magic so he's a like a a magic swordsman! And he goes around beating the bad guys and saving people like a superhero!
Also sometimes he gets a kiss from the girl

He's like my dad! Except he'll never leave and go to the store to get cigarettes!

Pretty good job desu

He was this really cool lizard wizard that was all tall and smart, but a stupid ghost made the lizard wizard die, but then some goop went inside him and he was okay. But then he was all like "we" and not "I" and he could look like other things!

Oh, oh, and he got this super strong robot to fight with him and this necklace that's like a TV remote!

But then, but then, during this fight against a bunch of evil dog people and vampire demon squirrels and evil trees, the lizard wizard died again. But then the other magic lady got this power to save him, but only by destroying the robot. It was really sad, and then the lizard wizard turned into a cyborg hobbit wizard and has all these cool powers! But I want my lizard wizard back, so he is trying to be a lizard again.

How fucked up is my campaign?

He's a big mean dinosaur man and a jedi! I like him because he kill all the bad guys and has a lightsaber and he fights his dad and kills him and then all of his soldier friends shoot at him and he runs away and then they aren't friends anymore

He has to be good but still does bad things.

ew, gross

I don't keep reaction images on my phone, so pretend that I posted 40keks.jpg

He's big tall and balding, like daddy, and really strong and uses a really cool sword aaaand he's really sulky all the time aaaand really dislikes people calling him a half-blood because he is halfelf and his daddy didn't like it and is sad and grumpy because of it and he gets angry easily, but he really loves his family, like daddy, and he doesn't really want to be angry and just fish and have grilly fish with his wife and girlsons (read: daughters because when I was 6 I called my cousin the girlson of uncle instead of daughter) and be happy with them and have cake and daddy soda with friends

He's a little funny man with a dumb hat who stabs people and laughs.

He's a big tall green man who plays a guitar but sometimes he hits people with the guitar cause it's really sharp and heavy, and he kills bone people with his song powers!

A murder-jester?
A Ku Klux Klown?
Featuring Dante from Devil May Cry?

He's a sad bard peep
who makes the bad guys
fall asleep.

>sometimes he gets a kiss from the girl

Get your cooties out of my board.

A mart was never mentioned.

She's a half of an elf lady who's really tough and acts like a boy because being a girl is gross and can throw stuff really hard even though she lost an arm which made her sad but it made her want to throw stuff even harder and she likes the law like a cop but cops don't throw stuff much

I feel like this thread would have been better if you went with like 10 years old

She's a really shy lady who's really sad because she has no mommy or daddy, but she's really nice and uses her magic to help people because nobody should lose their mommies or daddies.


He's a bad man that hurts mommies and daddies and big brothers and big sisters and drinks their insides every night after all the good kids go to bed. Some day the Devil's gonna take him away, but not tonight.

I dont exist

Oh! Neat! My guy's a big man who uses pretty silver nails that come out of a big gun like my daddy uses that goes 'foontthackfoontthack!' and shoots bad men and turns them into dust.

My guy lost his guts to a big bad wolf one time.

He's android and he shoots like pew pew pew and he shoots lightening and he shoots wind and storms and he shoots aliens and robots and sometimes he shoots computer gods!

He's a strong dwarf who isn't afraid of anything and loves his friends lots, but he's smelly, hairy, and dumb!

It's funny because most 6 year old would think you were retarded if you spoke to them like that.

Maybe 4 year olds would sound like that.

That is very interesting my fellows. Oh, do not mind me. I am merely developing a little symphony over here, dont mind me.

Fuck you, toddler Mozart.
Pretentious dick.

>look at me I'm so great
You also have a kid-prodigy showbiz childhood, so I figure it kind of evens out.

He was a cousin-fucking fart fetishist. Truly, the Michael Jackson of his era.

Dunno if any of that is true, nor do I particularly want to know, but those kids rarely turn out well.

So there's this ninja that's part of an underground organization where secret mechashit happens, and then he needs to go find the final macguffin to make sure the end of the world doesn't happen.

So he does, and then he falls in love with a girl that's a little younger than her, but it's okay, he's a ninja, and she's a pegasus knight, but then bad news strikes: he dies a few sessions later after they both confess their love for each other. Good news, he's revived a few sessions later after that, but not in time to comfort his lover, the pegknight, from the despair that is "both of her sisters and her lover dying", oh, and by the way, he has a younger sister that he dotes on, and did we also mention he's also the firstborn of his clan, meaning he gets bullshit ninja powers like dying?

... yeah, no, I actually can't do impressions of younger ages.

He's a cool angel knight that rides a dinosaur and it smites bad guys for him by eating them.

>a little younger than her

whoops, I meant him there

He's a wizard who used to work in a library but then he got fired and ran away after people found out he did magic because magic is against the rules and now he wants to get a lot of money so he can buy the library and rehire himself and also marry the girl who was his girlfriend who is also mad at him but maybe won't be if he does that.

How'd I do?

And Michael Jackson was an adult child who got investigated on child molestation charges

a nice bug

It's not a bug, it's a feature!

Hwave you ever had a dreams dhats dhat you um you had youd you wist you could you do you wist you wants you you could do so you you do you could you you want you want tem to do so much you could do anything?

He has like 4 arms and he shoots people with his guns and he can pull his arms out and look like anyone!

He's a super cool wizard with crazy magic FROM SPACE, man! He adventures with his friends and blows stuff up and then he reads books so he can blow stuff up better!

He's some big blond guy who's super rich and fights people with robots that shoot lasers.

>literally made still-favorite PC when I was 7 years old
He's an elf because that's the best race and he's a fighter and a wizard at the same time! That means he's not as good as somebody who's just one but he can do both! And he has his own island and his own castle with a tower in the elf city and he can talk to trees because he's really old, but sometimes he likes to do adventures because someone messes up and he has to.

He's a big robot who punches out bad guys, and I wish he was real so he would stop my dad from hurting mom.

He's like a turtle man, but like a real turtle, not like a ninja turtle, but he does walk on two legs though. And he has a red hat and his job is to be smart. If there's fighting he gets afraid and hides, but that's okay because his shell is strong! His job isn't fighting, it's being smart.

She's a wizard lady who went to college, but now she doesn't trust nobody and is scared of going to jail even though she didn't do anything wrong because the Queen is a mean lady and crazy. She has magic powers that she likes to use to throw fire around and make friendly monsters out of rocks. She likes the spear guy a lot but doesn't say so because she doesn't think he likes her back.

He's a bad old man, but not totally bad, he's still good
He kills goblins and hates nonhumans, but he has a soft side
He also has a really badass sword passed down in his family
He's a badass grandpa

for you

She dresses in all black and likes weird things and believes in ghosts and stuff and wears really long socks, but then her friend who talks to her shadow found this book and gave it to her other friend who is this guy who can make bombs and stuff and he speaks another language, he burned the book and the book got mad so he tried blowing it up but that didn't work, so my girl picked it up and then the book started saying mean things to her. She went crazy a few times but then she got better when they killed the book, now she KNOWS that ghosts and stuff exist, like the one that talks to her nicely now, she shot a badguy but then made friends with him and bought a gun and special bullets that kill spooky things.

i only have an ERP game running right now. Don't hate me.
She's a tall and pretty lady with a peepe who makes other women feel funny inside.

-Sean Murray.

Don't make the big man angry. He hurts me when he's angry.

She's a really angry lady who is sad that she lost her family. She doesn't tell anyone though because she doesn't like being sad, and she kinda found a new family and she protects them. She gets mad a lot though because they tell her what to do and won't let her do what she wants and they hurt her feelings. She really likes puppies and would live with puppies all the time if she could.

He's a big crab! And he's got a gun to fight bad guys!

He's a dad but not my dad and he's really cool and he has a sword and the sword lives on his arm and talks to him sometimes.

He works all the time and he works hard for his kids and they're sad they can't see him but that's okay.

His sword shoots lasers and is mean but if it hurts people who aren't bad it has to go timeout.

He can transform into animals and has a cool lazer sword!


He's kinda like a police officer who goes to church a lot and has two bosses. He spends a lot of time with his friends because they all chase scary people together and his friends like him because he keeps them safe from getting cursed but sometimes they pick on him. He says it's because they're all big tough jocks in painted up tin cans and he gets to wear normal clothes with a pretty necklace, but they say it's because he's the only fingerbreaker they know who sleeps with a nightlight and then everybody laughs.

Also, no one will tell me what a fingerbreaker is.

Aliens gave him super power gloves and he can shoot fire and control gravity and he also has a shield and he wears a cool coat

He's a really big guy who likes birds and his favorite bird is the hawk cause it's fast and also his hair is in a red ponytail because red tailed hawks are birds and he likes them. He also collects feathers and wants to fly.

He's a big, strong bug man with psychic powers and he can teleport and he has a BIG SCARY VOICE

He was a nice little man with a funny eye who liked to read and make potions, one day he tried to join the potion maker club but they said he was too weird, so he got really sad and joined the evil wizard club instead. Now he's grumpy and tired of getting made fun of. Oh, and he has pet rats that are dead and he melted this guy's face off this one time.

He's a guy who wants to be the boss, because he trained really hard to be the boss but then they gave him a dumb job and he hates it. Now he mostly shouts at people and sometimes he hits them.

I chuckled

fuck you mozart anyone can write a fucking symphony if they bang their head against a wall enough to get contemporary counterpoint you fucking faggot die

Don't meet many six year olds in prison.

She's a weird but nice lady who talks to dead people who sometimes help her and her friends.

He's a really nice man and just like dad he says gobermunts should stop doing mean things to nice people, so he robs from the rich! And he's so strong, and cool, and good at it, he's now made all the poor rich and all the rich poor, and now he's just like daddy and has no job and drinks beer all day.

Sometimes he hits nice ladies because he's angry, just like mum and dad!

Please help

>all these big guys

>write symphony
>filled with nothing but poop jokes

Seems about right for a 6 year old.

He's an angry little man who likes to wrestle things.

He's a paranoid vampire who must deal with an expy of the holy grail, his own family turning against him and, obviously, his backstabbing "friends" the other player characters.

I was a special kid, I've been talking like that since I'm four year old.

She's an Orc girl with a spooky mask and magic!

She was married to a man who was really smart and made giant machines but her house burnt down and her skin all melted off, Oh! This was her first skin by the way.
So anyway, her really smart husband made her a new body with golden skin. This is her second skin, right? And he put her brain in there so now she was really beautiful but she was sad because gold is beautiful she couldn't feel anything. She used to say she was cold a lot, which makes sense because gold is rather cold unless you touch it for a while.
Also, I forgot to say, she used to be a teacher. She was super-smart like her husband and she taught all sorts of super-smart stuff about making buildings and towers and houses and big things like that.
Anyway, she was sad and this made her husband sad and so he made her a new body, which felt like her old body. She now had a third skin.
One day some bad men came and burned down her new house and her new skin all melted but it was over her second skin, her gold one. So she still had that.
But her husband was burnt also and she couldn't put his brain in a new body like hers.

Oh, back when she had second skin she got a new job. She was helping some strange people look for bad guys. When she got her third skin she also started teaching again but this time it was about how to take big things apart rather then put things together.

Anyway, she got angry at the bad people that burnt her house and husband and her and her friends got together and made the baddies pay.
Then she found her smart husband already put his brain in his second skin.
It wasn't gold like hers. It had screens and buttons and lights everywhere and he couldn't move but he said he was now the city? I don't understand that.

Oh! Oh! He also said he kept some bits from her first skin and he taught her how to take some 'important bits' from his first skin and she mixed these bits together and and she asked her sister really nicely to look after the things and nine months later a stork delivered me.


Did you read a shitton of books too? I still know a ton of words I've only read but never heard, so I keep pronouncing them wrong.

>"and he fights his dad and kills him"

Why did he want to kill his dad, user? Is he okay?

shes a cat burglar who punches people to sleep and steals their money and she can trick bad guys into messing up in a fight so she can punch them harder. and also she can turn invisible and use magic to stop wizards from talking so they can't say the magic words

Yep. I don't think there are words I don't know how to pronounce in my native tongue though. In english, sure. Pronounce, for exemple.

Not him, but I started reading(voraciously!) when I was 4, and basically taught myself rudimentary English by watching subtitled television shows.