This is it boys, I'm going all in. Undervalued as fuck, devoted developers, great community and marketing

This is it boys, I'm going all in. Undervalued as fuck, devoted developers, great community and marketing.

My gut hasn't proven me wrong, but we'll see in a few months. I honestly hope it tanks so I have a reason to kill myself, but I don't see that happening, ever.

See you at $20.

Other urls found in this thread:

If you're going all in, sell once it pumps and then go big into MCO this upcoming week.

Just buy iota if you want to win big


I went all in too. I'm going to sell after the halving meme or maybe a little bit before then.

This shit should pump over the weekend right? Now a good time to get in?

You're a fucking retard, it was undervalued at $1.50, not anymore unless you're holding for another 6 months. Which you won't because you'll fomo over the next shitcoin

How do I into altcoin? Coinbase doesn't sell Vert.

I am all in! This is the next litecoin. $100 EOY 2018.

why do we need 2 litecoins

how are u newfags finding out about Veeky Forums, were u a Veeky Forums user before u into crypto?

6 months?

Try 1-2 months you weak-handed bitch.

It will be for the mass normies who cannot even afford LTC. They will go to the copper, or VTC. Basically a village coin. Love it . Hold long term on this.


Selling all my alts and goind all in!!!

Wish me luck fags

>devoted developers

I wanted to get into Grosscoin, but the fucking name...I can't get over it.

Disgusting logo too, even my fiance casually glanced over while I was researching it and randomly said "ew, what the fuck is that..."

That's how I knew. A fucking logo stopped me from buying it and they have zero marketing - decent tech though.

Watch out btc is going to rape the shit out of this coin as soon as it starts moving

What you think about NAV? It's doing well right now


Hello, brother. Send coins to this hash and I give you Verts. Very nice! Great day, boyo! Vert very much give bobs and vegens.


I sent $2000 USD. Now how do I see my vertcoins?

Bitcoin rapes the shit out of everyone once it starts moving.

And what the fuck have we been seeing for a whole week now? Nothing but exponential gains for Bitcoin. Now that we're moving sideways, we're more-than-likely going to see a decline in the price

Bitcoin will decline after futures, bitcoin will lose it's 62% marketcap dominance, which is around 265 billion. Even 5% of that going into alts pumps 13 billion back into the alt market, and that's just 5%.

just went all in because you said to. Sold at 56000. thanks

with luck this could become the NEO of china, im thinking about going all in on this one with my fiance the russian

You're welcome.

I wouldn't post this if I didn't buy in already. Obtained it yesterday during the Bitcoin mania for 38k.

I honestly have no idea why people didn't buy alts yesterday, everyone was fomo'ing on BTC, as if they haven't see an exponential rise before; what happens next has happened...20 times now?

I could day/swing trade it, but meh. I'll hold it.

If you want undervalued go for GRS.

red pill me on this goys

t. litecoiner

I've considered this, but the logo, the name, the marketing. It doesn't provide the whole package. Like I mentioned earlier, decent tech, disgusting logo and name.

I take your point, but I also think that all makes this a good time to buy. It will get a rebrand, without a doubt.

>decent tech,

is a fork moron there is 0 tech fundamentals.

WTF is going on in Veeky Forums is it retard central nowdays?

>Normies are discovering LTC on NormieBase
>Same Normies will then eventually discover VTC
>"omg faster and cheaper buy buy"

t. litecoiner

>thinking normies give a fuck about the tech

And what income brings you this Vertcoin? This is 0%.
Invest only in time-tested coins with a good income like Diamond (DMD)

Honestly grs and via are better than ltc and vtc. But I hold all of them because they're awesome