How do I create weird gonzo fantasy Veeky Forums? I don't have access to hallucinogenics of any kind...

How do I create weird gonzo fantasy Veeky Forums? I don't have access to hallucinogenics of any kind. Will that be a problem?

Being creative is a good start.

Huh the golden baby-man is smaller in this page than he appeared recently

I'm afraid of being creative in the wrong way and putting out bullshit nobody likes.

What would have happened if the Angel had actually sold her into the brothel in the start and couldn't get her back?

Would she discover the stone's power in the middle of a gangbang?

He feeds on murder.

The harvest has been good recently.

Write until you write good bullshit.

Think about all the terrible bullshit that gets published. You can at least do better than that can't you?

You are not such a special snowflake that you are the only one that likes what you like.

This is the problem with The Broken World

It relies on the GM constantly being able to churn out content for the players to bounce off of and interact with, all of which needs to have the setting's distinctive feel.

Might be a different gold baby.


It's not called the Terrible Blade of Want for nothing.

Is this KSBD rp?

Yeah. It's alright, but like user said it needs more content for the GM's to use to build the world around the players.

I instead opt for building maps.

Made by Abaddon himself. Unfortunately few have his storytelling skills so running a game that comes close to K6BD is nigh impossible.

>I'm afraid of being creative in the wrong way and putting out bullshit nobody likes.

Write it anyway, and keep everything you write. The first thing you write will be shit, there's no helping that. You just have to get your shitty works out and done before you can write things that are good.

>the horde of mercenaries and goons arrives on schedule to claim the stone
>the demon sphinx thing that owns the brothel has already purchased Alison and won't let any of them take a whack at her without paying
>they grudgingly line up and attempt to fuck it out of her, one after another

Well, use your image as a guideline: Just study a bunch of philosophy and religion, and then build from there. Works for K6BD, worked for Kirkbride, worked for Glorantha.

>Be wary, oh traveler, and offer prayer for your skill in pleasurable acts, lest your clumsy rutting be met with the Art of Cutting.


Give everything a twist.
Give every twist a twist (ad nauseum)
Throw as much weird shit in as possible
Seriously, pile that in, weird races and cultures all clashing
Whenever you need to ad-lib something, make it ridiculous. E.g., need to make up laws on the spot: there are 16 separate versions of the law and all apply at the same time. If there is overlap you may apply all punishments. By some bizarre loophole, the prisonguards do not have rights while on the job, thus it is not illegal to make escape attempts, even violent ones. The law has been put in place by 5 different races with their own cultural rules. Each published two books, except for one cunty race that tried to publish 10. They were bargained down to just 8. Nobody likes those people, they've got these dumb red faces that are always in a goofy smile, but everyone puts up with them because they sweat bullshitium, a liquid only produced by hot and bothered Twankites, thus being friends with one is profitable.
Don't worry about inconsistencies, you can just create more bullshit as to why it's different, and that's if your players even remember anything.
Use a rules light system or something, so you can go crazy with racial attributes but still have less special things have an equal ground "because reasons".

Oh right, don't be afraid to worldbuild with your players. One man cannot supply an infinite amount of crazy, sometimes it might be good to see what crazy others can come up with for you.
Could probably throw in some magical realm too, if you made it really ridiculous. Kinda begins to blend in.

A few different ways:

>parody the absurd distance between tropes and reality
For example, having your knight wait 3 hours in line at the local registrar's office to acquire the proper permits to ride their horse, before going on their adventure. Juxtapose the mundane nature of day to day tedium with the absurdity of having it implemented in an anachronistic setting.

>try to capture "post-modern angst"
You need to somehow recognize that life is a series of non-sequitur, and that stories don't need to make sense, the just need to be plausible. Strong characters will help you bridge the gap, but non-linear story telling captures this feeling quite well. Your stories don't need to be chronological, you just need a half-decent frame narrative to justify multiple narrative threads.

>Use visual language
I can't stress this enough. If you're writing over the top fantasy, you need to develop a tone that's both guiding and sardonic. When you describe something, it can't just be abstract nonsense, there needs to be something tangible combined in an unusual way that makes people feel uncomfortable. Like daisy flowers, made of an eye tethered to a stalk, with radial fingers mimicking pedals. In and of itself, the finger flower is weird, but by putting it in a mundane location, like in a vase on the desk of a local apothecary makes it a little more believable.

Drooling retards don't count as "people" in terms of sharing the liking of a thing with someone.

At least to me.

Thinking like that is why most people aren't creative.
When a weird idea pops into their head they discard it because they are worried it isn't right. Most of the time creativity is just taking your favourite "wrong" ideas and playing them out.

If a guy avoids water, he will be a terrible swimmer. If you avoid entertaining risky ideas you probably won't be very creative.

Sure you'll put out bad shit but that's the price of getting better at anything. Just own up to it and try it again.
(It really does feel crappy being bad at anything but, like anyone else, you are bad at most things)

The problem is that there's a difference between "Dude that's kinda shitty" and "Dude, seriously, what in the actual fuck?"

No goddammit. You write that shit and you send it to me and I'll tell you what I like and you will GROW.

The war on creatives is ongoing and you don't fucking give in now, damn you.

Things that massively helped me with creativity: think about the stuff you like, be it a franchise you can borrow ideas from, or a genre, or a certain animal you like, whatever goes. Use those and the thing you create will be something you like instead of something to cater a certain group of people. Those are almost always the things that end up popular IRL too, using what other's like at the moment feels plastic.
The other big thing is reading old rock song lyrics and just starting to type based on those. I guess you can use something else but it helps to actively look at something for ideas instead of closing your eyes and going HNNGGGH