DM complains about characters being murderhobos too quick to kill

>DM complains about characters being murderhobos too quick to kill

>retire current warblade, remake character as diplomancer

>DM complains about character being too good at stopping fights

Why is this allowed?

You're doing too well at only one at a time

What you need to do is persuade them not to fight, THEN kill them.

Just because a man is complaining about being on fire doesn't mean he suddenly wants you to throw him into a freezing cold tub of water.

I think his actual problem is that he wants you to be only pretty good are your focus and kind of good at some other things, and clearly bad at some other important stuff. That's not how dnd is designed though, so he'll never be happy.

become the DM and it won't be, you pathetic brainleech

Get a good DM

Sounds like your DM needs to step up their DM game.

>persuade them not to fight, THEN kill them.

A man on fire shouldn't be such a bitch.

>Players complain about a ruling I make
>Ask them if they'd like to run the game instead
>They all shut up
>I will never get to play as a character

How good are diplomancers in Pathfinder?

Actually, I think he does. Most people who are on fire will be pretty grateful if you just point water out to them.

>my way or the highway
>if you don't like how I'm doing one thing then you should just do it all yourself
Congrats on having the emotional maturity of a small child.

To use an example, do you also think critics of TV, film, or other media are worthless because they could just go out there and make a work themselves? If you go out and see a movie and identify problems you had with it, do you just shrug and say "Oh well, that's what I get for not directing it myself"?

If your players are complaining about a ruling you make, try not taking it as a personal challenge to your GMing as a whole. It's possible to identify flaws with something and yet still like that something, or even want it to improve through feedback.

don't be mean

>DM allows a thing
>OP asks why it's allowed

OP, what is 2+2?

Sometimes people want a break. Maybe the poster is tired of his players complaining all the time and he wants to play.

>Try to bully DM
>DM actually stands up for himself and reasserts dominance at his table
>"Y-y-you're just a SMALL CHILD!"

Butthurt player detected. Never let your eyes off these scum.

Because you can't understand the concept of a middle ground you passive aggressive fuck.

>I'm not a dick, I'm just asserting my dominance!
That's cool calling people names and all, but the post you're replying to at least explained its reasoning. Try doing likewise?

OP confirmed munchkin shitcunt

The problems don't sound related. Murderhobos are annoying but you even said yourself, the DM said the character is too good at a given task.

Attitude isn't competency and if you're so good at something that it warps the campaign and the DM can't adjust, he's gonna let the players know he thinks it's a problem.

Your DM should stop playing 3.5 or pathfinder because he can't handle the inherent nature of those systems. He should switch to an OSR or 5e.

Because either someone in your group, or more likely your group as a group, is only thinking an extremes.

Seems like your DM is hoping for a variety of encou8nters, some of which are resolved through combat, some by diplomacy and social encounters, maybe even some resolved through stealth or investigation or other such things.

Whoever in your group has this flaw of only thinking an extremes should re-evaluate those notions.

A good DM makes use of Fiat when they dont want the fight stopped, and doesn't give a flying goat sodomizer's half assed underwhelming fuck if the players AC is at its max, a small amount of damage WILL be taken once in a while in combat.

>DM stands up for himself and asserts dominance
>in D&D 3.5, the edition all about players running riot over the DM's hard work

I agree with the user saying he should do OSR or 5e instead. Those tend to be better games, and the culture surrounding them is less toxic to DMs.