Would a buddhist faction fare well in the grim darkness of the future against the chaos gods?

Would a buddhist faction fare well in the grim darkness of the future against the chaos gods?

Short answer: As well as an icecle in an open bonfire
Long answer: If im not mistaken buddhism largely consists in peace, the belief that want if the source of suffering, that one dies and is reborn according to ones owm deeds. Gods in 40K are created by the collective mind of sentient beigns (and followers), so taking into account how "There is only war" there would be little peace seeking monks. Reincarnation is tricky due to the Warps condition (horrid) and it takes a powerful psyker to elude the attention of anything in it to reincarnate.
Then again, there have been warrior buddhist factions in real life, so maybe they could have a chance.

No, because grimderp will ensure they all die horribly.

> buddhism largely consists in peace
Peace through superior firepower, you mean.
I mean, Ghandi did like the nukes.
Trust me, I'm a professional historian that has played through all Civilization games.

Buddhism is basically about realizing the ego doesn't exist and gain freedom from mortal passions and wants

Forgot about that warmongering chap, thank for the heads up lad!

You can argue that Eldar's 'let's all die and become the ultimate world ending eldar god' is buddhism's view of the end of the world.

They'd be the setting's Vong.

They would do well against Chaos, as they'd be much more difficult to corrupt/scare/manipulate. They would probably fare poorly against the other factions though.

Assuming they had enough numbers and technology to be a long last faction, instead of being instakill when facing any of the other ones, then they have some advantages and disadvantages.

Buddhism focus on surpressing wants and feelings and focusing in feeling nothing, and therefore fearing nothing, through meditation, would mean they would have a low warp signature. Assuming psyker buddhists were as adept at this philosophy as the other members of this faction, we might see psykers with great focus that can use their powers with restraint and precision, minimizing the attention they draw from the warp. If this way of thinking became widely accepted and taken in the Imperium, we could see the chaos god losing power.

Khorne would starve without trillions of angry and warmonging humans seeking vengeance or glory in battle, as the warrior monks only fight when it's needed and because it's needed, and not out of desire for it. And assuming they remain faithful to their belief, they'd keep themselves in check not to get too 'into it'.

Acceptance of ones fate and mortality would see a weakened nurgle. Without great personal ambitions being enlightment, Tzeench would perhaps not mingle, but shift, from the lord of change and chaotic political infighting, to simply a god of Knowlegde in the form of enlightment. And slaanesh...Well, this one would take the worse of the blow, with desires being gone.

Other factions, like orks, eldar, tau and tyranids, either have no warp presence, or struggle to conceal theirs, or have a particular effect on warp, so the chaos gods mostly live of humans and the infinetely smaller population of dark eldar.

You don't want a buddhist faction. They'd get their shit pushed in...

You want a Ikko Ikki faction...They'd kickass and rule the galaxy.

First off, Bhuddism has nothing to do with peace when being attacked.
It simply does not attack first, but if attacked, Bhuddism retaliates.
If surrounded by war, Bhuddism will not involve itself in it, lest they are attacked.
But you can be sure that the defense forces would be innumerous in such a time.
I dunno much about the psyker shit and the warp and such, but all I know is that Bhuddism would not simply get pushed in, if granted proper equipment.

>Monks, even if bandits were to carve you up savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, he among you who let his heart get angered even at that would not be doing my bidding. Even then you should train yourselves: 'Our minds will be unaffected and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We will keep pervading these people with an awareness imbued with good will and, beginning with them, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world with an awareness imbued with good will — abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.' That's how you should train yourselves.

>> buddhism
> Ghandi

Gandhi was some sort of weird Abrahamic Hindu - 0 to do with Bood or his followers.

the old slann kinda were

There's already Eldar and they fight exactly according to the zen of the sword. If you think buddhism is about sleeping next to rabid dogs, you are wrong. The rabid dog gets put down swiftly.


Damn, son

>You want a Ikko Ikki faction

Nice faction you have there, faggot. It would be a shame if something happened to it.

I could see an esoteric order dedicated to the god-emperor that knows enough about chaos to understand it runs on human emotion.

As a result, aspirants would dedicate their lives to letting go of unneeded human emotion whilst retaining their soul/intellect/etc (i.e. things that make them human). Without this humanist element, other Imperial sects would think of them as little better than xenos.

The order would worship the emperor as the pinnacle of the human condition and work to free their bond from the material realm so they can join in the Astronomicon voluntarily and eternally. Dissonant emotions feed chaos, whereas serenity feeds the emperor. Or something like that.

The order could practice warfare as an artistic/aesthetic pursuit. I'd imagine they could even work as a form of Null, making them extremely useful to the Inquisition.

What do you think?

Now I want this

Not really

The Eldar are basically hindus in that aspect

Buddhists realize that a supreme godhead is nonsense just like the ego, just on a bigger scale

I think my statue of Siddhartha Gautama just smirked

tagging unto this, if you want to draw from Tibetan Buddhism's mystic side then they would be even more anti-chaos.
in the legends, there were prominent cases of mystics/sorcerers who would find demons and kick their asses until they either ran away or were sworn to turn around and become protectors of humanity.
Translate this into 40k and you have a faction with the ability to subvert demons into their positive aspects and set them to defend their worlds.

It could work, Buddhism is the world first onthology guide. It asks, what is existence, what is Being, what is impermanence, how can you break the cycle?

I can even imagine a chapter of Buddhist Space marines\Librarians concerned about understanding deep philosophical and existencial questions, but retaliating aggressively if provoked. Or Heraclian Marines.

Most people have the wrong idea about Buddhism because of the 4 noble truths, it was simply a less drugged interpretation of all the previous metapsychology that came out of India before.

>A small empire within the Empire that is basically Space Imperial China complete with Buddhist Space Marines who dress like Ashuras and are descended from Khan.
>Higher quality of life then much of the Imperium due to "Muh [idealized] Confucian values"
>Their version of the Horus Heresy is basically Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Primarchs Edition

>Buddhist guardian dieties
>Wrathful Dieties
>The four Wisdom Kings

You are obligated to protect the Dharma and the way of Truth from Evil.

I was thinking more of a refugee mountain fortress world with a Adeptus Chapter full of Librarians killing warp demons by meditation alone, some of did not made it froze on its cliffs.

A silent war.

>"If I do not descend into the hell-worlds of the Warp and preach the pure dharma there, who will?"
>"And if I do not pass, in the mind, in the spirit, in the volition, in the perceptive-feelings, in the emotions, in consciousness, into the unclean realms to preach the pure dharma, who will?"
>"And if I do not pass into the gardens of Nurgle, tainted by desire, into the palace of Slaanesh, tainted by desire, into the labyrinth of Tzeentch, tainted by desire, into the throne of Khorn, tainted by desire, into the Chaos Wastes, tainted by desire, and preach the pure dharma there, who will?"
>"Monks, in pursuit of the pure dharma, in the name of the pure dharma, for the blessings of the pure dharma, I must descend into all these hellworlds that I might liberate the trillions of sentient beings living there. Abide therefore in the truth until I return."
>And with that, the great Chapter Master Maitreya closed tight his eyes in the meditation, and was not heard from again.


Is not The Emperor the Buddha as well?

>Mind blown

I always viewed Nurgle as a perverted form of Buddhism in 40K.

The Clerics of this chapter practice a form of Sokushinbotsu to prepare themselves for entombment in a Dreadnought so they may continue the work of teaching the dharma and seek the liberation of all humans.

Nurgle still preys on the desires to live and for family as his primary recruitment drives.

His plauges cause despair, killing people and corrupting the dead into the undead. People starve and become diseased, to live they turn to nurgle out of fear or death, out of a desire for the pain to stop.

Buddhism lets go of even pain really. Which is why they set themselves on fire in protest.

Nothing in that saying you can't Buddhas Palm a motherfucker.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms with spaceships, Space Marines and Thousands of Imperial Guards in straw hats?

I want that in my 40k.


I forget the demon's name, but it's the one that was taunting the buddha during his meditation under the tree. As stupid as it sounds I only remember it because the SMT version of it is essentially a giant tentacle monster on a golden chariot with a penis head but that's not how it's depicted in canon.

That and it had three daughters with it who tried to tempt the Buddha as well so maybe they can form the basis of this chapter's hated foe: A Plague Marine with his three Fallen Sister disciples

It probably already does. Someone needs to roll up a guard regiment genning thread and get us some buddhist themed regiments made.


The Disciples of Yoma are a renegade band of Marines who have pledged themselves to Nurgle, having eaten the fruit from his Garden of filth given by one of his greater Daemons [insert name for !Izanagi]

Instead of dead or missing or in technological statis, Chapter Master is in such a deep state of meditation his body ages so very slowly. He's thousands of years old but looks as good as a six hundred year old Marine. You can't see him breathing but he doesn't rot. He's so deep into meditation, he's almost as if 'lost'. But the chapter monks know where he is, and what he's doing. Marines for this chapter aren't selected by physical alone, but by great focus of mind. The candidates lie in the lotus pose, meditating for days, under the storm and the freezing cold and torrid sun. And the Librarians feel their auras, their warp signatures. Those that, even hungry, starved and cold, remain pure of thought, are taken as marines.

The serfs are all lower priesthood. Everything is a ritual. Donning the armor, cleaning the weapons. Everything's sacred. All is the moment.

Make them specialised in fighting Slaanesh? As support mind artillery for Grey Knights.

The chapter master is near eternal, but under him is a council of elders (raised from the servants who are constantly educated in their spare time) and marines who jointly run the chapter.

This often causes friction when working alongside other marine chapters.

This thread is one of the best 40k threads in a while...

I'm rather found of the "sister don't fall" canon, otherwise that would be a good idea. Why not three actual children, in the sense of chaos spawn that was created from his own flesh and maybe some willing or unwilling mistress, or just magic?

>Buddhist Grey Knights
>Bud Knights

totally bros

Mortal man corrupted, then from his demon infused flesh, transplanted to 3, normal looking daughters. Hidden with taint.

I don't see why not? Three female psykers who have his favor and are treated like daughters and or are his head priestesses

Captain Pyrrho lowers his Bolter and says.

All is impermanent. And what is the all that is impermanent? The eye is impermanent, visual objects ... eye-consciousness... eye contact... whatever is felt as pleasant or unpleasant or neither-unpleasant-nor-pleasant, born of eye-contact is impermanent. Begone Daemon you are empty, the raft is Broken.

The warp Deamon vanishes without struggle.

You are a sly one Prince.

"Disciple Brother, what is desire?"
"Desire is the source of all suffering."
"Disciple Brother, what is suffering?"
"Suffering is that which brings Kharma to the soul, that which anchors the ego and prevents us from rising to the Shining Light of the Emperor."
"Disciple Brother, What is ego?"
"Ego is nothing but an illusion."
"So Brother Disciple, what is Desire?"
"Desire is Nothing, Master."
"And do we fear the Nothing?"
"No, we fear it not."
"Than face that which is desire made flesh, and fear it not."

And then the drop pods fall over a Slaanesh infestation

But Brother what if I desire liberation from suffering?

"That's a paddlin'."

We have to make this chapter a reality.

Someone find the chapter gen rules.
Then we can gen some world(s) for them
and then gen some guardsman regiments.

Asura Marines?

Scions of Siddharta?

Lightnings of the Celestial Heaven?

>Acceptance of ones fate and mortality would see a weakened nurgle.
>I always viewed Nurgle as a perverted form of Buddhism in 40K.
>Nurgle still preys on the desires to live and for family as his primary recruitment drives.

Maybe I'm too attached to the old Realms of Chaos fluff, but I always see the core of Nurgle being exactly about accepting your fate, learning to live in an inherently corrupt world and letting go of ambition (which feeds Tzeentch, Nurgle's opposite), which seems pretty Buddhist to me (as someone with a limited undertanding of Buddhist theology / philosophy).

Eh, not exactly. Nurgle pospones the fate of death. Thats hardly accepting it.

I like words from Greco Buddhism because it gives a more 40K feel with the Greek.
People forget the influence Buddhism had one the West like Sceptics, Stoics it goes on and on.

Noumenon Knights.

I like Scions of Siddharta, I can already see the war barges being named Kanthaka after Buddha's famous horse, or War Barge Acatalepsia.

Nurgle is a perverted form of enlightenment and acceptance of death. If letting go of the fear of decay and loss is thought of as developing spiritual enlightenment, worshipping Nurgle is like becoming a drug addict because existence is less terrifying when you're high - he stops you feeling it, though without him it becomes even worse, and with him you lose everything anyway.

This just means you don't hate them or have any bad feelings towards them. You accept them as people and forgive their actions. This doesn't mean you don't kill them because otherwise you die, and it doesn't mean you mourn them because it was a necessity.

Nurgle taunts him "And who shall be the witness ? You will never awaken little man.

Chief Librarian Scylax of Caryanda yells over the roar of the battlefield " TERRA IS MY WITNESS"

The ground suddenly rumbles and Scylax roars like a lion.


Wisdom kings?

Wrathful guardian generals of heaven?

The 108 Sons

Aletheia Knights

So do we want to break out the chart to help flesh them out where we havn't done so already?

In any case why were we founded? Roll a d10

You don't hate them, you don't fear them. You accept that they are thieves. Your bolter blast their brains not out of anger, but because you have message that needs to get somewhere and it won't get there if you die. Or because you need to continue fighting.

It's not about what you want or feel. It's about where the river of Tao flows. It flows towards their quick ending so that you may proceed on the holiest path.

Needed someone with the roll tables.

Are they on 1dchan?

Well yeah, I have the 1d4 page up now.

Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Strategic Prognostication - "Our tarot cards say there's going to be a threat here, maybe. Found a Chapter!"

Alright, so we believe a great threat is on the way.

How old are we? roll a d100

You have to put the dice in the options field...

Rolled 57 (1d100)

I know sorry.

Rolled 66 (1d100)

So we're split between the 38th and 39th century, nothing particularly special so let's say we were founded in the 38th unless anything else would be considered cooler/better.

In the mean time, we could role to see who our daddy is or do we want to stick with White Scars since they were brought up earlier?


Rolled 51 (1d100)

For fun.

Rolled 78 (1d100)

See if the random roll fits, if not, stick with white.

No point mucking about with ultrasmurfs or such, so go with what flows and see where the dice take us.

Blood angels huh? It could be interesting if they have to deal with Black Rage. This part could get controversial so we can leave this for later.

Roll d10 for flaws!

Blood Angels, warrior-monk rituals, 9th Legion which is the Hermit card.

Looks good to me.

We also rolled a traitor unknown via , If so I'd say loyalist Word Bearers.

Rolled 8 (1d10)


>Altered Stock - Gene-seed is altered and some implants are deficient - roll on Gene-Seed Deficiencies table

wew lads! roll a d10 for our gene seed deficiencies

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Getting some roll deletions here... damnit.


It's a mutated catalepsean node so we can't shut off portions of our brain to rest so we actually have to sleep. Otherwise this could cause us to go into super meditation state.

Anyways, onwards sons of the emperor!

roll for demeanor d10

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Might have figured out why.

Rolled 2 (1d10)

How long should I waite before moving on to the next thing?

Just keep going once you have a roll.
Dont mind me. Ive figured out my shit.

Interesting maybe it was a deliberate flaw so we could access vanilla portions of the brain for meditation.

Very well then

we got Cleanse and Purify Afterall, we have to get rid of the distractions that lead us astray from the path after all.

Now then, who's our figure of legend, d100

I was once in a 40k larp where one dude had some Buddhist book that just had the covers replaced. He was trying to convert people without the authorities knowing about his heretical literature and deeds.

It makes me think back to the Emperor's Nightmare because I think they had a similar sort of mutation as well? It would make sense that the organ that puts them into hyper sleep is also affected as well so our Chapter master was able to go into super meditation.

Rolled 41 (1d100)