Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1064: Ignoble Phantasm Edition

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What's an Ignoble Phantasm, OP?

a non noble one?

I want to know what an ignoble phantasm would be. This concept intrigues me and will probably show up in some Fate edition in the near future anyway.

Not the real thread.

Your hopes and dreams.

>Have time and space manipulation
>Half a bottle of Captain Morgan's Cannon Ball
>Two THC Sugar cookies
>Two Shrooms
>Wander around for six hours randomly asking. "Did I do that?"

How do you party HARD /jc/?

OP can't count

A miserable little pile of prana.

Pan-galactic gargle blaster, or the closest thing I can come up to. It's still an imitation, I'd wager, but I intend to try the real thing as soon as someone makes a Hitchhiker's Guide jump.

I would not dare touch it myself. I'd never be able to do it justice.

I don't party.

Eh, it's kind of hard to get more ignoble than Mebd.

Isn't mixing drugs bad?

Mystic Eyes of Bowel Disruption?

Jump #132: Endless Legend
(It suddenly occurs to me that I've used a thing from here during the Terminator jump. Whoops. Let's just use a lightsaber instead, shall we?)
>Ace of Cups (A missed opportunity for joy, contentment, fertility, or enlightenment.)
No, deck, I am not getting a companion from here. Don't guilt me about it.
>Age: 19
>Location: Desert
>Identity: Vaulter
>Drawbacks: Epic Speed (0), Brace for Winter (-100), Wrong Biome (-300), Necrophages Ate My Neighbors (-400)
I'll give the necrophages some 'nids to deal with; that should keep them at bay until I'm better prepared to deal with them, as long as I make sure the 'nids are well equipped and not slaughtering anything BUT the necrophage. Wrong biome... well. Shit. That's a pain. Not the end of the world by any means, but still a pain. But I can deal with winter - it'll blunt the early necrophage attacks, too, so that's the smallest of benefits to it.
Also being able to pull food out of thin air for the vaulters during that first winter means that there will be less empty stomachs and perhaps it will give them a bit of hope.
And then I will set things up and make sure that I'm in charge of all the resources of the planet. Because I have absolutely no problems with having a stranglehold on that, and giving things out as I see fit. It's not the first time, it won't be the last.
>Advanced Alloys (1750, Vaulter)
The titanium here is definitely not the everyday titanium that we know on Earth. Probably an emphasis on the 'titan' considering it's heavy but never dulls. Glassteel, on the other hand... that's just nifty as hell, I love it, but it doesn't look like it has the traits of optical glass. Pity.
>Holy Resource (Free, Vaulter)
Titanium's pretty cool. Let's go with that.
>Uncommon Alloys (1600, Vaulter)
Palladium, a self-healing metal... I wonder how useful that would be as a component of ship hulls? And of course adamantium. Sure, it's not Marvel adamantium, but it's honestly not that far off.

Depends. Drugs in general are bad anyway so...

>Has invented a drinking version of Russian Roulette
>Uses alcohols from several dozen universes
>One out of even 6 glasses are spiked with aphrodisiacs
>Last one standing is the winner

Oh yes. I party hard.

>Rare Alloys (1400, Vaulter)
Mithrite? I'll make sure to provide that to people when they need a raw power boost. Hyperium? Same thing. The two together should act as discount superpowers, granting everything one would expect but flight.
>Topography (1000)
The entire topography of whatever world I stand on is in my mind... including where everything is. Everything within a certain geological value anyway, pretty sure it doesn't resolve to individual person level, but having a political map including minor factions, ruins, resources, etc... SO useful.
>Endless Recycling (750, Vaulter)
Fix and repair literally everything. If I don't have the right tools, salvage everything of value from it. Including things that are beyond my techbase. Uh, yes.
>Dust Mint (700)
>Alchemical Foundry (650)
>Extractor Tool (600)
>Reaping Station (500)
>Arcane Smelter (400)
>Dust Refinery (300)
>Mythic Forge (150)
>Automated Harvester (0)
All of these things? These are why I intend to get a stranglehold on the global resource economy. Societies will be just fine without having unfettered access to these resources, but I'm going to have SupCom grade defenses around them. If anyone is foolish enough to try to go to war for these resources, I will see to it that their attacks run into a wall of lead. Also, SupCom grade defenses are going to be all about cutting down the necrophage and cauterizing the corpses.

At the end of this jump I will have a full planet's worth of production of these materials at my disposal, and with this being the jump that it is, I CAN take it with me. I DID tap every single vein, and thanks to Topography, I know I didn't miss a single one.

Though I will happily help the Vaulters (and indeed anyone else who desires it) to return to the stars instead of being chained to this planet. In fact, I'll encourage it. More planet for me.

Beware, the Necrophages are parasites. They'll repurpose dead tyranids as their own.

Hey Crux, the OP fucked up the count, here's the real thread.


And your thread is intentionally hostile and trying to discourage the thread and kill us. So this one is better.

For those of you who draw your supernatural abilities from outside sources, do you prefer to get it from:

>Gods and/or ancestor spirits
>Demons and/or evil local spirits
>Ambient universal energy
>Faerie folk and/or nature spirits, or life-based energy representing the biosphere itself
>Spirits of the dead and/or entropic energy representing both decay and undeath
>Maddening eldritch beings
>Metaphysical universal forces representing growth and potential
>Universal forces representing emotion and thought

>intentionally hostile

You mean like we deliberately are every other thread?

Here's a hint - the opening title does nothing in the long run. Thread-long bullshit is what kills creativity and discourages people. And we do plenty of that on our fucking own.

Whichever is the most impersonal

You mean you.

I usually prefer Ambient universal energies if given the choice. I don't like feeling beholden to some larger power for my abilities.

No thread is safe

Come on guys, you know we stick with the dumb thread number bullshit, no ignoring numbers just because the last thread was shit.
Also you're being complete pussies over the edition name.

...I'd probably pod her, but honestly it's mostly because her physiology looks pretty damn neat.

>Ambient universal energy
>life-based energy representing the biosphere itself
>Metaphysical universal forces representing growth and potential
>Universal forces representing emotion and thought

These. I prefer my power source to not have a mind of its own. That said, I did take Job Offer in Dresden Files because I know the value of having someone powerful in your corner.

So Jumpers, what kind of knock-off powers shenanigans do you get up to?

>Going full Cobra-kai in the Bleach Jump.

>Using holograms to make your giant robot look badly animated enough it could have been in Godmars

>Generic "my animagus/vehicle/true form" is something ridiculous shenanigans.

>"Elemental Magic" that doesn't fit the local paradigm, like Lipid element or something.

>People don't like you trying to kill the thread
>So they're pussies

I wish. But she's not a part of any established setting. My sudden desire to pick up biological/cloning abilities may or may not be related to finding this picture set.

Have you ever considered that they wouldn't be attacked if they didn't deserve it from their actions? This isn't a hugbox, and all criticism is valid.

... shit, now I'm wishing I pretended to be the Avatar during the Avatar jump. And by that I mean abusing telekinesis to control INDIVIDUAL elements. Like hydrogen and oxygen. But my telekinesis is not that good yet, sadly.

Ah yes, because I'm the one demanding people leave and calling for their jumps to be replaced.

Oh wait. I don't do that. How about you try again, Charles?

The artist wants to turn it into a super edgy webcomic.

... user, exactly what did you DO this weekend?

>I'm not the one

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Let's resolve this the Veeky Forums way.
1. 2.

I prefer to have most of my power come from myself, or just work because, but if I have to get it elsewhere the less responsibilities involved the better. Non sentient forces are preferred as well since I don't like it when someone's got an off switch.

Nobody cares about your coin flip. That thread is intentionally trying to attack the community and kill the threads in the long run. So it's worthless.

I have a hard time believing that given the tone of much of what s/he draws.

>That thread
>I don't like the title so I'm taking deliberate offense and crying

If he does, it needs to be made into a jump. It might just be my alcohol addled brain, but I think I'm in love.

On a less retarded topic, who is the artist?

>I don't like that I'm being called out for intentionally making a thread attacking the community and trying to kill it

I'm a hive queen now
I spend 2 months at the start of every jump making spawning pools and breeding the cute little monsters into an army.

They go forth and defend Humanity, Justice and Liberty

># the Full Story is Suffering
Well it could still be okay

Well, given that alien girl is apparently a test subject, Ms. Scientist shouldn't be too surprised when she gets accused of unprofessional behavior.

"No lewding the students/patients/subordinates/test subjects/etc".

Hushaby I think?

I should take the Hive Queen jump before I go to 40k. Just for the sake of hilarity.

... wait, I just realized I was saying 'nids during Endless Legend. That should have been zerg. Damn!

How the fuck is an apathetic title gonna kill a thread full of active people posting builds, asking about settings and jumps, and shitposting at each other like every other thread?

Don't question the dice.


look at the timestamps on both threads first post, this is the 2nd thread created, created explicitly to shitpost.

No, your thread was, with your hostile edition.

Oh my.

Alien snek is best snek?

3 - Castlevania - 1000 CP

1992 - The Fated Hour, Vagabond, 30 Years Old, Male

Acrobatics, Weapon Master (Hand to Hand), Inhuman Power, Throwing Expert, Alchemy, Infiltrator - 0

All things considered, this wasn't the most interesting decade. I had no chance in hell against Dracul, so I relegated myself to helping in minor ways. Specifically, I sought out minor creatures of the dark which were harassing civilization. Of note was a Moldovan alchemist who believed himself capable of stealing the Dark Lord's power by using something known as the Crimson Stone. The height of comedy, considering Mathias Cronqvist used it to become the vampire who would become Dracula, but I digress. While he managed to acquire a magical abode of his own, and draw the attention of those preparing to fight in the Demon Castle War, I managed to fight through the many homunculi he had created in forms resembling beings such as mummies, werewolves, succubi, and hunchbacks, until I cornered the would-be monster in his laboratory. Of course, facing him there would be idiotic, so I simply left and asked a group of soldiers for aid after explaining the specifics. His mansion became rubble after they made sure I wasn't lying.

>hive queen
>defend Humanity, Justice and Liberty
That may be the cutest swarm of monsters I've ever heard of.

Of course. It's horribly unprofessional. Adorable, but terribly unprofessional scientific behavior.

Alien snek is definitely best snek. Her gargoyle girl is pretty cute too. She breaks all the time and has to eat her broken bits to regenerate.

I didn't even notice the timestamps, the number was the first thing I noticed. This OP had enough time to refresh the catalog right before posting, which is standard procedure. But seeing as they can't count, it's not a surprise.

Edgy for edginess' sake is just tiresome.

>No lewding the students/patients/subordinates/test subjects/etc

4 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 1000 CP

Drop-In, 24 Years Old, Male, The Reset, Green Dolphin Street Jail

Calisthenics, Dynamic Entry, Joestar Secret Technique, Dramatic Persona, Prediction, Steady Breathing

Dirty Combat, Multi-Lingual, Iron Lungs, Fabulous Craftwork, Summon Steamroller, The Stand - 0

The Stand:
Destructive Power: E, Speed: B, Range: A, Durability: B, Precision: E, Development Potential: A
Destructive Power: C, Speed: E, Range: A, Durability: A, Precision: C, Development Potential: A

When I woke up, I felt a ghostly presence. The only reason I didn't immediately open fire was because I knew the spirit nearby was myself. The [Bydo Is...] my Stand. A vision of my soul, standing proud. It looked like the result of a Japanese Spider Crab, Coconut Crab, and Tasmanian Giant Crab making a crime against nature together, with little bits of human in between parts (such as a normal foreleg splitting its clawed arms midway and giving them two more joints) granting it a grotesque size nearing mine. Its larger left claw had some sort of raygun inside, while its smaller right had a... subwoofer? Ah.

The raygun was the [Creature System] while the subwoofer was the [Mechanical System]. The first uses cosmic rays to mutate flesh as the user desires, though the [Bydo]'s nature means it can only be used for the target's benefit. The second uses vibrations to shape minerals or rocks from afar. The Stand's true power appears when one uses both. By pushing two targets together, the lifeform is mutated into an alien hybrid that holds all the living and inorganic qualities of the originals.

Making a jump that has a self-duplication power. What's a decent way to nerf it or make it unique? I'm a fan of how Teen Titans handled it but I'm open to suggestions.

That's just body horror.

Are there any perks that allow you to expand the amount of memory that an object can hold?

So question: how does being an SMT Guardian, a being deeply connected with the Earth who serves as it's guardian, work in Avatar? Am I going to start getting visits from spirits and the Avatars due to my nature?

It's hard to compete with Big Bossu but I dunno, it's pretty close

Muh Dreams Guts

SCP has a -2byte file. Just copy it a fuckton of times into your target.

The first thing I did was turn it upon myself. See, while the demonic glory coursing through my veins puts me above the common man, I was blind, so to say. I could see only as a human sees, hear only as a human hears, all that jazz. Considering the bizarre powers brought to bear by the followers of DIO's Priest, this would not do. I summoned [Bydo Is...] and had it begin to reshape my sensory organs. The next twenty minutes were spent fine-tuning them in order to maximize my sensory potential, diverting some of the energy generated by my magical strength towards it. After that, I had an idea. Jolyne's amulet was a reshaped Stand arrow. I stashed my lovely machine gun and ammo belt near the water in what seemed to be some sort of pipe, since going loud here was a very bad idea. Using my supernatural sneaking skills, I entered the prison proper, evading notice by silently running on the walls at times, or melding with the environment using [Bydo Is...]'s ability to fuse biology with inorganics. Eventually, I heard him, by pure chance. The blind gunman with the rosy hair. I did not dare leave the wall I had hidden inside. His satellite assassin... [Manhatter Transfer] could detect the finest changes in the air. Overlaying [Bydo Is...] with myself, I moved my left hand to the right, and clenched my right fist. Morphing into some sort of land piranha, my right hand detached. Focusing, I sensed through the Rockfish and began swimming into the ground, using my body as a reference point. I heard the sniper walk together with a guard.

Nope. 68 posts and 19 IPs in this thread vs 31 and 15. Sorry, this thread wins.


The fish bounded out of the ground, reaching for Johngalli's neck from behind. Ordinarily, he would almost have dodged thanks to [Manhattan Transfer] giving him notice. The fish... my hand, was killed. A presence of gold and purple formed out of the guard and kicked it into a wall. Panic gripped me, the need to act, and I jumped out of the wall and tore half of the guard's neck out with my left hand. The sheer power behind it, like a locomotive, should have torn the rest to bits. But he swayed back, flowing with the force, negating any additional damage. Then he began dancing, to my astonishment, as Johngalli got his rifle ready. Instead of gushing out, his blood calmly flowed as it normally would have, and he simply smiled at me. With the beat set by his feet, I had to move, and continue striking this insulting thing. A bang sounded, and I found that part of my shoulder was gone. No, I need to deal with Johngalli first... but that guard needs to go, fuck Jotaro's would-be assassin. I rushed forward with monstrous speed and began punching him, even using my right stump as a battering ram. He jumped back and forth with every strike, bloodied and bruised, but never stopping or even looking hurt, throwing himself onto me and using his shining punchghost to exploit the careless strikes I made. I was starting to look like cheese now. My right shoulder, left hand, right thigh, and cheek all had holes in them, while the rest of my body was bruised in general.

Nah, they're sealed away by satan.

But she's so cute!

You're wrong, but that was the case before someone linked to this one. And most of the posts are people arguing.

>keep copying file
>exceed physical limit on information stored in a given volume of space
>some kind of information black hole?

Sounds dangerous, although that's a given with SCPs.

Yes, but having to eat broken bits of herself is still body horror. ._.

I see this pic and I just think of Cleanup's build for Dragonblood. It's really weird.

What the fuck am I doing?

My soul resonated, and with a dirty bassline sounding from [Bydo Is...] as I pointed my right arm at his legs, the ground beneath the wannabe dancing king formed into hands, shattering his groove. His Stand, which I later learned was named [Abba] courtesy of the boss lady, struck the rock hands. One good fisting was enough to crack them, though not break. I have... what, three seconds? To kill Johngalli A. Running forward again, my left hand reached for his eyes and rays fired from [Bydo Is...]'s left claw from tens of meters away. Two seconds. Just my luck he actually tried to get some distance instead of firing at me while standing still. His eyes... gained an iris and pupil again. He could see. The sheer shock of it disoriented him, the shot that would have clipped my legs again going wild. One second.

[Bydo Is...] may be not be a Close Range type, but that doesn't mean I can't do the Ora Ora Ora myself. Before the sniper fell, the guard was free again. I looked at him, running at me, and I saw that his composure was broken. Maybe he was a servant of Pucci, maybe he was one of "Justice" and did not know the priest's true nature, but what mattered here is that he wanted me dead.

As I held my hands high, grasping something that wasn't there, a steamroller appeared on top of him. He died.

Is that box the slime girl?

Let's see...

This thread has more posts, more posters, actual fucking builds =, and a less antagonistic title. We have a pretty clear winner here.

So is a snake eating it's shed skin also body horror?

There actually is a number that's supposed to be the maximum amount of date you can store in one place. If it's exceeded the universe dies.

I melded my destroyed right hand and both bodies with a wall, making sure to use one of Johngalli's hands to replace mine, then continued sneaking towards cell number 200 after the construction equipment disappeared. I didn't recall the specifics, but I knew Jolyne's pad was near that number, so it would take only a bit of work to find it. Once there, it was a simple matter of waiting for her and her cellmate to sleep. The Benefactor made sure to point out how creepy my acts were if seen by an outsider when this ended, but at the time, I just wanted the Arrowhead. Stealing the gift from her father, I left the walls when no one was around and carefully cut my left palm, making sure to not damage the insect face. I was out of it, for a bit, to tell the truth. It's a bit underplayed, but the sheer shock of one's soul being taken to the next level... it's a goddamn trip. I snuck back inside her cell and returned the Arrowhead, then left. This new power...

You pulled a ROAD ROLLER DA on one of Pucci's minions? Now that's irony right there.

... mildly yes ._.

If you make that snake human shaped it is. Just like a spider girl moulting.

Kara no Shoujo jump when?

[Summer Twilight]. Despite needing to wait until the sun was about to rise, it was wonderful. The first thing it did was mutate all inorganic material in a 150 square kilometer area. Some became animals, others became alien materials, and others still rose with intelligence. Those with a mind of their own would seek to serve me as their lord and savior, while desiring the death of their "counterpart". That is, for every intelligent being created by [Summer Twilight], a person inside the radius of effect must be "sacrificed". They would begin to morph into unliving matter, becoming inanimate objects... but this would only become irreversible if they were defeated by the usurper I created, or if they remained within its effect until next dusk, where [Summer Twilight] would end and those who had not stolen a spot on the cycle of life through a sacrifice would fade away together with the originals. Despite that, "gravity" would bring them together, making it so one could defeat their opposite in order to survive when escape is impossible.

What happened next was a clean assassination. Much like I can say "Ermes Costello will not be sacrificed", I can also say "Only Enrico Pucci will be sacrificed"... summoning a counterpart for him. Hilariously, the alien I called forth looked like [Whitesnake]. The prison was in complete chaos due to the living landscape and monstrous furniture, and I simply hid as my servant tried to run from the priest. While he died at Pucci's hands, my ability to hide deep underground thanks to [Bydo Is...] and cause chaos every day with [Summer Twilight] meant the prisoners were relocated. This coincided with Jotaro's arrival. One thing led to another, and... well. I didn't see any fabulous dinosaurs before my decade finally ended is all you need to know.

Literally what?

Depends on how you want to go with it. You should definitely state what happens to memories and stuff when the clones are killed/dismissed though. Also if they're dismissable at all. In fact that would be a neat limiting factor if they can't be dismissed. Eventually you'd just have a bunch of yous going around causing trouble. Of course having them match your powerlevel might be a bit too strong in that case, Maybe have a limit of 3-5 perks per clone?
I'm just spitballing here.

How about clones get to keep all your perks from the jump you got them from as well as anything strictly genetic and/or skill based?

What's it about? Spooky scary ghosts?

We need more horror settings. It's just so much fun being the bigger fish to the horror monsters.

Rolled 1 (1d8)

1. Megaman Zero
2. Highschool DxD
3. Supernatural
4. Kingdom Hearts
5. Eldar
6. Ouran High School Host Club
7. Kung Fury

Alright, lets do this
someone give me a new one


Stop shitting on my Daughterus Crux
They defend Democracy
And do that stuff in the hive

And don't forget that most of you here poop
Assimilated bodily functions

>Kara no Shoujo
Some kind of R18 visual novel based around detectives solving gruesome murder mysteries and dealing with the related curses?

YJ_user is working on Generic Creepy Pasta, InNomineAnon on Generic Universal Horror, and I'm working on Murdered: Soul Suspect.

I very much enjoyed reading that write up. Thank you.

Who killed you?


Charles Barkley.