Tell it to me straight, is this gonna move fast or are we gonna be holding it for 6 mo's before it gets any action?

Tell it to me straight, is this gonna move fast or are we gonna be holding it for 6 mo's before it gets any action?

pretty sure we've just been scammed

*eats all your money*

We need more people who want to get in, and most people are just too stupid. Let's face it-
you have to have a very high IQ to be a Chainlink investor. The hints are extrenely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the banking system most of the hints will go over a typical newfag’s head. There’s also Sergie’s optimistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from satoshi nakamoto's literature, for instance. The investors understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this coin, to realise it’s not just brilliant- it can change people's LIVES. As a consequence, people who dislike Chainlink truly ARE idiots. Of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sergie’s existential catchphrase, “Oracles R Us,” which in and of itself is a cryptic reference. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the Chainlink development team's genius wit unfolds itself on their Binance trading screens. What fools... how I pity them.

$32 million fixed his oracle problem

maybe he'll write a short twitter note in 6 months that he's still working hard lmao

is this a shop?

It's not gonna move fast because Sergey is dying and they are in the process of finding a new CEO, that's why he's been missing for the past month. His weight gain coincides with the progression of his illness. As his illness progresses and his body deteriorates, he has to take more and more time off. He and Steve are trying to get the oracle network up and running before Sergey passes. After Sergey dies, his 300,000,000 LINKs will be locked away forever. If Sergey and Steve succeed- that 300,000,000 LINK will be the greatest untouchable wealth the world has ever seen.

Right now Sergey is in Sri Lanka because he is a virgin and he wants to get laid before he dies. He confided this to me right before SIBOS began. He's on one final vacation, where he plans to lose his virginity and then come back and complete the Chainlink network full steam ahead and a new man.

Sergey knows he'll never live to see Chainlink at it's fullest, but he wants to be remembered. That's why the 300,000,000 will be locked away. He will be the richest man who never lived, and all of humanity will know.

And to answer your question, this won't move for another year might as well sell now.

Thank god for this dip. When does it dip to 18 cents?
I need link to dump even lower. It's not low enough for me

everyone on biz knows about this coin. if it succeeds nolinkers will likely kill themselves because the impact the project will have is enormous. if it fails linkies will kill themselves. either way people will kill themselves.

no its sergey after the ico in n out bonanza

>iq 200

****32 million AT THE TIME
When BTC was under $1000 and ETH was like $30

It's easily over 100 million by now

I think (most) linkies know an investment is a risk and if they lose it all they wont mind as you're not supposed to invest what you can't afford to lose

i can see this being worth 50-500 dollars eoy 2018.

Cosidering the rate of the fattening from the previous pic and the sibos pic and if the fattening rate kept steady, he's about this size now. So it's actually real. By the time link reaches 0.3cents again he will be large enough to be able to levitate an apple around himself solely be the gravity he'll exert.

Btc was like 6k and eth ~300

BTC at 600 and eth at 30 didnt even happen in the same time frame
(this year started with 900btc and 9eth)

Nah 20 dollars max in 2018.
Maybe more later

I would say half instead of most linkies. it's an extremely high risk/reward investment and dont count of biztards using common sense. The emotional manpulation here is very real.

So you're saying instead of a moon mission, Sergey himself is becoming a moon?

Does this guy look like he's capable of moving fast?

if he's rolling downhill he can't be beat
Link to 0 sats confirmed

No. There's a pic that's edited to make him look thinner going around, but this is legit. This is how he got the nickname "Money Belly".

This is why I come here.

This is not like a get rich quick scheme OP
It's the real deal you gotta hold it I think it will hit a couple of bucks atleast by February.

might be 6 months, might be this month. no one really knows. cool with me tho. im not all in like half the retards on here. d i v e s i f y

but, bullish af on LINK and still accumulating
