This thread is for technical/development aspects of cryptocurrencies. Let's see what Veeky Forums actually knows

>what sort of consensus algorithms do you think work best, or any sort of application-specific pairings?
>who do you think are the best developers?
>what do you look for in a developer?
>what is the best white paper?
>what do you think is unworkable?

ANYTHING [technical] GOES

Other urls found in this thread:

>Let's see what Veeky Forums actually knows
You already know that's nothing

just want confirmation, really

>Let's see what Veeky Forums actually knows

i really like the confido whitepaper

come on now, don't be shy.

you guys shill cryptocurrencies all day every day.

surely you've taken the time to study consensus algorithms, scalability projects, development teams, and white papers?


There was a time where Veeky Forums was actually VERY sophisticated in technological discussion. With the new influx of people, they are inclined to focus on monetary gain rather than value provided.

after so long as a shit board, i thought i was imagining the past being better

where did all the knowledgeable anons go?

I like proof of stake. Literally Cardano/IOHK for every other question.

CryptoNight is one of the sexiest algorithms and whitepapers in crypto

This is a Cardano shill, isn't it?


Where did they go? They already made their millions and left this shit hole.

All data is stored in a aes-256 encrypted file and checked by sha-2 HMAC. A randomly generated 64-byte key will be provided when the mobile app is first launched. The key can be stored in either the Android Keystore or iOS Keychain. The safety of this key is guaranteed by Google and Apple.

Well boys sonocoin is hitting off.
Why havent you bought any yet?
>still on the ground floor for presale
>digital audio token file makes for fast transactions- (listen to an add on your computer- after the add ends, the sonocoin signal is distributed, get sonocoin directly deposited into your wallet app on mobile)
>The company has developed an algorithm that takes a transaction hash, a secret key and the index (which is defined as the number of outputs when the coin was formed) and converts it into a .wav file.
>This file can then be sent from one device to another (basically, so long as the devices have a microphone and a speaker that can emit, recognize and interpret sound, which pretty much all mobile devices do right now) and, on receipt, an application (which is already available for some devices) specifically designed to interpret these SonoCoin sound files will record and register the transaction.

lol, nigger I won't give you a free lesson so you can learn how to make money against me.

Remember that everyone here is playing against each other.

I would rather take money from redditors, social media, etc rather than Veeky Forumstards but you've no face and name on the order book...

I'm a software developer and still too much of a brainlet to understand the tangle. I think it has to be either terrible or amazing and I can't figure out which one it is.

Anyone want to know how to 'hack' the gdax interface by changing the CSS to make the price chart really big?

probably terrible

ur mom

It looked cool at first but reading about the tangle I thought it would get congested very quickly.

>Doesn't know how the coins work and doesn't really care

so that's why this board is so worthless.

nobody is trying to actually discuss crypto. just fuck them over.with FUD or shilling.

you sir, are the nigger.

The meme about the network getting faster with each transaction validating two others seems very appealing. Though someone mentioned that spammers could somehow choose to only validate other spam transactions which would apparently be a net negative on network resources.

>koder on macbook with feminine hands and keep calm meme mug

Really makes you think

where's a good place for me to start learning angular?

>where's a good place for me to start learning angular?

Most Prestigious and Needful Hyderabad University Institute College of Street Shitting Thank You

>what sort of consensus algorithms do you think work best, or any sort of application-specific pairings?
>who do you think are the best developers?
Me and some other people
>what do you look for in a developer?
>what is the best white paper?
Vitalik's Ethereum white paper.
>what do you think is unworkable?
On-chain governance (mid term, in 2050 maybe)