Wait you guys did remember to convert to fiat to wait out the inevitable shitstorm with futures coming to get...

Wait you guys did remember to convert to fiat to wait out the inevitable shitstorm with futures coming to get everything on sale...r-right?

I did, yeah. I have $100k ready and set to buy the dip, for real.

What if this is the dip

of course

Yes, sold all down to 1.0 btc

H-heh, yeah of course I did


At this level, I don't really give a fuck. If it is, I might miss profits. If it's not, I still have 100k to throw around. See why I don't panic?

This is the dip

Think motherfuckers, think

Why everybody fud about the short apocalypse some days ago?

(((They))) always want cheap coins

nope, because i'm not a swing trader and i'll hold this shit until i need to use it.

It's definitely possible, either way I'm happily watching these red candles

Who cares, just get the price low in time for my salary, thanks.

woohoo just cashed out. only gained 45 fiats on my original 5000 fiat investment. It's been fun.

>mfw futures open and nothing bad happens
>btc moons due to decreased uncertainty

Exactly this lol

Be greedy when others fearful.


Jews on wall street will not pump and dump to make money on their shorts, then buy cheap btc for the next run, you're right

literally just did and came to biz to see if i was alone

yup, ready and waiting to buy all the hodl faggots heavy bags. Gonna be good, Im looking to quad my stack

Oh so you are a dumb trader, got it.

Long it with leverage. Seriously way more money to be made from wallstreet cucks that way. When your used to low volatility markets and you try to predict whats going to happen in cryptoland with memelines, get ready to be btfo.

There are many ways they could make money off this. They could use futures to pump it up even more before shorting it down.There's no reasons futures have to open bearish.


I'm comfy af right now sold all my Btc for bcash eth monero and tethers, I'm green almost all the way, got slightly justed by monero (-0.2%) but no biggy

First time I ever timed the market so well thanks normies