ITT: Times the DM forced their Magical Realm into the campaign

ITT: Times the DM forced their Magical Realm into the campaign.

>stained glass and bathroom tile everywhere

>The DMPC is a whip-using elf cleric
Okay, I don't see that very often. It can't be-
>Goes around whipping party members to cast buffs
>Constantly giving almost to very sexualized orders to the PCs
>Eventually chains my character down and tries to make him beg

I'm not really into dominatrices.

A gift for your DM.

>Oath of Discipline
Holy shit, this is some grade A magical realm malarkey.

you've gone too far

>grade A
Well thank you. I work very hard on my magical realm malarkey.

The time that he brought the two groups that he was running in kinda-sorta parallel settings and sent us all on a mission to catch some alien drider race that was impregnating women.

The hyperimpregnation session, we all called it later.

>dragonborn are half-dragons, born via male dragon on female human rape
>In dragon form (while they're still horse sized)
>This is the given reason for why dragons are constantly hunted by knights
>In a very setting specific reasoning, adult dragons are always trying to eat dragonborn
>Trying to raise little lizard rape babby means constantly being at risk of dragon attack
>Special Snowflake race is now clearly a race generally hated by everyone else for bringing dragons

>Party paladin rolls a dragonborn
>Actually roleplays out a legitimate fear of dragons coming and eating him
>Still puts his fear aside to go and kill the ones he's able to, using himself as bait
>10/10 roleplaying ensues


I'll let it slide for doing well.

Go on.

Paladins know fear, they know it very well. The day you lose fear is the day you die as a warrior. Paladins simply have the strength to use their fear rather than be controlled by it.

Fear the swords of wicked men, use it to avoid their blows and strike fast and true.
Fear the dragon's breath, it is mighty and terrible beyond imagination, but if the storm is weathered, opportunity awaits the brave.
Fear death, for it will keep you alive longer to do more good.
Fear failing, and you will push to succeed.

>sexually provocative loli-gnomes

roll20,never again.

I'm more bothered by "thinly-veiled pedophilia" than actual pedophilia when it comes to fiction.

Dude, you're not fooling anyone.

>fear ever being ok
paladins are fags

You must like playing one dimensional murderhobos then.

Even guts showed fear user.

Unless you're an automaton who cannot into human emotion, something is doing to frighten you.

I would certainly play in your game.

Well there was that one time where the party found out the DM wrote a 10 page essay describing the rape of their PCs for defying their slave masters.

>Group of 6, 5 players 1 DM
> We're all LG Pallys
> Session is going nowhere but we're having fun just getting into Lawful Stupid shenanigans
> DM getting pissed
> Literally has God show up and give us a quest
> TicketToRide.png
> After a failed encounter one player suggests we split up.
> I agree, since I want to get back at this railroady DM
> DM quickly pushes some of us through travel montages that don't even make sense.
> Eventually gets to this one player.
> We're all new as a group, but this guy is new to RPGs in general.
> DM has all this flavor text ready for him.
> His character sees the quest item in this castle.
> Upon entering, New Guy discovers that castle has nothing but "sexy young women" in it.
> DM's breathing becomes slightly labored
> DM explains that new guy is tired and should rest
> New Guy tries to stay in character, and wants to finish the quest
> DM is getting pushy, has NPCs railroad him up to the bedchambers
> DM gets sweaty
> Explains that NPCs start to undress him
> New guy still trying to stay in character as a LG
> Pushes these wenches off and demands to be taken to the quest item.
> justgetonwithit.jpeg
> DM wont have it, and straight up tells New Guy he must punish these women with spanking and oral sex.
> I refuse to be taken on a magical tour in this DM's sex castle
> I declare that my character bursts in with a couple of hirelings
> I save new guy from the magical realm
> DM tries to mutter something but is to exasperated to say anything
> New guy is quiet, probably in shock.
> I shoot the DM a death glare
> Remind New Guy IC that We're suppose to be on a quest for THE FREAKIN' HOLY GRAIL
> New guy finally speaks up
> "I want to go back there."
> mfw

It's like these people don't know that porn exists.

>Commanding Chains auto-succeeds on the first turn if you hit
>you can use it, jump over a pit, bonus action pull them five feet out into the pit, then drop them to their death and they get no save
This is fucking OP.

As someone once said, bravery is not the lack of fear - rather, it is to be afraid, but conquer your fear nonetheless.

A brother has fallen. Mourn his loss.

And now I have to watch monty python again. Thanks, user.

I feel like something like this probably happened in Arthurian Myth.

>GM gives one PC a waifu
>expects us all to fight over her
>gets upset and scraps the game after a few quests
>starting equipment for every campaign after that include 1-3 waifus per character

A good thing my character specialises in duel wielding waifus.

I won't lie, I probably would've immediately slaughtered all of those harlots and sent them back to their demon masters who undoubtedly sent them here in an attempt to tempt a righteous man of God away from his divine quest.

There was a character in our group that was in a bad spot once: the party had not arrived and the villain was still rampaging unobstructed... so he decided to step in and try to save as many people as he could.

After some fighting and avoiding the main villain, he was downed: villain picked him up and took him away while the party fought his evil liutenants and all the mooks my character had not been able to down.

>took the character hostage
>GM starts to break his will because the villain had fallen in love with him and wanted him to marry her
>begins to torture him mentally for days, without letting him rest in his dark, cold and wet room, with no clothes on
>no human contact at all, no one to talk to or to turn to
>party still hasn't saved him
>one day the villain offers him better food than the gruel he's been given before
>he accepts and is given a mattress to sleep on
>not very comfortable, but better than cold stone
>after some good meals and some good baths, he talks some more with the villain: she offers him a better room, he just has to sleep with her
>he accepts and is given the best bath in the last... whatever, he couldn't keep track- days. All dolled up for the imminent fade to black
>party cockblocks the villain just as she's about to get the D and saves their companion

Not sure if it was the magical realm of the GM... but yeah...

As long as there's a pit small enough to jump over and deep enough to kill a creature in every battlefield. I've literally never had a battle without a bottomless pit, have you? Has anyone? Clearly OP.

Does this count?

>GM has a custom world, primarily male-dominated cultures and almost no magic
>There is a temple run by an order of women in one of the nations that worships the mythical Eve-like first woman, and has selectively bred women priestesses for centuries to return to the same image as her
>All large-breasted, wide-hipped, scantily clothed, submissive
>Upon completing training, priestesses are sold to be wives or concubines for life
>They subtly influence politics from behind the men and women in power who buy them, to some unseen end. Their owners apparently do anything for them

It depends on delivery; it could honestly go either way.
>large-breasted, wide-hipped, scantily clothed, submissive
makes me say yes.
The fact that it's intentionally exploiting expectations makes me say no.

>that pick
>god shows up
>the nunnery

Are literally Bene Gesserit?


>Been though a short campaign or two this DM.
>I can see he so desperately wants to include his magical realm.
>Female players Soul Knife gets raped in jail.
>Couple of weeks later wants to start another new campaign.
>Mumbles something about putting a lot of effort into the Sune faith.

>Paladin of Sune
>Approach a Holy shrine of Sune
>Raped by fairies, for days.
>Goes into a bit of description and asks "What do you do"
>Responds to whatever I say with "You can't do that, or roll a will save" DC must be 20+ cause I never make it.
>Saved by small Satyr male, who bonds to me and wants constant sex from paladin or people we are near. gets it.
>Oh hey, adventure finally.
>Stop by a farm house so we don't have to Bivouac
>Farmers wife forces herself of paladin in the middle of the night, threatening to cry rape.
>I just remembered he gave my paladin a Perform(Sex) skill. Crit.
>Too much description

>Ok, that's good. Never go back to that GM.

Seems like the reference went straight over most heads. Good job user