
3 months of mining directly into the trash.


Welcome to slovenia

>didn't withdraw for 3 months

What the fuck, you're just asking it.

I actually just want it back.
It's been annoying as fuck mining myself. I tried VTC but was getting fucking nothing. So now I am mining BWK. The pool says it pays out everyone who has 0.0001 every hour, but I've been mining for 3 hours now....

I was sure bummed about that. Lost about $70 at that day's value, had gotten paid out the Friday before. Now I am mining ZEC and am really missing the fire-and-forget quality of NiceHash. Somebody spearphished their asses I guess. Hope they recover.


lost about 160 bucks worth.

I'll probably go back to them if/when they come back up. I liked getting paid in BTC and used an external wallet so didn't get hosed like some others.

What wallet, I tried going to my coinbase but it didn't work

miningpoolhub.com + awesomeminer + getting paid out in litecoin

it's like you faggots are literally retarded

>waiting forever for a share.
>Getting fucked cause you didnt connect properu
>getting fucked because your pool went down or you switched before getting a share
Its like you enjoy lending out your GPU power for free.

Can you help me mine this shit? I'm trying but I think I'm doing something wrong with the .bat file. When I open it up, the miner starts but it says I haven't allocated some GPU shit. I'm also getting 15mh/s with an r9 390, which I think is too low compared to other results I've seen. Care to post how your config file looks like (without your wallet address ofc)?

blockchain.info is the best wallet, simple and nobullshitQ

Im an nvidea bro but

ccminer-x64 -a nist5 -o stratum+tcp://bwk.minertopia.org:3337 -u WALLETID -p x

I think with AMD you have to use SGminer which is like

sgminer -k talkcoin-mod -o pool url:port -u WALLET -p password -I 15
If you want more hashing power you can always overclock but that will kill your GPu faster and make it less energy efficient. Personally I do the opposite and undervolt it since you dont actually need much stability mining.

Also does anyone know if the hardware wallet auto refreshes or has some bugs or something? I cant even find myself on explorer

Mine looked like that.

Is pic related supposed to show up when you start the miner though? Dunno how I can set up these two missing things. Anyway, what's your hashrate?

try adding
--gpu-platform 1
But idk if it's a problem or not. Or if its normal havent used SG in years. Im at 40mh/s with a 1070 but I could probably get it to 45 if I fucked with it.

I have an r9 390 and I only get 15~16 MH/s. I thought AMD gpus were supposed to be better at this stuff. Something is probably wrong on my end, isn't it?

IDK user. It depends.

I'm positive these hicks couldn't resist btc at these prices and 'got hacked'

I liked niceass. I hope someone makes a new one and doesn't run off to Abkazia. Those dumb asses would have earned more in the long term if they had just kept running their site and not scammed.

The hacker is the son of nicehash owner so yes.

Nice hash faggot

just look at these idiots