Are guns dishonorabru in a fantasy setting?

Are guns dishonorabru in a fantasy setting?

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Depends on the setting.

That's like asking "is magic dishonorabru" or "are horses dishonorabru?"

Why would they be? Everyone should always use the best tools available to them.


Orlando Furioso says yes.

Fuck you, wizards.

It depends on the setting

No, but is a menace to social order. The Great chain of being. You don't want to give peasants the fire of the gods.

No more so than a bow or some shitter electrocuting you from 20m away.

Outside of duels, I don't see much need or room for honorable combat.

No more than in real life, and even the hardcore "muh honor" rebels at Shiroyama had guns.

Guns are dishonorabu because they give peasants a chance to kill a knight.

>muh alchemical advances upsetting le social order

If a fantasy setting has guns, then those guns will be at least as good as revolvers, because fuck realism.

And there is always the honor of the wastes.

How is it honorable to kill someone you can't even reach? It's like destroying the fabric of space. Distance becomes meaningless. Fucking archers.

In a place where you have to fight big guys that weight a ton, no

Because the universe is devoid of honor.

Doesn't that apply to metallurgy as well?

So is mud also dishonorabru?

That comic is retarded.
Muh arrows through plate memery is retarded.
Fucking angloboos.

Only if you don't got a gun.

what's the show?


Probably A Bit of Fry and Laurie.

Actually the battle of Agincourt, the terrain being muddy, did favor the archers because well wearing thick ass metallic armor would cause the wearer to slow down.

slowing a target down doesn't make the arrows penetrate better

it makes it easier to knock someone over and stab them in the neck with a dagger

Yes, and the knights died because they got bogged down in the mud and set upon in melee by enemies who could actually move. Not because "muh english longbow can put arrows through solid steel" as the comic asserts.

It's just me or I think Laurie has more chances than Fry?

Welsh Longbows can though. :^)

And katanas can cut through tanks

I once let my one of my players have a Caster Gun like the one from Outlaw Star in a fantasy setting.
Not only is it a gun. It's a gun that shoots magical spells.
Yeah, I fucked up, but it was still fun.

>t. sheepshagger

And tanks can take out an naval fleet.

There's a class that does that in iron kingdoms

But, the Caster is inherently balanced by its incredibly pricey and hard to find shells. At least if you kept that part.

those in plate steel were mostly taken prisoner.
those in plate iron were fucked because longbow can well put an arrow through plate iron.

No but seriously though, Needle Bodkin head arrows can get through plate armour and cause lethal wounds.

If the setting's got gunpowder it's not fantasyland anymore. It's just a colony in the process of being civilised.

wew lad


Steel was significantly harder to make back then.


>plate sits directly over bare flesh

>testing against perfectly flat surfaces
yeah, all those perfectly cuboid soldiers people sent out would be fucked

but back in the real world, armor was (and technically still is) shaped specifically to avoid that shit

they aren't knightly weapons, the lady looks down upon those who use them

the reason they don't use guns is because they shove all the guns onto their navy

Do you want them to be dishonorabu?

Yes. Funs are inherently dishonorable. They act as an equalizer and disincentivize "fair" combat. On the other hand, war wasn't particularly honorable before their introduction, Guns just made our less so

Depends on setting, warhammer you had bretons who loathed gunpowder weaponry but in the empire it's seen as prestigous in noble circles to afford and be good with them.

You got knight orders who sees it as below them and other ones who find them practical.

>puts everyone on an equal level
>this is somehow unfair
Yeah I guess armoured knights can't run roughshod over peasants anymore. What an injustice!

>Setting is 1700's
>Character is weak as shit
>Still nobleman but can't fight
>Shoots love rival in his sleep with 2 flintlocks
>Hanged for murder

Best rp of my life.

Guns? Yes.
Boom Stick? Hell no.

>shooting a sleeping enemy

you're conflating justice with honor, user. the patron class had the artists, poets and philosophers hold up the concept of honor as a means of control, going all the way back to the ancient Greeks. the definition of what was honorable changed, but it was always something the the upper class had and you, the peasant/serf/subsistence farmer, did not


until they become the standard weapon and then people with more skill win over people without skill and training.

do you think a ghetto gangster is more lethal than a veteran special forces operator?

if "knights" lost against a peasant is for being a dumbfuck with no clue for tactics and weapon technology.

tl;dr: if it doesn't break your game, then it's OK.